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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Why not? Is fruit suddenly off limits?

1 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
2 scoops greek yogurt
2 scoops protein powder
water as needed

The problem is the smoothies most people are drinking are all fruit, with nothing else. No protein/yogurt, etc to balance out all that sugar.

It's because I like all kinds of nuts in my mouth.

You win this round. I'll be back though!

A smoothie of only fruit should be off limits imo.

Look at this joke: http://www.smoothieking.com/smoothies/nutritional-chart.php?size=32

I LOVE that 1/2 the "trim down" options have over 100 grams of sugar and almost no protein.


King of all nuts:

My girlfriend is a little overweight and wants me to help her slim down. I've been bulking for a while myself and am ready to cut, so I figure it's a good time for both of us to hit it hard with a similar diet.

We'll both be aiming for somewhere around 80% of what our body burns a day calorie wise.

Fit wise other than some occasional jogging/basketball I'll basically be introducting her to heavy lifting as I feel it'll be the best way for her to burn weight while having consistency.

I'm not concerned about her looking too manly. Should be fun.


My girlfriend is a little overweight and wants me to help her slim down. I've been bulking for a while myself and am ready to cut, so I figure it's a good time for both of us to hit it hard with a similar diet.

We'll both be aiming for somewhere around 80% of what our body burns a day calorie wise.

Fit wise other than some occasional jogging/basketball I'll basically be introducting her to heavy lifting as I feel it'll be the best way for her to burn weight while having consistency.

I'm not concerned about her looking too manly. Should be fun.

I hope you have a solid relationship.
My girlfriend is a little overweight and wants me to help her slim down. I've been bulking for a while myself and am ready to cut, so I figure it's a good time for both of us to hit it hard with a similar diet.

We'll both be aiming for somewhere around 80% of what our body burns a day calorie wise.

Fit wise other than some occasional jogging/basketball I'll basically be introducting her to heavy lifting as I feel it'll be the best way for her to burn weight while having consistency.

I'm not concerned about her looking too manly. Should be fun.

Girls don't look "manly" if they exercise right. Not really aware of what the trick is (tons of women fitness videos/article about this though), but all I know is that she shouldn't be doing the same routines you're doing if she wants the "fit" female figure.


Soooo. Im try to cut down on fat and put on size. Which seems dumb but so far I've been cutting and still seeing strength gains, doing this Kelei routine and doing this for my diet-

Nothing in the morning but BCAA/maybe a protein bar-
Post lift carby meal of about 700 cals/shake
Protein bar as a snack
Big meal again, ie double chipotle bowl

So this has kinda been working over a short span, but I'm wondering if there's any science to back up what I'm doing, because to me it seems pretty bro sciencey.


Really enjoy eating cleaner and less carbs.

*work serves Chinese food and cake for company meeting*

god damn it....

You're more likely to gain weight and suffer health problems constantly obsessing over food choices rather than simply eating what you want ad libitum. I bet you that cake and ice cream tasted awesome, I bet if you ate it more often it wouldn't taste as good.


You're more likely to gain weight and suffer health problems constantly obsessing over food choices rather than simply eating what you want ad libitum. I bet you that cake and ice cream tasted awesome, I bet if you ate it more often it wouldn't taste as good.

Actually, it's the other way around for me...cut down on those shitty foods, and when you do try them again, they are either:

1. Too salty
2. Too sweet
3. Make me feel like shit 10 minutes later and run to the toilet


Actually, it's the other way around for me...cut down on those shitty foods, and when you do try them again, they are either:

1. Too salty
2. Too sweet
3. Make me feel like shit 10 minutes later and run to the toilet

Yeah I was low carb/paleo/primal for several years and I felt the same way. The reason you're running to the toilet is fructose malabsorption.
It's the start of a slowing metabolism which will be lots of fun fixing as you grow older.




Yeah I was low carb/paleo/primal for several years and I felt the same way. The reason you're running to the toilet is fructose malabsorption.
It's the start of a slowing metabolism which will be lots of fun fixing as you grow older.



From pizza and wings?

edit: I read the second link...I don't think this really pertains to me.

I know you may see me posting in the Paleo thread but I'm not eating strict Paleo. I think it's a good idea to pick and choose good tenats of dieting from several successful diets.

Also, I still cheat once or twice a week
Here my go to.

Two scoops chocolate whey
Two cups unsweetened almond milk
Two TBSP almond butter
Two cups of crushed ice.

I call it...the 2 2 2 2.

That sounds tasty, actually. I'll give it a shot later. That stuff should be readily available at any grocery store, right? Or will I have to find a GNC?


