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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Oh, man. I can't believe I didn't notice it until seeing that post. I missed the entire point of the ED until now. I'm so slow.

I thought it was just a "haha, the guys are the baddies and the girls are the detectives" fun thing. I guess it makes more sense in context after I finished the series.
Wanted, as in wanted romantically by the girls.


I thought it was obvious when they put the handcuffs on them and then started blushing and looking away.
the intro is quite misleading for English speakers, then
it still annoys me simply because these kids would be bullied to the point of suicide
Not necessarily. Especially since she's cute. The only kids who were bullied at my schools were fat/ugly kids, and even then it was fairly tame compared to what you see in the media.



An early 00's mecha anime with a terrible dub and script stuffed with sexual innuendos inside three episodes focused on sexual aggression.
Makes sense.

Except for the part where the whole thing doesn't make any sense.

A miserable (yet, quite laughable) mess.


The Light of El Cantare

One part utterly shameless Evangelion ripoff, one part School Days, ICE levels of incomprehensibility. I worried multiple times over the course that my brain had spontaneously necrotized and that I was no longer capable of simultaneously processing speech and sight.

But no, it was just that stupid.
Blast of Tempest 2

This show is really silly. Were the three mains all in a Shakespeare club or something?

Also, is it going to be explained why Samon
stranded the girl on an island instead of just killing her?
Yes to both questions ( they are actually both plots points )


HidaSketch x Hoshimittsu 5

This episode had lesbians being lesbians, Miyako messing around as usual, round birds and sentient phones. I wouldn't expect anything less from the great Ume-tentei.


Man, it's been so long that I don't remember any of that. lol
it's never a bad time to rewatch HidaSketch!

Most violent show of 2010 right here.
wideface on wideface violence is a truly sad affair :(


Poor man's NGE where Shinji scores with everyone.
sounds incredible


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Psycho Pass 1:
I will pretend this is the equivalent of F/Z 1 and give this one more episode.



One part utterly shameless Evangelion ripoff, one part School Days, ICE levels of incomprehensibility. I worried multiple times over the course that my brain had spontaneously necrotized and that I was no longer capable of simultaneously processing speech and sight.

But no, it was just that stupid.

It really does sound like the most amazingly worst thing ever.
Robotics;Notes 1

This was a rather enjoyable introductory episode, but ultimately quite average in it's execution. It was a bit slow paced and only slightly interesting, but as it largely served to introduce the characters and establish the setting, it's not a significant criticism yet. The lighthearted atmosphere was handled well throughout, but I expect that tone to change a bit as the story progresses and the nature of the world is fully developed.

The premise is intriguing, but, for the moment, a bit thin, due to the lack of complexity in the immediate narrative. So far, the story revolves around the
necessity for the completion of a working robot, so that Akiho and Kaito can avoid the imminent threat of their club being disbanded
. Of course, the plot will likely evolve into something much more elaborate and engaging. I really liked how, at the beginning, the
divergence number
was shown, and that it indicates the
current world line is the same found in Steins;Gate's true end
. The final scene was somewhat jarring, as it seemed a bit too contrived in it's nature and the manner with which it acted as some sort of vague, mysterious cliffhanger.

Akiho, so far, is the best character. It certainly helps that she's quite capable and that her enthusiastic personality isn't nearly as tiresome as I initially expected. Comparatively, Kaito's consistent lack of emotion was occasionally annoying, but largely inoffensive, resulting in a character that's moderately likable, but not overwhelmingly so.

The production values are inconsistent in quality. The direction is definitely the weakest element, since, for the most part, the scene composition throughout felt uninspired and the framing lacked any sort of creativity. On the other hand, the animation was surprisingly impressive, and, though occasionally bland and unspectacular, the character designs are fairly good. Musically, I thought the OP was good, but the ED was mediocre. Neither are really visually appealing.

All in all, Robotics;Notes is enjoyable, but somewhat disappointing. I expect it to improve though, since it's premise has quite a bit of potential. Hopefully, in time, the continued developments and narrative progress will lead to something more compelling.
Alrighty. I'm stopping by to say hello as I'm being held hostage by Regulus in order to participate in here. It hasn't been the first time it's happened as Pokegaf did the same last year.
Soo Hi y'all.


