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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Any experts on the Detective Conan series/IP?

What's the best to watch? I'm in the mood of seeing a few episodes, but just the best of the best compilation. Just 7-8 episodes, the best stuff you would show to someone to convince him it's really good, or a pair of movies if the movies are the best material, don't give me a list of 40 episodes to watch, then I won't watch shit :p.

since I only watch conan movie. I will make comment on that one. teh Movie is quite varied in term of quality and theme/preference. but my favorite is The Phantom of Baker Street mainly it because it Sherlock and and VR theme in it. also one of few conan movie that didn't really involved in any kind of explosion.

damn I maybe should re watch all my Conan movie. kinda miss them


Shingeki no Bahamut 09

In any time, in any space, being Jeanne is a death sentence. The bumbling king was inoffensive when he had no bearing on the main plot but now, he made this whole framing intrigue stupid and contrived. At least it might give Rita a time to shine. If she teams up with Jeanne this universe will explode from too much awesome. Still no big fan of Angels and Demons. Especially the former, their designs are terrible. The newly met CG dragon came out of nowhere (literally) and seemingly with the sole purpose of cranking up the tension in the
Amira- Favaro relationship.
Sailor Moon R 15


That didn't last long...

So Mamoru sees the future somehow, Chibi-Usa has learnt some tricks from The Penguin and there's a really pushy make-up salesperson (not unlike real-life then :p).


I was on Twitter, and someone posted a link to the 2003 Astro Boy series on DVD on Amazon, and it was only $6. Didn't think about it and just bought it. Decided to do some research this morning to find that the set has no Japanese audio, the episodes are out of order and edited, and that the show is a widescreen show and was cut down to 4:3. I guess it's good it was only $6 :|

As Mei Ling would say, never leap before you look.


The Tale of the Princess Kaguya

A breathtaking and beautiful film that truly embraces the art of animation. This adaptation is Ghibli at their very best but also possibly their most different film. But while different usually suggests a unique take on an idea, here it feels the opposite. Ghibli, especially under Miyazaki's direction, usually takes existing stories and ideas and makes it their own, but here Takahata's adaptation is straight forward and faithful.

The personal touch in this film is not so much in what it changes from the folklore, but rather what it chooses to draw out and emphasize in the story. Using the age old story as a vehicle, Takahata explores themes of freedom, true happiness, conformity in society, and a woman's place in ancient Japan. But in doing so he never really strays away from the original tale, and the sad melancholic tone it carries. Everything about the production and the art style feels like a love song to the fable, and the era it paints.

What the movie reminded me of most in fact, is the golden age of Disney films where they took classic fairy tales familiar to everyone, and without making them particularly different, they just told them with the highest level of passion and production effort they could. Snow White, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty. Princess Kaguya would feel right at home as the Japanese cousin of such classics. It's fitting that only a studio like Ghibli could take on such a task.
You can enjoy a Takahata film??
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG 3

You know I always felt that Motoko should have more muscle mass considering her line of work. Then again, having a cyborg body she probably cant have muscles.

Pretty good episode overall. Next up is the beginning of Cabinet Intelligence Service & Goda arc.


Read or Die The TV 06-08

All the world's a stage, the men and women merely players. Episode 7 was nicely unsettling, and 6 was pretty heartwarming. Anita's been at the center of a lot of stories lately. 8 looks to be setting up the overplot. I wonder what's up with Junior, and if Anita befriending him will have some consequences down the line. The show's use of music creates an atmosphere that feels more like an American movie at times, even while the storytelling concepts remain wholly Japanese.

Chocotto Sister Advent Calendar Day 08

Another serious episode. Choco gets sick, and Haruma realizes that his pursuit of the flower shop girl may not quite be worth it. I have no doubt that Choco is human, despite her origins, so now I'm wondering if maybe she was the sister Haruma was never able to have - literally. Santa can work miracles, that's basically part of his job description. I think this plotline is going to be continuing for at least a little bit longer.


