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Game Journalist Refuse To Review Shadowrun Attitude because it has a Sexy Woman On The Cover, Gets Mocked By Female Gamers On Twitter


Gold Member
I think you're misunderstanding the argument. It negatively affects how the medium is perceived. Games deserve better than suits deciding 'young males buy the most games, and young males are sexually inexperienced, blue balled and thirsty so this is what's happening with the cover'. The medium deserves better. Artists working on incredible game universes are being stiffled by this analytics shit.

Also I don't know what to tell you if you think 'damn I'm so busty my shirt is torn and stretched' passes for 'moderate v-neck' in the real world.

Why don't you go and check, do some research before making a thread? He specifically said he was only 'tempted' and not able to make a managerial decision like that so no, he didn't 'refuse' anything, because he literally couldn't, and therefore this thread is fake news.
This all feels like that recent article and thread on resetera that discusses in some instances, the managers asked artists to make more sexually attractive females, and now that is being parroted around like it’s true in every case. Hmmm.
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What an intellectually challenging post lock. That post is definitely the best Zelda dungeon.

... we're clearly remembering Chun Li very differently.

*Simpler for you, while entire other demographics were unhappy with their treatment in society. GenX here btw. And I'm not triggered by discussions about where our society should go from here.

You remember Chun Li for what?

I remember her as a bad ass fighter with huge thighs and boobs to boot. The definition of fucking awesome.

I am Gen X as well but you don't resemble Gen X at all. That gen loved celebratinf sex appeal. Gen X was about freedom and being rebellious.


GhostofBabel doesn't seem to have much of a point beyond projection. running and hiding behind "you want the SUITS to tell you what to do?" like come on, dude, those aren't suits, those are people making these games. why are you so intent on telling them what to do?

this "other demographics like things" shit is old. people inflate other demographics all the time for whatever reason they want.

thing is, LGBT people seem to be all about sexual characters and exploitation, so even then i don't see how a sexy box art is not still serving that audience. this is weak ass concern trolling.
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Really don't what your stance here. Game deserves 'better'? Better for whom?
imagine going into a museum of female nudes and saying "art deserves better". better than what? celebrating the human form? what is the better, more enlightened subject matter? prey, tell us.

i mean people have actually done this through history, complained that artists were painting human bodies. they aren't fondly remembered.
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You remember Chun Li for what?

I remember her as a bad ass fighter with huge thighs and boobs to boot. The definition of fucking awesome.

I am Gen X as well but you don't resemble Gen X at all. That gen loved celebratinf sex appeal. Gen X was about freedom and being rebellious.

Someone post that Mark Hamill everythingyoujustsaidwaswrong.gif for me, I'm on a phone/lazy.


so i'm curious. what are the demographics this is leaving behind? if it's a sexy woman, it possibly appeals to anyone attracted by sexy women. that includes cis and the whole LGBT spectrum. very inclusive.

that's the thing. people want a whole LGBT revolution, they want everyone to be open and accepting of all sexual orientations, yet they want to belittle the cis white male stance. that's a bullshit double standard that will only get blowback. IMO if you want drag shows and parades and entire months all about the way you have sex, and you want people to respect that and not criticize it, you should shut the fuck up when a cis white male is being catered to.
I guess he doesn't have to, his reasons belong to him...
IMO if you are writing for a publication you should try to act more professional and unbiased.
The organization is the result of its management and employees, I'd rather have a couple of sites that cover more variety of games from different angles, even the more prude ones.

If you're against something the business can assign the review to someone else, if this is his business he doesn't have to review every game that come in, worse comes to worse the game will be reviewed on other sites.

Would it be better if he reviewed it and docked a couple of points off of the score to show that he was right, like they do at Eurogamer?
I am Gen X as well but you don't resemble Gen X at all. That gen loved celebratinf sex appeal. Gen X was about freedom and being rebellious.
Obviously not everyone, the undercurrent for what is going on in the media/universities has been long coming, it's just blowing up in the open in the last couple of years, many gen Xers are part of it.

