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Football Thread 2014/15 |OT8| - Sunderland 0


Just got back from Interstellar. I ... kinda loved it, actually. Going in with significantly lowered expectations really paid off.
Yeah, there was some pretty bad science and more than a few :rolleyes: worthy sentimental moments & overall cheesiness / nonsensiness, but, well, three hours flew by and I was very much entertained and I guess even slightly moved. So, yeah, it's not 2001 for the new age, but it's still a pretty damn good blockbuster. I would certainly rank it higher than Gravity, although I didn't see the latter in a cinema.

The best thing about the evening was a friend of mine though, who was blown away by the movie and was already praising it as one of the best films he'd ever seen. Until I pointed out
"you realize that the movie doesn't actually make any sense, right? If it was us, the super advanced humans from the future that sent back / created the wormhole and the whole multidimentional library thing ... how did the humans survive the dying Earth in the first place?" The realization utterly destroyed him, loooool, he couldn't speak for a while and got super depressed afterwards. :DDD

... didn't they actually evacuate earth?
Just got back from Interstellar. I ... kinda loved it, actually. Going in with significantly lowered expectations really paid off.
Yeah, there was some pretty bad science and more than a few :rolleyes: worthy sentimental moments & overall cheesiness / nonsensiness, but, well, three hours flew by and I was very much entertained and I guess even slightly moved. So, yeah, it's not 2001 for the new age, but it's still a pretty damn good blockbuster. I would certainly rank it higher than Gravity, although I didn't see the latter in a cinema.

The best thing about the evening was a friend of mine though, who was blown away by the movie and was already praising it as one of the best films he'd ever seen. Until I pointed out
"you realize that the movie doesn't actually make any sense, right? If it was us, the super advanced humans from the future that sent back / created the wormhole and the whole multidimentional library thing ... how did the humans survive the dying Earth in the first place?" The realization utterly destroyed him, loooool, he couldn't speak for a while and got super depressed afterwards. :DDD

Woy playing safety first football, always ends with us looking ragged and open to opportunities.

Sterling not bothered.


And Rooneh scores, record incoming. ugh.

Hahaha, your poor mate. Not sure how that one escaped him, one of the bigger problems. The more I think of that film the more problems I have with its writing, I assumed Jonathan Nolan was the genius behind the scenes but obviously not.
Like why don't they send robots to the planets. Or just look out the fucking window.

... didn't they actually evacuate earth?

That part actually made sense. The point is that there is no paradox to beings in the 5th dimension so you can't apply the paradox that happens in Terminator and 12 Monkeys. Time isn't linear to them so there is no cause and effect for them.


That part actually made sense. The point is that there is no paradox to beings in the 5th dimension so you can't apply the paradox that happens in Terminator and 12 Monkeys. Time isn't linear to them so there is no cause and effect for them.

Interstellar spoilers
Beings in the 5th dimensions ... wasn't it implied that they are human descendants from the future? They can manipulate with time all they want, but they had to get to that future first. Which the humans on Earth didn't. Or couldn't possibly, if future humans don't create the wormhole.
Interstellar spoilers
Beings in the 5th dimensions ... wasn't it implied that they are humans from the future?

It was and that's the part that doesn't make sense in my eyes. The 5th dimension and time does, but how does one evolve into that? Either that didn't make sense or Cooper is high off 5th dimension LSD.


5 dimensions kind of eliminates the idea of past and future.

Interstellar spoilers
Right, but humans would have to evolve to that state of being first. Which they couldn't have without the help from the humans from the future. It's a paradox.

Exactly, KidA.


That part actually made sense. The point is that there is no paradox to beings in the 5th dimension so you can't apply the paradox that happens in Terminator and 12 Monkeys. Time isn't linear to them so there is no cause and effect for them.

Except humans don't magically transform into fifth dimensional beings, so there is a period of time between the two points in our evolution. Assuming evolution works as slow as it normally does (not that it would ever lead to that, I mean c'mon), and the fact they outlined that was their last crop and generation. Yeah... it doesn't work. They could have said that we barely survive but eventually make it, but wanted to create a shortcut to get there faster. Nope, they outright state multiple times that this is it. The End. My favourite friend, the end.

