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Forgotten Games In Need of Sequels



Imagine Tekken merged with Smash Bros.

Secure the sequel, Nintendo.
World in Conflict.

Played it again recently, still holds up beautifully. It boasted stellar graphics that still look good to this day, a fantastic campaign with wonderfully realized characters, and my favorite rts multiplayer suite of all time.

With the division finally winding down, I can only hope that Massive is given the chance to work on a sequel, as unlikely that may be.



If Knack gets a sequel, this one deserves one too... :(

Thanks a lot Cerny.

I'm actually upset about this. Games like The Order or Driveclub not getting a second chance but somehow Knack does. I guess Cerny gets a free pass for the rest of the PS4's lifecycle.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Codename S.T.E.A.M. by far...Codename S.T.E.A.M. 2: Electric Boogaloo.

And on a similar note, Steambot Chronicles. I think a sequel was planned but went under, and we just got a cheap battle arena game for the PSP.


Let's see: Drakakan... nope, taken care of. Then maybe Cryostasis... Nuh-un, that one too. How about Crimson Skies or Sin: Episodes? Posted too, huh?

Hmm I guess I'll have to add
I want a game set in the bronze age, and maybe modern age of comics. The breadth of material to work with. Too bad Ken Levine will never touch it again.


I would love a modern platformer involving Keen, especially if say it could tie it into the Wolfenstein games and establish once and for all that Billy is BJ's grandson 3d pogo sticking around alien worlds

Rumble Racing. We need crazy arcade racers like this again! Plus it was always fun to have the announcer talk shit about you as you raced.


Okay, so yes, SMNC is the sequel to the original, BUT there were some issues: One, it was PC-only despite the original getting virtually ALL of its sales and popularity from the Xbox version. And two, they went full-MOBA, which a lot of people didn't like. And that's not even getting into all the problems that Super had that pretty much killed the game.

So what I'm getting at here is that I want a sequel either way, but I'd prefer a sequel more like the original rather than Super. It's a shame, too, because they built such a great universe with the series. I absolutely love the post-apocalyptic corporatist setting of the game, and all the goofyness that comes with it.

And if they do ever make a sequel, for the love of god don't make it PC-only again.



Forever salty about this bullshit.

One of the most over looked games on the SNES. A great Dragon Quest knock off with a lot of charm. It has combo attacks similar to Chrono Trigger, and two complete parties you have to manage/swap between.

Give me the sequel.


I'm actually upset about this. Games like The Order or Driveclub not getting a second chance but somehow Knack does. I guess Cerny gets a free pass for the rest of the PS4's lifecycle.

Not comparable. Sony wants to put out a game appealing to kids, family co-op etc. Cheaper to make than those as well.



If IO's next game is a new IP and not Freedom Fighters 2 I'm not going to lie, I would be really disappointed. The music, atmosphere and squad gameplay was on point. I would love a new game with more RPGish elements for gear, loot, weapons, bases, and more. Have the player travel throughout the world to Soviet-controlled countries outside of the US too, the possibilities are endless...
how could i?

You named a lot of franchises that got a lot of sequels and none of them would qualify as "little known hidden gems". Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely play a sequel to any of those games (especially Second Son), but I think OP went for the obscure one-off variety.


There's a good number of dreamcast games sega failed to never touch again... at the minimum a HD remake of PSO.

I'm still surprised capcom never tried a second outing for ghost trick. The mobile game seemed to do ok, it's been too long now though.
X-men Origins: Wolverine.

On it's own, it's a middle of the road Hack n' Slasher. No where near the mechanical depth of Devil May Cry, the spectacle of God of War, the batshit of Metal Gear Rising, the excellence of Bayonetta, and so on.

The special part comes in that it's a rather decent licensed title that finally gets Wolverine's healing ability right, is on point with the brutality of the character, and got Hugh Jackman to do the voice over and has his likeness. I also prefer it to the movie, which basically never happens. I would love for a sequel to expand on the already solid combat foundations.
You named a lot of franchises that got a lot of sequels and none of them would qualify as "little known hidden gems". Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely play a sequel to any of those games (especially Second Son), but I think OP went for the obscure one-off variety.
oh I see, so we're talking about original games that were considered good by the people who played them, but never got to ever take off as a series


Some aren't that old, but looks like they are forgotten...












Ah, I also want a sequel to Lost Planet that looks more like the first one, and, like someone said, a proper sequel to Burnout 3.

Edit: forgot Stranglehold.
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