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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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From the New World
Zetsuen no Tempest
Psycho Pass
Tonari no kaibutsu kun

Probably dropping:

Kamisama Kiss

dropped before i even watched:



I still need to watch Robotics Note and Psycho Pass, but I've watched most everything I wanted to.

K - Probably one of the most unintelligible things I've ever seen, which is saying a lot considering we're talking about anime here. The color filter didn't help. Dropped.

Girls und Panzer - Cute girls doing tank things. I got what I expected. I'll keep watching for now.

Btooom! - Whole thing was kind of meh, but I'll give it some more episodes.

Chuunibyou - I feel bad for loving this, but I do.

Jojo - Do I need to say it? Awesome as hell.

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - Might be my show of the season so far. I absolutely love everything about this. The chemistry between the two main characters is great.

Magi - First episode made changes I really, really did not like. Hopefully they don't keep doing that.

From the New World - Not sure what I think of it so far, but I'm interested enough to keep following it.

Sukitte Iinyao - I'm indifferent to shoujo, but honestly enjoyed this a lot. It also made me start reading the manga.

Medaka Box Abnormal - If you don't give me animated Ajimu after that troll opening, Gainax, I'm going to rage like I've never raged before.


sealed with a kiss
I still need to watch Robotics Note and Psycho Pass, but I've watched most everything I wanted to.

K - Probably one of the most unintelligible things I've ever seen, which is saying a lot considering we're talking about anime here. The color filter didn't help. Dropped.

Girls und Panzer - Cute girls doing tank things. I got what I expected. I'll keep watching for now.

Btooom! - Whole thing was kind of meh, but I'll give it some more episodes.

Chuunibyou - I feel bad for loving this, but I do.

Jojo - Do I need to say it? Awesome as hell.

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - Might be my show of the season so far. I absolutely love everything about this. The chemistry between the two main characters is great.

Magi - First episode made changes I really, really did not like. Hopefully they don't keep doing that.

From the New World - Not sure what I think of it so far, but I'm interested enough to keep following it.

Sukitte Iinyao - I'm indifferent to shoujo, but honestly enjoyed this a lot. It also made me start reading the manga.

Medaka Box Abnormal - If you don't give me animated Ajimu after that troll opening, Gainax, I'm going to rage like I've never raged before.

Since you've liked both Tonari and Sukitte Ii, try Kamisama hajimemashita! It's quite fun.


I am a nerd, I love lists I do... these are basically the shows I'm going to watch more of as of today, in vague order of interest. Warning - long post is long.

From The New World
By far my favourite show of the season, and this is solidified by episode 3. It's very wordy, but unlike Psycho-Pass (see below) I think it does a much better job of providing organic exposition that comes from the characters. Add to that the excellent detail in the world design, very appealing animation and artwork (including one of the best EDs I think I've ever seen and a Kemonozume-esque variety of prologues), and well-written dialogue, and this is definitely right up my street.

(PS cosmic, you should definitely watch the prologue sequence from episode 3, which is
awesome samurai vs psychic action

This show, for better or for worse, has made me think a lot about it today. Whether the gaps in the logic of the premise and its execution can be filled as much as I THINK they can is something I'll have to wait and see. Hopefully the level of the writing can be brought up to the overall high level of the rest of the production elements - and at least the dialogue isn't facile rubbish, despite clubbing us in the face with bad exposition in the first episode.

Say "I Love You"
I've gone from thinking this is the "worst" of the shoujo adaptations to actively looking forward to the next episode rather quickly. I guess because My Little Monster and Kami-sama have done exactly what I expected them to after the first episode, whereas I have absolutely no idea what this show will do. Maybe it'll turn to shit, but if it's directed anywhere near as elegantly and interestingly as the first episode was I think I'm going to like it.

I may not care much for the characters, but this looks so damn good (Kusanagi backgrounds!!!!!) that it'll scratch that action itch quiiiite nicely. Even if it doesn't end up that good, I'm sure it'll entertain me for half the season or so - I can usually make it through a whole season of shounen like this and get enjoyment out of the fight scenes, so fingers crossed for this one.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
It's just so stylish and over-the-top! We'll see how the second episode takes my fancy.

Zetsuen no Tempest
Will it be terrible? (yes). But for now, the technical quality of Bones's work is as brilliant as usual, elevating it above many other shows.

Kami-sama Hajimemashita
It makes me laugh. It's pretty lame really, but that's all one can ask for from a comedy...

My Little Monster
Although it's bright and colourful it's not as entertaining as I hoped it would be, I just don't feel like they're doing anything interesting with the material (unlike Say I Love You). I do think it'll improve as the cast expands, though.

Finally, the two shows I should drop but won't immediately:

I am hoping the second episode will improve on the first. Or maybe it'll descend even further into idiocy. I just don't know.

Really boring and flat first episode, but the premise sounds like so much fun (even for someone like me who isn't really into mecha) that I hope so badly it will improve.