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG 3
You know I always felt that Motoko should have more muscle mass considering her line of work. Then again, with all of the cyber enhancements she probably doesn't need it.

Hmm? Motoko is a fully body cyborg. She doesn't have muscles, she doesn't have a human body.


Any experts on the Detective Conan series/IP?

What's the best to watch? I'm in the mood of seeing a few episodes, but just the best of the best compilation. Just 7-8 episodes, the best stuff you would show to someone to convince him it's really good, or a pair of movies if the movies are the best material, don't give me a list of 40 episodes to watch, then I won't watch shit :p.
Survivor already posted my list, but the first two movies are both easy watches that compare to a normal case of Conan (granted with the set pieces that a movie budget can afford). The first movie is also recently available in HD!
Sailor Moon R 16

Guess they will have to do without a brain.

Ami wants to follow her dream and go to Germany to study, but luckily Chibi-Usa stops her. There's new equipment as well, and it's a bit weird that Sailor Mars didn't try to use her fire powers against the ice monster, but ok.


Inou Battle 10

I liked the parallelism in the two halves of the episode. Both involve someone trying to manipulate a member of the Lit Club into changing Jurai's image of them, and both failed for different reasons. The difference is that Cookie is more sympathetic, and also not connected to the supernatural mumbo jumbo happening on the other side of the show's world. It's like everybody has tickets to Sea Land, and next episode also has people in swimsuits. Not that swimsuits mean characters can't be fleshed out.

Poor Tomo. Not only was her novel rejected, she's the only one unable to use her Sea Land tickets. Curious what direction this is going to go.
Anohana - Movie

So stopped the series at ep06 and watched the film instead on Firehawk's recommendation.

Either way, seems like Anohana's sole purpose is to make you feel emotional by telling the 'saddest' sob story the authors could come up with. Roughly after the half of the movie there was what felt like a straight 20min weeping-section. Absolutely insufferable.

Wahh wahh Menma wahh Menma Menma!!!!!

I liked the characters the most in the first episodes, afterwards the characterization became very inconsistent and the only real thing that seemed to drive all of them to do anything was Menma. They just felt less and less like characters the further I got.

Yukiatsu and Poppo stood out as especially terrible and one note.

On the plus side, great ED, thus 10/10!


Roger Middle-Season Crisis #14

What's with the tomatoes?

I thought it was weird Roger piloted the giant robot without any angst whatsoever, but no worries, it just arrived now at full effect!

Looks like the script went full bananas. "You are.." "Just as I thought:.." "... It can't be.."Me not sure I like that.
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG 3

You know I always felt that Motoko should have more muscle mass considering her line of work. Then again, having a cyborg body she probably cant have muscles.

Pretty good episode overall. Next up is the beginning of Cabinet Intelligence Service & Goda arc.

She, as other cyborgs, has artificial muscles. Which we have to suppose they are super mega hyper high performance and that's why with that body she can do all the physical stuff she does. Of course that doesn't explain how then Batou isn't much stronger than her...


Inou Battle 10
Chifuyu and Kuki were cute, Sayumi is pretty awesome, and poor Tomoyo, always losing. Also they literally put Mako in the episode omg

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Start with the first episode and end at episode 23 of Fate/Zero.

Oh oh oh speaking of which! Let's do this so I don't have to talk about this anymore.

Cuz I am fucking done with this series.

Fate/Zero Series Final Thoughts

Alright, let's just get her out of the way so we can talk about other things, okay? Yes, I hated Saber and yes she was a show ruining piece of shit that the author favored and yes I despised her for daring to prance about like she was King Arthur when she was the furthest thing from it conceivable.

I will dispense with that last argument, however, after saying this: Although I believe considerable leeway is granted to an author who chooses to use a popular character from myth, legend, or history, when they choose to do so, I do believe that a burden is incurred as well. That burden being the justification to the viewer for the use of this character. A part of that burden must, inevitably, be a preservation of this character in one way or another.

