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Fall 2011 Anime Thread |OT2| The Tampire is Coming

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Koi Kaze 3

So, a box of tissue within arm's reach on the floor by the bed, can't sleep, and constantly thinking of the imouto. Well, I, uh, ummm, yea.

But I'll ignore that, because apparently, our guy isn't a schmuch at all, he's a tsundere, for his little sister. I'm really enjoying this anime.

The purest kind of love.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus




Koi Kaze 3

So, a box of tissue within arm's reach on the floor by the bed, can't sleep, and constantly thinking of the imouto. Well, I, uh, ummm, yea.

But I'll ignore that, because apparently, our guy isn't a schmuch at all, he's a tsundere, for his little sister. I'm really enjoying this anime.

I haven't gotten around to watching that Yosuga no Sora one yet, but I'm going to venture that Koi Kaze is a far better take on the subject.

Though I still think they kind of cheat by making the male lead an virtual ogre (the guy is a foot taller than everyone else and twice as wide) and the female lead look younger than her age.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Sailor Moon 07:


So it's been a while since I wrote up one of these posts. I celebrate with a hand stand.

Not much to say about this episode. After the greatness that was six, with Ikuhara's debut in the series AND Norio Wakamoto playing a role that totally does not jibe with traditional roles of his, this was going to obviously be lackluster.

Couple of things stuck out to me about this episode. Umino must have been freaking loaded, a laptop computer back in 1992 must have been really expensive. The two girls are perhaps the worlds worst duo ever. Jadeite with glasses is still so fabulous and Tuxedo Kamen is still the worlds biggest jerk.

But overall it was a lackluster filler episode. Show needs to start getting the new girls involved and moving the story along

:( well the music was decent

Brave 10 seems to have come out boring in this PV. Perhaps they just need less talking and more fighting. Dont know if I will watch as it seems like a played out concept for some reason.

DxD pv didnt get the plot across, or at least the anime synopsis doesnt match what I just saw and it has Seikon no Qwaser II level censoring...yuck.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Sailor Moon 08


Ain’t that the truth.

Finally! Usagi is no longer forever alone. Best part of this episode, with
Ami joining the crew
it meant no run-in hacks by Mr. Jerk Face.
is great although her
level 1 attack was pretty lackluster. I guess she’s the support character so Sailor Moon can deliever finishing blows or something.

I feel like the the Luna and Usagi combo literally got dumbed down some more for this episode which is fairly impressive given the status of the two characters for the first 7 episodes.


Who said anime was never concerned about gravity?


I just don't understand it. 4 hour lines for something that really isn't high quality or limited.

I was under the impression that the fanmade comics do have a small print run and it is chance to meet the aspiring artists. Then there are the actual companies who throw in comiket extra to people who buy the product there.


偽物語 公式サイト

I need this in my belly. Harem upgrade.

I was under the impression that the fanmade comics do have a small print run and it is chance to meet the aspiring artists. Then there are the actual companies who throw in comiket extra to people who buy the product there.

Those lines weren't bad. The truly insane ones were for the larger companies. Like absolutely fucking insane.


I need this in my belly. Harem upgrade.
Hey now, they're just a group of friends who all happen to be women. No need to cast aspersions!
Koi Kaze 1

Why am I watching this?

I like how this started, being introduced to some random schmuck. I like him though, despite his boringness. The scene on the ferris wheel was unexpected, but I was genuinely touched. But then there was the ending, which makes me wonder, why am I watching this?

Well, I would watch it because it's good. I know that's a rather nebulous term, but it pretty much sums up why I watch most things. If you appreciate the characters, the story, the writing and the direction, or if they entertain you, or move you, or interest you, I suppose you should carry on.
Koi Kaze 3

So, a box of tissue within arm's reach on the floor by the bed, can't sleep, and constantly thinking of the imouto. Well, I, uh, ummm, yea.

But I'll ignore that, because apparently, our guy isn't a schmuch at all, he's a tsundere, for his little sister. I'm really enjoying this anime.

