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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities


hey running gaf, first time posting in this ot and i would like to ask for phone app recommendations.

my friends and i have signed up for a 21k running event happening this august and we would like to track each other's running history via a phone app in order to compare each other's training regiment when we're not training together. what's the best app that would allow my friends and i to do so?

i'm currently using the nike running app but i don't believe you're able to access your friends' running history? correct me if i'm wrong.


Best of luck to any fellow London Marathon runners today. Feeling incredibly nervous, but hopefully it'll all be alright on the night!


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I just recently got into the whole Zombies Run 5k app in order to prepare for the full Zombies Run app. How does everybody here feel about these apps ? They sounded interesting eh ? Kept me out there walking/jogging in order to hear more of the zombie "story" :) :) :)


Best of luck to any fellow London Marathon runners today. Feeling incredibly nervous, but hopefully it'll all be alright on the night!

Good luck! A few from my running club are taking part today so keep an eye out for Warrington Running Club :)

I'm running the Whitley Village Hall 10k today, I've been told it's one of the nicest 10k's in Cheshire so it should be nice. I ran on Thursday though and my legs are still fairly tired which is annoying.

I'm also still running in plain neutral shoes (Brooks Ghost 8) despite me overpronating and meant to be needing support. My podiatrist advised I wear Salford insoles but as they're plastic, they kill my feet. Blisters and feels like I'm pounding concrete constantly.

Running in the insoles that come with the Brooks, I feel FAR more comfortable running. But my body is having to get used to not running with support so I ache for a few days around my ankles. This is the first 10k with no support so I'm hoping I do okay and I get through the tiredness and aches in my legs at the moment.


I just recently got into the whole Zombies Run 5k app in order to prepare for the full Zombies Run app. How does everybody here feel about these apps ? They sounded interesting eh ? Kept me out there walking/jogging in order to hear more of the zombie "story" :) :) :)

I've been flirting with Zombies5k on and off for three years now, once got to week six or seven and then quit. Currently I'm back on week 3 and I'm having more progress with it than ever in the form of notably improving my endurance in freefrom runs every workout, which didn't happen the previous times. Hopefully this time I will see it to the end.

I find the 5k apps absolutely essential, as a beginner/seditary being I think it is really important to have instructions and workouts made to build your strength and most likely also help prevent injury by not letting you over exhaust yourself.


Did my 10k in 1:01:00 which smashes my PB by over 2 mins so that's great. But one of my 2016 goals is to get 1hr or under in a 10k so it's a little frustrating to miss out by 1 minute. I was on pace to get it too but there was a horrible hill at 5 miles which knocked me right back.

Liverpool 10k next week though which is flatter so hopefully I'll hit my target then.


Ran a 10k this morning at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL. Beat last year's 7:50 pace with a 7:36. Extremely happy with it considering the constant elevation changes. Miles 1 though 4 felt all uphill lol


Managed to finish the London Marathon in 4 hours and 14 minutes which is a whole 34 minutes faster than my last one in 2012. Given that I'm 4 years older and I've been a LOT more injury prone this time around, I was massively surprised and really pleased that it went so well.

I think that's me done for marathon running. It was awesome whilst it lasted. Looking forward to being a spectator/marshal/helper in the future and giving something back to a phenomenal event.


Managed to finish the London Marathon in 4 hours and 14 minutes which is a whole 34 minutes faster than my last one in 2012. Given that I'm 4 years older and I've been a LOT more injury prone this time around, I was massively surprised and really pleased that it went so well.

I think that's me done for marathon running. It was awesome whilst it lasted. Looking forward to being a spectator/marshal/helper in the future and giving something back to a phenomenal event.

Great job!

Late Flag

Managed to finish the London Marathon in 4 hours and 14 minutes which is a whole 34 minutes faster than my last one in 2012. Given that I'm 4 years older and I've been a LOT more injury prone this time around, I was massively surprised and really pleased that it went so well.

I think that's me done for marathon running. It was awesome whilst it lasted. Looking forward to being a spectator/marshal/helper in the future and giving something back to a phenomenal event.

Nice job. That's a huge PR. Congratulations.


my friends and i have signed up for a 21k running event happening this august and we would like to track each other's running history via a phone app in order to compare each other's training regiment when we're not training together. what's the best app that would allow my friends and i to do so?

i'm currently using the nike running app but i don't believe you're able to access your friends' running history? correct me if i'm wrong.
Yeah the nike thing is a little shit. Strava works out well for me, I don't use the phone app though, only the webpage.

