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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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I don't know if I should be impressed or ashamed by the fact that every time I go to Kinokuniya, I can recognize exponentially more of the manga and light novel series thanks to anime adaptations.

It only means the anime adaptations are working.
If you bought any of them

Joe Molotov

chuunibyou 01
what the fuck? I thought this was about kids with big imaginations
it turns out they suffer from a subset of schizophrenia...
why are happy ragtime ditties accompanying their hallucinations?
why is there such an under reaction of being ostracized by his peers?
is this really an entire show based on how amusing it is for people to be delusional?
I feel sick, fuck you kyoani

Delusional people need love too.
Regardless of My Adolescent Delusions of Grandeur, I Want a Date! 2

A literal wet dream.
A good episode. Yuuta kinda reminds me of a younger me, sans drawing big boobed girls. Unless he does, and they just haven't brought it up yet.
So does Kumin Tsuyuri also have/had chuunibyou? Seems like she does/did at the end there. Rika's sister is nice, if not a little harsh on Rika, not that she doesn't deserve it. Not sure what's up with her ladle though.

I just had to capture this shot.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
chuunibyou 01
what the fuck? I thought this was about kids with big imaginations
it turns out they suffer from a subset of schizophrenia...
why are happy ragtime ditties accompanying their hallucinations?
why is there such an under reaction of being ostracized by his peers?
is this really an entire show based on how amusing it is for people to be delusional?
I feel sick, fuck you kyoani
You being serious with this reaction? If you is, you need to chillax the hell out.


Medaka Box Abnormal 1

This is most definitely off to a far better start than the first series thanks to the really good Flask Plan Arc and that trolltastic OP. Myouga's number speach was handled perfectly, especially when
Medaka deciphered it.
The animation of Myouga going to town on Medaka and the fight with Nabeshima was far better animated than pretty much anything in the first series. Clearly they've been saving their budget for this arc and I can't think of a better way of spending that money on a 2 cour adaptation (other than making a third season ;_;).

I'm diggin Oudo's voice, I think it's a perfect fit for how much of a dominating areshole he comes across as. I'm also pretty glad that they seem to be going through this at a far faster pace as the Flask Plan Arc started to drag on towards the end and this will most certainly help make it a far more pleasurable experience.

For some reason, Crunchyroll's video was choppy as hell and quick comparison to the broadcast shows that it's actually missing some keyframes in the action scenes before the eyecatch throughout the entire episode and I'm not just talking about the camera pans. The delaycast is one thing but this is just awful. Can't say I'm happy as a subscriber. :/

EDIT: Seems that the video may have been fixed on crunchyrolls site but i cant tell as their streaming is just as big a piece of useless shit as it was the last i tried to watch anything off there.

Medaka Box Abnormal - Episode 1

"Give the audience what they want" - This seems like the main reason this season even exists. The OP seemed quite interesting with all the random crazy villains showing up, and then you have random action out of nowhere in the first episode. Hopefully cosmicblizzard is right, and this entire Flask Plan thing is just a battle shounen excuse for cool fights. That's the only reason I'm watching after all. Lol.

One thing I don't get though. The Thirteen Party has 13 members, but Unzen is out of the action so they need a replacement. Yet they only showed 6 of those members. Where are the other 6? Everyone else so far seems to be people who want to contend for the 13th spot. Am I missing something?
The other
Plus 6
will make an appearance later on, they're even in the OP!


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
its something id expect from South Park
and even then, they do specifically to be offensive and its not advertised as anything else

Pretty sure she's not actually schizophrenic though. She knows full well that she's being dumb/goofy based on the first episode alone when she lost her colored contact.
Monochrome Factor 7 - 8

Well that was awkward this was supposed to be shonen ai not shoujo ai/hetero, did not want :/ Anyway Shirogane is still funny for being out to get his Akira and the boys club putting on hamlet was good
but Akira and Maki didnt kiss :(
. Kengo/Akira still makes me laugh so much. Transforming scenes when they go into that area to fight kikuchis each episodes seems to have got more detail to it, focusing on each of Kengo's arms to get the arm guards, etc.


The oniichan shows creep meter is off the charts.

Especially after I found out the girl voicing the imouto is 14.

I enjoyed watching it, though!