If you cannot do that, you should not use that character. Suppose with me I wanted to write a story about Santa Claus in the Zombie Apocalypse. All well enough. Nobody owns Santa, and I can take a pretty broad departure if I want to in surface traits. If I want to make Santa Claus black instead of white, or a woman instead of a man, that's fine, as long as it's still Santa Claus. He still has to deliver presents to children, ride a sleigh, wear the red getup and laugh ho ho ho at least once.

Consider: if you take every piece out of the boat and replace it with a new piece, is it still the same boat? If you change enough elements of a legendary character, are they still really that same character? Even characters as widely variable as Arthur are going to have a breaking point, and I'd put it to you that Saber passes that by quite some distance.

Obviously, Saber isn't the only character to do this in the show. Gilgamesh follows closely behind on the list of strangely out of step characters with his weird collection of weapons (which frankly I remain suspicious are more inspired by Final Fantasy's Gilgamesh than Mesopotamia's). His arrogance and bishounen aspects struck me as odd as well, since Gilgamesh's defining moments to me include befriending the man sent to kill him and a long, sobering quest to try and come to terms with that friend's death. That said, I can see the interpretation if this Gilgamesh were the younger King who demanded First Night rights, claimed to have done and seen everything before his story even began, and the courageous, albeit arrogant decision to turn down the advances of a Goddess.

At times, I give the writer credit for realizing he'd strayed from character origins and just rolled with it. I doubt that Bluebeard would have been as fun if he hadn't been wildly more insane than a man who managed to conceal multiple child murders during his life, and Iskandar flat out shrugs when confronted with his own inaccuracy. Let me use this to segue, then, into the actual, real complaint with Saber. Not simply the personal dislike based upon a hilarious mockery of the character of Arthur.

Saber isn't a well written character. Oh, to be sure, there's an abundance of the kind of writing that can readily be lain at the feet of shonen anime in general going on in this show. There are fair complaints to be made about a lot of people. Ryuunoske is such a cliched laughing murderer that he probably makes The Joker look terribly nuanced by comparison. The offense is greatly enlarged, though, by the fact that Saber rules the lion's share of the plot. Or, well, Saber and the Einzbern team.

The chief issues with Saber are that she essentially amounts to the same character as Asuna from Sword Art Online: An alleged badass with unshakeable ideals who needs men to talk her through everything and bail her out constantly. It takes until the 24th episode for Saber to win any fights at all (and she only does so off-screen.) She needs frequently bailed out from fights, even after men have handed her victory on a silver platter and gone out of their way to snap their spears to help her out. It's idiotic to say she's better in fair fights for the simple fact that nobody ever has the odds more stacked in their favor than her.

It's never more obvious than when Saber spends forever charging up her magic sword attack one time, and then never needs this charge time ever again. She can rapidly fire it at Rider, and Gilgamesh lets his guard down and turns his back on her when she uses it again for no reason at all.

But even beyond battle, she's just handled very poorly. It's terribly obvious the writer is playing favorites with this character, and it has an overall averse effect on her. She's incompetent, she's unintelligent, and yet the show justifies her on several occasions it simply shouldn't. It gives her Iris just so she can have someone to tell her how good she is. It has several characters fall in love with her.

Enough of that, though. I've ranted and rambled long enough about this character. Let me finish my complaints out about the rest quickly so I might conclude with what I did enjoy.

I didn't like Kiritsugu. At all. I felt his back story came incredibly late for things that were meant to be a major motivation for his character.

Similarly, I felt that Kirei transitioned from an equally unmotivated character to a laughing madman without sufficient grounds for it to happen.

Irisviel was painfully one note, and Maiya wasn't any better. I struggle, actually, to name a well-written woman in this show.

