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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Hey guys, are the Jewelpet shows any good? I kinda wanted to watch Sunshine after seeing that Armageddon parody, but the group that was subbing it died less than half-way through. Are any of the other seasons worth checking out?

I'm probably wrong but I think Kira Deco is the only one fully subbed, and from what little I've seen it's quite hilarious [this is the part where I say Miyukichi's also in it].
Hey guys, are the Jewelpet shows any good? I kinda wanted to watch Sunshine after seeing that Armageddon parody, but the group that was subbing it died less than half-way through. Are any of the other seasons worth checking out?

I can personally attest that Happiness and most especially Kira Deco are worth watching. Very fun comedies.

I'm probably wrong but I think Kira Deco is the only one fully subbed, and from what little I've seen it's quite hilarious [this is the part where I say Miyukichi's also in it].

Sawashiro's in all the seasons! In Happiness she plays one of the main male characters in addition to her normal roles as Labra and Opal.
yozakura quartet - 06

I know the source material is supposed to be dogshit, and it's a wonder that it's this competent already, but this would be a better show if tension generated in one scene was able to carry over to the next. Instead, conversations and expository sequences inserted between each setpiece breaks up the pacing and slows everything down. It's a twenty minute episode that feels like forty, and all the action can't quite compensate for that. It feels even sillier when all the talking seems to happen in some limbo where the monsters they fight stand still waiting for them to wrap it up. I know it's common enough to be a trope, but it's not a good one.

Also needed more Kotoha.

Isn't that the episode where she shot a giant train cannon? How much Kotoha do you need?!

But it sounds like you're not enjoying the show much, which is a shame. Personally 5-7 had me on the edge of my seat - I never recall getting bored enough to start thinking about how they shouldn't be able to stand around and talk - and the animation in them is out of this world, so I hate to see someone have such a negative reaction to them.


The first I remember thinking something was "different" in an anime was the Kenshin vs Saito fight. I didn't really "get" why but I couldn't deny that the fight was incredibly awesome.

Another is when I was watching Grave of the Fireflies. There was this throwaway scene where the brother gets caught stealing vegetables and the farmer throws him down. The entire sequence of him hitting the ground then getting up blew me away. He hits the ground and there was a reaction, then he uses his hands to push himself up, all the while his legs were positioning themselves to get up. It was so mundane and should have been unimpressive but that was the first time I thought, hrrmmm why did they even animate that?
Well the source material of Yozakura is by no means perfect. But I wouldn't call it shit compared to like half of what is known as shonen action manga. As to the talking, at least it doesn't take episodes to battle ONE enemy like in good ol' dbz.


Isn't that the episode where she shot a giant train cannon? How much Kotoha do you need?!

As cool as that scene was, I needed more! I got all hyped for a second when she popped in after her 'battle preparation.'

But it sounds like you're not enjoying the show much, which is a shame. Personally 5-7 had me on the edge of my seat - I never recall getting bored enough to start thinking about how they shouldn't be able to stand around and talk - and the animation in them is out of this world, so I hate to see someone have such a negative reaction to them.

Nah, I'm enjoying the show (wouldn't have watched six episodes of this otherwise), but there are aspects of it that I wish had been improved, or restrained.
Pocket Monsters X/Y 009


Random encounter nightmares.

Fun episode. Nice to get some focus on Citron and why he isn't gym leader-ing right now. Also pretty nice for them to get the whole, he's the fifth gym leader thing out of the way. The battle was pretty awesome and I guess we have the blessing for everyone to continue journeying together.


Well the source material of Yozakura is by no means perfect. But I wouldn't call it shit compared to like half of what is known as shonen action manga. As to the talking, at least it doesn't take episodes to battle ONE enemy like in good ol' dbz.
Being Shounen doesn't excuse the source material for being a complete mess for large chunks of it.


This fanservice discussion reminds me of how Infinite Ryvius was a nearly fanservice-free show except for one episode where they had an extremely blatant and literally in-your-face panty shot. It was so out of place that I guess it's far more memorable than one in a show with abundant amounts.


Arjuna 6

This episode begins with a lengthy bludgeoning about how free trade is almost as shitty as freedom. Yes, that's right, Arjuna hates freedom. At this point I would like to ask BluWacky to explain why he likes this show, because I'm interested in actually hearing an opinion of this show that's very different from my own. Until such time, though, all I can say is how does this show fucking get away with shitting on FREEDOM?

