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Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age shipments and digital sales top two million


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.

Total worldwide shipments and digital sales for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age have exceeded one million units, Square Enix announced.

The PlayStation 4 remaster was released in July, and introduced a multitude of modern advancements including remastered HD graphics, soundtrack, a revamped battle system, and more.

“Thank you to all the fans for helping us reach this milestone,” said producer Hiroaki Kato in a press release. “We are overwhelmed with the response from both new players and fans of the original.”

To commemorate the milestone, Square Enix has released a new illustration by Isamu Kamikokuryo and a remastered version of the original title screen trailer.



Man that's really good number. And this is only for PS4. Hope it shows Square how much fans love Ivalice.

edit: one million actually, still good, but not impressive.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Good stuff. Still holding out for a PC port here. I remember them mentioning one when the game was announced but SE has been silent about it ever since (unless I'm mistaken). Then again, maybe they're staying mum on that until the PC version of XV is out?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Man that's really good number. And this is only for PS4. Hope it shows Square how much fans love Ivalice.

edit: one million actually, still good, but not impressive.

More like how many people love FF despite getting ports.

I bet if they release an offline version of FFXI, it'll make millions.


Very cool, I've been waiting to get it until it drops to $20 or so but I'm glad to see it's done really well.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
More like how many people love FF despite getting ports.

I bet if they release an offline version of FFXI, it'll make millions.

I would throw heaps of money at that. A lot of it is practically single-player anyway with NPCs filling parties while leveling. If they tossed in updated graphics, it would be great, but even PS2 era visuals are fine. The game's story is so good, it would be nice if there was a single-player version for those not inclined to hop into a full fledged MMO to experience it.


Neo Member
Nice...really enjoyed replaying it in HD and getting the platinum. One of my favorite games of all time.


It was a great game, I never played the ps2 version.

Balthier is one of my favorite FF characters now.

I look forward to the inevitable 13 remaster...it's time to give that game another shot.
Nice! 12 is definitely one of my favourites really glad to see it being moderately successful in this generation.

Gives me more love for Ivalice!


Also hoping for a PC version. A Switch version would be the tipping point on getting the console for me.
Great news!

This game has been a joy to play again. I must admit i neglected to beat it back in the day of original PS2 release, but man, this game truely was ahead of its time. The Gambit system actually makes sense, some people misunderstood it for bad game design, but the gambit setup is your intellectual property, and if you really LOVE to issue manual commands, nothing is stopping you.

Also, this might be because of my age, but i find the story one of the most enjoyable of the entire series. The criticism that this game didnt have cool character is simply false, plenty of character development along with cool interactions. Political intrigue, betrayal and war, also no one character is truely evil.
Also, the OST might be the comfiest rpg soundtrack ever, can play for hours because of it.

This game takes a giant dumb on XIII and maybe even XV.
You know, i never really appreciated FFXII. Didn't get the story fully and i just missed the older FF's at the time. But after more then ten years, FF13 and especially FF15… XII is a wonder. Really dig the more adult nature of the game. Such beautiful created worlds, use of language and the universe of Ivalice is still amazing. Went to a couple of stores/houses in Rabanastre and everything made me so happy. Different tapestry in every room, so much detail everywhere…


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Hopefully this convinces them to try and make a new FFTactics set in Ivalice with a mid-budget scope.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Hopefully this convinces them to try and make a new FFTactics set in Ivalice with a mid-budget scope.

To be honest, I'm fine with FFXVI set in an Ivalice world. :p

Article says one million but thread title says two?

Error in Gematsu's part. It should be one million. Sorry just copy-pasta'd the title. :p


Well deserved. It really shows just how great FF12 was.

I didn't like 12 when it released on ps2 and I said on multiple occasions that it was trash. This game just proves me wrong. The alteration they made make this game something special. The Speed up function is godly because the game is super slow and long. The re-orchestrated music is fantastic. The voice acting is still horrible and wonky as the ps2 version somehow. But that can easily be overlooked.

It was truly ahead of its time with Gambits. I wouldn't mind if they made another FF with the same battle system.

Ataru Moroboshi

Neo Member
I bought the game ages ago but still haven't started it, does it add more to the orignal aside from what IZA added?
I actually didn't like the IZA that much


I would play the fuck out of a remastered FF13 trilogy. Regardless of the criticisms, I had a lot of fun playing the first two, never got around to the third.

Moms are tough.


Not my favorite FF but still sunk almost 100 hours into it back in the day. Glad this was a success. Like others I still want an official FF9 remake.


Grats to them, I played the shit out of this during the summer, cemented my opinion that it is one of the better FF.
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