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Favorite Star Wars Game


This one was great also.



I think you're talking about Jedi Power Battles, and yeah it was pretty fun. Hell, a lot of the games featuring the prequels are fun. The games justify the prequels' existence.

Nope, Phantom Menace.

That said power battles was also pretty fun. Mainly because I got to use non-blue/green light sabers. I never got too far into it but I did find it fun. <3


rogue squadron
republic commando
tie fighter (haven't played to completion, might move up)
starfighter (i seriously have no idea why the two starfighters always get shit on)


Jedi Knight 2

Those are my top 3. RPGs are my favourite genre and Star Wars was one of my favourite IP's and Bioware blended both seamlessly and put them on the map for me.
KOTOR is my favorite. I really liked the story and the choosing between the light side and the dark side. Super fun series in general, especially when you customize your light saber for the first time


This is a tough one, picking a favorite Star Wars game is like picking a favorite Nintendo game. So many genres!

I'll go with Knights of the Old Republic II, especially with the restored content mod. That's actually one of my favorite WRPGs in general.

Kreia is a fantastic character and
, so refreshing to see a morally ambiguous character take a central role in a universe that usually plays black-and-white morality pretty straight. One of the best characters in the medium if you ask me.

The gameplay itself was decent enough, then again the same can be said for Planescape, we all know the combat etc. isn't really the point.

Other than KOTOR II, probably Battlefront II. The Droideka was a walking death tank in the PvE, though I missed some of my favorite maps from the first game like Rhen Var and Bespin.

Edit: Honorable mention goes to the original trilogy arcade game, used to spend many a quarter on that at Chuck E Cheese. I remember the highest score on the machine was insanely higher than even the #2 score, I couldn't believe a human being could get a score that high. Eventually asked and found out it was the janitor who apparently spent all the quarters he found while cleaning on playing it after hours, I don't know if the employee who told me that was joshing or not but it was pretty funny.

Kind of ironic that LucasArts never did a Star Wars adventure game, at least not to my knowledge. Please correct me if I'm wrong because I'd love to check it out if they did.


Tie fighter and Jedi Knight. I played so much Jedi Knight multiplayer. Posting my ip on chat rooms and memories of all the crazy mods. I miss it a lot.


Fuck. Yes. You light saber duel with Darth Vader! To this day, the only Star Wars game with good light saber controls. Killer on rails shooter too.

Did you never play any of the Jedi knight games?

Nope, Phantom Menace.

That said power battles was also pretty fun. Mainly because I got to use non-blue/green light sabers. I never got too far into it but I did find it fun. <3

My bad. Didn't know it existed. Looks pretty similar to Jedi power Battles too.


Did you never play any of the Jedi knight games?

I have, I still prefer the arcade game's controls, the feel was much better, especially because the stick was sort of emulating the feeling of holding a light saber. Jedi Knight works well enough tho.


TIE Fighter or X-wing Alliance, can't decide.

TF was just goddamn brilliant on every aspect when it was released and you play as an Imperial without the game insulting your intelligence, which is a gigantic plus.

On the other hand, XWA perfected the series formula and the core gameplay is so refined it still feels fresh nowadays. Also, it has mods.
I prefer TIE fighter because of the story and the fact that flying an og TF without shields is a lot more thrilling than your standard Xwing


Episode 1 on PS1. Yes I liked it (though near the end annoys me along with some of the bugs that can force a level restart).

After that, Jedi Academy was also a lot of fun.

I only really remember the Episode I tie-in game because I played it on my PC and at the time I was fairly new to the whole "3D Accelerator" thing and it was a pretty nice looking game at the time.

Not as nice looking as Episode I: Racer, mind you..


KotoR is my clear favorite, being up there with Halo as my favorite of that gen and the first RPG I ever finished. People may criticize the writing these days but it was some of the most entertaining I had encountered to go with the good use of the Star Wars trappings and solid mechanics. And that twist. I've attempted to play KotoR 2 three times now including at launch and with the improved Steam update and for some reason it just doesn't grab me the same way, though my Steam run is a solid 20+ hours in.
Rogue Squadron 1 (with memory pack! I remember the resolution difference) and 2 were some favorites from their consoles for me. Really brought some cinematic flair.
X-Wing vs Tie Fighter was another I played a lot of, I think I had some kind of setup with my brother on another PC where we'd kill bots? Not sure exactly what it had available. Only flight sim I ever got into.
Jedi Knight 2 was the FPS I played the most of, did a fair bit of saber dueling online, though I have fond memories of messing around with the first few levels of Dark Forces (voice clips, the trash monster thing, etc.). Actual finished DF earlier this year though the Star Wars bundle, thought it held up pretty well. I enjoyed the level design more than some of the other classics I've gone back to.

I've played pieces of at least a dozen others, though the only one I think I actually finished was The Force Unleashed, which I enjoyed outside of the terrible Star Destroyer bit and thinking the QTE button prompts were an obnoxious bit of UI. Shadows of the Empire was the first N64 game I played (outside of Mario on a blockbuster display), and the transition from cutscene to Hoth gameplay dropped my jaw a bit.

Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 will forever be my favorite Star Wars game. So many hours lost to multiplayer on the now-defunct Microsoft Gaming Zone. (Or was it MSN Gaming Zone?)

I'm a little bit afraid to replay it these days because I feel like it won't meet my nostalgia's perception of the game.

Yeah don't do that lol. I tried playing it again like ten years ago and it was insane how dated it seemed then.

My pick as well, and prob the first mp game that hooked me in like crazy. I used to play 1v1 games with a buddy over 56k xD

So many cool levels too, might have the name wrong but favorite was prob Nar Shadaa Spaceport, had two long alleyways with buildings on all sides, each one explorable with tons of rooms and secret passageways tucked throughout. There was one platform at the end of the main long alley that had blast shield doors that opened up. Would camp up there with the concussion rifle and pick off people coming down the alley, so much fun.

Was also the first game I played with a heavy mod scene, spent years downloading custom sp+mp levels, skins (getting to be Fett with functional jetpack felt amazing at the time).

Levels seemed so sprawling for the time, and this is when 3d was still relatively new in gaming so each level felt like some amazing adventure especially with a SW skin on top of everything. Williams' soundtrack on top made it perfect.

Oh yeah and Mysteries of the Sith was pretty great too. That Jabba Palace mp map was legit.

My main memory of Outcast was playing custom levels that spawned stormtroopers and using dismemberment set to max plus a mod that when activated started playing Smack my Bitch Up by The Prodigy while you massacred them in slow mo xD


Yeah don't do that lol. I tried playing it again like ten years ago and it was insane how dated it seemed then.

As I feared.

My pick as well, and prob the first mp game that hooked me in like crazy. I used to play 1v1 games with a buddy over 56k xD

Yep, it was also the one and only online game that I ever joined a clan for. Crazy stuff.

Was also the first game I played with a heavy mod scene, spent years downloading custom sp+mp levels, skins (getting to be Fett with functional jetpack felt amazing at the time).[/B]

Does the words Massassi Mall mean anything to you?


Jedi Knight II, classic SW Galaxies, KOTOR for sure. I really wish EA would use the IP and make another great singleplayer game again, though, because Battlefront and TOR are really not very interesting.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
- Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series, particularly Dark Forces 2 and Outcast, for finding that really comfy balance of 90s era run-and-gun game design and the latter's best iteration of real time saber combat. Melee in Outcast/Academy hasn't been matched by a Star Wars game since.

- Rogue Squadron series, though I feel they're elevated by their crazy impressive presentation more than just the game design, which can meander around a bit mediocre depending on which stage you're playing and at what point. Still, a lot of great, space flight arcade fun.

- TIE FIGHTER series, for obvious reasons. Something akin to the enthusiast/hardcore crowd within the Star Wars mythos. The kind of franchise game I don't think we'll ever see the likes of again, for any non-gaming franchise.

- Knights of the Old Republic series, leaning heavily toward the sequel, for taking a simple role playing concept and the Star Wars universe and constructing an engaging narrative and adventure that didn't really require any Star Wars knowledge. The second explored what you could do with the series without using the tropes as a ball and chain.

- And of course...


Mines Force Unleashed ive always wanted a game where you played as a sith and this game delivered. The story is also really good as well.

out of all them you chose THAT?

ot: republic commando is pretty high up there, as is battlefront ii, but it'd probably be battlefront i for me. such a great and broken game :p


1. Knights of the Old Republic
2. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
3. LEGO Star Wars 2
4. Rogue Squadron
5. Battle for Naboo




Shadows of the Empire fits squarely in that time period when the N64 just launched and I thought everything that it displayed on my TV was goddamn limitless black magic, so I enjoyed it at the time, but I bet it aged really, really, really badly.


In no order:

Super Return of the Jedi
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight II

I haven't played enough of X-Wing or Tie Fighter. Haven't even played the KotoR games. Best get on that.

I still wonder how the hell LucasArts never made a SW point-and-click adventure in the Scumm engine. Would have been great.


Burning question...

Are TIE Advance and TIE Defender canon??
The TIE Advance is Vader's ship in the original Star Wars, so it's definitely canon. The TIE Avenger model, however, is not.

The TIE Defender is canon because it appeared in the mobile strategy game Star Wars Commander, which came out after the Disney buyout.

Shadows of the Empire fits squarely in that time period when the N64 just launched and I thought everything that it displayed on my TV was goddamn limitless black magic, so I enjoyed it at the time, but I bet it aged really, really, really badly.
The Hoth battle is really fun.

The rest of the game? Eh...


Came in here expecting this to be the KOTOR thread...


And hopefully Battlefront soon!
I love so many of them...I don't know which ones to choose.

There's RPG side...KotOR 1 & 2...loved both of 'em. There's the the space sim side...X-Wing complete edition, TIE Fighter complete edition...both are excellent. There's the third person side...Jedi Knight series and Jedi Academy. Man, the memories.

I missed those Star Wars game.
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