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Friday the 13th: The Game |OT| You and your friends are dead. GAME OVER


Had a fun game just then, so may have been too hasty to dismiss it. And I'm glad it's popular because then the team might be able to fix a lot of this stuff.

One thing I'd really appreciate is for the soundtrack to be related to Jason's proximity. At the moment you're exploring and the soundtrack kicks off but it has no relation to anything.


Apparently they used no money on advertising cause they wanted to make sure it all went to the game. I hope all the revenue they get now they fix the bugs. Besides that this game could have legs like Dead By Daylight.

I just repaired the boat and left everyone to the slaughter. lol.



Apparently they used no money on advertising cause they wanted to make sure it all went to the game. I hope all the revenue they get now they fix the bugs. Besides that this game could have legs like Dead By Daylight.

The fact that Dead by Daylight comes to PS4 in less then a month could be an issue for this game.


The fact that Dead by Daylight comes to PS4 in less then a month could be an issue for this game.
I think there's enough room for both if Media Gun gets everything sorted out by then. It's gonna be interesting to see how they both fair in the console space. Games like these thrive off PC gamers.

Xaero Gravity

F13 has the advantage of having a very recognizable IP attached to it so I can see your casual gamer seeing it and being interested, whereas the console version of DBD won't have the Halloween DLC.


Haven't really had any excitement for this up until now. I do love me some asymmetrical MP and I think this may fill a Left 4 Dead sized hole in my heart.

I know the game just came out but any impressions on the XB1 version? I just might pick this up next time I get paid.
Ok the patch notes for 1.02 on PS4 says it fixed the voice chat issue.

Now to search for a game for the next ten minutes....

It's nice it's been so popular for them but this is a game that is realistically going to have a period of 2-3 weeks where it's Twitch's darling before the novelty wears off and everyone abandons it. They need to try and fix this shit soon while it's still the hot new thing.

They said something about continuous support of the game ?

I think i will wait sales, i suspect that the game will be rather quickly half the price,
Also, is it PC the superior version right now ? I guess that less people are playing in Discord on PC than the ps4 players on private chat.


I do the same thing only because i completely fixed a car and 4 people left me.

Lol this is happening to me almost every time. Gassed and put in the battery only for the lucky fellow with the keys to get in and his band of buddies to leave me behind. Same thing happened with the boat... I never got in one, but I imagine it fits more than one person lol.

Game is working good now, but I'm afraid to back out. Hoping this voice chat gets fixed asap.


Tears in the rain
Quick question. Is there a way to play with one friend? Like I want to play with my bud, but I can't fill out the rest of the private lobby. Like I want to play with him, and 6 randoms.


The potential of this genre is huge and I'm happy they will continue to support the game.

Considering the main gameplay for counselors is finding items, just hiding everything in drawers the way the game does is like 15 years out of date and obviously it's because of budget constraints and they're small team but there must be a way to make that more of a fun mechanic for sequels or similar titles.

Also strange how you spectate a player get hit and the player model barely reacts, hopefully they could add more facial animation? And fix the player models jumping when a death animation is activated. That lack of polish detracts from the experience, but the central premise and the levelling system etc, is rock solid and use of the IP is great.


The potential of this genre is huge and I'm happy they will continue to support the game.

Considering the main gameplay for counselors is finding items, just hiding everything in drawers the way the game does is like 15 years out of date and obviously it's because of budget constraints and they're small team but there must be a way to make that more of a fun mechanic for sequels or similar titles.

Also strange how you spectate a player get hit and the player model barely reacts, hopefully they could add more facial animation? And fix the player models jumping when a death animation is activated. That lackmof polish detracts from the experience, but the central premise and the levelling system etc, is rock solid and use of the IP is great.
Just keep the fact this is made by a 4-person team in perspective. What they've delivered, while fairly bare bones when compared to AAA titles, is really well done.
At this point, I'd legit be happy to just reach the main menu once with the option to search for a game. I've seen that one time since I first tried logging on at noon.:(

Living that database error life. #f13yolo
I picked this up on XB1 and can connect, but seriously have been "searching for sessions" for the past half hour. Surely I'm not alone. Anyone with the XB1 version played any quick matches?
I picked this up on XB1 and can connect, but seriously have been "searching for sessions" for the past half hour. Surely I'm not alone. Anyone with the XB1 version played any quick matches?

Just read a Facebook status about the servers being overloaded and they're working on it. I'd just be patient. Day 1 issues.

Xaero Gravity

For those having voice chat issues, check your settings and make sure mic output to world is On. That's what will make your mic output to the game world and enable proximity chat.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
You can kill jason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHdZVEXvxns




Anyone doing private matches on Xbox? Also to do private matches don't party and click private match then invite friends.


I feel like this has some nice ideas but that it doesn't quite hang together and some of the mechanics end up feeling redundant. Or, at least, that the game doesn't do a very good job of showing you how some of them work.

For example, fear. At the moment it seems such a nebulous mechanic and I can't quite fathom the impact it actually has. You have perks like 'fear decreases 16% faster when in a hiding place'. Ok, but I'll be damned if I can tell when my character is scared or not apart from if they scream when they see Jason or a dead body. I'm not sure I would know when to go hide to decrease my fear because I can't really tell when I'm scared.

The hiding places in general feel like...why would you bother? The amount of time you can hold your breath for is small. I hardly see anyone use them because it feels like too big a risk compared to just keeping moving.

In all the games I've played I've never once seen the police get called. In fact, I've never even seen the first step of that objective be completed. I feel like it must be too opaque or difficult to how to get it started which is why it always seems to revolve around the car or the boat.

I think it just doesn't quite give enough feedback to the player, especially the counsellors, as to why they should use, or even care about, certain mechanics. On the surface it's interesting that being in the dark and alone causes more fear than being in a lit room with other people but the fact that after several hours I couldn't really quantify the difference in gameplay terms is a failure on the part of the game.

There's fun to be had for sure but I think it needs quite a bit of work at a fairly fundamental level.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Holy shit. I've got an i5 6600 with a 1080 and 32gb of RAM and this runs like shit on even 1080p low settings.

Is there some tweak I'm missing?
The beta ran in 4k like a dream.


Full werewolf off the buckle
i have a 970 and i get 90-100fps on high...

It's awful because I've been excited about this. They're my favorite movies. This is the exact issue I had with Dead by Daylight, too. I should certainly be able to run these games. Other games run 4k no problem.


I'm glad I decided on the PC release. I feel for the console players, I really do. No problems on PC so far. Queue times are very quick.

I'm having a lot of fun with the game. Voice chat really brings out the fun, I've even had some great groups of random. I've seen every win condition achieved except surviving until sunrise. Jason is quite strong, so strong I think it must be very rare for all to survive 20 minutes. He could use some fine tuning I feel, but nothing extreme


So what are the opinions so far on the game's longevity? You guys see getting maybe a week or two out of it or a good bit longer? I know there's a single player addition coming later but I'm thinking strictly multiplayer for me and a few friends.

Fox Mulder

This looks neat, but I wonder about the console user base. $40 isn't nothing and the servers seem like shit. I'd hate to buy now and have it dead in a few weeks.


Well can't really pass judgement yet Xbox one player can't get in a game at all gonna go to bed and see what it's like in the morning


Full werewolf off the buckle
Ugh. Really regretting not going console. Maybe I'm not cut out for PC gaming. I thought throwing money at these problems would make them go away 😲
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