Tohsaka was also pretty dull, but I suppose that he was meant to be there to be a decoy final villain, so I'll excuse it.

Lastly, I really think the Grail cheated at the end of the show. Not only was Waver still alive, but Kirei was as well. No way should it have automatically begun granting Kiritsugu his wish. There were still two-to-three unsacrificed Servants running about, with at least one or two masters who weren't dead and a potential recipient for his numerous seals. Frankly Kiritsugu had quite a bit of clean up left to go before he could lay claim, but what's more is that I don't recall any of the required ceremony taking place.

On a list of technical complaints and wishes, I confess I did not enjoy the abundance of CGI, I did not like the way faces of women were drawn in this show, and I kind of would have liked more duels than I got. Especially not-Saber duels.

Moving right along, let's talk about what I did like.

First and foremost among these is Rider and Waver. Now, it's been pointed out that much of Rider's deal is that he's a large ham, and I'm comfortable in admitting that yes, that's entirely true. I'm a sucker for large hams. The other large ham in the show, Caster, will get his due mention in a moment, and I confess I think I preferred the hammy Kirei at show's end to the stoic one at show's beginning.

But I don't think that that's all there is to Rider and Waver. They have a very mentor and whiny kid hero motif going on that's also admittedly old as time itself. It was such a cliche that Rider's loss was inevitable. However, what really makes this pair special is the execution. Rider made certain to build up Waver using every thing at his disposal. Specifically, Rider made use of the events around him to build up Waver at every turn. Whether it was by bragging about him with much bravado during the first major battle, giving him responsibility during the Caster incident or at the end when they had an "Aladdin releases the Genie" moment, I couldn't help but appreciate the investment that was going on there.

Indeed, it was the best arc of the show, I think, with proper building, believable setbacks and a satisfactory conclusion. I feared Saber and Kiritsugu's screen hogging would soil the standard shonen message, and was dully surprised to find it turned to "Live to the Fullest" instead of "Being Badass Bros Equals Victory"

Next up is Kariya Matou. Berserker is an admitted noncharacter, so we'll skip over him. I felt that Kariya was criminally underused. He was the one champion with a clearly good goal in mind. He'd made enormous personal sacrifices for it, and the symbolism of the deal he'd struck destroying his body as it destroyed his character was fairly well done, I feel. His upsetting defeat wasn't inevitable, and if anybody had good reason to want to kill masters and not just servants, it was him.

I loved Caster for his over-the-top insanity and for being the one villain who wasn't trying to achieve shades of grey (and consequently the one villain who I feel really did.) For all his insanity, Bluebeard's rantings actually came across as spot on time and time again. The epithet "Holy Virgin" is an apt one for Saber, and his demise showed that Joan of Arc did look a lot like Arthur's shitty daughter. The idea of a man caught in a struggle against an apathetic God to free a woman who no longer remembers him is compelling, and made all the more so by the ever-so-slightly sane Caster.

Lastly, I actually really did enjoy Kirei and Gilgamesh. It's evident that Gilgamesh influences Kirei's transformation, and on paper I don't object to it too much. I feel the switch was too drastic and too fast, but I appreciate that work went into it and I even appreciate the work in and of itself. As a pair of final villains they made an interesting, levelheaded couple, rather than the mustache twirling nutcases so many anime reduce villains to at the end.

Ultimately, I will not be carrying on with the series. I don't really think it is for me. I don't regret what I watched, and I don't feel its unworthy of the enjoyment so many get out of it. The concept of history and myth's greats duking it out for wishes is a great springboard. I concede the author's right to make some crazy changes and twists there and here, and I welcome the occasionally poorly defined magical world he's built as a place that I think teenagers would probably enjoy a lot.

I don't think it's for me in part because I used to drink up mythology as a kid, and I guess I get stuck on things in ways a lot of people don't. But also I feel like the writing no longer falls under the kind of stuff I guess I'm into. I don't know how to describe it, so I won't bore you with it in too much length, but I think I'm beyond this style of writing, you know? This writing transparent moves made to set up the heroes for whatever the author had in store.