If you worked for a big business in recent years you would have been subject to the constant pandering to diversity, that has recently changed to inclusion, etc. which is not all bad, but it has some perverse effects.
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Games deserve better
The medium deserves better

Never understood this to be honest.
Games deserve better. The medium deserves better. We need to do better.

When I watch a movie at home the fact that pornographic movies exist doesn't make me think "movies deserve better".
If I decide to buy some new music the fact that there are genres out there that I hate doesn't make me go "the music industry needs to be better".

The fact of the matter is that all different types of content can coexist and if a person doesn't like Game X for Reason Y then that's OK there are plenty of other games out there. No need to say "games deserve better" just invest time in the games that you feel deserve your attention.

Seems weird to me that people are more than likely cranking one out to the most vile and depraved porn and then going to Twitter for a wee whinge about how a game has a very mildly provocative cover art.

Games are doing just fine and there SHOULD be a little something for everyone.

If you don't like it then cool. That's fine. No need to make a big song and dance about how inappropriate you think it is.


so i'm curious. what are the demographics this is leaving behind? if it's a sexy woman, it possibly appeals to anyone attracted by sexy women. that includes cis and the whole LGBT spectrum. very inclusive.

that's the thing. people want a whole LGBT revolution, they want everyone to be open and accepting of all sexual orientations, yet they want to belittle the cis white male stance. that's a bullshit double standard that will only get blowback. IMO if you want drag shows and parades and entire months all about the way you have sex, and you want people to respect that and not criticize it, you should shut the fuck up when a cis white male is being catered to.

Agreed 100% but understand that not every LGBT person is like this. Like everything else it's a weird small minority.
Most LGBT I know including myself are very open sexually to everything like this.

This goes for the Trans community as well.
I've met mostly trans people that are quiet and dignified about their transition.
Noy clearly doing it for attention where it becomes your entire personality.

This also goes for Vegans etc.


Someone post that Mark Hamill everythingyoujustsaidwaswrong.gif for me, I'm on a phone/lazy.

Do you actually remember the 90's? I think the revisionist history fanfiction wikis you are reading aren't good at all. I seriously doubt you are the age you claim to be. If so, your mind has been hijacked by millennial thoughts.

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Never understood this to be honest.
Games deserve better. The medium deserves better. We need to do better.

If you don't like the medium you're on the wrong board. If you like something you want something better for it. How many years has the 'games as art' argument existed?

If you don't like it then cool. That's fine. No need to make a big song and dance about how inappropriate you think it is.

I made one post. You're the one making a song and dance out of a throwaway comment in my post. Again. It was simply my opinion, and I am entitled to share it.

Do you actually remember the 90's?

You've gone forward ten years in your argument but yes, vividly. I remember our culture not having to deal with intellectual dishonesty and agendas, our only trials were being mocked for our likes and dislikes. The internet has a lot to answer for. Imagine if this movie was released today.


Minigun totting hespanic woman and all. Some people would have a shit-fit. And yet it's one of the best movies of all time. So the real question is, do YOU remember that time? Because it doesn't look like it.

Thank you for proving my point with that image. You argued that Chun Li had a massive bust 'in the good ol' days' . That couldn't be further from the truth. My point was you're objectively wrong on that count and I am still correct there.

In fact it could be argued that her design is more aligned with making her appear powerful; thighs are rarely sexualized like butts and busts are. Her design is more in line with the reasons the dudes in fighting games are super buff. Power fantasy =/= sexualisation, they're very different ideas. What you posted is fan-art I believe. The actual devs don't have any control over that.


(I'm back at a computer now.)
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If you don't like the medium you're on the wrong board. If you like something you want something better for it. How many years has the 'games as art' argument existed?

I do like the medium. I also understand that the medium has many facets to it and I do not like some of those.

Just because something that is not to my tastes exists does not mean that the entire medium "deserves better". I believe that there is room for pretty much everything and I will use my ability to pick and choose to only go for things that interest me.

Some sexy box art existing doesn't suddenly mean that the entire medium is in the toilet.
Why should people who like that kind of thing not be catered to? It's easily ignored if you aren't into it.