See how classy it is?


y'know i'm definitely happy with how it all ended. overall i really really liked this show. Okabe is a very enjoyable protagonist and Kurisu is probably my second favorite tsundere now (next to Senjouhara). gotta say it's definitely on my top list of 2011 anime but not sure where exactly just yet. can't wait for the movie.
Remember there is one last episode before waiting for it:

アニメ「シュタインズ・ゲート」Blu-ray&DVD Vol.9 特典PV

I'm waiting on the translation for that myself. According to their last update, it should be ready in any day here.
Yeah, the translation is complete and they've been, and continue to be (as Reading Steiner confirmed a few hours ago), in the editing process.


So I'm watching Red Garden (which I'll write about in more detail later) and I'm impressed by the way the characters are written. They actually seem to behave like real people, which is pretty surprising for an anime. This isn't because 'all anime writing is bad', but a fair amount of it is, and even when it's not bad there may be an attempt to write exaggerated or overly dramatic characters. So, in so specific order, here's my list of 'anime with characters that act almost like normal human beings':

Anne of Green Gables
Hataraki Man
Wandering Son
Aoi Hana
Honey and Clover
Koi Kaze

Note, there is a difference between 'believable' and 'human beings'. Lots of characters are 'believable' for the shows that they are in, but that's something different. To be fair, most shows aren't trying to achieve this at all.

If I was being really strict I might have to shorten that list further.

No Usagi Drop? Or any number of Ghibli movies I suppose.


Finally started chipping away at that backlog.

The Borrower Arrietty

Absolutely loved the visuals and music. Wasn't terribly fond of
how much the toady maid was a clear "villain" type character for a Ghibli film like this, even if it does roughly match the original book
. Otherwise it was a great film.


Finally started chipping away at that backlog.

The Borrower Arrietty

Absolutely loved the visuals and music. Wasn't terribly fond of
how much the toady maid was a clear "villain" type character for a Ghibli film like this, even if it does roughly match the original book
. Otherwise it was a great film.

if theres one thing in ghibli movies that i dislike
its the grannies and evil old people
theres always grannies and they all looks the same


Finally started chipping away at that backlog.

The Borrower Arrietty

Absolutely loved the visuals and music. Wasn't terribly fond of
how much the toady maid was a clear "villain" type character for a Ghibli film like this, even if it does roughly match the original book
. Otherwise it was a great film.


I don't have any problem with depicting a mundane kind of evil.


Here's the Nisemonogatari PV2 with subs:


Wait, is Nadeko playing twister.

And is she stripping her clothes off.

So is that strip twister.

Does that make Ararararararagi a pedo. I mean he certainly is a pedo. Possibly a creep as well.

More importantly is that pedo for us? I hope not but sometimes the truth is inevitable and thus must be accepted with a measure of grace.

It's still kinda hot.

As long as I pretend it's someone else.

So I closed my eyes.

And told myself that it's just a cartoon. Also the lack of bangs or hat is a serious fucking downgrade for one who was already the second worst girl in the harem.


Wait, is Nadeko playing twister.

And is she stripping her clothes off.

So is that strip twister.

Does that make Ararararararagi a pedo.

More importantly is that pedo for us?

It's still kinda hot.

As long as I pretend it's someone else.

So I closed my eyes.

And told myself that it's just a cartoon. Also the lack of bangs or hat is a serious fucking downgrade for one who was already the second worst girl in the harem.
Just believe in yourself and go with the flow. If nobody else will, I will share this glory with you.


well not really...yet
Its all been downhill since Zetsubou Sensei episode 1 really.

Its all been downhill for Shinbo since Yamamoto Yohko really


Remember there is one last episode before waiting for it:

アニメ「シュタインズ・ゲート」Blu-ray&DVD Vol.9 特典PV
ah that's good to hear! i wasn't even aware of this.

Here's the Nisemonogatari PV2 with subs:


man that's a whole lotta Kanbara~

i keep forgetting Kizumono is coming out next year too (for a while i kept getting the titles confused and i thought only the movie was coming out)


[Darkside Blues – 1994]


(At least it has nice art.)

