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Games more fun while not on default difficulty mode?


Ever play Dead Space on the hardest mode possible? It feels even more like a legit horror game. More enemies are thrown at you and it is generally scary. My first play through was on normal which did very little for me.
That depends on the player. Some like to torment themselves with insane difficulties, while others like to play through for the story and I think most are in the category that wants it with just the right amount of difficulty.


Metal Gear Rising adds more enemies and more difficult enemies at higher difficulty levels. Makes the game much more enjoyable because, let's be honest here, the game isn't that hard outside of boss battles.
Most games on Normal are tuned to be too easy in my opinion which is fine I'd say for most people, but I prefer a bit of a challenge when I play a game. I like feeling the accomplishment of overcoming the odds and barely getting by or having figured out the design that you know specifically how the A.I. will react and just messing with them.

TLoU on it's hardest difficulty with "listen mode" off was sublime and one that immediately sticks out in my mind. But after my 3rd playthrough, the challenge had essentially stopped as I knew how the A.I. was gonna react.

F.E.A.R is probably king in my book for being much better on any difficulty above normal as the A.I. is incredibly good in that game.


That depends on the player. Some like to torment themselves with insane difficulties, while others like to play through for the story and I think most are in the category that wants it with just the right amount of difficulty.

It also depends on the game. Some games are poorly balanced and require only a fraction of their mechanics to be used on lower difficulties.
Halo was mentioned, but it's a good answer.

Dragon age Origins fits this, as well. On nightmare the combat shines far more and punishes sloppy skill usage, where as on lower difficulties you can faceroll through the whole lot. Though that said, nightmare is still far too easy.


The combat system in Tales of Graces f doesn't really reveal all its potentials on all difficulties lower than Moderate because enemies die too quickly.


Many, many, many games are best off of their default difficulties. I can't think of many action games this gen or last where that's not the case.


The Witcher is better played on easy. Combat is mostly a chore and I can't imagine most people really wanting to spend ages trawling for alchemy ingredients.


I enjoyed The Last of Us a lot more playing on hard. I started it again on survivor recently and the scarcity of resources has made me think a lot more about if I should use certain items.


The Last of Us.

Normal mode pretty quickly ends up robbing the games combat of it's best aspect - the tension.

I would recommend that anybody who hasn't played the game yet does so on Hard mode with listen mode turned off. The sound design is incredible in this game so when you turn off your magic see through walls vision, with the more limited ammo of hard mode is makes it a great, tense and frantic survival experience.

Grounded/Survival mode are even better for that sense of tension but I wouldn't necessarily recommend those modes for a first play through since you don't really get the opportunity to experiment as much as you'd like.
Fire Emblem games tend to come into their own on higher difficulties sometimes even completely changing scripting patterns.


Most extreme/stylish action games/spectacle fighters in a nutshell. Though most of them manage to be fun and somewhat challenging even on normal for at least the first playthrough.

DmC is boring on everything below Nephilim (hard) on the first playthrough. Things only get really interesting on Son of Sparda (very hard) and Must Die. I'd say this applies to DMC4 as well. Everything below hard might as well not exist. It was really annoying that you had to unlock it on DMC4SE. At least DmC got things right the first time by having hard available from the outset.


Wolfenstein: The New Order is a ton of fun on the hardest difficulty (Über), and this is coming from somebody who usually sticks to normal/easy modes. The checkpoints, armor, and health pickups are generous enough to make it possible and the combat encounters provide a good challenge
Halo on normal is not very interesting IMO.


Gold Member
Ever play Dead Space on the hardest mode possible? It feels even more like a legit horror game. More enemies are thrown at you and it is generally scary. My first play through was on normal which did very little for me.

The survival difficulty on fallout 4 is pure fun and the most diabolical thing i ever played. Im so scared to go outside...im hording items, only engange when i have the upper hand and i plan my travels ( no fast travels) accordingly. Because you can only save at a bed i carefully think about every encounter i want to engage. Traveling 5 minutes by foot only to be killed by random raiders is a very real possibility.

Im so careful and egoistic when playing on survival....i think im halfway to becoming a raider myself. ;)


Lost Planet on normal is just a shooter.