It's interesting to see that Juna DID try and go back to normal. Chris' brainwashing won't let her, I bet. Oh boy Juna goes out for an awkward lunch with her deadbeat (I assume) dad! What preachy hijinks will we get into now?

OH FUCK YES. Juna starts out with the balls to chastise her dad for leaving her, and what does he say "It was easier for me to leave." NOW, before we go any further, in the real world divorce is a complicated and touchy issue and a smart and polite person whose job it is not to study divorce will just shut his goddamn mouth. BUT NOT OUR AUTHOR. He gone shove his points about divorce right down our throats! I mean, I might even agree with some of the points he makes, but I can't wait to have it hamfisted to the point of parody.

"You may be able to build sturdy boats, but you can't build a sturdy family!" Well, I mean, for one, Juna, he just told you even sturdy boats break and it was his metaphor for families, but also don't be such a jerk to your dad. Still, this is the most believable thing she's ever done, sooooo.

I can't tell if this episode is more depressing than it is awkward or not.

OH BOY IT'S A TWOFER! Not only are we tackling the subject of divorce, we're gonna take the bull of children's education by the horns and run with our pants down! Oh here it is, then. The education system boxes us all in to our boxed in lives and so teaching people is evil. You should learn from shit eating ephebophilic hermits and not from dudes whose faces are glued to books! I mean look at this teacher. He's a goddamn caricature with his face shoved into the book and with his flat out ignoring Juna after she stands up in the middle of class.

LET ME HEAR YOUR TRUE VOICE. Okay, because he's muttering or because the education system trains us to be

Cabbages? I don't know. Oh it IS education, okay. So glad to know that LEARNING is symbolized as vomiting a freaky red worm demon. The show flat out SAYS it: "The Teacher is Bad. The School is Bad." The writer friggin HATES human civilization.


Stalking your teachers is a good thing and not at all creepy or illegal. Teacher has a lot of books. I bet THEY ruined his marriage. Yup. "There's no meaning to books." This fucking show. Are there even characters or is everyone just a head to spout the author's undying hatred for humankind?

"Why is it necessary to raise efficiency?" PROBABLY SO MORE PEOPLE CAN RECEIVE THIS AMAZING SHIT WE'RE MAKING, DUDE. Grocery stores carry perfect produce because people don't want to eat shit. Why is this show so obsessed with making human beings eat shit?

Oh so now we just hate easy things? Boy this guy'd fit in with half of Gaming Side. That said, the argument that things should be harder is bullshit, because man evolves his extensions and not his body, and ease allows for further progress. Of course since the author hates human beings on a fundamental, basic level, this should really come as no surprise to me.

This show is special needs.


The first I remember thinking something was "different" in an anime was the Kenshin vs Saito fight. I didn't really "get" why but I couldn't deny that the fight was incredibly awesome.

The power of Norio Matsumoto. Even Naruto haters acknowledge the distilled greatness that is episode 133.

I'm saying this because he'll be ED/AD in episode 12 of Yozakura. THE HYPE.
Madoka Magica Rebellion!

Firehawk hits the high points perfectly. Boring infodumps, but with an INCREDIBLE ending arc and finale. Gainax should take notes.

So Homura loves Madoka so much she is willing to become the personification of evil in the universe, just so Madoka can live as a human for a short time. I'm not sure if this movie makes Homura more endearing, or just creepy.
The extra screen time given to Sayaka was amazing as well, and Bebe was adorable! They also make Mami and Sayaka into total bad asses during their respective fight scenes!


This fanservice discussion reminds me of how Infinite Ryvius was a nearly fanservice-free show except for one episode where they had an extremely blatant and literally in-your-face panty shot. It was so out of place that I guess it's far more memorable than one in a show with abundant amounts.

Hanasaku Iroha. Bondage scene and Nako swimming. I'm going to go ahead and blame Okada for it because why not.


Yamato 2199 Episode 08

Yeah I'm starting to see the complaints about the female uniforms in this show. While it doesn't really bug me it does seem a little silly.


Eight episodes in and this show has really sunk its claws into me. The few battles that have occurred have been really intense, especially the latest one. Okita is a pretty compelling character and this episode proves that he's not exactly the invincible leader that he's been built up as. The rest of the cast have slowly become more interesting as the show goes on but what's been even more interesting is the screen time the Gamilas have been receiving.

The more the show focuses on them, the more depth these villains seem to have, more than I had expected anyways. The leader Desler is a pretty interesting guy as he seems to have a good amount of respect for his enemies and even towards the "lower" tier Gamilas (as seen with him
honoring the families of the people who died in battle

And not to mention that voice...


