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Fumita Ueda is a sexist or: Why Females Don't Wear Pants or have grip strength

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FoxSpirit said:
Could people PLEASE think of the fact he lives in Japan??

Girls=skirts there, ok? Simply a cultural thing.

I don't care if Japan has backward ass culture, females in Japan wear pants too. And, *gasp*, I bet there are Japanese female mountain climbers :eek:
Jerk 2.0 said:
Which genre is this?

How are they overrepresented?

How do we know that this hypothetical character is 'male-like action hero with breasts?'


Look it up on TVtropes and check the video games section.
BreakyBoy said:

There's a difference between representing "classically feminine" women, and basically outright stating that a woman in Ueda's universe is physically incapable of a pullup.

The character is a girl, not a woman.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
BreakyBoy said:
There's a difference between representing "classically feminine" women, and basically outright stating that a woman in Ueda's universe is physically incapable of a pullup.

Maybe he wanted to portray a more traditional society and it went against his world design to have pants-wearing females? I don't see what's wrong with it.

Look at Yorda. She's tradtionally girly as hell. Wears a skirt. Fits Ueda's game world. Maybe Jade or Alyx Vance would look way out of place in this world?

Jerk 2.0 said:
Which genre is this?

How are they overrepresented?

How do we know that this hypothetical character is 'male-like action hero with breasts?'

Starting in the 1990s... they basically started to take the traditional male hero archetypes (Arnold, Clint Eastwood, etc) and put female "skins" on these heroes without changing their personalities at all.

There's nothing "female" about Lara Croft and her progeny. She's a "macho" hero.... not a true female hero.

That's fine... those types of heroes are necessary at some point in time to get more women in lead roles at all.... but a more traditionally girlie hero shouldn't be any kind of concept to scoff at.
hey_it's_that_dog said:
I am just so fucking angry about the gender chosen for the preteen protagonist of a videogame!!
Hey man, just because you have no problems thinking women are inferior, doesn't mean the rest of us have to be on board with you.
BobsRevenge said:
Honestly, with how video games work its not like men do either.

I'm not really bothered. And yes, men have stronger hands than women do on average. That's the truth, who gives a fuck.

On average, yeah. That doesn't mean that a female protagonist must be incapable of enough grip strength, especially in a game where the grip strength shown by the male protagonist is already in excess of what a young boy, on average, is capable of.


Jealous Bastard
Segata Sanshiro said:
Hey man, just because you have no problems thinking women are inferior, doesn't mean the rest of us have to be on board with you.

seriously, i wish people would realize how hard women have worked to balance out their biological deficit to males. so much hard work just disregarded.
Lonely1 said:
Well, is a sexist joke.

He's just making a reference to how people position cameras to look up girls skirts (as a RustyNails already pointed out with FFXIII). Kotaku (surprisingly) seems to be the only site that reported this in a way that makes it relatively obvious that he's not serious about the skirt issue.
fireside said:
Isn’t the boy wearing pants?
The boy from trico? I think he's wearing a wrapper of sorts

But you're right. The boy from Ico is wearing pants.


I guess Ueda is trying to present a very traditional, cultural universe in Ico. There has to be different traditional dresses for women and men. So I guess Yorda or any girl wearing pants in Ico universe would seem out of place. Its probably for this reason that Ueda wanted skirt for female protagonist, as it would seem to be a fit for the little universe he created.


lol, those reasons suck. some close minded thoughts there.

no wonder we never see games where the main char is a girl rescuing her man.


Amir0x said:
What fucking bullshit backward shit this crap is.

You can thank Japanese culture. Western devs have their mishaps but they're a thousand times more progressive when it comes to diversity in gaming.

Beth Cyra

TheChaos said:
You can thank Japanese culture. Western devs have their mishaps but they're a thousand times more progressive when it comes to diversity in gaming.

Not all of Japanese Dev community should be painted with this brush because of Ueda's dumb comments.

I have seen some extremely terrible stuff come out of Western Dev houses as well.


Don't blame for the thread title, you guys.

Xilium said:
Bloomers tend to be highly sexualized in Japan so I think that would unintentionally alter the perception of the character.

Miyazaki got away with it more than once.
Finaika said:
He was being serious, there was no "lol" at the end of the text.
I think you mean there was no (laugh) at the end.

Also, I think the reasoning is silly as hell and I don't agree with any of these "it fits the world he's making" reasons. There are a lot of ways to get around it if you wanna keep a skirt on the girl.


o_O @_@ O_o
Trent Strong said:
The character is a girl, not a woman.

OK, I made a mistake in my statement. My apologies. However, are you insinuating that younger girls can't do pullups, but younger boys can? Really?

BocoDragon said:
Maybe he wanted to portray a more traditional society and it went against his world design to have pants-wearing females? I don't see what's wrong with it.

Look at Yorda. She's tradtionally girly as hell. Wears a skirt. Fits Ueda's game world. Maybe Jade or Alyx Vance would look way out of place in this world?


I was talking about grip strength. I was responding to your "girlie girl" assertion. Where did I mention skirts? I'm actually ok with the skirt reasoning. It's ass-backwards, but if the man's vision of his universe's culture or whatever is that all women wear skirts or dresses, I'm fine with that. Hell, I'd be fine if all the men in his games didn't wear pants or underwear too. I'd consider both things bizarre, but if that's what the creator wants to do, that's what they'll do.

