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Games you're sad weren't well received commercially




So much this one...one of the best games I played lately. I guess a port for IOS or Android would be awesome


Anyone else notice that great friggin games are listed in this thread....

So what games actually were "well received"??



Valkyria Chronicles. Such a great game, was really hoping they'd put out console sequels rather than handheld, but that's how it went and i don't begrudge them for that decision.

I begudge them for changing the style, turning the story into a stupid version high school anime trope then releasing a sequel fans wanted but not localizing blaming sales from their own bungle.
WipEout HD and Siren: Blood Curse. It makes me infinitely sad, that there most likely won't be any new installments coming.

agreed on both. i REALLY hope Wipeout will be revived at some point.. i'd be ok with a smaller budget PSN release, with 3 tracks or something. i just need more Wipeout, with PS4 visuals it could be incredible.


While I may not necessarily know which of these were considered successes or not, they've certainly not seen any followups (and some of them I know for a fact were failures).

1. The Baten Kaitos franchise. It was a tremendous failure, especially (and most upsettingly) Origins. Nintendo didn't even bother to release it in PAL regions, which I understand were the ones that the first title saw the most success in. An intriguing game premise hidden behind beautiful backgrounds and an innovative, exciting battle system and (imo) Motoi Sakuraba's best soundtrack? Fuck you world. This was the first game I ever imported because NoE was too busy being fucking retarded to bother with it.

2. Disaster: Day of Crisis. To keep up with my Monolith Soft tears, this game was released in PAL but not NA. So a giant fuck you to NoA. Sure it was janky and kind of thrown together from a mishmash of ideas and development hell, but it was a great experience with so much potential in it just begging to be expanded on. I consider it one of my top 5 Wii games released, alongside a list of probably a dozen other titles that laid the foundation for great games that would never get their chance.

3. Infinite Undiscovery. While on the subject of untapped potential, I imagine even the haters of this game should recognize that when it worked and everything was working together, it showed the promise of a dazzling title behind it. Judging from the way Square-Enix has treated tri-Ace as their personal shit urinal since Valkyrie Profile 2 (aka the best JRPG of last gen which still hasn't got it's absolutely necessary sequel), I imagine their budget was pocky and pennies. I can't imagine why no other RPG has attempted at least a superficial attempt to copy the way you would have multiple parties interacting and moving across dungeons. This idea BEGS for further exploration!

4. Resonance of Fate. So tri-Ace wised up to Square-Enix being the evil cock mongrels they've become and found a new publisher to create a unique title that explored different methods of battle, story-telling, and overworld exploration, and watched their new baby burn. At least tri-Ace's last ever console title would be critically received better than their former...

5. The Last Remnant. FUCK. Why must RPGs be so irrelevant these days? :( The gameplay of this is hands down the greatest RPG battle system seen this last generation, and yet it was made on a shitty engine that would prevent them releasing it on all promised consoles, with an awful marketing angle that completely hid what it was behind what it wasn't. Go suck a dick Square-Enix.

6. LocoRoco. So to move away from my RPG crying, this franchise was at least given the chance to succeed rather frequently thanks to Sony, but unfortunately humanity let me down yet again. It's such a shame Midnight Carnival wasn't expanded into a full retail title because the innovation it brought to its sequels was enough to revitalize it and turn it into a true platformers dream. My favorite platforming franchise of last gen.


I'm sure it's been mentioned by now, but this thread was made for Zombi U. It's one of the best zombie games made to date, and it sold poorly to the extent that Ubisoft said there won't be another one.
Project Sylpheed on the 360, at first the demo scared me but after buying the game later that year I fell in love with it, a great space shooter with a lot of replay-ability as unlocks and weapon upgrades carry over plus the story can vary a little bit depending on how you do things.

Also it has an amazing OST


Just JRPGs and SRPGs in general. I wish they sold better here so we would get more localized stateside.

Oh, and Elite Beat Agents.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I bought it due to GAF hype, really got absolutely no joy out of it, sold it a couple of months later.

To this day I still have no idea what people found in it..
It's a very solid evolution of the now bleeding "fly into the screen" shooters (like Space Harrier and Star Fox).

From the get-go the PD series has allowed the player to turn the camera and shoot in other directions (while in turn sacrificing the ability to dodge incoming attacks), but Orta's most important innovation is the ability to cycle through three different "forms" on the fly, each with various strengths and weaknesses.

There's no "I'm a tough guy so I'm gonna only use the slow powerful form" - you MUST evaluate the situation you're in and determine the best form for the job.

PD as a series sports (imo) some phenomenal art and sound design across the board. It presents a morose and dreamlike world which somehow manages to keep a straight face while being mostly about the power of laser dragons.

Chitown B


An enchanting RPG / Adventure game. Few played it.

I bought this and played it for like an hour. Then I sold it. Maybe I missed out, I don't know - but I couldn't get into it.

Majin and The Forsaken Kingdom

I hated this game. And it's right up my alley. But controls and camera were awful and it was a boring game. I'm sad I have achievements in it so I can't just wipe it from my memory.



All Sly games. Amazing titles.

Dat Finnish dub from the second game onwards. Believe it or not, Sly games were bestsellers here, but small population -> small market, so it really didn't matter.


beatmania IIDX. The series was the grandpappy of rhythm games and it never got the attention it got from Asia.

I'm STILL pissed half a decade later about the X-Play "review."


Project Gotham Racing 4

It just came at the wrong time and unfortunately had no marketing at all. It’s still my go to racer for local multiplayer and will be for quite a while until something comes along to dethrone it as best arcade/sim racer of all time.

Also loved Beautiful Katamari. Paid £50 for it on release after waiting months for it to get a publisher for the PAL region and was shocked to see it dropped to £19.99 after only a few weeks. No wonder no one wanted to publish the game...


agreed on both. i REALLY hope Wipeout will be revived at some point.. i'd be ok with a smaller budget PSN release, with 3 tracks or something. i just need more Wipeout, with PS4 visuals it could be incredible.

Yeah, PS4 won't be the same without WipEout. =( And I would take even a smaller budget version before something like Drive Club. Hell, even a HD version of 2048 would be fine by me.


Considering that my favourite genres are RPGs and strategy titles, I could list half of my library in this thread.

In general, I would say PSP software in North America after 2008. We missed out on a lot of great titles because the PSP retail market died at some point in 2009/2010.


Wipeout 2048 seemed to sell poorly enough to be the final nail in the coffin for the franchise, and that makes me terribly sad because a PS4 Wipeout would have been incredible.


Thread should be renamed to "Platinum Games - The Thread". Hopefully (alas unrealistically) the WiiU audience will give them the recognition they deserve.


How did CoJ Gunslinger do commercially? Without even knowing, I can already say it probably didn't sell as well as it deserves to. Such a fantastic but unfortunately overlooked game (outside of enthusiast circles).
The Saboteur


THIS! Oh man, I had so much fun playing this game!

Going around blowing up Nazi camps and stuff in the open world is practically a whole game in itself! There is SO many, and how can you not enjoy climbing up to an anti-aircraft turret, lob a couple grenades to raise hell then start blasting zeppalins outta the sky?!

Other games:
  • Legend of Kay
  • Metal Arms
  • Beyond Good & Evil (obviously)
  • Riddick
  • Mark Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure
and probably Rogue Ops simply so the cliffhanger could be resolved.

Stolen was also a lot of fun.
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