If you don't like the medium you're on the wrong board. If you like something you want something better for it. How many years has the 'games as art' argument existed?

I made one post. You're the one making a song and dance out of a throwaway comment in my post. Again. It was simply my opinion, and I am entitled to share it.

You've gone forward ten years in your argument but yes, vividly. I remember our culture not having to deal with intellectual dishonesty and agendas, our only trials were being mocked for our likes and dislikes. The internet has a lot to answer for. Imagine if this movie was released today.


Minigun totting hespanic woman and all. Some people would have a shit-fit. And yet it's one of the best movies of all time. So the real question is, do YOU remember that time? Because it doesn't look like it.

Thank you for proving my point with that image. You argued that Chun Li had a massive bust 'in the good ol' days' . That couldn't be further from the truth. My point was you're objectively wrong on that count and I am still correct there.

In fact it could be argued that her design is more aligned with making her appear powerful; thighs are rarely sexualized like butts and busts are. Her design is more in line with the reasons the dudes in fighting games are super buff. Power fantasy =/= sexualisation, they're very different ideas. What you posted is fan-art I believe. The actual devs don't have any control over that.


(I'm back at a computer now.)
Official Chun Li art from the 90's. Those boobs are really small. I pity her.


If you don't like the medium you're on the wrong board. If you like something you want something better for it. How many years has the 'games as art' argument existed?

I made one post. You're the one making a song and dance out of a throwaway comment in my post. Again. It was simply my opinion, and I am entitled to share it.

You've gone forward ten years in your argument but yes, vividly. I remember our culture not having to deal with intellectual dishonesty and agendas, our only trials were being mocked for our likes and dislikes. The internet has a lot to answer for. Imagine if this movie was released today.


Minigun totting hespanic woman and all. Some people would have a shit-fit. And yet it's one of the best movies of all time. So the real question is, do YOU remember that time? Because it doesn't look like it.

Thank you for proving my point with that image. You argued that Chun Li had a massive bust 'in the good ol' days' . That couldn't be further from the truth. My point was you're objectively wrong on that count and I am still correct there.

In fact it could be argued that her design is more aligned with making her appear powerful; thighs are rarely sexualized like butts and busts are. Her design is more in line with the reasons the dudes in fighting games are super buff. Power fantasy =/= sexualisation, they're very different ideas. What you posted is fan-art I believe. The actual devs don't have any control over that.


(I'm back at a computer now.)

Also, what I posted is not fan art. It's official Capcom art.
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Would it be better if he reviewed it and docked a couple of points off of the score to show that he was right, like they do at Eurogamer?

No, it would have been better if he contacted the publication internally, expressed his personal issues with the game and requested another reviewer to be assigned to it. Instead of going to social media, attacking the game and trying to score some brownie point.

That's, IMO, part of what acting professional is about

Even when I was working retail I remember some companies send out memos every now and then reminding employees that if they announced on social media that they worked for the company they should be mindful of the stuff they posted related to work. If that was expected from a bunch of mostly minimum wage employees (mostly students) I don't think it's too crazy to expect a "professional games critic and journalist" to do the same
No, it would have been better if he contacted the publication internally, expressed his personal issues with the game and requested another reviewer to be assigned to it. Instead of going to social media, attacking the game and trying to score some brownie point.
point granted.
  • Praise the Sun
Reactions: Fbh
Fbh people are entitled to share their opinions. You don't have to like them. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean the tweeter should've done this in private to avoid offending you. Twitter is not a 'safe space'.


Fbh people are entitled to share their opinions. You don't have to like them. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean the tweeter should've done this in private to avoid offending you. Twitter is not a 'safe space'.

Right. So we are sharing our opinions on this dickhead who got his panties in a bunch over a mildly provocative boxart.
You don't have to like those opinions.

I'm glad he didn't do it in private. I'm glad this idiocy was revealed to the world and his narrow-mindedness was exposed.

You could have gotten SJW bingo there if you had used "snowflakes" and "triggered" on top of "offended" and "safe space".