I THINK that's everything.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

Sukitte ii ya no

Kami-sama Hajimemashita
Zetsuen no Tempest


Medaka Box Abnormal - If you don't give me animated Ajimu after that troll opening, Gainax, I'm going to rage like I've never raged before.

Maybe they'll do what you said in the manga thread (that was you, right?) where she'll just migrate over from the manga
to rest after "dying"

Who is Ajimu and why is he so great?



She's great because she's a major troll and quite possibly the most broken character in all of fiction.


Tragic victim of fan death
Gundam Seed HD Remaster 43

At last, revelations are made, characters are brought into the spotlight, and the true evil of conflict has been unveiled. Everything is starting to become clear as the war between Coordinators and Naturals did not start from a simple enmity between the two species but due to the progress of mankind. It's this very nature that is in every human being that brought forth this chaos and ironically so it's the spawn of chaos that wishes to end it. Characters now well-formed and developed at this point aren't put in a position for further growth, rather their background and their origins are tested.

Overall, the episode stands as one of the best in anime and it still holds up even today. Action scenes are packed with awesome and the music is beautiful. Great episode. Now let's see how the series' remaining remastered scenes will pan out.


sealed with a kiss
Maybe they'll do what you said in the manga thread (that was you, right?) where she'll just migrate over from the manga
to rest after "dying"


She's great because she's a major troll and quite possibly the most broken character in all of fiction.

You say that like it actually means something, when it really doesn't, especially in context. I can make a character and say "THIS IS GOD, HE HAS 2X THE ABILITIES OF EVERYONE ELSE COMBINED" but that really is meaningless, and that's pretty much all Ajimu is.


Most Awesome Watch list:
Psycho-Pass: Concept is just too amazing

Shinsekai:Show has me terrified week to week. Now shit's going to go bad, just don't know when. Love every second

JoJo:The manliest show on TV. How could you not love this?

Space Brothers: So, so, so good. Also, since I'm on the Hiroaki Hirata love train, this is a must watch for me.

Hunter x Hunter: The manga is my favorite shonen series of all time. The show is proving more than a worthy adaptation. Keeping up with it is a no brainer.

The Sort of Enjoy List:
Zetsuen no Tempest: Show looks great. Everything else about it is pretty meh, but still fun to watch.

The still catching up list:
One Piece: Taken a break after Shabody. Seemed like a good stopping point to let the show rest for a few weeks. Still a great show, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing

Gintama: Recently picked this up and already watched 25 episodes. Love every second of this. May take a break on this whenever I pick One Piece back up.

The regretful, in too deep to stop now list:
Sword Art Online: It's fine. It's very dumb, but dumb melodrama can be fun. It no longer makes me actively angry like it did ~episodes 8-10

Eureka Seven AO: Just, fuck this show. We only have two episodes left, so I might as well see where this train wreck goes. Who knows, maybe we'll get some good mecha action for once.


The Light of El Cantare
Chuunibyou 02:

Better technically than the first episode thanks to some especially lovely backgrounds and outstanding sakuga, but I'm still held back from being able to fully enjoy the material being presented because of Rikka. She's not cute--she's functionally insane and in desperate need of help, and it's frustrating to see that the people in her life aren't nearly forceful enough in demanding that she return to reality. Take into consideration the number of times that Rikka is smacked, bopped, or hit in the head with a blunt object in response to her behavior and the situation feels downright sad. I know that this is supposed to be a lighthearted comedy, but I can't get my mind off of how fucked up the situation would be if it were actually happening to real people.

I desperately hope that Rikka is ultimately challenged on her behavior instead of dragging Yuuta back into his shameful old ways. If the status quo is maintained, Rikka is just going to become more and more insufferable.


Maybe they'll do what you said in the manga thread (that was you, right?) where she'll just migrate over from the manga
to rest after "dying"


She's great because she's a major troll and quite possibly the most broken character in all of fiction.

Excellent. I like troll characters. Is she more of a troll than Shiranui?

Chuunibyou 02:

Better technically than the first episode thanks to some especially lovely backgrounds and outstanding sakuga, but I'm still held back from being able to fully enjoy the material being presented because of Rikka. She's not cute--she's functionally insane and in desperate need of help, and it's frustrating to see that the people in her life aren't nearly forceful enough in demanding that she return to reality. Take into consideration the number of times that Rikka is smacked, bopped, or hit in the head with a blunt object in response to her behavior and the situation feels downright sad. I know that this is supposed to be a lighthearted comedy, but I can't get my mind off of how fucked up the situation would be if it were actually happening to real people.

I desperately hope that Rikka is ultimately challenged on her behavior instead of dragging Yuuta back into his shameful old ways. If the status quo is maintained, Rikka is just going to become more and more insufferable.

Whaaaaaat? Rikka is ADORABLE. The fact that she's insane only makes her even better.


sealed with a kiss
Whaaaaaat? Rikka is ADORABLE. The fact that she's insane only makes her even better.