Today I continue my journey of watching random anime tittles that no one else has heard of or, if they have watched them they’ve probably forgotten all about them.


Darkside Blues is a…sci-fi action drama (possibly) set at some unspecified point in the future. 99% of the Earth is owned by THE CORPORATION, you know, the evil one, where all the heads of the corporation are actually part of the same family, ensuring that succession is essentially ensured. They rule more like kings, or gods, from their giant space station far above the surface. Of course, it’s huge and ornate and gothic, like pretty much everything else in this movie.


Under normal circumstances, I suppose, this kind of movie would be about our heroes struggling to live in this dystopia, perhaps a team of like minded individuals might come together in an attempt to overthrow the system and give power back the to the people. While this a sub-plot that runs throughout the movie it isn’t the main focus (maybe). Instead, this movie starts with a horse drawn carriage flying out of the mirror in the picture above, riding through the wall, and travelling all the way down to Earth. Okay?


So yeah, that just happened and no-one seems to be that bothered about it. The driver of carriage is man of mystery who dubs himself ‘Darkside’. He arrives on Earth through an unidentified portal, rescues a passing child, and tries to find a hotel. As you do, when you’ve just come from the inside of a sealed mirror dimensions. Apparently the fashion there is a little…retro? Suffice to say his origins, his technology and his taste in clothes are never explained. Neither is he really the main character. Err, it’s kind of hard to talk about this movie in anyway that makes sense.


I’ve already painted a picture of the opening, but what happens from there on? What’s the focus of the plot? Who are the main characters? What do they want? I don’t really know. The movie kind of drifts around between a bunch of different characters, never really settling down with a particular pace or aim in mind. Even though this movie is two hours long it feels like we have far too many main characters. I can't even remember their names.

From the top we have: the head of the evil corporation, his sadistic daughter, his weird son that wears a mask, his psychotic son that travels Africa, his daughter who disappears for no reason never to be mentioned again, his other daughter that lives in an orphanage and harbours revolutionaries, a revolutionaries on the run from the corporation, the women he falls in love with whose parents were revolutionaries, a women that’s the head of a teenage gang that does…something, her muscle, her other muscle that has knives, a weird kid that rarely speaks, the women who runs the hotel and Darkside himself.

What do all these characters do throughout the film? They chat, often cryptically about things that are never resolved, explained, or developed. Sometimes there’s a fight scene. With psychics/enhanced humans.

Rather than explaining the plot, which I can’t do because there isn’t one, perhaps it’s best if I just list some of the things that happen in this movie:

- The sadistic daughter tortures a revolutionary by turning her into gold. Inventive, I suppose.

- The weird kid looks into a marble and jumps off a building. I don’t know why:


- A cyborg assassin that takes the visage of an small Japanese salary man attacks the teenage gang and gets shot at with rockets:


- The hotel that Darkside stays at is run by a tiny little old lady. Whenever you enter the hotel you are teleported to the room that you wish to go to, unless you don’t know where you want to go. This is never explained, or really commented on by anyone.

- Darkside and the psychotic son engage in a vaguely homo-erotic conversation and then psychically attack each other with roses:


- A house eats people:


- A would-be assassin attacks the teenage gang with a rocket launcher disguised as a baby:


So what does the movie do well? It has a really great atmosphere and excellent visual design, with lots of interesting locations and set-pieces. However, with a large cast of undeveloped characters and a story that never develops or goes anywhere in particular, this movie is clearly a complete mess.


Steins Gate 1

I caved. I've got the time, and I need something marathon-able to scratch that itch. The game'll just get played later.

As for the show itself, that wasn't even as bad a first ep as I remember it being initially. It's a plodding convoluted in its plotting, as deliberate as it may be, but there's already something fun about the future gadget crew that I really want to see expanded upon.


Princess Tutu 05:


This is sad man. Everyone is fucked up.
Fuck you Rue. Fuck you.

The potential for :firehawk in this cartoon is huge. Actually, that spirit was pretty fucking :firehawk.

By the way, Rue's voice actress is really cute.

