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Final Revolution Name Announced: Wii

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Still Tagged Accordingly
i'd like to put in a request to GAF admin that any post containing the string "we" automatically has it changed to "wii". you've got filters for sp*ng and *pa, now it's time for we. :D


force push the doodoo rock
Marconelly said:
Hipster friendly? Oh man, do you honestly think any of those image conscious hipsters will ever be able to roll over their tongues someting like "Hey let's go to my place and play with my wee!" to his male friends at a cofee shop, and not bee laughed at forever? I don't know what would be more awkward if said friends would be straight or homosexual :p

What a terribly awkward name... this is not something made up that you can get used to. It's something that you knew it's "real" meaning ever since you were a child.

hipsters will buy anything with a design concious logo. And unlike us most likely they will be exposed to the system all at once, not just the name by itself. In context i doubt many people will be like HAHA PEEPEE POOPOO.


pitt_norton said:

Deal with it.

I'm in awe. It is such a calculated market savvy move by Nintendo in order to reach their goals with this system. I applaud.
QFT. Nintendo has a plan, and they are sticking to it.

They are absolutly bold. They could have stayed the course, but they changed, and by doing so, they may be forcing the other two's hands.

This is a brilliant name. I think to many people are looking at it with hard-core eyes. Think about how inviting it sounds.

This is absolutly brilliant to me.

ipod 2.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yes, Wii is the worst name ever except for Playstation, Dreamcast, Google, Virgin Airlines, and 360.:lol


hyperbolically metafictive
ok, i've thought about it some more, and i'm convinced that "wii" is a masterstroke. let's break it down:

people who will like wii:
- that whole i-pod audience -- nintendo is the new apple, guys
- kobun heat
- undinists
- young anikin skywalker
- the french
- people who think double entendres are really funny
- chuck berry

people who won't like wii:
- the english -- and england is really pretty small
- gamers -- who are idiots anyway
- idiots
- speevy


Still Tagged Accordingly
sp0rsk said:
And unlike us most likely they will be exposed to the system all at once, not just the name by itself. In context i doubt many people will be like HAHA PEEPEE POOPOO.
get the fuck out of here with your logic.

but seriously, when the general public are exposed to Wii, it will be in context and only immature 13- year olds (or people with the same mental development) are going shun the system based on the all too easy potty humor.


KLoNe said:
Seriously, at least Wii is better then M$'s attempt (X360)

Don't fool yourself. It's MUCH worse.

It's not the XBox Penis. It might as well be Nintendo Penis. Or Penis, since it doesn't need the Nintendo part, right?

All these people whining about growing up need to grow up. Have a little fun and don't be so uptight. Don't lose your sense of humor because this is Nintendo.

Remember the XBox 360 "inhalation"? This is so much worse it's FUNNY!

"So that's Wii. But now Nintendo needs you. Because it's really not about you or me. It's about Wii. And together, Wii will change everything."

::throw up::
Wii. . .how is this even a name for a console? It's. . .wow.

Sadly, I was excited about the Revolution before this was announced, but after this. . .It just goes to show you a lot about Nintendo's judgement and decision making process. What a joke.


I think you folks that say the hardcore are laughing hardest are crazy! Ultimately, it will be "hardcore" that will be quickest to forgive, you are already seeing it with certain pockets of Nintendo fans. Casuals that have had no reason to even consider Nintendo are certainly not going to be any closer to doing so with this hilariously stupid name. For the hardcore, Wii is something you laugh at and then get over (easier if you like Nintendo games). For the casuals, it's something you laugh at and then walk past on your way to buy a PS3.


Really dumb name, imo, and I'm a true blue Nintendo fanboy. But eh, it doesn't affect the way I play the games, so it doesn't really matter.

Also, I find it hilarious how people who were previously interested in the console are now turned off, due solely to the name! :lol Are you guys trying to prove how shallow and fickle you are, or what?


guys guys they were kidding! see? they're copying the industry leader because if they're doing it, it must be right! I'm sooo glad they're not going with that whole "Wii" thing, sounds too much like wee wee!


oh... heh... turns out this font type is called Homoarak. Homo. hee hee. hee hee hee.


dabbled in the jelly
drohne said:
ok, i've thought about it some more, and i'm convinced that "wii" is a masterstroke. let's break it down:

people who will like wii:
- that whole i-pod audience -- nintendo is the new apple, guys
- kobun heat
- undinists
- young anikin skywalker
- the french
- people who think double entendres are really funny
- chuck berry

people who won't like wii:
- the english -- and england is really pretty small
- gamers -- who are idiots anyway
- idiots
- speevy

The irony of your sarcasm is that u got a few of those right.


moku said:
QFT. Nintendo has a plan, and they are sticking to it.

