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Game Journalist Refuse To Review Shadowrun Attitude because it has a Sexy Woman On The Cover, Gets Mocked By Female Gamers On Twitter


The thing is, most women in general don't find this shit attractive or admirable at all. I'm not talking about the blue hairs who are on Twitter every waking moment bitching about something. I'm talking about women who actually have shit to do. If this dude went out on a date with a chick and they saw what he posted on Twitter, they would cuck him for a free dinner and never call him back.

You saying they'd have to put with him for an hour or two just for a free dinner?

nah, most women I know would just order takeaway than get a free dinner from that dude


Maybe he should start reviewing box covers for Slate instead of videogames for umm, anybody. I mean do what you love, right?

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I'm not woke ... I'm the opposite of woke. I been married for the past 41 years and got more miles on my "scepter" than a 1952 Kenworth. So maybe me and this guy have totally different reasons, but I agree with him. I get tired of every woman in a video game being portrayed sexually. Which I think is what the guy was reaching for with the "no shirt" thing. Yeah, guys with no shirts are in plenty of stuff, but guys don't carry secondary sexual organs on their chests.

For those of us who've actually had long, healthy sex lives that sort of portrayal comes across the same way as high-school toilet humor. It's an insult to my intelligence, and I really think the gaming community needs to move away from the whole quasi-porn thing.

Hate to break it to you, but you are woke.

Also your cousin doesn't count.
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I am astonished that no gaming urinalist has criticized Battletech for not having a female-shaped Mech.


I never really get this "outrage" and why it seems so specific to gaming.

This is a mainstream music video from 2014. Over 875 MILLION views. 4 million likes. Over half a million comments with people still commenting to this day.
It's not age-restricted. It's just there and people seem fine with it.

So what the hell is up with gaming where any content like this, or similar to this, causes people to freak the fuck out?

Mainstream TV shows like Game of Thrones, Westworld etc are fine with putting hot women front and center and audiences are eating that shit up because who the hell doesn't appreciate some hot as fuck ladies?

Yet, you try to do this in the gaming sphere and people lose their damn minds.

It's especially weird because consumption of music videos and mainstream TV and movies are far more "mixed" in term of gender participation than RPG style tabletop and video gaming. These lads are literally offended on behalf of women who are not into their hobby anyway.

Is there something specific about some of the dudes in these communities that makes them absolutely terrified of admitting "yeah, I like looking at hot women"?

I always have a chuckle at that image of Klepek covering his eyes so he won't see that Japanese lady in her lingerie. Who the fuck is he kidding?

I can only imagine that they do this to defend the "honor" not of the women in the images (and in this case it's a fucking drawing for fucksakes) but rather the women who they personally know who are maybe just regular women?

So when I am watching TV with the wife and a hot woman appears I don't say "holy fuck put me in a room with her and I'd need an ice bucket for my cock and a hip replacement" cos that's a bit shitty. Similarly though I don't go over the top the other way. "Oh my god! Cover my eyes! This is so disrespectful to women. I will complain vigorously online."

Why can these dudes not just do what you are supposed to do? Think "nnnnnniiiiiiiiccccceeee" and have a right good look while also remaining composed and calm. Fuckin hell.

Imagine going on Twitter to let the world know how much you disprove of artwork depicting a hot lady. So pathetic.


Gold Member
I never really get this "outrage" and why it seems so specific to gaming.

This is a mainstream music video from 2014. Over 875 MILLION views. 4 million likes. Over half a million comments with people still commenting to this day.
It's not age-restricted. It's just there and people seem fine with it.

So what the hell is up with gaming where any content like this, or similar to this, causes people to freak the fuck out?

Mainstream TV shows like Game of Thrones, Westworld etc are fine with putting hot women front and center and audiences are eating that shit up because who the hell doesn't appreciate some hot as fuck ladies?

Yet, you try to do this in the gaming sphere and people lose their damn minds.

