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Far Cry 3 PC performance thread


Alas, that setting is always set to "1" on my end. Sadly, it doesn't kill the stuttering.

So far adding the maxfps line in the config file has eliminated the stuttering for me, as well as playing in DX9. That way my GPU temp doesn't go over 60 Celsius, which seemed to have caused stuttering too as it was over 70 before.


Any word on an update to fix the myriad of issues for the game? I like it a lot, but the stutter (still not completely gone after capping the framerate) is just killing me.


So far adding the maxfps line in the config file has eliminated the stuttering for me, as well as playing in DX9. That way my GPU temp doesn't go over 60 Celsius, which seemed to have caused stuttering too as it was over 70 before.

Good call, too bad this also didn't remove my stuttering.


Does the frame buffer trick affect nvidia cards? I've kept it the VSync to 1 which seems to work best, 2 seems to cap it at 30fps. The latest beta drivers seem to have helped but I'm still not totally satisfied with the 660Ti. Too many settings reduced for decent AA.


The new WHQL Nvidia driver (314.07) has noticeably improved my performance, before that (310.70) the "ultra" shadow setting murdered my framerate, not anymore.

Getting 45-60fps without MSAA and AO set to SSAO, YAY !
The game has been on the shelf for more than four weeks, which means 1.04 is the last patch it'll get, unless Ubi needs to add some hooks for DLC.

I'll just leave this here


New Features and Changes in Far Cry 3

Player feedback is an important part any game’s community. The ability to get first-hand impressions from players and what they think about the product is vital to make a game even more enjoyable. Thanks to the feedback, we are able to expand upon or add to the game experience.

During the games first few months, the Far Cry 3 Team has been collecting feedback from our players; those who enjoy the storyline, those who play online as well as our map makers. New functionality has been requested, and some have suggested improvements to already existing features. So here are some of the features that can be expected in upcoming patches:

Single Player: Ability to Reset Outposts

A big part of Far Cry 3’s single player experience is taking over the outposts manned by Vaas’s pirates and Hoyt’s privateers. These outposts, when taken, offer a safe place to resupply as well as a base of operations when exploring new parts of the Rook Islands.

Taking over an outpost as a player also presents a fun challenge; everything from how to approach the outpost to what weapons and tactics to use. Hence, a lot of community members have requested to be able to ‘reset’ the outposts, so that they can be taken-over again.

Here is how it works:

• After conquering all the outposts and completing the game, the player can reset the outposts by selecting “Reset Outposts” in the gameplay options menu.
• Doing this will reset and make all Outposts hostile again. All incomplete side missions and quests will become hidden. In order to finish the incomplete side missions, you will have to retake the outposts again.


Single Player: MASTER - A New Difficulty Setting

For those that have already completed the game on Adventurer, Survivor or Warrior settings and are looking for the next bill challenge, the all-new MASTER difficulty setting will be added in an upcoming patch of the game. Seasoned veterans will find themselves challenged by more aggressive wildlife, tougher pirates, and more deadly privateers. Your skills as a master of the Rook Islands will be tested.

Multiplayer: Feedback on User-Created Maps

The feedback system (while already having some information that is useful for other players looking for maps) has been expanded upon to give more information to the map makers. A new, more intuitive feedback interface and the addition of “feedback tags” have been added.


Multiplayer: New Beta Map Testing and Spectating for Map Makers

The Problem:
With the current system, when a map maker has finished their map, they upload and publish it, essentially just sending it out "into the wild". They are hoping that it will get sufficient plays in order to get some valuable feedback. With a ballooning amount of user-made maps, this becomes harder and harder. The map maker can also have hard time finding enough players to play the map with, so they can judge for themselves where the map can be improved.

The Solution:
1. Someone makes a map in the editor and uploads or publishes it.
2. They start their map with a special option called “Start Beta Test”.
3. Other players who wish to help out with testing new maps, can join the new Beta Test Playlist or go into the Map Archive where all current maps in Beta Test will be displayed.
4. While in Beta test mode, the map creator can use the new spectating feature to monitor how their map is played.
5. After the round is finished, the players give feedback that the mapmaker can then use to improve the map.


Multiplayer: Find Other Maps by the Same Author

Suppose you play a map you really like, and you want to find more maps by that same author. You’d favorite the map, go to the Map Archive and (after the patch has been implemented) search for more maps from the same author. It shines the spotlight on a good authors’ other maps, and also gives the author an incitement to improve all the maps he/she has uploaded and published.