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Do you actually remember the 90's? I think the revisionist history fanfiction wikis you are reading aren't good at all. I seriously doubt you are the age you claim to be. If so, your mind has been hijacked by millennial thoughts.


This photo is responsible for my fetish toward legs...
Right. So we are sharing our opinions on this dickhead who got his panties in a bunch over a mildly provocative boxart.
You don't have to like those opinions.

Correct? I don't? But I can succesfully argue against them. Without attributing the person making them to some kind of boogeyman, and a sexually repressed one to boot, because projection. That's the difference.

You could have gotten SJW bingo there if you had used "snowflakes" and "triggered" on top of "offended" and "safe space".

Intellectual dishonesty off the charts. Progressives are the ones calling people snowflakes now huh????????


I proved my point with official illustrations twice and you ignored them. AMAZING!

You didn't prove your point, you completely ignored mine, you only claim they're official, and really, to be quite honest, no I am not discussing what kind of underwear a fictional drawn character is wearing, push-up or not, because I would die of second hand embarrassment.

Still waiting on you to stop ignoring the contents of my post above. And you can save the 'what points?' defence, read the post and address it.
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Fbh people are entitled to share their opinions. You don't have to like them. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean the tweeter should've done this in private to avoid offending you. Twitter is not a 'safe space'.
which is why any criticism he gets is warranted. he did not want to share this privately, he wanted to tell the world. he has to accept the criticism coming his way. it is baked into the medium he is using, which is solely there to spread opinions to as many people as possible. he is entitled to say his opinion and other are entitled to say theirs.

what is disturbing is that he is a gatekeeper. he has power as a writer, he helps shape narratives, he has a professional interest at stake. to most other people, their opinions have far less power, far less reach. they cannot decide to not cover a game, or to give it a bad review. true, they can use their smaller platforms, but to ignore the difference would be hypocritical. he is punching down. he is prejudging content. he is flaunting his power publicly by declaring his intent to do gatekeeping. this power imbalance is at the heart of the matter, and at the heart of most gamers vs journalism narratives.

consumer territorialism. cultural shaming. gatekeeping. stereotyping. all of these are toxic behaviors he is displaying. this guy is demonstrating here why game journalism itself is mostly responsible for the toxic gamer stereotype. they have exploited it for decades, it's only recently entered the era of information overload.
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Correct? I don't? But I can succesfully argue against them. Without attributing the person making them to some kind of boogeyman, and a sexually repressed one to boot, because projection. That's the difference.

Intellectual dishonesty off the charts. Progressives are the ones calling people snowflakes now huh????????


You didn't prove your point, you completely ignored mine, you only claim they're official, and really, to be quite honest, no I am not discussing what kind of underwear a fictional drawn character is wearing, push-up or not, because I would die of second hand embarrassment.

Still waiting on you to stop ignoring the contents of my post above. And you can save the 'what points?' defence, read the post and address it.
They ARE official. Any self-respecting Capcom fan knows that. I lived and breathed Street Fighter back then. Chun was always big boobed and awesome.
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Correct? I don't? But I can succesfully argue against them. Without attributing the person making them to some kind of boogeyman, and a sexually repressed one to boot, because projection. That's the difference.

What are you? The fucking forum police?

Oh noes! I didn't conduct myself in accordance with GhostofBabel's rules and regulations. Take me to NeoGaf prison!

Piss off.
We do not take kindly to users trying to bait our regular users into confrontations. This, coupled with the ridiculous and frivolous spam reporting has earned this user a reply ban and a warning about their future conduct and how to interact with others.
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Correct? I don't? But I can succesfully argue against them. Without attributing the person making them to some kind of boogeyman, and a sexually repressed one to boot, because projection. That's the difference.
You successfully identified yourself of acting like in a higher ground by your "Games deserves better", "Medium deserves better". So tell me, what's your stance and ideal in this? What can we do for the next step?

Your self-boogeyman quote:
Games deserve better than suits deciding 'young males buy the most games, and young males are sexually inexperienced, blue balled and thirsty so this is what's happening with the cover'.
If you think businessmen are boogeymen that don't exist I literally don't know what to tell you.