It's especially weird because consumption of music videos and mainstream TV and movies are far more "mixed" in term of gender participation than RPG style tabletop and video gaming. These lads are literally offended on behalf of women who are not into their hobby anyway.

Is there something specific about some of the dudes in these communities that makes them absolutely terrified of admitting "yeah, I like looking at hot women"?

I always have a chuckle at that image of Klepek covering his eyes so he won't see that Japanese lady in her lingerie. Who the fuck is he kidding?

I can only imagine that they do this to defend the "honor" not of the women in the images (and in this case it's a fucking drawing for fucksakes) but rather the women who they personally know who are maybe just regular women?

So when I am watching TV with the wife and a hot woman appears I don't say "holy fuck put me in a room with her and I'd need an ice bucket for my cock and a hip replacement" cos that's a bit shitty. Similarly though I don't go over the top the other way. "Oh my god! Cover my eyes! This is so disrespectful to women. I will complain vigorously online."

Why can these dudes not just do what you are supposed to do? Think "nnnnnniiiiiiiiccccceeee" and have a right good look while also remaining composed and calm. Fuckin hell.

Imagine going on Twitter to let the world know how much you disprove of artwork depicting a hot lady. So pathetic.

Sour grapes becuse they'll never get a sniff of a hot woman, so they defend M'ladys honour of the women they could possibly maybe get that are not hot. It's slut shaming masked by virtue signaling. In fact it's basically in the same ball park as women hating mysoginists getting boobie streamer E girls accounts banned.


Sour grapes becuse they'll never get a sniff of a hot woman, so they defend M'ladys honour of the women they could possibly maybe get that are not hot. It's slut shaming masked by virtue signaling. In fact it's basically in the same ball park as women hating mysoginists getting boobie streamer E girls accounts banned.

Social media has really screwed up many of these guys.

Looking for virtual pats on the back due to tearing down traditional beauty standards so that the fat out of shape hags you are surrounded by feel good about themselves. Fuck that.

Thing is you know for a fact they would fall head over heels if a "traditionally attractive" woman showed up and gave them even a passing whiff of interest.

So many straight males these days are determined to publicly express how absolutely ashamed they are of their own sexuality.
It's kind of sad.

It's self defeating too.
If you are forever prattling on about how unacceptable sexualized depictions of women are then any woman you end up dating is going to feel uncomfortable in her own sexuality. Like is she really going to get that sexy underwear and make an extra effort for date night when the guy she's trying to impress keeps crying about how much he hates that stuff cos it's "traditional beauty standards" and those are just horrible?
So you can end up sabotaging your own relationships because your woman is always second guessing herself. She wants to hit the gym and be beach body ready and she wants to know that when she wears that bikini you are going to go out of your mind but at the same time you keep whining that the tabletop game box has a physically fit woman in revealing clothes and you just hate that so much.

Fucking idiots.


Gold Member
Thing is you know for a fact they would fall head over heels if a "traditionally attractive" woman showed up and gave them even a passing whiff of interest.
I've seen this happen in real life a few times, they either downplay her looks and say things like "She's actually really smart, stands up for herself and gives as good as she gets" or the guys turn into total bragghard fuckbois.

You know they are hypocrites, they won't be jerking it to bland woman porn that's for sure.
Hmm this didn't post right before let me try again.

Why lie in the title of the thread? The word 'tempted' directly implies he didn't refuse anything, or am I missing something? He also said it's 'not his job' to choose to bypass this title's review, also making the thread title fake news. Also that chick who replied to him needs to learn to read too, he expressly said no shirtless men ON THIS box, not on any videogame covers in existence.