Alrighty. I'm stopping by to say hello as I'm being held hostage by Regulus in order to participate in here. It hasn't been the first time it's happened as Pokegaf did the same last year.
Soo Hi y'all.

Regulus is a monster. He kidnapped someone from the K-On thread too.


The Light of El Cantare
Whenever I invite someone to AnimeGAF they run screaming in the other direction. Maybe Regulus is on to something with the whole "hostage" thing...


Fuck your three episode rule. I'm calling some of this in right now.

Shin Sekai Yori 1-2

I'm liking it. The world is rather intriguing even if none of the characters are yet.

Will keep watching.

Robotics; Notes 1

Despite all the hate the show seems to be getting I liked the easygoing feel it had to it and I found that the girl has just the right amount of genki for me. Dude could be a little less of an arrogant douche about being good at some stupid game, though.

Will give it at least a couple more eps to see where things are headed.

Psycho-Pass 1

T'was okay. I suppose Fate Zero didn't exactly start with the right foot either. Looks slick as hell, I'll give it that.

Will keep watching to see if Akane gets a less terrible haircut at some point.

Magi 1

Having read about the differences with the manga I can see why some would have issues with the pacing but I enjoyed it well enough.

Will check out out some more episodes to see how it develops.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 1

Everything looked decidedly fabulous. Also cheap as hell, yes, but fabulous nonetheless.

Bring it on.

Zetzuen no Tempest 1

Everything made sense except the things that made no sense whatsoever. Nice bit of action, even if it was only a couple of minutes' worth.

It makes no sense to keep watching but it may also not make sense to stop.

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 1-2

Great stuff. Duckroll was spot on with the Morita comparison.

Will keep watching for sure.

Sukitte ii na yo 1

I skipped around for a bit but this show's art is much too fugly for me to try to focus on anything.

Dropped before I found out what it was even about.

Kamisama Kiss 1-2

I like the main girl and the show is just whimsical enough that under normal circumstances I might be tempted to keep watching but I really, really hate the look of the bishies to the point I can't really stand to watch anymore.

Dropped due to ugly bishies.

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 1

This might have made for a somewhat decent shamewatch if only they excised the awful main girl out of the show.

Dropped like a disfunctional girl's panties.


I should have probably dropped this the moment it took the dude half an episode to figure out what the timer on his bombs meant. That'll teach me, I guess.

Dropped like Iwata's bomba.

Girls und Panzer 1

I should have probably dropped this during that godawful first person sequence it opened with. I'd sooner finish Upotte.

Dropped like an out of nowhere Hitler joke.

Little busters 1



Medaka Box Abnormal 1

I kinda get the feeling I'm the only person here watching this who has absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about the manga.

Will keep watching as long as there are some cool fights.

K 1-2

It might be that Mardock Scramble has granted me a higher tolerance for shitty color filters but nothing I saw seemed so bad in comparison. On the show itself, it has made me realize that hot naked catgirls alone just aren't enough to hold my attention anymore.

Maybe just one more episode to make sure.

Ixion Saga DT 1

Was this supposed to be funny? One thing I'll grant it is that Mariandel makes my penis all confused.

Dropped like an airborne virgin.

Code Breaker 1

Nothing here made me feel the need to check out a second episode of this shit. As far as I'm concerned
that girl is extra crispy now
and I couldn't possibly care less.

So dropped.

Gyrozetter 1

It sorta reminds me of Ex-Driver in certain ways, except with mechas, worse character designs and eye-searingly awful CG crap. One thing I most definitely was not ready for was that amazing ED. I wasn't sure wether to laugh or cry so I did both.

might watch the second episode if only to witness that ED again.

Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankei Nai yo ne 1

Halfway through it dawned on me that I shouldn't be wasting my time with this derivative crap when the second season of OreImo, the original trailblazing pioneer, is right around the corner. I shall save my shamewatch for the One True King.

