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Female Game Dev Harrassed by IndieStatik founder Josh Mattingly Speaks Up (Kotaku)

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i'd say to not open a chat with penis chat right away, but maybe i'm a prude

C'mon man, he just wanted to fulfil all her wishes with his taco flavoured kisses. How could he possibly have known that she was running a sting to punish him for all the bad things men had ever done to her?


Aftershock LA
Even with all of the evidence pointing to Mattingly being a fucking creeper, there's still victim blaming.

Alice was in a difficult position, and she even hid the identity of the person who harassed her, which, in my opinion, was a courtesy on her part that he didn't deserve. It wasn't until later that his identity got exposed.

Will this damage his career? Honestly, I highly doubt it. For the short term, yes. For the long term? No. It's an ugly truth that this industry is a "boy's club." Harassment isn't a one off, one and done, type deal for women. It's routine. So routine that women in the industry have built up different ways to roll with it and try to move on, but that doesn't mean the harassment ever stops. And often, if they take measures to permanently end the harassment, the solution is usually to fire the woman, or make the environment so hostile to her that she leaves on her own. It's pathetic.

She was right to speak out on this, and right to keep her identity a secret. She was the one wronged, and she shouldn't be punished for outing a creep, which is exactly what would happen to her if we knew who she was.


I got grudge sucked!
I don't know if some people are somehow confusing this issue with the whole "Feminist Frequency" series on sexism and games, and that there is some agenda, but we are talking about a problem thats been pretty well documented over the past year or so, now that more people are willing to talk about. I understand that there will be people that roll their eyes whenever this stuff comes up, thinking it a knee jerk leftist agenda,

but c'mon, who says this shit to anyone, let alone a mere acquaintance in a professional capacity. We had a guy at work that was a first class creep and did shit, not quite like this, but it was uncomfortable to be sure. Good thing he is gone. When you see or hear about it first hand, it will change your mind a bit.
People making excuses for this guy are naïve. The dude is a creeper who gets off creeping women out.

I completely agree that he was being creepy, has a past of being creepy, and should not have been so creepy towards her. I just hope that he can learn from this and become a better person. There are a lot of people writing him off forever, but as a guy who has been extremely thirsty in the past, done some creepy things because of reasons, and learned from his mistakes, I hope that people will give him the chance to grow and become less creepy.
The GAF Youtube comments are even worse, because it means GAF has members who secretly think really gross, despicable shit and hide it. Those comments made me feel really, REALLY paranoid.

The only thing stopping those kinds of people from being banned is whatever level of restraint they can muster when they post here. Threads like these are the ultimate litmus test in that case.

On that note, that john summers guy can probably have his GAF username outed with some detective work. I wouldn't know where to start, though.
Hmm, you would think the first 18 times she ignored his sexual advances, he'd take the hint.

Not necessarily. Some people are dense and can't understand social cues. He probably thought that because she wasn't (or didn't seem to be) reacting negatively to it, that it was okay.


That's exactly how I see this.

What this guy did was wrong no doubt, he sexually harassed a women. I do not condone that behaviour in anyway shape or form.

But having read her comments/response in that interview the overwhelming feeling I got was this was more a 'fuck you' to every male that had treated her in such a way. Alice and the interview devote more time listing previous instances of sexual harassment she has received and observed then her encounter with Josh. Highlighting that the core focus isn't Josh but the industry and its treatment of women in general.

Also i don't believe the punishment fits the crime. He has been publically humiliated and basically forced to resign/be sacked. He's name and rep are basically shit now within the industry.

A few of you raised that allegations have been made that Alice is just one in a long list of women he's sexually harassed. Perhaps Karama got to him, i'm not saying he hasn't got what he deserved if he's been behaving in such a manner towards women for an extended period of time. But the woman at the centre of this, Alice, clearly did not nor nor was aware he had a history of sexual harassment. So when she allowed this to be made public she wasn't doing so to highlight his abuse of multiple women. She did it FOR HERSELF.