Also time being non-linear in a black hole has no bearing on time outside of it which is obviously quantified. It is a clear paradox. Not to mention that they are supposedly unable to affect outside of their dimension, yet create a sodding wormhole for us. Not right next to Earth where its useful btw, but further out in the solar system to waste time. You could argue a wormhole is not affecting the universe, I'd disagree but ok they can create one and close it. So turn it off and on with morse code or binary to communicate. Or why at the start of the film they say they experienced these gravity anomalies for 50 years before Coop decided he should talk with his little girl. They could have sent the message directly. The film has plot holes in its plot holes but it is a great ride so can switch off your brain and enjoy it like most films. But they can't claim they are doing anything special. There aren't very many time travel movies that pull it off however, so not an unforgivable act or anything. 12 Monkeys, Donnie Darko and Primer being the best for me, Back to the future being a more laid back but fairly well thought out take on things.

Arnie - Can you actually understand Casey Affleck? Always sounds like he has some cotton wool in his mouth.


Nightcrawler was very fun. Gyllenhaal is class, can't think of anyone better tbh. Casey Affleck's a solid second best.

Yeah, he's brilliant. One of those actors you don't really think about until you remember everything he's been in and realise he's fucking class.

McConaughey's still on a golden run though, whatever you thought of Interstellar as a film. He's great in it.

Killer Joe is legit one of the best performances ever, the last twenty minutes are astounding.


I'm listening to the latest Fighting Cock podcast. They have a Telegraph magazine journalist on who recently interview Bale.

Apparently Bale said that he would have finished his career at Spurs if any team other than Madrid came in for him. That was fucking hard to hear.

Also, he watches the Premier League all of the time, and always wants Arsenal to get smashed, and always wants Spurs to win.

People defending Adrian Peterson slashing up his 4 year olds kid scrotum and stuffing his mouth with leaves in off topic. Just part of his culture.


Also, pls guys

Interstellar spoilers -
did anyone complain in terminator when John Connor sent his dad back in time to fuck his mum to save him


Look, the way I see it - and i see it the same in something like doctor who - , is that there's only ever one time line. Not much changes. There was only one instance of Kyle Reese fucking Sarah and making John, but through bootstrap paradoxes that don't really matter whether they make sense or not because a) it's science fiction and b) because it does a good job of closing a loop in terms of story, science isn't relevant, it always happened.

In doctor who, there's an episode where he goes to Pompeii and it blows up and shit because he's there or something, and the implication is that it could have been different. But no, the doctor was always there on volcano day. He just only got round to it, because time isn't linear to him like it is everyone else.

In interstellar, it wasn't a case of the future humans only existing if the present humans could save them, so how are they there? The present humans were always going to save them. There isn't an instance or timeline (if time is a line) where they weren't saved. That might ruin suspense or the drama, because it's pretty much saying "well if they were always saved and always able to go back, then there's no tension"

But because we see it as linear, we are invested in the tension.

The reason they're able to exist is because of numerous reasons, the aforementioned fact that it's science fiction being the main one. It's not as if they came into being at one specific point in time, because if they do so then time isn't linear to them. It's everything and everywhere, so nothing is to stop them from going back and intervening.

There's no point saying "well the humans had to be saved for the evolution to occur", because that's stating that there's a time where fifth dimensional humans came into being. That doesn't matter. Once they come into being they're there throughout the entirety of history, because that's how they view time. Hence why they can go back, because the rules of linear time and cause and effect then don't matter to them.

It's fiction. It's there in the genre title m8


Also, pls guys

Interstellar spoilers -
did anyone complain in terminator when John Connor sent his dad back in time to fuck his mum to save him


Look, the way I see it - and i see it the same in something like doctor who - , is that there's only ever one time line. Not much changes. There was only one instance of Kyle Reese fucking Sarah and making John, but through bootstrap paradoxes that don't really matter whether they make sense or not because a) it's science fiction and b) because it does a good job of closing a loop in terms of story, science isn't relevant, it always happened.

