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Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Really dig this, but is there a cheat or something to just unlock everything? Never going to play this single player when there are so many other games to play. This is busted out at parties. Come on.


Really dig this, but is there a cheat or something to just unlock everything? Never going to play this single player when there are so many other games to play. This is busted out at parties. Come on.

Podium or bust. Sorry.


HD rumble isn't something you choose to implement as a developer, if rumble is in your game at all, it's always HD rumble. How effective it is depends on how the you program it, just like how Super Mario Galaxy's use of motion controls is more conservative than Wii Sports' use of motion controls, fast RMX uses HD rumble a bit conservatively compared to some of the mini-games in 1-2-Switch.

I think you're mincing words. People understand it's down to implemenation, but if they're being told a game features the enhanced rumble, and the implementation is indistinguishable from traditional rumble, that's going to cause confusion.

Saying Fast RMX uses it "conservatively" is being a bit too kind, if it's being used as an example of the tech.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Really lame. I wish I'd know this before I bought it. :| I guess I'll slowly earn stuff by playing a cup or two in bed over a dead period, but in the meantime this thing will probably be forgotten.


So far I haven't really been able to fully experience HD rumble. Each game I have (Fast RMX, Vroom in the Night Sky, Blaster Master Zero) feels interesting but nothing too ground breaking. I'm assuming games like 1, 2 Switch really utilize the HD rumble capabilities.
I only really noticed the HD rumble once. And that was on one track with tornados and wind gusts and I could feel the rumble do a swirl of sorts.


Really lame. I wish I'd know this before I bought it. :| I guess I'll slowly earn stuff by playing a cup or two in bed over a dead period, but in the meantime this thing will probably be forgotten.

This would stop you from enjoying the game? Really?


So is this the definitive "I need a tiny break from Zelda" game? Just something to play quickly for like 15-20min, when a long Zelda session isn't practical.
Wish they would release a demo for this game. Looks ok but the exaggerated field of view to make it look "super FAST" puts me off. Wipeout does not rely on that trick and feels fast enough.


So is this the definitive "I need a tiny break from Zelda" game? Just something to play quickly for like 15-20min, when a long Zelda session isn't practical.
If you like rhythm games VOEZ is coming to NA in a couple days. Already out in EU and Japan.
Really lame. I wish I'd know this before I bought it. :| I guess I'll slowly earn stuff by playing a cup or two in bed over a dead period, but in the meantime this thing will probably be forgotten.
Then you don't really like playing it.

But I do agree cheats and unlocks need to come back in games. Devs are afraid to do it.

Zelda takes too much time imo. If your spending ten hours running around on that map that would be more wasteful imo


I am really enjoying my time with FAST. I hadn't bought the WiiU or Wii editions of Shinen's racer, but I am truly glad I did this time. I was playing last night before bed, sitting sort of close to my monitor and was on a track that started with a huge dropoff, like a roller coaster. I felt it in my stomach as I sped down the hill. It was awesome.


Picked it up. Pretty fun. Seems like a middle ground between Mario Kart and Sonic Racing (I don't know F-Zero).

Had a really funny glitch happen with the dynamic resolution dropped down to like 120p for each racer while the UI stayed 720p. Took a screenshot but having trouble uploading. Looked cool in a retro throwback way. Haven't been able to recreate it.

I wonder if someone put an "F-zero SNES" mode into it that you found?!

Glass Joe

Brought my Switch to work and played some RMX in handheld for the 1st time. Platinum Cup I think (whatever the last one to unlock is). Actually had minor frame rate issues more than once, on two of the 3 tracks. Kind of the opposite problem to Zelda as I do not remember that happening when docked.

Also I thought dynamic resolution was supposed to keep it at a perfect 60 fps. The drops are minor enough but noticeable.


Man I love this game so much. I forgot how badass I feel when I rip it to shreds. For some reason I'm really good and that doesn't come naturally to me in a lot of games. I'm still a bit rusty though.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Playing this game while lying down, with joycon loose and the tablet on my chest propped up with a pillow is kinda hard. The twisting of the tracks makes me twist which makes the tablet move lol.

So is this the definitive "I need a tiny break from Zelda" game? Just something to play quickly for like 15-20min, when a long Zelda session isn't practical.

Yes, absolutely. It reminds me of Resogun at the PS4 launch. Different game, of course, but a well-executed indie from a timeless genre. If Bomberman and 1-2 Switch are worth $50, this game is worth $80.


So is this the definitive "I need a tiny break from Zelda" game? Just something to play quickly for like 15-20min, when a long Zelda session isn't practical.

If you have someone else around, Snipperclips is also fantastic in its own way.


Is it so wrong that I ended up playing this more than Zelda on my new Switch? I mean, it's Nintendo's fault for not having a new F-Zero since the Gamcube.


The game is great
Perfect when you want to do something intense for 15 minutes or more
Shin'en are wizards


I agree with nikos. Some textures don't look good and the overall image quality isn't clean at all.
I find it looks pretty good, but a couple things bother me. At the start of the race when the camera pans around my ship, it gets all pixelated, which is ugly, also the crash sequences really could use some work, they look super budget. Need some physics, and maybe model swap to a busted ship or something.

Besides that, it looks ok. I've only played in portable mode.

Also the HD Rumble is a big let down so far, I wish it was more nuianced, I've only felt it when crashing into things, and it just feels like typical rumble, and it's really noisy. Maybe the environmental hazards will make it more interesting. I'm tempted to just turn it off.