They are absolutly bold. They could have stayed the course, but they changed, and by doing so, they may be forcing the other two's hands.

This is a brilliant name. I think to many people are looking at it with hard-core eyes. Think about how inviting it sounds.

This is absolutly brilliant to me.

ipod 2.

Yeah totally inviting. Hey wanna come over to my place and play with my wii? :D


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
SolidSnakex said:
Who precisely are they catering to with this? And don't say that iPod crowd because this name isn't in the same ballpark as that.

Exactly. There's just no way around it, people do not and will not want to say this name casually. Wii is only inclusive on paper, when people say it it does not sound inclusive, add it to the fact that there are all these negative conotations attached to it, like piss, small, insignificant. I'm confident they will reconsider though once they see retailers loosing interest, if not in time for E3 definitely in time for launch.


force push the doodoo rock
Okay now that weve established that wii actually beats 360 for dumb marketing shit, will nintendos marketing come up with sometihng funnier than human energy?

or 1 billion units?


It's a very good name. It will sell more consoles. It will seperate the console. It will not alienate anyone. It will eventually fit into a cool whole entity that is this console package. It's on the edge marketing-wise and a calculated choice.

It's fun to see how Nintendo chose to reveal it. As they mentioned, they wanted the attention elsewhere at E3. They knew this strange name would attract controversy when announced, so they get that out of the way now, get people used to it, and the games will be the focus at E3.


hyperbolically metafictive
Scrow said:
only immature 13- year olds (or people with the same mental development) are going shun the system based on the all too easy potty humor.

and why should nintendo try to please children and the immature? those people never play videogames!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Hero said:
Yeah, I mean the DS is a perfect example of this. Oh wait, the DS is the best selling handheld. Guess that destroys your logic.

by kovox Jan 26 said:

wee wee

1. Microscopic size of a male penis
2. That which is so small, is considered non-existent
3. That which is so small is a waste of skin

1. A picture of Hero's wee wee was sent to "Ripley's Believe It Or Not", but they sent it back because they did not believe it!

:lol :lol :lol


I don't know about you guys, but just because something is named 'wii' and attached to many phallic jokes, that doesn't necessarily make me more driven to go buy one.

the name 'ipod' doesn't sell ipods. it'd still be what it is, no matter the name.


utterly awful. People, several people, got paid to come up with this name, and this was their 'best'.

Revolution was all geared up for an ad campaign already ready for it, with pop culture references abound, striking red and black posters of Nintendo characters with a 'call to arms', and was genuinely aggresively interesting sounding name.

Wii...its just beyond retarded. The fact that it wasnt even considered what awful connotations the name would have everywhere but Japan, but the fact it also needs a paragraph to explain what it is supposed to mean. The "i's" is like the design ideas of a complete simpleton. I love the idea that someone just thought "hey iPod has a lowercase i in it, lets have two!" because its about the only reasonable explanation i could ever accept. Seeing the same old ninthing damage control in this case is really quite tragic. "It'll grow on you!" "Caterpillar is a stupid name for construction materials! See!" and "ITS DIFFERENT AND INNOVATIVE YOURE ALL JUST CHILDISH!".

Ironically, the name of a cheap cocktail over here in Britain is a "Woo Woo". the gayest possible sounding drink that always causes mirth when we have to order it and still sound manly. gruffly saying woo woo just about pulls it off.

But going into a shop and actually using the term Nintendo Wii? I can't see it. The playground jokes alone will mean no kid will be putting this on his christmas list for fear of complete and utter ridicule. This is also supposed to appeal to a new audience then? Sane rational thinking adults that simply would feel embarrassed saying the console's name in public?

The need for official damage control also must surely be sending out massive alarm signals to NOA and NOE. Its not like the confusion to the name of "Dreamcast" to which we got "it just sounds cool don't it. swirly!", or the X360 "its spherical, its round, you pay your quarter you get on the carousel. you spin. its circular Happy. spherical. human energy." This is a retarded sound that a baby would make. Its the colloquial term for urine.