This women mentions about strength in her interview. If she had some strength she would have approached Josh or a senior colleague of his employer and tried to resolve this issue privately. If Josh or his employer would not hold him to account and apologise to her for his behaviour I whole heartedly would have supported her going public. Instead she says nothing and makes it public to the world and destroys the guy.

Did you read the article? She didn't want to have a stigma attached to her, that's why she never said anything before. Once you get labeled "that girl", people are less likely to want to work with her and I'm sure she wants to keep working in the industry so she never said anything. The only reason this even came out is b/c Mattingly was stupid enough to leave her all of those messages and it would be impossible for him to deny it. If it was a face to face situation, he could have easily just denied it or said they were flirting and he maybe took it a little bit too far. And if she went to a senior colleague and they told her she was crazy or we need to promote our game so stop talking about it (ie basically telling her to fuck off) then what does she do?

And no one is punishing this guy. He did this to himself. Like I said, he initiated the whole thing not her. You can't say " Its this guys fault and I'm not defending him" but then turn around say its her fault for making it public. Its either Mattingly's fault or its Alice's fault but it can't be both and logic dictates that its Mattingly's fault since he initiated everything in this whole conversation.

I honestly don't see how going public is a bad thing. Maybe this will result in more women coming forward and outing this crap and it will happen less. Maybe if guys are afraid of ruining their careers by being creepy douchebags to female co workers, maybe this stuff will stop so I only see this as a positive honestly.

Edit: Sorry. Didn't notice that he was banned until after I replied.
The only thing stopping those kinds of people from being banned is whatever level of restraint they can muster when they post here. Threads like these are the ultimate litmus test in that case.

On that note, that john summers guy can probably have his GAF username outed with some detective work. I wouldn't know where to start, though.

What I find especially ironic and amusing about those guys is how quick they are to call modern men pussies, yet they are afraid to say it on GAF and have to do it from the anonymity of an un-moderated place like youtube.

If they truly were as "manly" as they think they are then they should be willing to say those things here also.

Cowards. All of them. Nothing more pathetic than not being able to stand up for your convictions when your name or something you value is attached to them.


What a fucking scumbag and it seems that the industry is full of victim blaming when a woman decides to speak up about it. I'm glad she did, as hopefully it will start something because that sort of shit is NOT acceptable and has to stop.



I swear when one leaves another just takes their place.

No one cares that you think she could have handled it better because you're wrong.

Yep. Because it was impossible that the situation could have diverted into a different outcome if she acted differently. /sarcasm
I thought it was funny how the followup kotaku article continually said the word 'vagina'... as in "kiss her vagina".

That's just fueling the fire in lonely pants everywhere.

I'm amazed at that creeps earnestly though.. I mean.. if he really barely knew her, that's pretty straight to the point... the casual talk thrown in is bizarre though. This guy's life is now over.

There's one thing still on my mind about it, though.... Did he make awesome games?
edit: Oh, not a game developer, but a journalist.


Yep. Because it was impossible that the situation could have diverted into a different outcome if she acted differently. /sarcasm

Clearly the onus is on her and not the creep who started this. When will victims learn to have more respect for the people who victimize them? :(


Well he's banned now so I guess there's no point in a response.

Not that it mattered because still no one cares what he had to say.

Clearly the onus is on her and not the creep who started this. When will victims learn to have more respect for the people who victimize them? :(

I know right?

Poor guy should be able to harass however he pleases. She never said stop.


Wow is that a cringe-worthy advance. I mean, even something like J.R. Smith's famous "You trying to get the pipe?" SMS could be construed as harassment if the advance was unwanted, but this is like next-level stuff.


What a creep. He calls her a "friend"? And talks to her like that? You don't disrespect your friends like that. You don't disrespect your colleagues like that. I don't care what you're going through. We all have a sob story. Everyone's life has tragedy. Doesn't excuse people behaving like morons. What a lonely, lowly, sad human being.
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