That sounds tasty, actually. I'll give it a shot later. That stuff should be readily available at any grocery store, right? Or will I have to find a GNC?

Dont shop at GNC. Use amazon for the Whey. Preferably organic if you can afford it. Everything else can be found at the grocery store.
You're more likely to gain weight and suffer health problems constantly obsessing over food choices rather than simply eating what you want ad libitum. I bet you that cake and ice cream tasted awesome, I bet if you ate it more often it wouldn't taste as good.

I just wanted to eat a bit cleaner because I want to lean out a bit, that's all. I can't ever get sick of Chinese food or cake.

Or my first love, Taco Bell.


Walmart has six star and body fortress for decent prices.

I used to use that body fortress stuff. It's protein, and the amount of grams is perfectly fine. The taste isn't great though. If someone's on a budget, you gotta do what you gotta do, but that would probably be my last resort.


I'm down with the struggle/poverty protein. Vanilla flavor though, the chocolate is meh. I add stuff to it either way.


I just wanted to eat a bit cleaner because I want to lean out a bit, that's all. I can't ever get sick of Chinese food or cake.

Or my first love, Taco Bell.

From pizza and wings?

edit: I read the second link...I don't think this really pertains to me.

I know you may see me posting in the Paleo thread but I'm not eating strict Paleo. I think it's a good idea to pick and choose good tenats of dieting from several successful diets.

Also, I still cheat once or twice a week

Sounds good then. The second link was more crazy paleo/primal shit I had stashed away and I should have deleted it. I apologize for showing that it as it really get's as silly and nonsensical as the worst vegan/vegetarian stuff out there.

I agree it's good to pick and choose, having taco bell whenever is awesome. I think the real issue starts to develop when you try to eliminate foods entirely, especially those you love. Basically, as out there as this may sound, never feel giving up fruit or the occasional sweet thinking it's actually better for you than not, especially if you want it. The occasional binge is very good for your metabolism actually; just look at Martin Berkhan.
It's still lopsided. Why do good mornings get you barely anything? Why does overhead squat get you less points than a squat?

Squid you can friend me on there, seanr1221.
Think of it this way: although an overhead squat might be a tougher exercise than a regular squat (assuming we're using the same weight), receiving more points on it would encourage you to do that exercise more than a regular squat which is not the focus anyone should really have... Keeping the compounds more valuable than any of their variations (regardless of whether those variations are tougher or easier) encourages more people to keep doing the four main lifts.

That's my guess anyway and I think it makes sense.


I'm down with the struggle/poverty protein. Vanilla flavor though, the chocolate is meh. I add stuff to it either way.

If you're into the whole using milk with protein powder thing, it makes it not taste like complete shit. I can only speak to the chocolate flavor as that's the only one I used in the past.


Ok so I lurk this forum and have been for quite some time, great place to get some news fast :)

Anyway, I have a few questions if anyone would be kind enough to chip in an opinion.

First some background. I have/had ulcerative colitis and had my large intestine removed late 2011. I had it since I was seventeen, and when it was removed, I felt seventeen again (I'm now 33...).
Did workout but it never felt I recuperated when I think back about it, not compared to post-op!

So anyway, that's that. Now I'm a father of two, soon to be three, children which means I don't have all the time in the world to do exercise, but I go to the gym 3-4 times per week (will probably be 2-3 times the coming year) and inbetween I try to do a few p90x programs (plyo/yoga are favorites) and perhaps some cardio.
Basically, what I'm looking for is to be fit and strong and be able to play with my children (13 months is the youngest) easily, i.e. functional exercise.

So the questions:
* Sleep. Now I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in well over a year, and probably won't get another one for the coming year(s). That's ok, I'm not a zombie in real life and I actually feel pretty great most of the times. But forget about 8-10 hours of sleep, 6 tops I'd say. How much does that interfere with progress?

* Shoes. I do my lifting only wearing socks, no issue here I hope?

I've been doing my own three-day split program, which I usually perform mon-wed-fri:

Front squats 5x5
Bench press 5x5
Deadlifts 5x5
*some other stuff*

Front squats 5x5 (-50 pounds as on Monday)
Stiff leg deadlifts 4x10
Military press 5x5
*some other stuff*

Front squats 5x5 (-25 pounds)
Clean high pull 5x5 (though I have modified it a bit, mine is a bit more stressing I think, but whatever)
Incline bench presses 5x5
*some other stuff*

Now I'm thinking of reducing my three day full body workout to one upper body and one lower body, with one day at home for arms and core (I have adjustable barbells). Does that sound like a good plan? I'd like to change my workout routine anyway, since I'm not really making any progress right now, I'd like to shake things up a bit.