Dropped like my at this point non-existent morals.

Hayate no Gotoku! Can’t take my eyes off you 1

I have no fucking clue whatsoever about anything that is going on in this show at all.

Dropped because seriously what the fuck at this insurmountable barrier of entry.

Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb 1

Maybe I'll watch more of this if I am ever in need of some sleeping aid.

Dropped until such a time as it is needed.


Hey now. I never said I hated her. I only said I hate her route. And besides, I have to protect my interest in best girl :D

Fair enough!

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 02


Manly as fuck.

I love over-dramatic everything is. The color scheme is pretty weird at times but I think it works in the show's favor in a way.

Robotics;Notes Episode 01


...average as fuck. :|

I probably would've liked this more if the main dude wasn't so unlikable. I feel bad for Akiho having to put up with the guy to keep the club going on. Nice production values and the story has potential to be pretty fun. I'm hoping Kaito stops being less of a dick soon or at least hopefully the rest of the cast turn out to be interesting.
Medaka Box Abnormal 1

I kinda get the feeling I'm the only person here watching this who has absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about the manga.


Hayate no Gotoku! Can’t take my eyes off you 1

I have no fucking clue whatsoever about anything that is going on in this show at all.

Dropped because seriously what the fuck at this insurmountable barrier of entry.

I would think direct sequels generally have a barrier of entry. Though I don't think I'd call it "direct" or anything. In fact, it seems to be reliant on knowledge of the manga to some extent based on what it supposedly takes place.



Oh man, everything about this episode owned so hard. The OP, the Rugby match,
JoJo confronting Dio, Speedwagon, that Demon hobo at the end
and even the transition to the ED FUCKING OWNED.



I watched a few shows tonight.

Shangri La 1-5

This is a pretty weird show.
Apparently lots of disaster has changed the earths climate.
A select group gets to live in a protected city.
The others have to fend for themselves in a place where carbon dioxide output is heavily taxed and penalized.
Its kind of complicated but so far I kind of like it

Unico and the Island of Magic

Wow I had forgotten how much of a mindfuck this is.
Unapologetically adorable, it tells a storyof Unico and a creepy magician and his apprentice. Dont really want to say much since its rather simple and I dont want to spoil anything but its every bit as adorable and crazy as I remembered.


Where do I start?
In this world, everybody is born a girl.
After the 17th birthday each girl goes to a sacred spring to become either male or female as they choose.
Certain girls choose to forgo the tranformation for a while and become pilots for a coveted technology called Simoun.
They fly Simoun to wage war and protect the tech from other countries.
Oh did I mention that there is A LOT OF GIRLS KISSING? Im sure certain members here could appreciate such a thing.

this is anime
everyone is cute....


Jojo 2

oh my god that is one manly OP. This is one manly show. Dat extended Roundabout <333

CG backgrounds and some of the other static images were pretty bad but that's the nature of the TV beast, I suppose. Thankfully it never seems to detract given the massive on-screen presences, Dio in particular, action is given due respect in its execution, and there's an attempt to be creative in spite of the limited budget. So awesome.
I see, if any other recommendations are mention I'll keep them in mind. As I've told Chet and others on pokegaf, I only have time for 1 maybe 2 show since work will pick up (hopefully) so I'll look over the suggested and see if any catch my eye.
I see, if any other recommendations are mention I'll keep them in mind. As I've told Chet and others on pokegaf, I only have time for 1 maybe 2 show since work will pick up (hopefully) so I'll look over the suggested and see if any catch my eye.

Don't think you'll weasel your way out of watching K-ON!



Oh man, everything about this episode owned so hard. The OP, the Rugby match,
JoJo confronting Dio, Speedwagon, that Demon hobo at the end
and even the transition to the ED FUCKING OWNED.


That ED transition was fucking magical.


I see, if any other recommendations are mention I'll keep them in mind. As I've told Chet and others on pokegaf, I only have time for 1 maybe 2 show since work will pick up (hopefully) so I'll look over the suggested and see if any catch my eye.
You said they've taken you hostage, but I only see a house arrest.
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