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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Subete no aware
Who's gonna pay eight bucks to send a copy of Redline to Firehawk?
The ultimate troll gift. Next to a copy of Into Darkness. :p

One week until tears, guys. ;__;


As for the rightstuf sale, I feel bad for Allison to Lilia, but you can get the whole thing for 20 bucks now.
Also tsuritama at 28 bucks... pretty much close to the pre-order price from a while ago.
Beyond the Boundary Episode 8


Whoever is the one writing the dialogue deserves an award, this was easily the highlight of the episode, the smile even. If only they stop keeping them apart.

The action was weird, or rather it just felt like it was thrown in with no build up or leading
specifically when Hiromi showed up and did his scarf action, I didnt ever even realize what they were fighting for, beyond just being a protective onii-chan I guess, and it was a bit hard to follow visually.

Still probably one of the more enjoyable episodes thus far.


Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta 7

They really went all out here. Best episode yet. Really crammed some top-notch choreography in there.

I hope this does well enough for another season. As much as I love the Lila arc, I think I like the one after it a bit more.

I'm wondering if each season is going to cover (and be titled after) a major arc. It works if the smaller arcs combine with the larger ones.


Natsu no Arashi!

This is a series where Shaft's style, while not completely wasted, does seem somewhat badly used. The little visual quirks that show in a lot of dialog and monologue of Shaft series don't really add anything to the enjoyment, and the incredibly stylistic "I read this book, but I forgot the title" segments feel very out of place since their type of humor is very, very Shaft but a much of the actual humor of the show really isn't.

Then there's the weird but catchy opening sequence too, whose second half is bit too sexy given the contents of the show. This is not an ecchi harem show or anything. Really, outside the transformation sequences, they don't really show that much T&A.



This is the one bit of fanservice this show likes using. Someone in the staff really loved Sayoko's belly button when they made this. So many shots of it, while panty shots are quite absent in this show.

Can't deny that Sayoko's character design is phenomenal though.



Naruto Shippuden Episode 339 – I Will Love You Always

We wanted Madara and they gave us Madara, fantastic abilities as usual and his Susanoo looked amazing and so much better than the manga did it (not that Kishimoto did bad, but still well worth it).

The kage expressions during the whole fight they showed really set the tone well and actually made it a bit depressing in someways to watch this all go down. The way Onoki let down his hands as if he was giving up, and even Lady Tsunade as well.

cried hard for Itachi and Sasuke again, why couldnt he stick around more :(

Such an amazing episode. I haven't read the manga so this is all new to me. Agreed on all your points, especially the spoiler.


Subete no aware
Natsu no Arashi!

This is a series where Shaft's style, while not completely wasted, does seem somewhat badly used. The little visual quirks that show in a lot of dialog and monologue of Shaft series don't really add anything to the enjoyment, and the incredibly stylistic "I read this book, but I forgot the title" segments feel very out of place since their type of humor is very, very Shaft but a much of the actual humor of the show really isn't.

It's the secret best Shaft show! It also made me pay attention to Oonuma as a director, since his flair is on full bore here.

As for the OP, somewhat might have link, but all the images in it are parodies of real life Japanese album covers.
Beyond the Boundary 8

Great episode. I'm not a fan of this shows quick cuts and shit just happening without any build up but I really enjoyed this episode despite it. Slowly we're learning more about the world and a possible conspiracy. The older sister is pretty scary and badass.

Aya-chans youmu form is gorgeous.
Oh man, I just finished episode 4 of a re-watch of Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru. Such brilliance. The stress placed on Moriaki by Hotori's unintentional trolling and his brief, out of character revenge scheming are great. His delusional theorizing about Hotori's potential identity as a time traveller while alone in conversation with himself in his Nissan, and the awkward laughter that follows, is even better. The voice acting in that scene is fantastic.

This is just one part of one episode. I don't care what anybody says, Soredemo is SHAFT's best show and no amount of silver-tongued lolis or wish granting cat things can convince me otherwise.


Kyousougiga - Episode 6

I really liked the first two segments of this episode. Lots of nice backstory, and it sets up the motivations of the characters nicely. The last segment felt a bit forced. Part of the problem is that it's still kinda confusing and feels like an excuse for a big random action sequence. I can understand why they would want to reuse the scene from the first OVA since it's animated pretty nicely, but that doesn't make it less random. Especially the fight between Yase and Myoue. Lol.

I guess it doesn't really matter though, the end result is the same, and having finally bridged all the recurring content together, we can finally get the conclusion of the story in the remaining 4 episodes. Maybe they'll even explain the robot in the next episode too, so it'll feel less random. :p

The most important point though, is that Go Shiina music + long montages = MMMMMMMM SO GOOD!


Super YoYo 04-06
Hyper Dragon too powerful.
Does Sunichi have what it takes to be a master wanker?!
Also lol at all the Hojoin stuff.


Beyond the Boundary 8



Izumi = goddess-tier
Fun ep. My eyes still roll when they start regurgitating exposition out of nowhere, but the personal bits are nice as always. The whole Calm / Spirit World Warrior throwdown scene = yuuummmm


Pokemon XY 7

O_O What is going on? I can't believe what I'm seeing here. That flashback delivered. It actually delivered. If Serena keeps up her Deredere routine, I'll have no choice but to continue watching XY!
Pokemon XY 7

O_O What is going on? I can't believe what I'm seeing here. That flashback delivered. It actually delivered. If Serena keeps up her Deredere routine, I'll have no choice but to continue watching XY!

Man, the last thing I want is reason to watch this.

Are they using the english names at least?