Did my 10k in 1:01:00 which smashes my PB by over 2 mins so that's great. But one of my 2016 goals is to get 1hr or under in a 10k so it's a little frustrating to miss out by 1 minute. I was on pace to get it too but there was a horrible hill at 5 miles which knocked me right back.

Liverpool 10k next week though which is flatter so hopefully I'll hit my target then.
Grats on the PR! You're almost there and there's plenty of time left in 2016, I'm sure you'll get to your goal.

Ran a 10k this morning at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL. Beat last year's 7:50 pace with a 7:36. Extremely happy with it considering the constant elevation changes. Miles 1 though 4 felt all uphill lol
Great job, very nice pace! How's the foot, all healed?

Managed to finish the London Marathon in 4 hours and 14 minutes which is a whole 34 minutes faster than my last one in 2012. Given that I'm 4 years older and I've been a LOT more injury prone this time around, I was massively surprised and really pleased that it went so well.


hey running gaf, first time posting in this ot and i would like to ask for phone app recommendations.

my friends and i have signed up for a 21k running event happening this august and we would like to track each other's running history via a phone app in order to compare each other's training regiment when we're not training together. what's the best app that would allow my friends and i to do so?

i'm currently using the nike running app but i don't believe you're able to access your friends' running history? correct me if i'm wrong.

Runkeeper or strava

If you guys have actual GPS watches and/or on different sites and brands then I would use https://tapiriik.com to sync all your accounts. It's free
Managed to finish the London Marathon in 4 hours and 14 minutes which is a whole 34 minutes faster than my last one in 2012. Given that I'm 4 years older and I've been a LOT more injury prone this time around, I was massively surprised and really pleased that it went so well.

I think that's me done for marathon running. It was awesome whilst it lasted. Looking forward to being a spectator/marshal/helper in the future and giving something back to a phenomenal event.

Very well done, that is a hell of an achievement. I was watching the marathon all yesterday and it looked like quite the event.
Long time no post (actually haven't been on GAF too often lately tbh), but thought I would keep everyone informed in our group informed about my running plans lately. Recently, my most accomplished race was the Livermore Half Marathon where I dropped my time from 2:10:13 at the Golden Gate Half last November to about 1:51:39 in March. Given that I got sick for half the month of February, and only got in a handful of long runs beforehand, I really can't ask for anything better.

Anyways, if you've been following my on Strava you'll noticed that my distance/time spent running has gone up significantly- it's because I'm training for my first full at Cal-International this December! Last year, I was barely able to fathom running a 10k let alone 26.2 miles. In part, it's due to you guys and your accomplishments that I've been able to convince myself that this is more than doable; so thanks! Anyone got any advice for a soon-to-be first-time marathoner? I've set my ambitious goal to see if I can break the four hour mark.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I've been flirting with Zombies5k on and off for three years now, once got to week six or seven and then quit. Currently I'm back on week 3 and I'm having more progress with it than ever in the form of notably improving my endurance in freefrom runs every workout, which didn't happen the previous times. Hopefully this time I will see it to the end.

I find the 5k apps absolutely essential, as a beginner/seditary being I think it is really important to have instructions and workouts made to build your strength and most likely also help prevent injury by not letting you over exhaust yourself.

Cool ! Awesome fellow Runner 5 :) Yeah the weather is starting to get better here now so I am starting my annual jogging season. I always get super lazy during winter as the weather here is just dreadful. Now the sun is out and I get back to my jogging/exercising way. This zombie app is pretty interesting so far. I'm only on week 1 and I just follow its instruction along with music. I really like the last 10 minutes free run because I could just keep jogging and don't stop. That's where I start feeling more accomplished whereas the instruction earlier on were too easy. 15 seconds basically felt like it should be a spring for me. However, it is good to start slow and it does help regulate my pacing. I'm going to keep going as much as I can ! Does this app allow you to add friends or something on there so you guys can "compete" or something along that line ?


Anyways, if you've been following my on Strava you'll noticed that my distance/time spent running has gone up significantly- it's because I'm training for my first full at Cal-International this December!
Yeah, your progress has been pretty incredible, great job! No advice for you though, never done a marathon.

Ran at the park was so much better than treadmill. Except the sun but I'll have to get used to it
Oh noes, all this sun and fresh air!! :)


I was directed here from a previous thread I created asking this question.

Over the past 6 months I have been running on an elliptical machine in an effort to rehab my knees. On average I have been going about 4mi a day then weight training.
This week I started the couch to 5k program, using the trail system behind out house.

On my first run outside I went a total of 2mi and in the process rolled my ankle on a rock, and this morning realized that I have pain in my left shin (guessing its a shin splint).