Multiplayer: Removing Idle Kick Time in Custom Matches

Far Cry 3 removes idle players from a match after a few minutes, to ensure the quality of online play. This works well in the standard playlists to weed out inactive players. But players of custom matches have told us that they typically like a much longer wait time before that happens, or want it removed completely. So in keeping with your requests: from now on, “idle kick” is disabled in private and custom matches (MP and Co-Op).

Multiplayer: “Skip Map” Voting System

The community has told us that the voting system for skipping a map in the user map playlists lacks a certain degree of visibility and provides too short a window for people to cast their vote. We have now made it more visible and also extended the time people have to cast their vote.

Granted this is all about new features and what not, I'd expect bug fixes and things of that nature to be in the patch notes closer to when this launches.
Awesome. Now that i've beat the game, i enjoy the idea of running around with all my badass weapons recapturing all of the outposts.


Wondering if this has cropped up before and if anyone knows of a fix.

I recently updated to the new nvidia drivers for my GTX 670, and I started a new save..

Stuttering is still happening but I'll try the XML changes to see how that goes, but also, shadows are like dysfunctional in the game for me. Some grass have none, so they are just plain green, a lot of the time shadows flicker, even when I'm not moving, it is really noticable with a considerable amount of foliage. Is there a config file to change shadow resolutions and stuff?

Help :(

Does grass usually look this flat? Seems off to me? :S



I picked up this game on release and it has always ran like complete crap for me so I shelved it for awhile hoping for patches. I played through the co-op with my friend recently and it ran great. When I switch to single player, it runs like crap again and I can't get over mid-40's fps and horrible choppiness with medium settings. I googled around and made some tweaks (SSAO off, postfx at false, tried DX9) but nothing seems to be helping. Anyone have some thoughts or good success with a similar system?

i7 930
GTX 580
16gb ram
Game is currently installed on SSD


Anyone know why I get a weird shadow blocking out the bottom third of my screen when I enable HDAO? Both 660Ti + 680, latest beta drivers usually but it's happened with standard drivers too.


All that crazy power though you'd think 60fps would be a given when the hardware is 5-10 times more powerful than the 360.

It seems that the more new effects and things, the more new frame rate issues that come up. And before the issues are resolved there's a newer card out with newer effects that everyone wants.
The stuttering seems to be gone, which is fantastic, but now my custom profile doesn't work. The game always launches in DX11 mode until I switch it back to DX9 in-game and then reset the game. Then if I try and do the ol' set postfx to low but then add depth of field and motion blur back into the config file trick, it just ignores all that and also turns DX11 back on somehow... even though it doesn't change the DX11 flag in the config or in the in-game options. Now I can't enjoy the pleasing postfx without the poor performance it gives if you crank it up to ultra :(

Something's busted.


Using a 6870 with 13.2 beta7 and the latest patch for the game (1.5) there is absolutely no stuttering at all. I'm very picky about this sort of thing and I refused to play the game before since it was unbearable even though I always had a high framerate. Now it's perfect!

In the future Ubisoft. Let us know what is going on.


is this game also CPU intensive should i buy the game with this rig(q6600 2gb ram and ati 6790) or wait for late when i get a new pC
Using a 6870 with 13.2 beta7 and the latest patch for the game (1.5) there is absolutely no stuttering at all. I'm very picky about this sort of thing and I refused to play the game before since it was unbearable even though I always had a high framerate. Now it's perfect!

In the future Ubisoft. Let us know what is going on.

Similar experience here.

Game was a mess at launch performance wise and i hadn't played it since December until earlier this week. 2500K/GTX 680 and the game absolutely flys on full settings, 4xMSAA @ 1440p.


Yeah, so happy it's finally fixed and I'm really enjoying it. I just wish developers would communicate a bit better instead of leaving us in the dark.


So they fix the stutter but don't mention it in the patch notes? You'd think that would be the first thing they mention...

It's definitely fixed for an externally-capped 30/60 and doesn't fluctuate any longer, but anything else is still horrendously unplayable, basically. Even the other Vsync option in the menu that caps it to 30 is unplayable.


It's definitely fixed for an externally-capped 30/60 and doesn't fluctuate any longer, but anything else is still horrendously unplayable, basically. Even the other Vsync option in the menu that caps it to 30 is unplayable.

Not if you're using the max buffered frames setting set to 1.
Could vary depending on hardware though.