Edit: Let me modify that last bit. I'd be ok with the skirt thing, if it wasn't paired with the asinine grip strength thing. That gives it a much more specific context of "lol women can't do anything!"
In other news, Prominent First Person Shooter Developer has said that they decided not to put a female character in their game because "females have a harder time firing high caliber firearms, and also they might trip on their dress and high heels while running."
RustyNails said:
The boy from trico? I think he's wearing a wrapper of sorts

But you're right. The boy from Ico is wearing pants.


I guess Ueda is trying to present a very traditional, cultural universe in Ico. There has to be different traditional dresses for women and men. So I guess Yorda or any girl wearing pants in Ico universe would seem out of place. Its probably for this reason that Ueda wanted skirt for female protagonist, as it would seem to be a fit for the little universe he created.

Or he's sexist. Just sayin'.


On a somewhat related note, his rationale for choosing a male composer for SotC was kind of odd:
GS: The Wanda to Kyozou music was done by Kou Ohtani. Why did you choose him?

FU: ICO's composer was (female composer) Michiru Ohshima, and I didn't want to create the same image for this game. Aside from that, ICO was a game that both male and female players could enjoy equally. But I think this is a game that male players will enjoy more. So I chose a male composer.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
cosmicblizzard said:

Look it up on TVtropes and check the video games section.

Hey but real women can still wear dresses. Dont wanna go flipping past the other side of the scale.


EmCeeGramr said:
In other news, Prominent First Person Shooter Developer has said that they decided not to put a female character in their game because "females have a harder time firing high caliber firearms, and also they might trip on their dress and high heels while running."

Fuck, I cannot even imagine many western devs even joking about that.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
EmCeeGramr said:
On average, yeah. That doesn't mean that a female protagonist must be incapable of enough grip strength, especially in a game where the grip strength shown by the male protagonist is already in excess of what a young boy, on average, is capable of.
But it is more plausible than a young girl.

I mean, I'm sure if you talked to Ueda he could give you some more reasons or whatever. Go over the discussions about the decision. These reasons sound kind of half assed. I can't see someone in charge looking at some early gameplay testing and thinking "No, no, this won't do. Bitches can't climb, I forgot and I'm sorry for the mistake. We're going with a dude."

"Yeah, Ueda, I think you're right. Bitches also wear skirts. And you know, camera angles."

"You're goddamn right. They wear those short skirts and then pretend they don't want it."
TheChaos said:
You can thank Japanese culture. Western devs have their mishaps but they're a thousand times more progressive when it comes to diversity in gaming.

Indeed. It will be a very good day if Japan ever realizes that it's not 1950 anymore... as you say the West is far from perfect on gender issues, but many miles ahead of the East Asian countries. It's sad, and I very much hope that things change.

I mean, they sort of might have to eventually, right? I mean, their gender discrimination problems are behind some of the causes of Japan's incredibly low birthrate... it's hard to convince Japanese people to have children these days when women are supposed to quit their jobs if married (and particularly if married and with children), and having children when not married is considered socially unthinkable.


Ueda is not unique in this regard. It's pretty much in every culture everywhere.

Miyazaki's pretty cool, though.

BocoDragon said:
Starting in the 1990s... they basically started to take the traditional male hero archetypes (Arnold, Clint Eastwood, etc) and put female "skins" on these heroes without changing their personalities at all.

There's nothing "female" about Lara Croft and her progeny. She's a "macho" hero.... not a true female hero.

That's fine... those types of heroes are necessary at some point in time to get more women in lead roles at all.... but a more traditionally girlie hero shouldn't be any kind of concept to scoff at.
Yes. Even Samus is like that, for another example (but not to the same extent).


7Th said:
Miyazaki got away with it more than once.

If you're talking about Hayao Miyazaki I'm pretty sure most (if not all) of the female leads in his movies wear skirts. I think the girl in Spirited Away had a Kimono but I don't recall bloomers.
Is this one of those threads where the OP deals with a very minor situation relying on (insert-"ism") in which reasonable posters complain, while other posters come to bait in order to try and use people as lolcows?

EDIT - *reads thread more thoroughly*

Ahh it just might be!

BocoDragon said:
Starting in the 1990s... they basically started to take the traditional male hero archetypes (Arnold, Clint Eastwood, etc) and put female "skins" on these heroes without changing their personalities at all.

There's nothing "female" about Lara Croft and her progeny. She's a "macho" hero.... not a true female hero.

That's fine... those types of heroes are necessary at some point in time to get more women in lead roles at all.... but a more traditionally girlie hero shouldn't be any kind of concept to scoff at.

Ugh. I tend to really dislike archetypes like that. They are so boring, one dimensional, and completely uninteresting. Thank God, American culture has been moving away from that since the late 90's. I personally think Miyazaki has nailed it as far as heros/heroines go.


I don't see that it's that much of a big deal. I personally prefer female protagonists, but I can live without them, and since so many character creation decisions are made for the purpose of selling via sex or producing eye candy in some form I don't think this particular decision was made for worse reasons than most. It's all pretty superficial and trivial when you look at the big picture, i.e. how good the final character and the overall game are.
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