Personally I find that cover embarrassing. The medium and the Shadowrun franchise deserves something cooler and more creative. Fantasy cyberpunk is a practically limitless canvas and that cover is trite and eyeroll inducing at best. It's also a very flat and poorly produced illustration. Did the Shadowrun franchise get farmed out to another development studio?
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Personally I find that cover embarrassing. The medium and the Shadowrun franchise deserves something cooler and more creative. Fantasy cyberpunk is a practically limitless canvas and that cover is trite and eyeroll inducing at best. It's also a very flat and poorly produced illustration. Did the Shadowrun franchise get farmed out to another development studio?

To be fair that cover seems to have been around since 2011?

A bit late in the day to decide to be embarrassed about it.

As I said in previous posts, coming out with "it's embarrassing" or "eyeroll inducing" is just a bit too try-hard for me.
It's a fairly standard and inoffensive illustration.


Hmm this didn't post right before let me try again.

Why lie in the title of the thread? The word 'tempted' directly implies he didn't refuse anything, or am I missing something? He also said it's 'not his job' to choose to bypass this title's review, also making the thread title fake news. Also that chick who replied to him needs to learn to read too, he expressly said no shirtless men ON THIS box, not on any videogame covers in existence.

Personally I find that cover embarrassing. The medium and the Shadowrun franchise deserves something cooler and more creative. Fantasy cyberpunk is a practically limitless canvas and that cover is trite and eyeroll inducing at best. It's also a very flat and poorly produced illustration. Did the Shadowrun franchise get farmed out to another development studio?

Why should it have a shirtless man? The artist has the freedom to draw whatever she wants. This is stupid. Also, the use of the word embarassing makes me think you are also outraged by its content and not the way it's drawn per se.
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To be fair that cover seems to have been around since 2011?

A bit late in the day to decide to be embarrassed about it.

... but it's my first time seeing it. I don't understand your logic.

As I said in previous posts, coming out with "it's embarrassing" or "eyeroll inducing" is just a bit too try-hard for me.
It's a fairly standard and inoffensive illustration.

The eyeroll was automatic, I assure you I didn't have to try hard.

I don't know what to say to your statement that you find this cover 'standard' and therefore reflective of most covers. It really isn't. Not only is it not reflective of most gaming covers developed in the west, you never see similar covers in bookstores or cinema posters either.

Why should it have a shirtless man?

Don't think anyone actually requested that. What an odd request to make. Do give me some badass fantasy cyberpunk on the cover though. Like, y'know, literally all other recent Shadowrun covers.

The artist has the freedom to draw whatever she wants.

Nah, the artist is an employee, he or she 'draws' whatever he or she is told to. By non-creative suit-n-tie types who look at analytics and focus group results. No persecuted artists here...
Hmm this didn't post right before let me try again.

Why lie in the title of the thread? The word 'tempted' directly implies he didn't refuse anything, or am I missing something? He also said it's 'not his job' to choose to bypass this title's review, also making the thread title fake news. Also that chick who replied to him needs to learn to read too, he expressly said no shirtless men ON THIS box, not on any videogame covers in existence.

Personally I find that cover embarrassing. The medium and the Shadowrun franchise deserves something cooler and more creative. Fantasy cyberpunk is a practically limitless canvas and that cover is trite and eyeroll inducing at best. It's also a very flat and poorly produced illustration. Did the Shadowrun franchise get farmed out to another development studio?
... but it's my first time seeing it. I don't understand your logic.

The eyeroll was automatic, I assure you I didn't have to try hard.

I don't know what to say to your statement that you find this cover 'standard' and therefore reflective of most covers. It really isn't. Not only is it not reflective of most gaming covers developed in the west, you never see similar covers in bookstores or cinema posters either.

Don't think anyone actually requested that. What an odd request to make. Do give me some badass fantasy cyberpunk on the cover though. Like, y'know, literally all other recent Shadowrun covers.

Nah, the artist is an employee, he or she 'draws' whatever he or she is told to. By non-creative suit-n-tie types who look at analytics and focus group results. No persecuted artists here...

Joined Today at 12:45 AM

Resetera SJW trolls are so obvious.


The eyeroll was automatic, I assure you I didn't have to try hard.