My question to those of you who are regular runners. Are there ways that I can avoid future injuries like these? I already wear a knee brace on my right leg, and I'll start wearing an ankle brace on my injured foot as well.

Should I be working on my stride? Should I start wearing compression leggings?

I really want to make a go of this, my goal this year is to run a full spartan sprint. I have completed several of those in the past but its been more of a brisk walk!

Any advice is appreciated, and if it matters I intend to continue trail running only as pavement and my knees do not get along at all!

I am wearing a pair of Speedcross 3's for running


It's ridiculously easy to get hurt on trails. As boring as it is, you would be better off on a track it you're worried about messing up your knees on the pavement.
Yeah, your progress has been pretty incredible, great job! No advice for you though, never done a marathon.

Oh noes, all this sun and fresh air!! :)

lol i don't mean i don't hate the sun. just not the sun in my area and i sweat really fast so basically sweat + sun block go into my eyes and i was blind. but when the sun slowly went down it was magic. the wind picked up. (y) would do that again.

i need to find my headband
I was directed here from a previous thread I created asking this question.

Over the past 6 months I have been running on an elliptical machine in an effort to rehab my knees. On average I have been going about 4mi a day then weight training.
This week I started the couch to 5k program, using the trail system behind out house.

On my first run outside I went a total of 2mi and in the process rolled my ankle on a rock, and this morning realized that I have pain in my left shin (guessing its a shin splint).

My question to those of you who are regular runners. Are there ways that I can avoid future injuries like these? I already wear a knee brace on my right leg, and I'll start wearing an ankle brace on my injured foot as well.

Should I be working on my stride? Should I start wearing compression leggings?

I really want to make a go of this, my goal this year is to run a full spartan sprint. I have completed several of those in the past but its been more of a brisk walk!

Any advice is appreciated, and if it matters I intend to continue trail running only as pavement and my knees do not get along at all!

I am wearing a pair of Speedcross 3's for running

I made some posts before about hip strenghtening excercices and glutes strenghtening.
Stretching the hip flexors and hip extension will help with the correct running form.

Your running form is very important. With the correct form it actually doesn't matter where you run. Pavement or trails. I know some people think otherwise.


Off course if you have a medical issue then i would see a doctor.

Compresson socks are for recovering and if you are not doing very long distances then they would not help you more. Just put them on after your run for more blood flow and easier recovery.

Shin splints are a thing if you run too much too soon. Be very carefull with that.
4 miles a day, every day was maybe a bit much without the rest to let your shin bones heal and get stronger.

Changing your running form, strenghtening your hip and glutes will help you with your future in running and also help in preventing shin splints.


I hope i was able to help you a bit with this information.

EDIT: i checked your posts in that thread before and i saw that they were talking about landing front foot and toes.

DON'T land on your toes.

Land midfoot is is a better suggestion. The impact of the landing will spread out more over the entire foot and it has more natural cushioning.


Copying and pasting what I said in the other thread. Yes, don't land on toes as the person above me said. Landing on toes is probably one of the best ways to get shin splints.

Lothar said:
Pretend you're running on hot coals. Run lightly. If you're making a lot of noise when you hit the ground, then you're putting too much impact. Land midfoot, not heel or forefoot.

Take your shoes off and run barefoot on the treadmill. If you do that, your body will naturally tell you the correct way to run. It will force you to use low impact.

Think of running as lifting your feet off the ground rather than pushing. Use a high cadence - make many quick steps, lift your feet quickly even if you're going slow. The less you spend time in the air for each step, the less force you have to exert per step and less shock you receive on landing.


58:42 today at Liverpool 10k according to my Garmin, although it only registered 6.1m so not quite 10k apparently but I'm taking it!

Before last week my PB was 1:03, last week I got 1:01 and this week 58 mins. Absolutely delighted and that's one of my 2016 goals done. Didn't expect to get under an hour so soon into the year!

Super pleased!


Neo Member
Yesterday was my cities half marathon/10k/5k that I did the half in for the past two years, but I ended up signing up for the 5k on Friday due to not preparing and the cost of the half being high. It was actually my first timed 5k and I'm really happy to say I got first place and a time of 17:59! I know I was lucky to get first with that time due to the faster runners doing the half, but it's still a great feeling!
Yesterday was my cities half marathon/10k/5k that I did the half in for the past two years, but I ended up signing up for the 5k on Friday due to not preparing and the cost of the half being high. It was actually my first timed 5k and I'm really happy to say I got first place and a time of 17:59! I know I was lucky to get first with that time due to the faster runners doing the half, but it's still a great feeling!