Any input here? It's the first time I've shared this so please be gentle, but critisism/feedback is always welcome, one can always improve :)

One last thing, I don't have much time to write/read so response might be a bit "slow" (in internet time, that is, probably 12-15 hours before I can comment on any feedback).

Great thread btw *thumbs up*


I don't know why people need their cashews slathered in salt or honey, they're delicious completely unadulterated.


Soooo. Im try to cut down on fat and put on size. Which seems dumb but so far I've been cutting and still seeing strength gains, doing this Kelei routine and doing this for my diet-

Nothing in the morning but BCAA/maybe a protein bar-
Post lift carby meal of about 700 cals/shake
Protein bar as a snack
Big meal again, ie double chipotle bowl

So this has kinda been working over a short span, but I'm wondering if there's any science to back up what I'm doing, because to me it seems pretty bro sciencey.

Seems like a leangains approach, which many people have gotten great gains in strength while cutting body fat. If it works, keep it up!
I don't know why people need their cashews slathered in salt or honey, they're delicious completely unadulterated.
Or any nut really, but cashews especially. I believe they have a rather high sugar content for a nut, hence the sweetness. Why you would want to add anything to them is beyond me.


Seems like a leangains approach, which many people have gotten great gains in strength while cutting body fat. If it works, keep it up!

Cool, was looking for something to read up on, gonna check out lg now, thx.


If you're into the whole using milk with protein powder thing, it makes it not taste like complete shit. I can only speak to the chocolate flavor as that's the only one I used in the past.

Definitely, I only use milk. I recently switched over to almond milk though. I don't think I want to try any of the better tasting protein powders, they'll probably spoil me.
Damn, these deadlifts and squats are gonna give me a good ache tomorrow morning. :) So the whole trick with smoothies/shakes is avoiding sugar? How about whole milk protein smoothies? I like the protein we use at work, and I've been trying to incorporate more milk into my diet.


first post in OT5! I'm trying to focus on legs, back, abs this year so I'm doing more squats. The problem is I have never done front squats before. I tried doing them last week and I found out I don't know how to grip the bar.
so embarrassing
I asked a guy doing squats next to me and he did help, but the arm over arm grip he recommended feels very uncomfortable. I tried doing it with my arms not crossed and I just did not know how to grip it all. I would like to grip the bar without my arms being crossed so what is the correct form?


first post in OT5! I'm trying to focus on legs, back, abs this year so I'm doing more squats. The problem is I have never done front squats before. I tried doing them last week and I found out I don't know how to grip the bar.
so embarrassing
I asked a guy doing squats next to me and he did help, but the arm over arm grip he recommended feels very uncomfortable. I tried doing it with my arms not crossed and I just did not know how to grip it all. I would like to grip the bar without my arms being crossed so what is the correct form?

I feel the arms crossed is much easier to front squat compared to the powerlifting style one where you bend your hands back. I'm still getting acclimated to it myself.


New thread!

Hey guys, how do I get toned? I can't stand that bulky look. I don't want to get look like the Rock or anything. I just wanna get toned.


killer chest day today. love chest day. probably because it doesn't feel as savage as everything else lol


New thread!

Hey guys, how do I get toned? I can't stand that bulky look. I don't want to get look like the Rock or anything. I just wanna get toned.

Lift heavy weights. Get low body fat.

You wont get "bulky" unless your eating over your maintenance. So lift as heavy as you can (proper form etc etc) have good eating habits, and PATIENTLY wait..
first post in OT5! I'm trying to focus on legs, back, abs this year so I'm doing more squats. The problem is I have never done front squats before. I tried doing them last week and I found out I don't know how to grip the bar.
so embarrassing
I asked a guy doing squats next to me and he did help, but the arm over arm grip he recommended feels very uncomfortable. I tried doing it with my arms not crossed and I just did not know how to grip it all. I would like to grip the bar without my arms being crossed so what is the correct form?

I hate the arms crossed version of front squatting - proper rack position for life.

At first every rep in the rack position hurts your wrists until you eventually get acclimatised and it becomes completely natural. I did a six week squatting programme where I front squatted three times a week. The first couple of weeks sucked, but by the third week I had started to get used to it. By the sixth week, I did not even think about the position anymore because my wrists had fully gained the desired flexibility.

Best tip is to keep elbows high and in.


Had a pretty shitty day today doing chest and shoulders. Don't fucking ask me why I decided to do shoulders with chest but I did, and it sucked.
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