In any case, I enjoyed parts of the show a great deal, and for that I will count the watchbet a net gain and choose to focus on the positive rather than the negative, even if the negative prevents me from pursuing the series any further.

All of the character and story issues with Saber exist simply because Saber's story pre-exists in Fate/stay night. The creators of the prequel didn't have much latitude to make her better. Its the same deal for Kiritsugu - Fate/stay night establishes that he acts a specific way, and they couldn't really change his character arc without retconning Fate/stay night.

I'm not disagreeing with that take though - she IS a stupid, shitty character that exists solely as a perfect virgin animu waifu. Her motivation for doing basically anything is nonsensical. She is a significantly worse character than Shirou in F/SN, which is funny to me since people really fucking hate Shirou.

A lot of the stuff you don't like exists assuming you already know information about the characters or their relationship to other F/SN characters - Tokiomi Tohsaka exists solely so you can see Rin's dad, the Zouken/Kariya storyline exists solely so a plot point in Heaven's Feel can be explained, etc., same with the Kirei/Gilgamesh stuff.


Well, good thing Andou likes the water park. I think I liked the A part more, just because Kuki is a more amusing foil than the guy whose name I can't be arsed to remember. But both were fun. Next week should be interesting with Hatoko having another chance at an uncontested move on Andou over Tomoyo.

Speaking of which, rubbing Hatoko's aggressiveness in Tomoyo's face twice in two weeks could be the motivation the latter needs to do something when Hatoko invariably falls prone to Choldhood Friend Syndrome.

Not that I expect anything to be resolved in this series. LNs are ongoing, as I recall. I'd love to be surprised, though.
Ef - A Tale of Memories 02

Hm... *checks* Oh, right... It's a Shaft show.

Seem to be 3 stories running at once then. And that eyepatch (another show with one of those, eh?) girl has a not so surprising secret.


A lot of the stuff you don't like exists assuming you already know information about the characters or their relationship to other F/SN characters - Tokiomi Tohsaka exists solely so you can see Rin's dad, the Zouken/Kariya storyline exists solely so a plot point in Heaven's Feel can be explained, etc., same with the Kirei/Gilgamesh stuff.
For better or worse, Fate/Zero really does not stand on its own for these reasons. It's there as a post-mortem setup to F/SN and most of its elements are there to attain that. Urobuchi shines when he has more leeway and I think that shows with Caster and Rider's respective arcs. I'm inclined to agree on Saber and never understood the love she gets from the fan base. But at the end of the day, F/Z is an appendage to F/SN and it lives and dies by the main body it's attached to. Mostly dies if you're past your late teens to early twenties and can't draw on uninformed nostalgia like I can.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders 22

Hell 2 U. Amazing. Also think Silver Chariot has had the best visuals throughout the show when it comes to Stand action. How it was overlaid on Polnareff was great.

Contrast between Avdol's return in this and his return in the OVA is so vast. I knew he returned but I didn't realize it'd be so damn comedic.


For better or worse, Fate/Zero really does not stand on its own for these reasons. It's there as a post-mortem setup to F/SN and most of its elements are there to attain that. Urobuchi shines when he has more leeway and I think that shows with Caster and Rider's respective arcs. I'm inclined to agree on Saber and never understood the love she gets from the fan base. But at the end of the day, F/Z is an appendage to F/SN and it lives and dies by the main body it's attached to. Mostly dies if you're past your late teens to early twenties and can't draw on uninformed nostalgia like I can.
You giving too much to Urobuchi, just look to his recent original anime work.. mostly fall apart when he goes overboard despite he can writing for body of the work that actually really good compared to other anime/vn writer. I think F/Z work because Gen somewhat restrained by what you said and giving biggest space for his best aspect.