What are you? The fucking forum police?

Oh noes! I didn't conduct myself in accordance with GhostofBabel's rules and regulations. Take me to NeoGaf prison!

Piss off.

You seem very, very upset.

Some would say triggered, even.

Not me though.
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Why don't these "journalists" go and complain about other things? I've yet to see them complain about the rap music and videos made for more than a decade now, or the way women are treated in Islamic countries. Instead, they obviously have nothing to do but to over-analyze certain things, or put them out of context to gain attention (and power). At base, I think there is certain audience for certain things too. If somebody likes characters with enormous breasts, then what is my right even to deny that person's access to them? The same goes for sexual fetishes, who am I to decide what another person should find sexually pleasing? These things are private, and none of another person's business. Period.


lmao receipts

Literally untrue. https://www.spriters-resource.com/fullview/5546/
Chun was always my main. Awesome? She sure is. But not for the reasons you are trying to rewrite.

Still waiting for you to stop ignoring my above post.

Still waiting.
They're the work of the mighty Akiman.
No one is offended by it, no one even cares in the slightest about it.

It's all bullshit they are generating for clicks, because the rest of the population of the planet is just so confused by all this fake sexism and racism that they click the article to read it just because of sheer
laughability that some fucking idiot "is offended" by something so pathetic.

No one is offended, not even the SJW are offended, because they are all as fake as kardashians tits.

Why don't these "journalists" go and complain about other things?

Because things like this generate more networking than actual journalism, I bet even the guy who posted this tweet laughed at how retarded he sounded but instead of looking at replies he is just looking at his tweets "impressions"
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I never really get this "outrage" and why it seems so specific to gaming.

This is a mainstream music video from 2014. Over 875 MILLION views. 4 million likes. Over half a million comments with people still commenting to this day.
It's not age-restricted. It's just there and people seem fine with it.

So what the hell is up with gaming where any content like this, or similar to this, causes people to freak the fuck out?

Mainstream TV shows like Game of Thrones, Westworld etc are fine with putting hot women front and center and audiences are eating that shit up because who the hell doesn't appreciate some hot as fuck ladies?

Yet, you try to do this in the gaming sphere and people lose their damn minds.

It's especially weird because consumption of music videos and mainstream TV and movies are far more "mixed" in term of gender participation than RPG style tabletop and video gaming. These lads are literally offended on behalf of women who are not into their hobby anyway.

Is there something specific about some of the dudes in these communities that makes them absolutely terrified of admitting "yeah, I like looking at hot women"?

I always have a chuckle at that image of Klepek covering his eyes so he won't see that Japanese lady in her lingerie. Who the fuck is he kidding?

I can only imagine that they do this to defend the "honor" not of the women in the images (and in this case it's a fucking drawing for fucksakes) but rather the women who they personally know who are maybe just regular women?

So when I am watching TV with the wife and a hot woman appears I don't say "holy fuck put me in a room with her and I'd need an ice bucket for my cock and a hip replacement" cos that's a bit shitty. Similarly though I don't go over the top the other way. "Oh my god! Cover my eyes! This is so disrespectful to women. I will complain vigorously online."

Why can these dudes not just do what you are supposed to do? Think "nnnnnniiiiiiiiccccceeee" and have a right good look while also remaining composed and calm. Fuckin hell.

Imagine going on Twitter to let the world know how much you disprove of artwork depicting a hot lady. So pathetic.

A truly mature medium like music or writing, will have many different styles and genres, and no sane person will be holding placards for censoring EL James or Nicki Minaj.

No one in novel-dom is demanding sexy books with sexy covers be banned or witch-hunting on twitter. Go to audible and have a look at the romance section for some heat. if those covers were on video games, oh boy.....

So yeah, the conclusion is videogame are an immature medium with immature media and audience with a prudish streak a mile wide.

If you think businessmen are boogeymen that don't exist I literally don't know what to tell you.

You seem very, very upset.

Some would say triggered, even.

