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Games that should be played on easy


Dino Crisis 3. The ridiculous camera makes combat a very unfunny joke, literally fighting blind most of the time. Playing on Easy gives you unlimited continues, so you don't end up game over'd and having to start all over from the beginning an hour in. If you sort of ignore the combat and focus on exploring the awesome spaceship and solving its cool "Transformer" puzzles, it's actually kinda fun.

Breakdown. I played it on Normal, and I just remember it kicking the absolute shit out of me at certain points and thinking "Damn, I guess I shoulda played this on Easy."

Oni. That Bungie GitS-inspired game that came out right before Halo. Again my memory is fuzzy except for the fact that I felt like I was fighting the controls more than the enemies and ended up using a lot of cheat codes.


update: i had never done a playthrough on kids mode before (i jumped to adult mode right away) but, since you can carrry your character from adult to v-rated (the next difficulty level), i assumed you could do the same with kids and adult mode. However, this isn't the case :/

Viewtiful Joe

Mortal Kombat 2 because Very Easy plays like Hard. It's the only game (besides 3 to a lesser extent) where I get my ass kicked routinely on the easiest difficulty. Mortal Kombat 1 on Normal and Hard was easier than MK2 on Very Easy.
I have more trouble with Guitar Hero and RockBand on Easy than I do no hard. There is no beat or rhythm on Easy and it really screws me up.
The combat in Deadly Premonition is never anything but awful, and is absolutely not why you'd want to play that game. I played it on Normal, and though I adore the hell out of the game, I would definitely recommend everyone play it on Easy instead.


Definitely Uncharted series, some parts in 3 (fucking boat scene) made me wanna give up on the game and that was on normal.

Surprised about the BioShock responses. I was never awesome at FPS but the BioShock series seemed extremely manageable on Hard.


Gold Member
Just wanna say how much I love the modern design of allowing changing difficulty mid-game. I really hope most games with difficulty settings adopt it.

I agree. I will usually play on Normal, but if I hit a frustrating patch, it's nice to bump it temporarily down to Easy, then back up again once I'm beyond it. Or, alternatively, sometimes I'll start a game on Easy, because I'm new to the genre or the series, but then find it's too easy, so I bump it up to Normal.

I like that flexibility.


Viewtiful Joe

Kamiya was a d*ck, and, instead of naming the two difficulty levels "normal" and "hard" (which was what they were) he gave them the missleading names "kids" and "adults".

So, you may jump into the "adults" mode without hesitation, without knowing that you were supposed to play the game in "kids" mode first.

After you beat the game once, you can carry your character (with its improved healt and abilities) to a new save file. Then, you can beat the game again (while continuing to improve your character were you left it in your previous playthrough). Repeat.

So you could, either:

a) play the game on the "kids" difficulty first.

First playthrough = you start with a character with almost no healt and zero abilities.

Thankfully, the enemies do low damage here, and you still have time to upgrade your character so it's better suited for the "adults" mode, on your second playthrough.

b) you jump into "adults" difficulty right away, as you don't know any better.

Because you have no prior experience with the game and you start with a new character (low healt, zero abilies), it's going to be very overwhelming.

Enemies barely need to touch you to kill you, yet you don't know their patters, and you still don't know how to take advantage of the combat mechanics to make battles easier.

You'll want to use most of the viewtifuls (the "points" of the game) you gain to upgrade your healt, but you'll quickly realice that you need the basic ability uprades even more, so your healt will have to stay low. Moreover, you don't know how to quickly gain viewtifuls yet.

If you had played the game on "kids" mode first, you would be free to upgrade your health on "adult", as you would have already upgraded the basic abilities on your "kids" playthough. You would also be familiar will all the enemies and the battle system, so they wouldn't be catching you by surprise.

tl;dr: if you ever plan on playing viewtiful joe, play it on "kids" mode first, then carry your character to "adult".
Wow, this is crazy!


Any game that doesn't nerf the experience by removing stuff or giving you auto block and such I just set to easy.

I also used any cheat I could back in the day. Damn I miss cheats, I could just play the games how I wanted instead of some developers idea of how it was supposed to be played.


-The newer Persona games, especially when enemies in every difficulty routinely toss out instant-kill spells. I just finished P5 on Easy and I totally loved it. A couple of the palaces were a little too long, but it's a great game.

-Any game where you're already set up as a "chosen hero" or otherwise supposedly powerful being, like Witcher 3 or Skyrim.
If I'm supposed to be the Dragonborn or whatever, why would I want to be able to be killed by a gang of mudcrabs? I should be able to just vaporize pretty much anything in my way and Easy mode usually lets me do that.
Viewtiful Joe

Kamiya was a d*ck, and, instead of naming the two difficulty levels "normal" and "hard" (which was what they were) he gave them the missleading names "kids" and "adults".

Wow, this is crazy!

I wish I knew this my first time around.

Maybe I can justify a replay now.

The two starting difficulties are very clearly "easy" and "normal". This is evidenced by both Kids mode giving you large stat bonuses that you don't receive in any difficulty, as well as the fact that in the original version of the game, you aren't allowed to carry your built-up character from Kids to any other mode or vice-versa (because it's a beginner mode sequestered off from the rest of the game).

Not that I'm against playing on Kids if you feel like you need to to learn the game, but it's obviously intended to be a training wheels mode.


Neo Member
Out There: Omega for iOS accidentally pushed out a developer version. It had a button for infinite fuel left enabled. I was having a lot of fun exploring the story and fooling with all the ships/upgrades, without having to worry about the super tedious fuel management. About a week later they removed it and I could never get into the game again.

I really wish they would add it back in as a casual option, or at least make a less strict easy mode.


tl;dr: if you ever plan on playing viewtiful joe, play it on "kids" mode first, then carry your character to "adult".

You can't do that. If you select Kids mode, you're stuck there. You can only carry over your progression to higher difficulties on Adults and above.

edit: Dammit, beaten by Sir Ilpalazzo cause I played throught the last stage to confirm. :p
Viewtiful Forever not costing any meter on Kids mode is pretty hilarious, btw


I also played Uncharted 2 (the only one I've played) on easy as I enjoyed the spectacle but not the gameplay.

Also used the dev cheats in Alan Wake on steam, because I enjoyed the story but thought the gameplay was repetitive trash.

I played most of Final Fantasy 7 a few years ago with an action replay card that cut out all random battles and made my characters massively overpowered.
I enjoy the atmosphere and story of JRPGs, but I despise grinding.

I think you should play on easy/cheat in any single player game where doing so will increase your enjoyment of the experience.

I love arcade games that demand high skill, but for the majority of story/cinematic games that have lousy gameplay anyway, I'll happily play on easy.
Hmm, seems like I will be revisiting FF VII and Alan Wake then. I too despise grind but if the combat or gameplay is genuinely enjoyable then I don't mind.

Andrew J.

I turned the difficulty down to easy whenever I needed to fight in the Mako in the first Mass Effect. Enemy weapons significantly outrange you, and I found that on normal my HP got depleted frustratingly fast.


... you aren't allowed to carry your built-up character from Kids to any other mode or vice-versa.
You can't do that. If you select Kids mode, you're stuck there. You can only carry over your progression to higher difficulties on Adults and above.


i've never done a playthrough on kids mode (i jumped to adult mode right away on my first playthrough) but, since you can carrry your character from adult to v-rated (the next difficulty level), i assumed you could do the same with kids and adult mode.

i'm really sorry.

I already removed the post, but one poster quoted it, so it's still there

(all the effort writting in english for nothing...)
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