You giving too much to Urobuchi, just look to his recent original anime work.. mostly fall apart when he goes overboard despite he can writing for body of the work that actually really good compared to other anime/vn writer. I think F/Z work because Gen somewhat restrained by what you said and giving biggest space for his best aspect.
I guess I'd ask what specific shows he's written you have issues with and why. Aldnoah.Zero I basically despise, but he really only did scenario work on that and that's actually the part I like.

Gargantia I'm not sure how much collaboration he had, but I liked that show. Madoka was very good; not sure if he wrote Rebellion. I mostly admire his work for Saya no Uta and Madoka.

(Oh yeah, Psycho Pass is garbage, but it's the only thing of his that I outright dislike, putting aside Aldnoah's actual execution that I don't blame him for.)


I guess I'd ask what specific shows he's written you have issues with and why. Aldnoah.Zero I basically despise, but he really only did scenario work on that and that's actually the part I like.

Gargantia I'm not sure how much collaboration he had, but I liked that show. Madoka was very good; not sure if he wrote Rebellion. I mostly admire his work for Saya no Uta and Madoka.

Psycho-pass and Gargantia mostly, Aldnoah Zero he only write 3 eps which the best part of the show.

Both show that I mentioned had pretty bad 2nd half when he leaving body part of the work for climax narrative.

I'll argue the 1st ED that somewhat nonsensical in Saya no Uta is quite bad too, but the 2nd ED that more tact is very great.
Does anyone else like perusing the Manga section at your local Chapters/other book store?

It's amazing to just walk around and see all the colourful art and styles at work. I noticed that most of the manga there had animated adaptions and it got me thinking about how much of an honour it would be to have a show created from something that you've spent countless effort and time toiling over.


Psycho-pass and Gargantia mostly, Aldnoah Zero he only write 3 eps which the best part of the show.

Both show that I mentioned had pretty bad 2nd half when he leaving body part of the work for climax narrative.

I'll argue the 1st ED that somewhat nonsensical in Saya no Uta is quite bad too, but the 2nd ED that more tact is very great.
Yeah, I'll give you Psycho-Pass. Like I said in my edit, hot garbage. Season two is apparently worse somehow; not sure how hands on he is with that.

Gargantia I actually liked, as I said. It got a bit outlandish towards the end, but never to the point that it broke the series for me. I liked the character arc for Ledo a lot.

Saya no Uta's first ending, I thought, was actually a high point of that VN. Happy ending for mankind, bad end for the protagonist. Bit melancholy, but it made sense for someone touched by a Cuthulu-inspired creature and somehow rejected the call.


Yeah, I'll give you Psycho-Pass. Like I said in my edit, hot garbage. Season two is apparently worse somehow; not sure how hands on he is with that.

Gargantia I actually liked, as I said. It got a bit outlandish towards the end, but never to the point that it broke the series for me. I liked the character arc for Ledo a lot.

Saya no Uta's first ending, I thought, was actually a high point of that VN. Happy ending for mankind, bad end for the protagonist. Bit melancholy, but it made sense for someone touched by a Cuthulu-inspired creature and somehow rejected the call.

I don't think he's involved with season 2 at all. I heard he's working on the movie.

As for Saya no Uta, personally I love the ending where
the protagonist and Saya both die, and the protagonist's friend is the only one left alive. It was creepy as hell, but it felt like a good note to end the story on.


As for Saya no Uta, personally I love the ending where
the protagonist and Saya both die, and the protagonist's friend is the only one left alive. It was creepy as hell, but it felt like a good note to end the story on.

I like all three endings, personally. But yeah, that's the best of the lot. The one where
Saya gives him the Earth as her dying gift
was an odd mix of touching and horrifying, which I thought summed up the relationship they had. The whole thing's brilliant, really.