Actually it's the need to tell everyone how much you eyerolled that's try hard.
Same with the need to tell everyone how embarrassing you find it. Too try hard for me.

The cover itself doesn't seem to be showing anything particularly egregious.

It's a drawing of a hot lady though. Better make sure we express our embarrassment and be sure to roll our eyes!
Joined Today at 12:45 AM

Resetera SJW trolls are so obvious.

I don't have an accepted email for that website, nor do I appreciate the moderator sanctioned racism that is prevalent on there.

So, why did you lie in the thread title? Can you answer that question?

Actually it's the need to tell everyone how much you eyerolled that's try hard.

Simply my opinion, which I have the right to share as much as you. Surely you respect that and are not attempting to censor my opinon.
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Gold Member
I really wonder how prude one has to be to be offended by a woman in a typical "attitude" posture (hence it fits on the cover so well), having a moderate V-Neck.
This isn't even close to nipple or "jumping-out-of-bra" territory.
And everyone who actually played Shadowrun (like me for 15+ years) just knows how well fitting her outfit is within the setting.

Guess this is just the typical being offended for the sake of being offended, which seems to be the default mindset many "journalists" and other puritans go with now...
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I don't have an accepted email for that website, nor do I appreciate the moderator sanctioned racism that is prevalent on there.

Dude, next time try to wait a few days after joining before spewing your Resetera SJW narrative to be less obvious.
So, why did you lie in the thread title? Can you answer that question?

Did he review it? if he didn't after his public virtue signal then yes he refused to review it.
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I really wonder how prude one has to be to be offended by a woman in a typical "attitude" posture (hence it fits on the cover so well), having a moderate V-Neck.

I think you're misunderstanding the argument. It negatively affects how the medium is perceived. Games deserve better than suits deciding 'young males buy the most games, and young males are sexually inexperienced, blue balled and thirsty so this is what's happening with the cover'. The medium deserves better. Artists working on incredible game universes are being stiffled by this analytics shit.

Also I don't know what to tell you if you think 'damn I'm so busty my shirt is torn and stretched' passes for 'moderate v-neck' in the real world.

Dude, next time try to wait a few day after joining before spewing your Resetera SJW narrative to be less obvious.

Did he review it? if he didn't after his public virtue signal then yes he refused to review it.

Why don't you go and check, do some research before making a thread? He specifically said he was only 'tempted' and not able to make a managerial decision like that so no, he didn't 'refuse' anything, because he literally couldn't, and therefore this thread is fake news.
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... but it's my first time seeing it. I don't understand your logic.

The eyeroll was automatic, I assure you I didn't have to try hard.

I don't know what to say to your statement that you find this cover 'standard' and therefore reflective of most covers. It really isn't. Not only is it not reflective of most gaming covers developed in the west, you never see similar covers in bookstores or cinema posters either.

Don't think anyone actually requested that. What an odd request to make. Do give me some badass fantasy cyberpunk on the cover though. Like, y'know, literally all other recent Shadowrun covers.

Nah, the artist is an employee, he or she 'draws' whatever he or she is told to. By non-creative suit-n-tie types who look at analytics and focus group results. No persecuted artists here...

So what?
I think you're misunderstanding the argument. It negatively affects how the medium is perceived. Games deserve better than suits deciding 'young males buy the most games, and young males are sexually inexperienced, blue balled and thirsty so this is what's happening with the cover'. The medium deserves better. Artists working on incredible game universes are being stiffled by this analytics shit.

Also I don't know what to tell you if you think 'damn I'm so busty my shirt is torn and stretched' passes for 'moderate v-neck' in the real world.

Why don't you go and check, do some research before making a thread? He specifically said he was only 'tempted' and not able to make a managerial decision like that so no, he didn't 'refuse' anything, because he literally couldn't, and therefore this thread is fake news.

You seem stressed and could use some anti-stress.