Hats off. Congrats!!


58:42 today at Liverpool 10k according to my Garmin, although it only registered 6.1m so not quite 10k apparently but I'm taking it!

Before last week my PB was 1:03, last week I got 1:01 and this week 58 mins. Absolutely delighted and that's one of my 2016 goals done. Didn't expect to get under an hour so soon into the year!
Congrats on hitting your goal!

Yesterday was my cities half marathon/10k/5k that I did the half in for the past two years, but I ended up signing up for the 5k on Friday due to not preparing and the cost of the half being high. It was actually my first timed 5k and I'm really happy to say I got first place and a time of 17:59! I know I was lucky to get first with that time due to the faster runners doing the half, but it's still a great feeling!
Solid time, great job.


Nothing like starting a race and having your legs feel like lead immediately. I had a 15k trail race this weekend and felt gassed after 2 miles. It was a mental battle the next 7 to tell myself to not quite. It started with a 5k loop then a longer 10k loop and I contemplated calling it quits a the 5k. I finished with an okay time but definitely a bit bummed since people I usually beat, passed me and I am trying to place overall in the series. I will take it as a learning experience that even when your legs feel dead you can still go a good amount more.

I also am probably going to pay for it this upcoming weekend since my legs are extra tired and my metatarsal is acting up and I have a 14mile obstacle course race.


Congrats on hitting your goal!

Solid time, great job.


Really pleased at my speed improving. Now I've hit that target, my other goal is to run the half marathon in September.

I've never run more than 10k so I'll be starting the Hal Higson Novice 1 in late June, as well as continuing my 10k's and runs with my club so hopefully I'll be ready come September.

I feel like I'll be fine, but I'll need to drop my pace quite a bit from my 10k pace.


I've never run more than 10k so I'll be starting the Hal Higson Novice 1 in late June, as well as continuing my 10k's and runs with my club so hopefully I'll be ready come September.

I feel like I'll be fine, but I'll need to drop my pace quite a bit from my 10k pace.
Incorporating long runs in your weekly routine should help you all around, including on 10K.


To all that run | workout the majority of the week, I need some advice!
I run only 3x week, and it consists of:

- Short fast-paced run (4m)
- Medium fast-paced run (10m)
- Long run, which is flexible for training.

I've been pretty consistent with this for many years, but I haven't really progressed at all, and my marathon / half times show it.

I heard it's more beneficial to run | workout the majority of days, and rest only 1 or 2.

Has anyone transitioned from working out a few days to most days?

How did you mentally switch?
Jog/walked for an hour today. 5.59 miles. Duration about 1:11:32. 12:47min/mile pace. Ball of foot start rubbing against shoes pretty sure it was about to catch fire lol

Need to work on my breathing too


I've made a commitment to run 90 miles, row 30 miles, and cycle just over 180 miles over the course of May, for a work charity thing. I'm fine with the rowing and cycling, but dreading the running as I've only just recovered from some agonising shin splints. I got them when I was overdoing it, going 7 days a week without rest, so I'm hoping if I do 5 days on, 2 off, I will be okay. First run was yesterday though and this morning my shins are already twinging...not good.
To all that run | workout the majority of the week, I need some advice!
I run only 3x week, and it consists of:

- Short fast-paced run (4m)
- Medium fast-paced run (10m)
- Long run, which is flexible for training.

I've been pretty consistent with this for many years, but I haven't really progressed at all, and my marathon / half times show it.

I heard it's more beneficial to run | workout the majority of days, and rest only 1 or 2.

Has anyone transitioned from working out a few days to most days?

How did you mentally switch?

For the progress i would run an extra day and do some sprints/strides.

Also hill repeats. It will make you faster.
I've made a commitment to run 90 miles, row 30 miles, and cycle just over 180 miles over the course of May, for a work charity thing. I'm fine with the rowing and cycling, but dreading the running as I've only just recovered from some agonising shin splints. I got them when I was overdoing it, going 7 days a week without rest, so I'm hoping if I do 5 days on, 2 off, I will be okay. First run was yesterday though and this morning my shins are already twinging...not good.

That your shins are already twinging in the morning after your first run is not a good sign.

I know you don't wanna hear this but i believe it will get worse(not a doctor).

I would take a good look at my running form. Not overstriding, no heel running. Up your cadence.

(sorry for the double post)


That your shins are already twinging in the morning after your first run is not a good sign.

I know you don't wanna hear this but i believe it will get worse(not a doctor).

I would take a good look at my running form. Not overstriding, no heel running. Up your cadence.