Inou Battle 10

I liked the parallelism in the two halves of the episode. Both involve someone trying to manipulate a member of the Lit Club into changing Jurai's image of them, and both failed for different reasons. The difference is that Cookie is more sympathetic, and also not connected to the supernatural mumbo jumbo happening on the other side of the show's world. It's like everybody has tickets to Sea Land, and next episode also has people in swimsuits. Not that swimsuits mean characters can't be fleshed out.

Poor Tomo. Not only was her novel rejected, she's the only one unable to use her Sea Land tickets. Curious what direction this is going to go.

Yeah. I liked this episode too. Am rather wondering where the show will end...not a lot of time left to deal with the supernatural part (that I care little for) at this point.


Inou Battle 10

Poor Cookie. She willingly entered the quarantine zone to save her friend and came out infected just like everyone else Andou spends time with. Sayumi's part was somewhat amusing and Sagami is really quite an asshole.

I love the blatant cheating this show pulls off to get two different pool scenarios into the same episode.
Mushishi S2 20

And another of the good ones, showing that the season 2 isn't so far away from season 1 quality.

What a sad and unexpected episode, about an atypical relationship between mother and son. It reminded me a bit of Your Lie in April with the traumatic relation between mother and son, except this is several times better and several times shorter :p.

She marries someone who wasn't his true love because an arranged wedding, then she births a boy who can't love. From there, it goes pretty dark with the mother trying to kill him tying to to a tree in a storm. The boy crying tied and she trying to not hear him, a powerful scene. But he survives, and guiltiness about what she did and about her own lack of love tortures her inside. The boy also seem to provoke her going to the lightning when he can, as she did once, though the truth is deeper. In the end is solved in a surprising way, as it builds up a scene where the mother could say how she loved him.. but she can't say it, and try to at least kill herself, another powerful scene. In the end, the family breaks apart with the son going to live with a relative.
I enjoyed this too. Loved the way everything came together at the end. At first I was a bit iffy on how they were portraying Fujiko, but my worries were dispelled soon afterward. Still,
that whole thing with the robot was just weird and uncomfortable. I guess that's supposed to be the point, but I felt a little disoriented when they kept crosscutting between that and the car chase.

That's exactly one of my only two negative points:
-It was jarring the switching of scenes between the car chase with the action music and the more serious Fujiko scene with the one-note piano
-the other point, the start of the second episode is a bit too expository. As if there would be someone who would watch the second episode with the first one.


Does anyone else like perusing the Manga section at your local Chapters/other book store?

It's amazing to just walk around and see all the colourful art and styles at work. I noticed that most of the manga there had animated adaptions and it got me thinking about how much of an honour it would be to have a show created from something that you've spent countless effort and time toiling over.

They still make Book Stores?


Mushishi S2 20

And another of the good ones, showing that the season 2 isn't so far away from season 1 quality.
What a sad and unexpected episode, about an atypical relationship between mother and son. It reminded me a bit of Your Lie in April with the traumatic relation between mother and son, except this is several times better and several times shorter :p.

She marries someone who wasn't his true love because an arranged wedding, then she births a boy who can't love. From there, it goes pretty dark with the mother trying to kill him tying to to a tree in a storm. The boy crying tied and she trying to not hear him, a powerful scene. But he survives, and guiltiness about what she did and about her own lack of love tortures her inside. The boy also seem to provoke her going to the lightning when he can, as she did once, though the truth is deeper. In the end is solved in a surprising way, as it builds up a scene where the mother could say how she loved him.. but she can't say it, and try to at least kill herself, another powerful scene. In the end, the family breaks apart with the son going to live with a relative.
just watched this as well.