Nope, she's not adorable at all. It's like watching some 50 year old lady try to act all cutesy and teeney boppy, and you're just looking on in utter revulsion. Except worse.
You say that like it actually means something, when it really doesn't, especially in context. I can make a character and say "THIS IS GOD, HE HAS 2X THE ABILITIES OF EVERYONE ELSE COMBINED" but that really is meaningless, and that's pretty much all Ajimu is.

You don't need to take it so seriously. The way she's portrayed is just fun. She's a 4th wall breaking troll, which shows she's kind of on a higher plane of existence than the other characters.

Excellent. I like troll characters. Is she more of a troll than Shiranui?

Conceptually, yes. Of what we see, maybe a little bit.

But it doesn't matter because the anime won't get to her. Gainax is trolling with the OP.


Not really. It is entertaining at times, but never excellent. The one time is starts to get really good, Kumagawa ruins everything.

Kumagawa is the reason the manga got good (and somewhat popular). It also dropped in quality once Kumagawa stopped being the focus.


sealed with a kiss
Kumagawa is the reason the manga got good (and somewhat popular). It also dropped in quality once Kumagawa stopped being the focus.

Kumagawa may be the reason it got popular, but he's still a terrible character who made the manga worse overall.


Medaka Box Abnormal - Episode 1

I might be the only one who likes the troll opening, but it feels like its par for the course with Medaka Box, given that its a series that's perfectly comfortably poking in holes in stuff as it is.

I was always expecting this to be an enjoyable opener, because Nabeshima automatically makes everything better! The fight was fun, although it had a different feel to what I was expecting. I always got the impression that the reason that it worked so well in the manga was because it helped to punctuate the mood. I seem to remember the preceding moments feeling much more serious there, with Medaka getting railed on for quite a while,
which helped to emphasize her steadfast refusal to fight. Which becomes much more of an issue later on. And it probably won't make a difference if its raised at that juncture, but the Naze stuff in particular feeds back into those sort of moments. This is probably just needless nitpicking (it is), but it felt like a somewhat serious point was kind of glossed over here.

Some of the voices are weird to me, Oudo sounds like I expected him to (that's to say that I find him entirely dull), and Mizou falls into the common trap of just sounding like a girl.


The levels of stupid,ugly and boring in the first few chapters medaka box are far to high for me to ever make it pass , I tried 3-4 times am far to weak, I feel my brain cells commit suicide with each panel i read :(

it's a perfect fit for gainax.

is it still worth skipping to Kumagawa or is it still not for me after the genre shift.


The Light of El Cantare
She's not insane (in either the adorable or the pitiable way), she's just dumb and young.

My opinion toward her would be less harsh if she ever exhibited any ability to drop her pretenses and act normally. As it stands, she either lacks self-awareness regarding her own behavior or just doesn't care, and neither of those says good things about her mental state.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I have this sinking feeling that I'm going to drop Zetsuen about halfway through the season. I like it so far, and I have no logical reason to think I would drop it, but the thought is there in the back of my head man.


My opinion toward her would be less harsh if she ever exhibited any ability to drop her pretenses and act normally. As it stands, she either lacks self-awareness regarding her own behavior or just doesn't care, and neither of those says good things about her mental state.
I like it because it shows the issues that people face when they need to choose when to grow up. For some people it's harder than others, which is why I liked the first episode (because it showed the contrast between those people). The age range is really good for depicting that too.


sealed with a kiss
I like it because it shows the issues that people face when they need to choose when to grow up. For some people it's harder than others, which is why I liked the first episode (because it showed the contrast between those people). The age range is really good for depicting that too.

No, that's the problem, it doesn't show those issues. If it did, it might actually be good.

Andrew J.

Robotics;Notes 01

Kaito's so terrible. He's lazy, irresponsible, and spends all his time playing video games
and thus reminds too much of myself


No, that's the problem, it doesn't show those issues. If it did, it might actually be good.

We see the results of those actions, i.e. ostracization. It's why Yuuta is so worried. If the show wasn't so light-hearted it'd be sad. It's also why Rikka clings to him so much.


I have this sinking feeling that I'm going to drop Zetsuen about halfway through the season. I like it so far, and I have no logical reason to think I would drop it, but the thought is there in the back of my head man.
I feel the same way. It's decent so far, the action is good, it has Hanazawa Kana as a recurring character (who has a cute personality and a hime cut!). I can't help but think about everyone's comments about the source and the dialogue is just becoming harder to ignore.


No, that's the problem, it doesn't show those issues. If it did, it might actually be good.

Maybe not the way you want them to, but I think there was a ridiculously stark contrast between the "normal" people and the "delusional" people. In a show like this, just showing that much was enough for me, and if you delve to far into mental psychology education and psychological profiling, it just wouldn't make for good anime with the source material that kyoani is working with.

I think something like you guys all seem to want would fit better as a noitaminA show. With something like that kind of show in that kind of programming, they'd be able to delve more into the realism of what a lot of people seem to have falsely hoped this show would have.
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