It quite simply put, is the worst name for a video games console ever.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
sp0rsk said:
hipsters will buy anything with a design concious logo. And unlike us most likely they will be exposed to the system all at once, not just the name by itself. In context i doubt many people will be like HAHA PEEPEE POOPOO.
Then they will realize that at one point they may have to walk in a store and ask a clerk to sell them one wee, and then go home and play with their wee. You'd have to be pretty damn thick to be from an English speaking regions and not see the negative reference the moment you pronounce it.


Odysseus said:
Casuals that have had no reason to even consider Nintendo are certainly not going to be any closer to doing so with this hilariously stupid name. For the hardcore, Wii is something you laugh at and then get over (easier if you like Nintendo games). For the casuals, it's something you laugh at and then walk past on your way to buy a PS3.

Exactly. Nintendo said it was going for non-gamers and casuals, and those are the folks most likely to dismiss the console based on this name.

It'll be an especially bad joke among Nintendo's most dependable market: children. Potty jokes will ensure that Nintendo's Wii is as uncool as can be!

This boneriffic move isn't on the scale of sticking with cartridges, but it shows that Nintendo is utterly, completely, certifiably insane.

One for the marketing books, to be sure.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
sp0rsk said:
Okay now that weve established that wii actually beats 360 for dumb marketing shit, will nintendos marketing come up with sometihng funnier than human energy?

or 1 billion units?

Wii IS technically powered by human energy I guess. Then again, so is pressing buttons on the 360. Microsoft wins!

I'm pretty sure some people would find the name inviting and warm if Nintendo had called it "Nintendo Tubgirl."

I really like how Nintendo is setting itself apart with this radical, disturbing image!


Junior Member
This is a horrible name for a console, but I'm putting my chips on Nintendo this generation. This controller is just too freaky to pass up, and if the DS proved anything to me - Nintendo is here to play hard ball.


Revolution would've never worked as the final name. I could've told you that from day one. It's too pompous sounding, and too standard of a "videogame" name. I don't personally like the name Wii, but I can understand why Nintendo chose it, since it separates them from the normal connotations that go with videogame consoles.


Karakand said:
Wii reminds me of Michelle Wie, who I want to bone so very, very badly. Props, Big N.

edit: Oh yeah!


Not that attractive. has the figure of a 11 year old.

god damn asian obsessed pedophiles, you are around gaming TOO MUCH


Still Tagged Accordingly
drohne said:
and why should nintendo try to please children and the immature? those people never play videogames!
i guess you haven't heard about how nintendo are trying to expand their demographic beyond the typical gaming audience.

Squirrel_Lord said:
Wii. . .how is this even a name for a console? It's. . .wow.

Sadly, I was excited about the Revolution before this was announced, but after this. . .It just goes to show you a lot about Nintendo's judgement and decision making process. What a joke.
it's so awesome how nintendo weed out the weak from their ranks :lol
Only Nintendo can continously cause sooooo much controversy on the poor GAF forums.

*Thinks back to*

-DS thread.
-Revmote thread.
-this Wii thread.

Seriously, does anyone think Nintendo ever makes its decisions just based on how awesome the threads will turn out. :p


force push the doodoo rock
Marconelly said:
Then they will realize that at one point they may have to walk in a store and ask a clerk to sell them one wee, and then go home and play with their wee. You'd have to be pretty damn thick to be from an English speaking regions and not see the negative reference the moment you pronounce it.

i dunno, seems like a fairly shallow argument. There will be people on both sides. I doubt this will keep people from buying it. XBOX is a really stupid name DREAMCAST made me feel embarassed whenever i said it and while dreamcast failed horribly it wasnt because of its dumbass name. And yeah obviously dreamcast isnt the same as peepeepoopoo, but again i doubt in context people will give a shit.

Games decide who wins rememmmbeerrrrr?

i am not saying nintendo will have the games, im just saying in the long run the name will be irrelevant.

edit: why am i defending this dumbass name?


hyperbolically metafictive
Scrow said:
i guess you haven't heard about how nintendo are trying to expand their demographic beyond the typical gaming audience.

and the first step is to alienate the only people who still take them seriously! take that, children! take that, developmentally stunted young men! WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!


No additional functions
I can't believe this. I think I'm about done with Nintendo consoles. First the controller, which so far sounds gimmicky, then the GC Turbo graphics, then all these announcements of kiddy games. No this name??? WTF have Nintendo got themselves into? I thought they were serious, but more and more this new console is sounding like an absolute joke.
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