Come on now, firehawks are things that Americans make. They can't have any mono no aware.
I actually find her super-fast talking pretty cute. ^^;

Lets reserve super-fast talking for Excel in Excel Saga, no-one else really lives up to that.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Slam Dunk 49: Basketball no aware.

Slam Dunk 50: Pretty tight episode. Very little action, but it did a great job at setting up the Kainan High School players. It's all about creating an atmosphere for the upcoming match. Also lol @ Sakuragi finding his match.

Slam Dunk 51: Sakuragi playing well for once...

Slam Dunk 52: ...until he messes up. One thing I have to commend this cartoon on is how likable it makes Sakuragi despite his permanent jerkness. Making him an underdog with a heart of gold while still a brute in the physical sense of the word was a stroke of genius (and totally unlike the vast majority of animu protagonists today).
Come on now, firehawks are things that Americans make. They can't have any mono no aware.
I'm fed up with this anti-Gaijin agenda of yours, Jexhius.
[Darkside Blues – 1994]


So what does the movie do well? It has a really great atmosphere and excellent visual design, with lots of interesting locations and set-pieces. However, with a large cast of undeveloped characters and a story that never develops or goes anywhere in particular, this movie is clearly a complete mess.
So like a Transformers movie.


Steins Gate 1

I caved. I've got the time, and I need something marathon-able to scratch that itch. The game'll just get played later.

As for the show itself, that wasn't even as bad a first ep as I remember it being initially. It's a plodding convoluted in its plotting, as deliberate as it may be, but there's already something fun about the future gadget crew that I really want to see expanded upon.
Yeah, the first episode was a bad start to a really good series. I can't wait for the finished VN translation.


So like a Transformers movie.
Hey, at least in a Transformers movie you know there's a good guy and a bad guy and the movie will end when the good guy triumphs over the bad guy. Moreover, you'll know they have an actual ending, rather than just randomly stopping without the plot reaching a conclusion.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Remember there is one last episode before waiting for it:

アニメ「シュタインズ・ゲート」Blu-ray&DVD Vol.9 特典PV
You know I liked how back in the day animus ended when they reached the last episode. Sure, they sometimes got a movie or an OAV, but those were like reimaginations or rebootals or whatever they call 'em and not necessary to see the actual ending. Fuck this trend of "oh here's one more episode you missed and here's the real ending" like six months after it aired. By that time I already forgot about the cartoon dammit.

It's like the DLC of animu.
Hey, at least in a Transformers movie you know there's a good guy and a bad guy
Were they about that? All I remember are the robots. I fell asleep when people talked to other people.
Princess Tutu 10-13

So I finished the first season of it, and I still don't really see it as anything too amazing. I mean, I was really into the story and really loved the characters (the cat is like, the best character of all time), but... I don't know. Let's just see if the 2nd season does it for me.

Also, I'm super hype for Nisemonogatari in a few weeks. That PV was so <3.


Yeah, the first episode was a bad start to a really good series. I can't wait for the finished VN translation.

I hear you on that. The second ep was much better.


Steins; Gate 2

That is one moe man, lol. The show's VN heritage shines through brightly, with all of the female cast members, and one, basically wanting to jump Okarin's bones from the get go. Thing is, the narrative's oddly aware of that; Daru stays never catching a break, lol.


Started watching Mirai Nikki.

Interesting idea. Only done 3 episodes, so it will be interesting to see where things go.


Princess Tutu 10-13

So I finished the first season of it, and I still don't really see it as anything too amazing. I mean, I was really into the story and really loved the characters (the cat is like, the best character of all time), but... I don't know. Let's just see if the 2nd season does it for me.

Also, I'm super hype for Nisemonogatari in a few weeks. That PV was so <3.

It goes into full on magical girl batshit insanity a little bit later. The cat teacher is pretty awesome threatening to marry little girls who disobey. That should scare anybody into line.


[...]The cat teacher is pretty awesome threatening to marry little girls who disobey. That should scare anybody into line.

I'm surprised cat-catchers never came to take him away for harassing students. That seems like the kind of thing that could get you sent to court.
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