Arjuna 10

Playing video games gives you awesome psychic powers to fight your father with. This episode was paid for and managed by the FOX news network.


Setec Astronomer
But by that you mean all together and not "Watch these at once, young man!" right? Because nobody should have to watch 5 episodes of this show in 1 day.
Oh yeah, sorry. I just mean together.

Because the show still something up its sleeve for you. Look forward to it!


There were a lot of those. I haven't watched it in 2 years, but i recall there being a fair amount of male gaze.

There really wasn't... maybe less than once every other episode especially since Nako wasn't a main character and only got 1 episode to herself.

Anyways, my larger point was that HanaIro wasn't really sold as a fanservice show and the random fanservice-y moments (no matter the frequency) was kinda weird.

Joe Molotov

Okay, I'm adding Kira Deco to my queue for when I get caught up on Dokidoki or die trying. :eek:

Speaking of which...

Dokidoki! Precure 21-24

Annnnnnnd...Regina's evil again. Somehow Mana's brilliant plan of "Why don't you just try talking things over with your dad?" doesn't work if your dad is a thousand foot tall demonic entity who shot evil, red lightning at you the last time you tried to talk with him, who knew??? It seemed like such a foolproof idea. But then A WILD PRECURE APPEARS! It uses LIPSTICK. It's super effective (at making Mana fall in love with her and forget about Regina). HAREM GO!


Golden Time 01 - 04

This is really a fun show, after the first 3 episodes I was wondering how the show going to have enough material for 26 episodes. Then I got to the end of episode 4,
this is going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride.
Indeed, they're the idol group that sings the show's OP.
Ah, I see. Why do they do the previews? I can't think of other animes that have done something like that, it's kind of weird...

Not that long ago...but in a world with the likes of Maken-ki and Love-Ru, an occasional pantyshot is easy to forget. Thats said I do find the japanese obsession and titilation over panties odd.
I have read various explanations for Japan's love of panties before, but I'm not sure if any of them explain it; it just happened, who knows why really, I think... unless someone has a better explanation?

For instance, one theory I've heard out there is that since traditionally -- ie, before Western clothing became popular in the late 19th and early 20th century, particularly -- women didn't wear underwear somehow once they started to this caused a reaction which led to guys being obsessed over the stuff, but that forgets that things weren't much different in the West -- before the 1800s, few Western (US/Europe) women wore them either, and modern panties didn't exist until the 20th century. But this has not led to a similar obsession over panties, any panties, in the West that still exists in Japan. So yeah, that's not it, at least not on its own. I'm sure there's some explanation for how it happened, but I don't know what it is.

It's really Gonzo that does that. Afterward there isn't nearly as much fanservice. Off the top of my head I can only really name 4 instances between TSR and Fumoffu. And with the Manga thrown in there are a couple more, but across some 15 volumes of post TSR content in Sigma that's not that bad.

The four examples are the virus from the end of Fumoffu, the Onsen episode of Fumoffu which is equal op, the twincest from TSR which is sort of disservice and the scene where Chidori is running around in just panties in TSR. By which I mean she is running for her life. In fact basically all the fan service from TSR on falls into categories like this. Like in one of the last volumes you see Chidori naked, but she's also not at all herself and Sousuke is in the middle of telling her exactly why their relationship has been pretty fucked up all along, so the nudity is sort of diminished by the massive plot going on around it. Puns puns puns.
Yeah, no. Those are some pretty significant examples of fan service and fan disservice. I mean, sure, the pantyshot count decreases, but overall fanservice/disservice in TSR? Thanks to the twins, it might be even more in total.

Also, post-TSR FMP is quite awful in a lot of ways, but thanks to what they are -- going full stupid grimdark, that is -- sure, it's not so much for fanservice reasons. Unfortunately what it has instead is far, far worse than any minor fanservice like S1 of the TV show has.

Despite enjoying what I initially watched Full Metal Panic! It did reach a point where it became so pervasive, that I began to question whether or not it was something I wanted to continue with.
S1 of FMP is the only part of the franchise that I love. It's not because of the fanservice though, it's because of the balance between comedy and drama, and the decent story as well. The story completely falls apart later, but at least the beginning is good. But I do forget that S1 had lots of pantyshots and stuff in it... it did? Hadn't remembered that, honestly.