(sorry for the double post)

Yeah I think you're right. Just went for my second run and took it easy, but it still burns. Shit.
I definitely prefer courses with rolling hills the whole time now instead of pancake flat courses. My calves didn't feel trashed at all. Something magical about running on Hayward Field. i was actually thinking about Pre most of the race and that kept me up mentally. Beyond excited that i'll be running Boston next year. You definitely get a runner's town vibe in Eugene. I went back to NYC today and i'll miss those trails so much.



Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I feel like I am hitting some next level stuff suddenly for me. Did one week of Zombie Run 5k and always try to run in the last 10 minutes. I am usually breathless by the end of it of course, because I'm a piece of un-fit crap. Well today I'm on the second week and I followed the second week routine. Then it go to the final 10 minutes jog and I jogged like I've never jogged before. I didn't really break a sweat going at a faster pace than before (still not really fast but certainly faster than before) and also I just kept jogging an extra 2 km even afterward. That felt REALLY good :O


I feel like I am hitting some next level stuff suddenly for me. Did one week of Zombie Run 5k and always try to run in the last 10 minutes. I am usually breathless by the end of it of course, because I'm a piece of un-fit crap. Well today I'm on the second week and I followed the second week routine. Then it go to the final 10 minutes jog and I jogged like I've never jogged before. I didn't really break a sweat going at a faster pace than before (still not really fast but certainly faster than before) and also I just kept jogging an extra 2 km even afterward. That felt REALLY good :O

I definitely prefer courses with rolling hills the whole time now instead of pancake flat courses. My calves didn't feel trashed at all. Something magical about running on Hayward Field. i was actually thinking about Pre most of the race and that kept me up mentally. Beyond excited that i'll be running Boston next year. You definitely get a runner's town vibe in Eugene. I went back to NYC today and i'll miss those trails so much.


Sub 3hr marathon.

I'm trying to figure out whats up with my ankle/foot and of course using the internet to diagnose myself is virtually impossible so I'm gonna ask you guys.

Basically its a sore area on the outside of my left foot, below the ankle but above the heel (professional illustration provided). It's tender to the touch and visibly swelled the last time I ran.

I haven't done any form of running for over a week now (before that was 5k 3-4 times a week) and it doesn't seem to be improving. I'm just trying to figure out it's its tendinitis or something more. Thanks bros.


Does this app allow you to add friends or something on there so you guys can "compete" or something along that line ?

I'm not sure actually, I never had anyone to try to compare to so I didn't look into it.

I feel like I am hitting some next level stuff suddenly for me. Did one week of Zombie Run 5k and always try to run in the last 10 minutes. I am usually breathless by the end of it of course, because I'm a piece of un-fit crap. Well today I'm on the second week and I followed the second week routine. Then it go to the final 10 minutes jog and I jogged like I've never jogged before. I didn't really break a sweat going at a faster pace than before (still not really fast but certainly faster than before) and also I just kept jogging an extra 2 km even afterward. That felt REALLY good :O

Outpacing me and those zoms then. Congrats :D

I'm going rather slow it seems, I sometimes repeat a practice if I'm not happy with the result/too destroyed to come back after two days so I just started week 4 and did my first full 10 minutts. But in the end how fast I'm working my way trough the program doesn't matter as long as I am happy and proud of my accomplishments, no matter how small they seem to others I tell about them.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I'm not sure actually, I never had anyone to try to compare to so I didn't look into it.

Outpacing me and those zoms then. Congrats :D

I'm going rather slow it seems, I sometimes repeat a practice if I'm not happy with the result/too destroyed to come back after two days so I just started week 4 and did my first full 10 minutts. But in the end how fast I'm working my way trough the program doesn't matter as long as I am happy and proud of my accomplishments, no matter how small they seem to others I tell about them.
How much distance do you cover in the last 10 mins run in your week 2 routines? I don't run fast so I average like 2.2 k in the last 10 mins. Last time I did an extra 2 km so I felt really really good. I did a run yesterday and I was definitely not as good the run I did before. I guess I have good days and bad days haha. Keep up the good work! I think on the zombie link website you can add friends in there. We should totally add each other's and keep each other's motivated!
forgot i had a pair of nike revolution 2. i think i blamed it on the shoe at one point but i was wearing cotton socks. i'll try these for a run tomorrow and see how it feels.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Whew week 3 of Zombies Run 5k is definitely a new challenge. I managed to jog in all the free run sessions and it definitely felt like a jump in difficulty.

Question for you pro runners. Is it better to slow down the run pace so you can keep jogging longer or better to run at a faster pace and run out of breath earlier and walk for a bit to recover?
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