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Hmm this didn't post right before let me try again.

Why lie in the title of the thread? The word 'tempted' directly implies he didn't refuse anything, or am I missing something? He also said it's 'not his job' to choose to bypass this title's review, also making the thread title fake news. Also that chick who replied to him needs to learn to read too, he expressly said no shirtless men ON THIS box, not on any videogame covers in existence.

Personally I find that cover embarrassing. The medium and the Shadowrun franchise deserves something cooler and more creative. Fantasy cyberpunk is a practically limitless canvas and that cover is trite and eyeroll inducing at best. It's also a very flat and poorly produced illustration. Did the Shadowrun franchise get farmed out to another development studio?

Covers are a thing of the past, especially in the digital era. It is not the 80s and 90s where they had to make up for the lack of realistic game graphics. They should count at most 1% of a review score.
Reviewer is exaggerating. Not buying or reviewing good game because of a bad cover is unheard
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Gold Member
Dude, next time try to wait a few days after joining before spewing your Resetera SJW narrative to be less obvious.
It's a symptom of them being in the bubble, everyone agrees "Bad thing is bad" those that disagree are just banned and it makes them desperate to actually flex on someone. Even more so when the bubble has told them GAF is full of stupid bad people, it's and easy target in thier mind to argue with faux intellectualising and when they get banned becuse it's so transparent what they are doing they can run back to the bubble and get validated that "GAF is bad".

Same thing over and over again and they all think they are the one of the few to do it. But the dumb ass NPCs all do virtually the same thing.
I think you're misunderstanding the argument. It negatively affects how the medium is perceived. Games deserve better than suits deciding 'young males buy the most games, and young males are sexually inexperienced, blue balled and thirsty so this is what's happening with the cover'. The medium deserves better. Artists working on incredible game universes are being stiffled by this analytics shit.

Not everyone is so sexually repressed that they have to chant these puritanical mantras like you to help them sleep at night. Games don't "deserve better", it's all made up bullshit. The medium deserves to be free for people to express themselves however they wish.
Games don't "deserve better", it's all made up bullshit. The medium deserves to be free for people to express themselves however they wish.

But they're not, I've already made that point.

Also learn to discuss better than projecting your own life on to others; it weakens your argument. Ad hominem is lazy; projecting ad hominem is just sad.

Also games are not 'bullshit'. They are a medium of art and expression. You might be on the wrong board if you think games are 'bullshit'.

Not surprised that video is from waypoint. Like at all.
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But they're not, I've already made that point.

Also learn to discuss better than projecting your own life on to others; it weakens your argument. Ad hominem is lazy; projecting ad hominem is just sad.

Not surprised that video is from waypoint. Like at all.

I agree that games deserve better.

Deserve better boobs. In the 90's we had Chun Li, Lara Croft and Mai... and nowadays it's lacking some good old boobage. Blaze Fielding is representing though. She has some mighty melons. :messenger_beaming:


If I didn't know any better, i'd say the OP on Twitter knows exactly what he's doing and it's literally clickbaite. Bravo to him. If not and he's being soooo serious then.... erm. Get a life, dude. Guess you didn't grow up in the 80's. Ah, the 80's back when life was simpler, there was no Social Media or Internet and this sort of thing didn't exist. Pop me back in my time capsule.
What an intellectually challenging post lock. That post is definitely the best Zelda dungeon.

In the 90's we had Chun Li

... we're clearly remembering Chun Li very differently.

Guess you didn't grow up in the 80's. Ah, the 80's back when life was simpler, there was no Social Media or Internet and this sort of thing didn't exist. Pop me back in my time capsule.

*Simpler for you, while entire other demographics were unhappy with their treatment in society. GenX here btw. And I'm not triggered by discussions about where our society should go from here.
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Very thoughtful contribution mush, I shall need to ponder on that one, you have opened my eyes this day.

EDIT: I should edit that spelling mistake but I shan't.
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