Unbreakable Machine Doll 10

Well the anime has finally passed the manga. That makes this and Tokyo Ravens watchable again. I stopped watching them when the manga was well ahead. But both of them caught up and passed in less than 10 episodes.
I know that Unbreakable Machine Doll is based on a (flawed) LN series, but what about Tokyo Ravens? Is that a LN too, or is it just the manga?


sealed with a kiss
Yowapeda 1

I freely confess, i misjudged this show. Far from being some sort of DTL fantasy vaguely featuring bicycles, it has all the makings of a truly great sports anime.
I know that Unbreakable Machine Doll is based on a (flawed) LN series, but what about Tokyo Ravens? Is that a LN too, or is it just the manga?

Tokyo Ravens is also based off a LN series. To be honest it has only gotten better but the switcheroo from the first few episodes of making me think romance was gonna be central to a standard shonen action still hurts.

Unbreakable Machine Doll

2 more episodes left? I'll miss Yaya. :(

Truth. Though not the best anime this season, Yaya will be missed. It seems to be decently popular in the west though, don't know how it does in Japan. That'll probably be a deciding factor if it gets a second season. Probably won't.

Golden Time 01 - 04

This is really a fun show, after the first 3 episodes I was wondering how the show going to have enough material for 26 episodes. Then I got to the end of episode 4,
this is going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride.

The show is at its best when it focuses on the happy and sweet moments between the group of friends, primarily Banri and Koko. But apparently the writer just HAD to have drama and stupid plot devices.


Setec Astronomer
A quick search for his name made me feel kinda bad for missing out on this golden opportunity. :(

e: lmfao at the pr comment omg
But all is not hunky-dory in Happy Science. Last year he divorced his wife Kyoko and Ugandans blamed him for their failure at the London Olympics after Happy Science booked Kampala's national stadium for his rally speech, forcing athletes to use a rubbish track for time trials.


SamuMenco - 09


What if the poor production value is a jab to how Tokusatsu doing thing

Btw holy shit they going all the way for these deconstruction of Tokus.



still Gravity.

Madoka Magica Rebellion!

The elevator pitch back of the poster marketing quote: "Madoka Magica Rebellion is what Rebuild of Evangelion could only imagine achieving."

Now, I enjoyed Madoka back in the day, even if the Shaft-time delays ruined a lot of the hype (after Bakemono, I learned my lesson), but I feel like this movie revitalized my interest in the series.

To be spoiler free as possible, it's a movie that both retells the original series but also serves as a sequel to the original series, revisiting the same themes and character arcs, but doing something slightly different to make it more than just a rehash of old events. Perhaps it's because it has a definite
well, maybe not definitive
ending that it is a much more satisfying film that 3.33, but whatever they case is, as a film that very much goes back to the well - purposefully so - it just works.

Then there is just the strangeness of watching Shaft on a big screen. Maybe I still have my Shaft-goggles on from the Bakemono/Arakawa OPs, but fuck if this movie didn't look amazing. For me, it's very much a case of "style IS substance", where you can't really fault Shaft for being cheap this time around and trying to impress with surrealism and flashiness because all of that weirdness just looks good. And, I don't think this is a spoiler, but seeing a fucking Shaft-head-tilt on a movie screen is just glorious.

I do have a problem, and it is with the fourth act. If you've seen any myth heavy syfy bullshit movie, you know that the fourth act is the worst act of this kind of film.
This time around, you get Kyubey infodumping all of the bullshit about Homuhomu and what happens after the series finale
. It's a show stopper, but I will say, the animation (YES! I KNOW!) makes it bearable. They turned a scrubbable moment into something that I actually didn't mind watching.

But that said, the fourth act sets up the - quite frankly - amazing fifth act. I don't want to say anything more, but that even if you have read the spoilers, you really need to watch it to truly understand it. It was glorious and took the franchise to an amazingly unexpected place. If anything, it actually trumps the original ending and makes the series better as a whole.

Also, there's a little bit after the credits, if you're so inclined.

Anyway, I was fairly cool on this movie... I almost didn't go watch it tonight. But I'm really glad that I did. Even the loud anime nerds who were talking the ENTIRE FUCKING MOVIE didn't bother me because the sound was loud enough and the film was good enough for me to just ignore them completely and bask in the pure Shaft-ness.

If Kizumonogatari looks anything like this film, it's going to be fucking amazing.

How about posting that love in the Madoka 3 thread :D



gbf - 3

I missed this show. Dat music, dat everything.

Redguy's presence is nifty, too - having this crazy interdimensional alien as a co-lead allows for the kind of exposition that would feel unnatural otherwise.
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