In doctor who, there's an episode where he goes to Pompeii and it blows up and shit because he's there or something, and the implication is that it could have been different. But no, the doctor was always there on volcano day. He just only got round to it, because time isn't linear to him like it is everyone else.

In interstellar, it wasn't a case of the future humans only existing if the present humans could save them, so how are they there? The present humans were always going to save them. There isn't an instance or timeline (if time is a line) where they weren't saved. That might ruin suspense or the drama, because it's pretty much saying "well if they were always saved and always able to go back, then there's no tension"

But because we see it as linear, we are invested in the tension.

The reason they're able to exist is because of numerous reasons, the aforementioned fact that it's science fiction being the main one. It's not as if they came into being at one specific point in time, because if they do so then time isn't linear to them. It's everything and everywhere, so nothing is to stop them from going back and intervening.

There's no point saying "well the humans had to be saved for the evolution to occur", because that's stating that there's a time where fifth dimensional humans came into being. That doesn't matter. Once they come into being they're there throughout the entirety of history, because that's how they view time. Hence why they can go back, because the rules of linear time and cause and effect then don't matter to them.

It's fiction. It's there in the genre title m8

fuck off


Junior Member
I'm listening to the latest Fighting Cock podcast. They have a Telegraph magazine journalist on who recently interview Bale.

Apparently Bale said that he would have finished his career at Spurs if any team other than Madrid came in for him. That was fucking hard to hear.

Also, he watches the Premier League all of the time, and always wants Arsenal to get smashed, and always wants Spurs to win.




I heard Interstellar has a shit audio mix because art, like his other movies. Is this true? Kinda avoiding the other threads because spoilers.


I heard Interstellar has a shit audio mix because art, like his other movies. Is this true? Kinda avoiding the other threads because spoilers.

i saw it in imax. and yeah, there were a few scenes where the audio was soloud that i almost had to cover my ears. and there were a few scenes where it was very hard to hear what the characters were saying.


Samoan rugby team came in today, I assume there's a game on soon.

95 wings, 15 chickens, 20 wraps, 15 large chips.

There were 12 of them.

I heard Interstellar has a shit audio mix because art, like his other movies. Is this true? Kinda avoiding the other threads because spoilers.

Yeah, it is a bit overwhelming. Dat Nolan

Score's really good though


Dang. I really hate loud movies in my local cinema. It's almost as if I was in a 4DX screening with the amount of seat shaking.


All this discussion about Interstellar annoys me somewhat.

If there's anyone who saw the film and
didnt think it was a future version of humanity that opened the wormhole and ultimately herded the events of the film to its conclusion - even after the heavy handed (NOLAN) scene where Catwoman almost outright says "somebody wants us to go through this fucking wormhole" - then I'm Jake Gyllanhaal's long lost twin brother.

That this film is complexly, obscurely, poorly mangled around this central fucking letdown and still being debated is infuriating. It's just a bad film (narratively). It's not clever at all. It's not nuanced. It's not layered. It's not ambiguous (intentionally, anyway).

And all of this valid criticism is ignoring the fact that this three hour film's money shot is a man becoming an inter-dimensional ghoul behind his daughter's bookshelf that can manipulate our world as profoundly as that fucking green blob at the beginning of ghostbusters.

Soz, it's just gash.


Unconfirmed Member
i saw it in imax. and yeah, there were a few scenes where the audio was soloud that i almost had to cover my ears. and there were a few scenes where it was very hard to hear what the characters were saying.

That way you don't have to listen to Nolan's bad writting.


Was a lovely day in general, besides Liverpool losing and the film being rubbish and my anus almost falling out and being thrown out of the Hilton.

And I mean that. Was jokes.

Besides being thrown out of the Hilton?

That was the HIGHLIGHT

Forgot about you desperately needing a shit though. The search for a high quality loo went on for ages.


Besides being thrown out of the Hilton?

That was the HIGHLIGHT

Forgot about you desperately needing a shit though. The search for a high quality loo went on for ages.
Forget high quality.

One with a seat that wasn't fucking Nutella'd with interdimensional gimp shit would've been sound.

I'm awake in less than six hours for a ~11 hour day.

God give me strength, I should've bought a camcorder and a police scanner.
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