I might jump and buy it tonight...the thought of buying it has been harassing me since last Friday. D:


Real glad I picked this up, scratches that itch I have for another f-zero game.
It's very impressive for such small developer, they've really outdone themselves with this game.
It mostly feels like f-zero with the way the machines control, very tight, doesn't feel floaty. I'm not hitting walls on turns like I saw in the gameplay footage (seriously, they're all terrible/ really off-putting)

One criticism I have would be that the machines don't feel that different, they show stats for Acc., Top Speed Weight etc. but I never really notice any difference in control. F-zero had a massive variety of machines all of which had unique handling - Blue Falcon was very easy to handle. Black Bull was very heavy and slow but could accelerate at amazing speeds. Night Thunder was super floaty and very fast etc.
Everyone could pick a ship that suited their style. Whereas each machine in FAST seems about equal; maybe it's more subtle for balance sake - somewhere to improve/ expand upon in a sequel maybe?

Music is typical for the genre, pretty good stuff all distinct and varied (I don't know all the musical genres - typical electric dance: some sound like dubstep, others as house etc.) Not my favorite type of music but it gets me pumped during the races and is enjoyable/ suitable for them.

Tracks designs are very good, going from f-zero to this I'm left with a big smile on my face as I discover tracks with very similar designs and ideas - I want to say FAST is heavily inspired by F-Zero GX but don't want to assume the devs were.
Each cup is only three races and with each race lasting only minutes it's perfect for a quick go on the bus/ train.

Not sure how it compares to Redout but I highly recommend FAST either way - It's a very reasonable price for the content and clearly a lot of effort and love went into this game.
I might jump and buy it tonight...the thought of buying it has been harassing me since last Friday. D:

yeah, same. been going back and forth between this or shovel knight (which i still havent played).

thinking of just supporting these devs as its clear they have a knack for creating games and could possibly use the support.
For those still on the fence, I'm shamelessly leaving my review here.

Overall, FAST RMX establishes that the Fast Racing franchise is its own beast and demands respect in its own right, not just as an F-Zero knockoff. If you are looking for a game that shows off the ability to pull out a Joy-Con and hand it to a friend, this is your game. If you are looking for a game that shows off the online multiplayer of the Switch, this is your game. If you are looking for a fast-paced, frantic racing game that punishes you for mistakes and rewards you for mastering the controls and intimate knowledge of the course, buy this game immediately. At only $19.99, this game is a bargain and one of the first must-own titles of the Nintendo Switch.


For those still on the fence, I'm shamelessly leaving my review here.
Overall, Fact RMX establishes that the Fast Racing franchise is its own beast and demands respect in its own right, not just as an F-Zero knockoff. If you are looking for a game that shows off the ability to pull out a Joy-Con and hand it to a friend, this is your game. If you are looking for a game that shows off the online multiplayer of the Switch, this is your game. If you are looking for a fast-paced, frantic racing game that punishes you for mistakes and rewards you for mastering the controls and intimate knowledge of the course, buy this game immediately. At only $19.99, this game is a bargain and one of the first must-own titles of the Nintendo Switch.

You might want to fix this bit.


Unconfirmed Member
Local multiplayer didn't work for me when i tried it yesterday (1 joycon/person).

Do you mean this as in it actually wasn't working, or that you didn't like it?
If it's the former, you need to set the joycons to being individualized by going to the pair controllers screen and pressing both SL+SR on each individual joycon.


Do you mean this as in it actually wasn't working, or that you didn't like it?
If it's the former, you need to set the joycons to being individualized by going to the pair controllers screen and pressing both SL+SR on each individual joycon.

It just didn't work lol. Ill try that.

Glass Joe

Brought my Switch to work and played some RMX in handheld for the 1st time. Platinum Cup I think (whatever the last one to unlock is). Actually had minor frame rate issues more than once, on two of the 3 tracks. Kind of the opposite problem to Zelda as I do not remember that happening when docked.

Also I thought dynamic resolution was supposed to keep it at a perfect 60 fps. The drops are minor enough but noticeable.

Just to follow up and be, like, the budget Digital Foundry, I just played the same cup on handheld with the "Dynamic Camera Exposure" setting turned off. I couldn't really tell what it did anyway and did NOT notice any frame drops this time in the same cup. The "Chromatic Aberration" is something I'd already turned off previously, so I can't speak to how that affects performance in handheld mode.

Oh and the game is a blast but this last cup is pretty tough even on easy.
This game in handheld mode is a sight to behold, it blows my mind (even more so than Zelda). Haven't messed around with online with friends much, are there private lobbies?
Just to follow up and be, like, the budget Digital Foundry, I just played the same cup on handheld with the "Dynamic Camera Exposure" setting turned off. I couldn't really tell what it did anyway and did NOT notice any frame drops this time in the same cup. The "Chromatic Aberration" is something I'd already turned off previously, so I can't speak to how that affects performance in handheld mode.

Oh and the game is a blast but this last cup is pretty tough even on easy.

Oddly enough, I've found the game to be easier on supersonic than subsonic.
Anyone noticing a weird glitch where racers are somehow magically in front of you? Happened a bunch in my last race where I was first place and when I rounded a corner all of a sudden three racers were in front of me even though no one passed me. Third track first cup. Thought maybe there was a shortcut I don't know about, but when I played my cousin and fell off the track, it magically put me in front of him. Honestly felt bad lol

Surprised no one has mentioned this from what I can tell?
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