I think that episode 19 did a much better job than this one at depicting a difficult and dramatic relationship between a mother and her son. and damn that ending.

in this episode, my major complaints were that the mother
tied him up to a three. I mean, what? To me it didn't seem that she had the intention to kill him, honestly. she didn't love him but that's it. when he got hit by the lightning she was worried that he actually died so again, I don't think that it was her intention to kill him. or if it was, they didn't express it very well. she tried to kill herself when she was young, as we see in the flashback, that was understandable to some degree.

and the father,
besides the introductive part at the beginning, was never saw again. not sure what happened there but he completely vanished for no reason. make him die like in episode 19, would make more sense.

the real reason of the son
was to "save everyone from the lightning strikes" - or make sure that everyone was safe. I don't think that people needed that. :p but I guess it was his way to be useful, to help the others, he knew that his mother didn't love him etc. and he didn't care about dying.

again, the whole story didn't feel as intense or emotional as I would have hoped or as episode 19, yet some scenes were indeed 'powerful'. as you mentioned, the part before the ending was one of them.
also this scene, with the music, was pretty great.
the music in general was quite good during this episode.

besides some complaints I did enjoy it and yes, Mushishi S2 is still very strong.


just watched this as well.

I think that episode 19 did a much better job than this one at depicting a difficult and dramatic relationship between a mother and her son. and damn that ending.

in this episode, my major complaints were that the mother
tied him up to a three. I mean, what? To me it didn't seem that she had the intention to kill him, honestly. she didn't love him but that's it. when he got hit by the lightning she was worried that he actually died so again, I don't think that it was her intention to kill him. or if it was, they didn't express it very well.
she tried to kill herself when she was young, as we see in the flashback, that was understandable to some degree.

and the father,
besides the introductive part at the beginning, was never saw again. not sure what happened there but he completely vanished for no reason. make him die like in episode 19, would make more sense.

the real reason of the son
was to "save everyone from the lightning strikes" - or make sure that everyone was safe.
I don't think that people needed that. :p but I guess it was his way to be useful, to help the others, he knew that his mother didn't love him etc. and he didn't care about dying.

again, the whole story didn't feel as intense or emotional as I would have hoped or as episode 19, yet some scenes were indeed 'powerful'. as you mentioned, the part before the ending was one of them.
also this scene, with the music, was pretty great.

the music in general was quite good during this episode.

besides some complaints I did enjoy it and yes, Mushishi S2 is still very strong.

I thought eps 19 is pretty fucking cheap, with its impossible to saw the twist coming and Ginko came across as douchebag smartass that experimenting his patient with lack of consideration for the consequences.

Eps 20 had some problem and scenario did felt "tryhard" but had better execution for me.

For the S2 I feel already liking more eps than S1 of Zoku, with my favorite eps being the replaced granny and disappearing girl.


Read or Die The TV 06-08

All the world's a stage, the men and women merely players. Episode 7 was nicely unsettling, and 6 was pretty heartwarming. Anita's been at the center of a lot of stories lately. 8 looks to be setting up the overplot. I wonder what's up with Junior, and if Anita befriending him will have some consequences down the line. The show's use of music creates an atmosphere that feels more like an American movie at times, even while the storytelling concepts remain wholly Japanese.

ROD TV has a very fun and heartwarming dynamic between the three sisters. I love that part of the show a lot and how it all starts out so nonchalantly before the whole story gets rolling. When it does, it gets absolutely badass. Man I love ROD TV.

Shin Sekai Yori 15

lol Squealer has evolved into quite a crafty bastard.

You dont know the half of it. That bastard is capable of a whole lot.

Inou Battle 10
Chifuyu and Kuki were cute, Sayumi is pretty awesome, and poor Tomoyo, always losing. Also they literally put Mako in the episode omg


Yeah, was watching it with a couple friends and I kept thinking "I swear, this better not be a weird rape scene."

That reminds me of watching episode 1 of Fate Zero with my Mom. "why is that little girl in the worms pit?"

They still make Book Stores?

Barnes and Noble and Books a Million are still in business somehow. Also my city has a couple locally owned comic shops. Still some of my favorite places to go shopping atmosphere-wise. And they always smell like coffee inside :D
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