Not me though.

Why shame people for being passionate about stuff? Cool emotionless people are boring AF. Good thing about nu-gaf is you get sparks some times instead of the pseudo intellectual detachment on reset.
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Gold Member
I am Gen X as well but you don't resemble Gen X at all. That gen loved celebratinf sex appeal. Gen X was about freedom and being rebellious.
I used to think that these traits were just synoyms with youth, damn was I wrong. We were all about freedom and rebelliousness.


I used to think that these traits were just synoyms with youth, damn was I wrong. We were all about freedom and rebelliousness.

I think it still is to a degree with regard to rebellion at least, but somehow millennials and to a lesser extent, igen, have convinced themselves that the older generations (genx and older) were all about patriarchy, misogyny, and nazism—as if the world didnt band together to literally kill hitler and destroy remnant nazism 99.999999%, women’s rights movement + legislation wasn't a thing pre2000, civil rights movement + legislation not a thing pre2000, gay rights not a thing pre2000, etc etc. So they are rebelling against their “idea” of their parents and grandparents as gay hating, patriarchal nazis, and not something real. So it comes off as fake bullshit rebellion, and of course social medial amplifies this 10 000 fold.
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I'm convinced that the leftists in America particularly have no idea what their positions are because it seems like they constantly contradict themselves.

An example of that -

Now apply that to sexuality and expression to this particular topic and they get themselves in this whole contradictory world. Guys have been featured in plenty of advertisements without shirts no one gives two shits not even guys. Guys are also depicted as the idiots in nearly every sitcom on the planet..... Like people pick and choose when to be offended by this stuff.

Moral of the story, do your job and review it. This is the biggest non-issue ever and It's utterly laughable to even make a big deal about it.
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Gold Member

I think it still is to a degree with regard to rebellion at least, but somehow millennials and to a lesser extent, igen, have convinced themselves that the older generations (genx and older) were all about patriarchy, misogyny, and nazism—as if the world didnt band together to literally kill hitler and destroy remnant nazism 99.999999%, women’s rights movement + legislation wasn't a thing pre2000, civil rights movement + legislation not a thing pre2000, gay rights not a thing pre2000, etc etc. So they are rebelling against their “idea” of their parents and grandparents as gay hating, patriarchal nazis, and not something real. So it comes off as fake bullshit rebellion, and of course social medial amplifies this 10 000 fold.
I thought i was the only one who thought this. Its real strange. Sure, things needed to improve on certain issues, were improving, are improving, and are continuing to improve, but yeesh. Its like...selective rebellion. Its almost a mirror to the thought that there was no "golden age of America" (50s, poodle skirts, drive in movies, etc). Its the thought that all things in the past were godawful terrible. They are both wrong in almost equal measure.

Kids (and people who act like kids) on social media is the true scourge on our society.


Kids (and people who act like kids) on social media is the true scourge on our society.
well put. a great deal of "acting like kids" is simply consuming the same products, comic books, video games, etc.

corporations have comodified rebellion for an entire generation. there are many studies done recently that ask kids "What is selling out?" back in the 90s this was a big thing, selling out. nobody wanted to be a sell out. that was bad. it was at the very least Not Cool. Gen X was quite anti-consumerist in this way.

nowadays, when they ask kids, it isn't that they think it's dumb, they just literally cannot conceive of the idea. they are wholly bought into a consumer society, and they rebel through that consumer society. you see it everywhere, how people talk about themselves, their "brand", etc. the only rebellion allowed is through accepted channels (and then at a specific enemy).