Pretty sure she's not actually schizophrenic though. She knows full well that she's being dumb/goofy based on the first episode alone when she lost her colored contact.

they're flashing it on screen in the intro
regardless of poor translation, the premise does not sit well for me and I will not be continuing this show

I dont know how I can make it any simpler for you


You don't need to quote it. In fact, please don't.

Robotics;Notes 1

Eh. Nothing wrong with the production but there's nothing interesting about this story so far. Doesn't help that the male lead has no redeeming characteristics. iOS gamers confirmed for bad people.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
You don't need to quote it. In fact, please don't.

Robotics;Notes 1

Eh. Nothing wrong with the production but there's nothing interesting about this story so far. Doesn't help that the male lead has no redeeming characteristics. iOS gamers confirmed for bad people.

I disagree! I like his super mellow attitude.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
There's a difference between mellow and just lying on the ground while you let someone else do all the maintenance on your robot.

That's why I like it, he goes the extra step. He clearly doesn't give much of a darn about stuff and he's not afraid to show it.
The first Robotics;Notes episode wasn't particularly interesting, but this show isn't going to be a slice of life drama about building a robot. The characters haven't all been introduced and obviously something is going to threaten threaten the world. Well unless this show is completely different from the other two in the series, but I doubt that.


Tragic victim of fan death
Seriously.... that ImoAi show looks stupidly sick. Worse than previous imouto shows... I mean... Who is imouto wasn't this bad...
Fairy Tail 152

Max v Natsu animated was intense.
I almost forgot how strong it made Max seem and how weak it made Natsu but then we get the Lightning Fire Dragon Attack for a good counterattack

So much fanservice this arc though, beach episode incoming.


I can't confirm this 100%, but it seems that the subtitle of the third Madoka Magica movie is Hangyaku no Monogatari (The Rebellion Story).
More Accel World related goodie. Wondering if this steady flow of AW stuff will give rise to Season 2. Hmm...

Where is your god now, cajunator?
B-b-but she's not realistic in her depiction of her mental illness! They need to have an episode where they go to a doctor, do a mental profile of her with multiple counselors and psychiatrists, have her go to rehab, and be on a lot of drugs to correct her eventual hormonal imbalance and depression!


Subete no aware
You're terrible! :lol
Hehe. :p

Haha, I think I find these bro/sis-con shows so hillsirous and unoffensive is because I was an only child.
Maybe you have a secret sister you don't know about!

HidaSketch x Hoshimittsu 4
imagine a world with a wideface gnome and townie...

Man, it's been so long that I don't remember any of that. lol

Also, I was hoping Aria-sachou would make the waifu app and it looks like he did. Sort of. lol



chuunibyou 01
what the fuck? I thought this was about kids with big imaginations
it turns out they suffer from a subset of schizophrenia...
why are happy ragtime ditties accompanying their hallucinations?
why is there such an under reaction of being ostracized by his peers?
is this really an entire show based on how amusing it is for people to be delusional?
I feel sick, fuck you kyoani

I know it says "hebephrenic schizophrenia" for some reason in the intro, but that seems to have as much relation to what's actually being shown as the English meaning of "fourteen sick". That mental illness doesn't match anything they describe in that intro, or anything that Rikka actually does. Consequentially, they never use that word again.

Wikipedia said:
The prominent characteristics of this form are disorganized behavior and speech, (see formal thought disorder) including schizophasia, and flat or inappropriate emotion and affect.

Unlike paranoid schizophrenia, delusions and hallucinations are not the most prominent feature...

A person with disorganized schizophrenia may also experience behavioral disorganization which may impair his or her ability to carry out daily activities, such as showering or eating.

Literally none of these things apply.

I'd take the show at its word that "chuunibyou" is something that happens to some kids, and it's something they eventually grow out of. It's a "recognized" word within a subset of Japanese culture, and that's what the show is actually trying to portray. If it was trying to actually portray mental illness, then it wouldn't be something that Yuuto could decide to turn off at the drop of a hat once he reached high school.

Of course, if its exaggerated handling of chuunibyou bothers you anyways, you don't have to watch. But it's not trying to mock people who are seriously sick.
Monochrome Factor 9

So many good moments and back to what I wanted. The hot spring/mansion served as a good location for the events and Kengo was funny thoughout. Liked his hot spring scenes the most and fighting in the towel and even have a good scene with Shirogane finally not only being interesting in Akira but now Kengos body
when the towel fell of Kengo, lol

Everyone may need to get some powerup or boost though.
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