Wooooo I finished reading Onimonogatari, which means my novel reading has officially caught up with the anime! ...I actually went to sleep with tears in my eyes last night thanks to reading
Mayoi's farewell scene
right before bed. ;_;

I say this everytime Clannad is brought up but Fuuko's part could have been 5 episodes shorter and no one would have noticed and it would have improved the show.

lolno, nothing which reduces the quantity of Fuuko in that anime should be permitted, because Fuuko is extremely best.


Kill La Kill 08

Great. It was nice to see them slow down the pace in the first half for some nice character development with Ryuko and Mako. Gamagoori continues to be the best Elite Four member, between his loyalty, his broness, and
his s&m fetish
. It was cool learning more about him.

Satsuki is definitely planning to use Ryuko for something, maybe wants to overthrow her mom?

Next few episodes will likely be awesome.


Kill La Kill 8

Calm before the storm, for whatever that phrase actually means in the context of this show.

Gamagoori is the best and his Goku uniform is... interesting. Next week is going to own confirmed.


Samurai Flamenco - Episode 7

Wow. Even knowing what was coming. I don't know. I think I need to go ly dow. That was like 2/3 of a pretty good episode of Samurai Flamenco and then.... 1/3 of something. The next few episodes are going to be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally "interesting"!

Edit: Some more thoughts...

Yeah the way they did the entire final bit was REALLY weird. Especially considering how crazy violent it was. The tone whiplash created a sort of disconnect with reality which is pretty wild even considering what the show has been doing lately. If the guy really transformed into the monster and killed all those cops, I'm really not sure how the show will explain it in a way which is consistent with everything before this. On the other hand, if this is an elaborate special effects trick by the Highrollers guy to inject "excitement" again, he could be one seriously fucked up villain. It's a bit hard to tell if the voice desync is just bad animation, or if its a sign that the gorilla was just a robot... if only this show had better production values. Lulz.


Coppelion 8

Ibara is crazy OP. Needs to be nerfed. And I'm not just talking about her legs, though they are damn fine.

Aoi come out of that closet, I miss you. At least you got cake.
No. You'll just have to wait for dubs I guess.

Now this is just stupid.

Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo 8

You know, I never had school legends in my schools...

On the other hand, no one was almost hit by a vehicle or something else! And thus continues to the tradition of things going haywire right after I comment on it.

Tamao at least has Glasses Crackboner. Kanon's clothing seems rather inconsistent though.


Samurai Flamenco 07

Even with Duckroll's warning this was... certainly something.

Yeah the way they did the entire final bit was REALLY weird. Especially considering how crazy violent it was. The tone whiplash created a sort of disconnect with reality which is pretty wild even considering what the show has been doing lately. If the guy really transformed into the monster and killed all those cops, I'm really not sure how the show will explain it in a way which is consistent with everything before this. On the other hand, if this is an elaborate special effects trick by the Highrollers guy to inject "excitement" again, he could be one seriously fucked up villain. It's a bit hard to tell if the voice desync is just bad animation, or if its a sign that the gorilla was just a robot... if only this show had better production values. Lulz.
That makes sense, let's go with that! Hopefully!


The Light of El Cantare
I pretty much agree with everything else you wrote about this episode, but I'm fine with this part. An incredibly unlikely coincidence is fine if it creates problems for the characters.

In some cases, of course. Here it just seemed like an inelegant way to bring the protagonists and antagonists in contact with each other again.


:Kill la Kill Episode 8

Ah yes, it is the dawning of a new arc for Kill la Kill as we begin the reprisals or natural or elections for a new order as Honnouji Academy enters into a period of anarchy. This is a strange turn of events on the surface, since if we were to discern alignments here, Lady Satsuki would be Lawful Evil, with emphasis on the law part. There is a grand plan in place here and this is phase two of her exercising Social Darwinism upon her academy, very much purge the weak and the strong getting stronger mentality. Indeed the biggest focal point does seem to be Ryuko, it is also clear that Lady Satsuki is building her into perhaps the biggest bullet, but who is it aimed for?

Anyway, this show is getting batter about balancing the manic energy with the much needed character development with Ryuko and Mako giving that team quite the rise as we see they officially have that two school girl friendship thing going on at the moment. Also, yea, I can see why people feel like Ryuko is the weakest part of this program as she doesn't have a lot going for here right now. We also get some insights into Gamagoori, maybe too much depending on you point of view. Still, we have finally reached the point we have been aching for since Episode 3 and about time as well. I look forward to the next episode with great anticipation.
Xam'd is one of the best anime's ever, why does no one ever talk about it? I fell into by accident, and man, it is sublime. One of these days I'm gonna set a day aside to write a huge post. Trust.




Samurai Flamenco ep.7 (having not read the spoilers earlier in the week)


Kill la Kill ep.8

Excellent episode. Now this is the perfect blend of comedy and seriousness.


Xam'd is one of the best anime's ever, why does no one ever talk about it? I fell into by accident, and man, it is sublime. One of these days I'm gonna set a day aside to write a huge post. Trust.

Because it completely collapses about half way through and becomes kind of a mess. I mean, I like the good parts quite a bit, but really, it just goes off on a big fat meander to a retirement home.


Debating whether I should watch Samumenco or KlK when I get back. Reactions to the former are rather curious (didn't read the spoilers).
Samurai Flamenco 7

Hahahaha, Warnings didn't stop me from going what.

Meanwhile, I like how Hazama just keeps picking up dudes to hang out with and have a drinking party at his place.

But seriously, what?
Because it completely collapses about half way through and becomes kind of a mess. I mean, I like the good parts quite a bit, but really, it just goes off on a big fat meander to a retirement home.

Really? Which part in particular? I remember there being slow parts, but the whole story is really deep and constantly moving.


Nagi no Asu Kara 8

all miuna all the time

miuna how are you so adorable

To celebrate the adorableness of Miuna, I have made a gif of the best part of the OP.


sadly sayu did not appear in this episode
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