Any ideas on what the root cause of these "stutters" are? It seems that every game that has a chance to have this issue, my PC gets it. Deus Ex, Fallout, Skyrim, Sleeping Dogs, Far Cry 3, Battlefield 3, you name it. Sucks it can sometimes take months to fix, and by that time I am done with the game.


Any ideas on what the root cause of these "stutters" are? It seems that every game that has a chance to have this issue, my PC gets it. Deus Ex, Fallout, Skyrim, Sleeping Dogs, Far Cry 3, Battlefield 3, you name it. Sucks it can sometimes take months to fix, and by that time I am done with the game.

Here's hoping someone can tell me too...


Just picked up this game on Steam. Hooray for the sale! I'm sure this has been answered, but the thread is now 40+ pages. I am wondering what the biggest performance hog settings are that should probably be dialed down to achieve a constant 60fps. Can anyone help?

gtx 680
i7-3820 @ 4.1
16 gb RAM


Just picked up this game on Steam. Hooray for the sale! I'm sure this has been answered, but the thread is now 40+ pages. I am wondering what the biggest performance hog settings are that should probably be dialed down to achieve a constant 60fps. Can anyone help?

gtx 680
i7-3820 @ 4.1
16 gb RAM

If you want everything else maxed out, set Post-FX to Low and maybe Shadows to Very High. Personally, I set every setting one notch below max, two notches down for Shadows (High) and Post-FX to Ultra, since it smooths out a lot of jaggies (MSAA is too expensive) and the motion blur is great. Texture blur from FXAA also seems to fit the game overall look better, oddly enough. It gets me 60fps 98% of the time, with the exceptions being scenes with tons of enemies and/or fire and smoke effects.

I have a GTX670 + 2500K with both at stock, for what it's worth.


If you want everything else maxed out, set Post-FX to Low and maybe Shadows to Very High. Personally, I set every setting one notch below max, two notches down for Shadows (High) and Post-FX to Ultra, since it smooths out a lot of jaggies (MSAA is too expensive) and the motion blur is great. Texture blur from FXAA also seems to fit the game overall look better, oddly enough. It gets me 60fps 98% of the time, with the exceptions being scenes with tons of enemies and/or fire and smoke effects.

I have a GTX670 + 2500K with both at stock, for what it's worth.

Awesome, thanks. This is a good starting point. Dx9 or 11?


Just picked up this game on Steam. Hooray for the sale! I'm sure this has been answered, but the thread is now 40+ pages. I am wondering what the biggest performance hog settings are that should probably be dialed down to achieve a constant 60fps. Can anyone help?

gtx 680
i7-3820 @ 4.1
16 gb RAM
Well, if you can live without DX11, go DX9. But you have a decent rig so push it. Post FX can be turned off. That'll help. But it also depends on your res. I run 2048x1152 with 2xAA. I get 50fps on avg. You just have to tweak it to make it work for you.


Can any of you guys exceed 60 fps? I'm trying to solve the stuttering. I've disabled vsync in the Nvidia control panel and in the in-game setting..I've removed MaxFPS = "60" from the config. After all of this, I cannot exceed 60fps with low settings on my gtx 680. It hits 60fps but never goes higher. Something strange is going on!

EDIT: It was Nvidia Inspector. The program was closed down, but its 60fps lock setting was still being used. Shows you how noobish I am at this program. Set everything back to default in NI cleared up the stuttering.


Having more problems with this :/

At one point I had 60-100 FPS on very high (GTX 670) I now have 60 FPS max in windowed mode or 30 FPS in full screen. The aliasing looks really weird and jaggy but on a super fine amount if that makes sense. Theres also a black shadowed box at the bottom of the screen that follows my camera.

What is up with this game? It hates me


Black box is from the Ambient Occlusion setting being set to HDAO instead of HBAO. 30fps lock seems like the Vsync option is set to 2 instead of 1. Check your AA settings.


Junior Member
I have a 7990 Devil 13 and this game runs like crap on it using DX11 (runs fine on Dx9 though)

Have a 3770k (not overclocked yet) and the 7990 running @ 1250Core/1550Mhz.

Tried downgrading to Catalyst 12.11 Beta 11 with CAP 2 drivers, using Bioshock crossfire profile, etc.

GPU utilization never seems to go above 60% on both Cores, which is all the opposite in DX9.

Any clues?

Edit: The Game is patched with latest updates.
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