the reason this is all about sex and social issues is that the corporations define the popular narratives, and they have defined rebellion as either about sex and social issues or illegitimate. this is why Bernie Sanders is treated with disdain for focusing on economic issues over social. the conversation needs to exclude economic justice for corporations to control it, thus they hype up SJW issues, and the SJW bottom feeders happily eat it up and echo chamber it back into the rest of us.
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Why don't these "journalists" go and complain about other things? I've yet to see them complain about the rap music and videos made for more than a decade now, or the way women are treated in Islamic countries. Instead, they obviously have nothing to do but to over-analyze certain things, or put them out of context to gain attention (and power). At base, I think there is certain audience for certain things too. If somebody likes characters with enormous breasts, then what is my right even to deny that person's access to them? The same goes for sexual fetishes, who am I to decide what another person should find sexually pleasing? These things are private, and none of another person's business. Period.
Well, in their defense their opinion on those other things would be even more useless than their useless outrages over things related to gaming. Plus, they wouldn't be able to dodge the inconvenient truths that people on their political spectrum cannot really recognize if they want to believe the primary gaming audience is the most dangerous type of people throughout the history of earth. And, of course, if they gave their shtick up we'd probably have to supplement their income's with welfare, since they already (by and large) destroyed their chances of regaining the average gamer's trust again. From that perspective they are doing us all a favor when they refuse to play games because of cover cleavage.


I am a virgin
*Super Friends announcer voice*


Still baffled that people:
A) Don't like lookin' at some sexy flesh in the context you can get away with it
B) Get freaked out other people like lookin' at some sexy flesh
C) Decide what's best for others

Guess Socrates was right in some aspect; don't learn to look at the darkness and the light in equal regard you're only going to be dominated by one or the other /shrug

I think you're misunderstanding the argument. It negatively affects how the medium is perceived. Games deserve better than suits deciding 'young males buy the most games, and young males are sexually inexperienced, blue balled and thirsty so this is what's happening with the cover'. The medium deserves better. Artists working on incredible game universes are being stiffled by this analytics shit.

Also I don't know what to tell you if you think 'damn I'm so busty my shirt is torn and stretched' passes for 'moderate v-neck' in the real world.
Also learn to discuss better than projecting your own life on to others; it weakens your argument. Ad hominem is lazy; projecting ad hominem is just sad.

Also games are not 'bullshit'. They are a medium of art and expression. You might be on the wrong board if you think games are 'bullshit'.
*Reads posts*
Oh, a troll, they couldn't have made it more obvious with these 2 posts lol

If not, prolly some college kid studying for a liberal arts degree. Coffee shop chats don't do well in forums, stick to IRC for that.


Any update from the reveiwer? Or did he just delete all female replies and keep the male ones as people like him usually do.
Any update from the reveiwer? Or did he just delete all female replies and keep the male ones as people like him usually do.
Isn't that how it always go. People outside of the group that should be offended is the one offended and people within the group aren't? Lol

It never stops being funny to me.


Gold Member
well put. a great deal of "acting like kids" is simply consuming the same products, comic books, video games, etc.

corporations have comodified rebellion for an entire generation. there are many studies done recently that ask kids "What is selling out?" back in the 90s this was a big thing, selling out. nobody wanted to be a sell out. that was bad. it was at the very least Not Cool. Gen X was quite anti-consumerist in this way.

nowadays, when they ask kids, it isn't that they think it's dumb, they just literally cannot conceive of the idea. they are wholly bought into a consumer society, and they rebel through that consumer society. you see it everywhere, how people talk about themselves, their "brand", etc. the only rebellion allowed is through accepted channels (and then at a specific enemy).

the reason this is all about sex and social issues is that the corporations define the popular narratives, and they have defined rebellion as either about sex and social issues or illegitimate. this is why Bernie Sanders is treated with disdain for focusing on economic issues over social. the conversation needs to exclude economic justice for corporations to control it, thus they hype up SJW issues, and the SJW bottom feeders happily eat it up and echo chamber it back into the rest of us.
WOW. HAHA, That's funny. I definitely remember hearing this alot growing up in the 90s and even in college in the early 2000s. SELL OUT! Was such a thing back in those days. I still feel that way. Funny.

But yeah, its sad how trusting people are of social media. Its so easily manipulated and these folks have such false connections with their "brands" that are selling a lifestyle (they always have, now that lifestyle is political).


We have to understand that he is part of a culture where people get rewarded by finding things like this cover. It's probably similar to the feeling a caveman got from finding a pond full of fish and wanting to tell his tribe about it.
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