Lost Planet on hard/extreme is a fight for survival as you try to make it through the levels before your T-energy quickly depletes away. Gives the game such an amazing sense of urgency. A shame LP2 kind of threw it away.
Most Kingdom Hearts games, in my opinion. Really enjoy playing on the hardest difficulty (most of the time). Pretty good balance of challenge without having to grind (at least in the main story).
Yeah, I came here to say The Last of Us. I don't like the insanely high difficulty modes, but for a game about human survival and isolation I think the risk of dying is quite important.


You can tell from the level and AI design that Alien: Isolation is meant to be played on the hardest difficulty - the AI is otherwise kinda glitchy and, I don't know, just feels 'dumb'

Then there's Halo - anything less than Legendary makes the gunplay insubstantial and stone dull (in the Bungie ones, anyway: the 343 games never captured my imagination enough to warrant more than 1x playthrough each)

EDIT: Also, shout out to the MegaTen games - they were designed to be played on the hardest level


The first two Thief games are far more enjoyable on anything other than normal mode, by adding new objectives and placing kill restrictions on enemies.


JRPGs on easy (recenly persona 3) are more fun to me than normal. Usually means less grinding, less repeating boss fights (from dying to them for not being ready). I play JRPGs for the story/characters and the combat to a certain extent. Just don't force me to do the combat more than necessary.

Twilight princess HD was way more fun w/ ganondorf/hero mode, though - forced you to actually fight the way the game intended instead of charging in head-first and wailing your sword about.


Child of Light is a much better game on hard.

Much much better, good answer.

Most games just scale difficulty and you still play the same way but here the combat system with buffs/debuffs and timing really gets a chance to shine when enemies don't melt immediately.


Rhythm games are best on the highest difficulty.

This x 100000

Though it's still probably recommended to try them on an easier setting first, I couldn't imagine playing Ouendan 1+2/Elite Beat Agents on anything but the hardest two difficulties these days.

Invite some friends over for a Rock Band party and put all the instruments on expert difficulty and let me know how that works out for you.

This err being an exception of course :p


red faction guerilla on easy is where its at.

I tend to enjoy uncharted games on easy, same with most shooters that I'm not really digging the controls/feel.

Platinum games tend to be tuned for the setting above Normal from all the one's I've played.

TLOU was great when a bit harder too (even though you still get too much items if you are stingy).
Better question is what game is more fun on the default difficulty mode

Most arcade games are almost always played on the default difficulty because they are balanced around it and switching difficulty requires reaching inside the arcade cabinet (hopefully while it's powered off) and changing the DIP switch on the PCB.


With a few exceptions, I turn up the difficulty for pretty much every game if I'm serious about it.

There are some genres where I'm just not experienced enough to deal with that, though(RTS, 4X).
The Last of Us on it's easiest setting. That way you can get through the awful gameplay quicker and experience the amazing story sooner.

Same thing with Bioshock Infinite.


Ryse. Centurion is what normal should be, makes you use your whole kit. Legendary was even more fun to me.


Invite some friends over for a Rock Band party and put all the instruments on expert difficulty and let me know how that works out for you.

Well you gotta work up to the hardest difficulty. But the real fun doesn't start until you're able to ace the hardest songs.

Son Of D

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. Critical mode makes it much more enjoyable. Haven't tried Birth By Sleep's Critical mode yet so I'm not sure if the enjoyment carries over.


Looking for meaning in GAF
MGR and Bayonetta 2 come to mind. Normal difficulty is scaled more like Easy for those games.


This x 100000

Though it's still probably recommended to try them on an easier setting first, I couldn't imagine playing Ouendan 1+2/Elite Beat Agents on anything but the hardest two difficulties these days.

This err being an exception of course :p

Depends on the Rhythm game. Some of them require savants to play on hardest difficulty. EBA is a good example of 'perfect at hardest difficulty' but there are some bemani or bemani style games that require so much memorization and precision that only the most dedicated players with the craziest reflexes can even manage to play on hardest.


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is pretty much only worth playing on Hard. Even then it's too easy because they throw so much xp your way and you tend to out-level everything.
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