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First Set Pics of Idris Elba for The Dark Tower

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lock if old


Well it's the Gunslinger alright! I think it's funny that Kathyrn Winnick keeps posting like non-spoilerish stuff on social media like her trailer or a packet with her name on it and then Sony keeps making her take it down and then boom! Set pics of Elba in full costume. lol

I still have no idea when this takes place compared to the books timeline. lol


I'm a bit worried about this movie. Just hope they manage to visualise mid-world and its vastness. I love the feeling of scope in the books when even Roland forgets how far he's travelled.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Looks good but I still don't expect a great movie. I'm hopefull though, the casting is already better than expected. I expected like Steven Seagal or something.


So Elba is the main character in this? How did I miss that shit storm? Anyone have a link so I can drink some racist nerd tears?

There wasn't one, at least here. We were all pretty happy Elba got the role. lol I think the only other reaction was like "I pictured Eastwood when reading the book but he's too old for this shit", well that was mine anyway and I think the cast looks great.


Looks good. Still a weird casting choice, but I'm sure he'll knock it out of the park if the material he's provided isn't shit.

Please don't be shit.
That costume can probably also work as a Star Wars costume.

Don't know, just something that popped in my head first seeing those pics.
I'm listening to the audiobook of the first book currently and imagining Idris in the lead role as I go.

I don't know why people recommended this to me though, it's kinda bleh so far and I'm over halfway.


I'm listening to the audiobook of the first book currently and imagining Idris in the lead role as I go.

I don't know why people recommended this to me though, it's kinda bleh so far and I'm over halfway.

I realise it's maybe a lot to ask but the series changes quite a bit in the second book. If you are interested to find out why people like it I'd say try and stick with it up to that point and then see what you think.


I'm listening to the audiobook of the first book currently and imagining Idris in the lead role as I go.

I don't know why people recommended this to me though, it's kinda bleh so far and I'm over halfway.

The first one is a weird book imo but you will be absolutely hooked with the second one. I guarantee it.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I'm listening to the audiobook of the first book currently and imagining Idris in the lead role as I go.

I don't know why people recommended this to me though, it's kinda bleh so far and I'm over halfway.
He wrote much of that book at a very early age. It's not that good.


Yeah, what everyone else is saying ThoseDeafMutes. That first book is more of a setup than anything and King wrote it very, very early in his career. It reads a lot like a college kid's attempt at fan fiction.

I read this whole series for the first time about 3 years ago and absolutely wanted to quit after the first book but was really glad I stuck it out. The second book is much more entertaining. No idea how it is on Audiobook but I imagine it taking longer to get through kind of stinks. The best part of reading the first book was that I was able speed-read it and blow through it really quickly.
My only point of contact with The Dark Tower is the gorgeous graphic novel (Jae Lee).



No way am I reading 8 books (4250 pages) lol.


1/2 maybe. McConaughey is perfect casting for the man in black.

Pretty disappointed they're skipping the first book and not expecting much out of this but still i'm curious about it.

I think McConaughey would have been better as Eddie.

No idea how it is on Audiobook but I imagine it taking longer to get through kind of stinks. The best part of reading the first book was that I was able speed-read it and blow through it really quickly.

The audiobooks are pretty great, especially because of the performance of person they had do the second half of the series, after the first guy got into an accident.


The audiobooks are pretty great, especially because of the performance of person they had do the second half of the series, after the first guy got into an accident.

That's really sad to hear. I had wondered why they changed narrator part way through the series. I just read more about it after reading this, sounds incredibly tragic.


Wait, Idris is Roland?

Completely unexpected in my eyes but I'm okay with this. He looks cool in the outfit.
There wasn't one, at least here. We were all pretty happy Elba got the role. lol I think the only other reaction was like "I pictured Eastwood when reading the book but he's too old for this shit", well that was mine anyway and I think the cast looks great.

Well I'm actually pleasantly surprised at that. Good to see dark tower fans are less terrible than most


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'll repost this from the other thread where the pics were posted:

I've got this feeling that the first few movies in this run could be really good but the final ones are going to be an absolute train wreck. The rights issues alone could be problematic but I think the biggest issue is that the books themselves were just a giant clusterfuck of ideas and were so damn dense and convoluted I will be amazed if the movies pull them off. The first books are fairly simple and straight foward in the characters, ideas and story but man do they really go off the rails in epic fashion by the last couple. In fact I'm willing to bet they go an entirely different route for the last couple of movies that just follows the most basic plot points of the books
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