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Gamespot: Capcom Acknowledges Mixed Reaction To Dead Rising 4


Capcom has responded to the Dead Rising 4's reviews. In a recent investor Q&A, the English translation of which was published today, Capcom was asked why the zombie game did not receive "more distinguished reviews." Capcom management responded by saying the game's "more approachable" nature did not resonate with everyone.

"Compared to the series up to now, this game was made more approachable in order to allow a wider audience to enjoy it," the company said. "However, there was a wider range of opinions for the new game. Moving forward, we intend to grow unit sales on a continuous basis by releasing additional digital download content while implementing updates for improvements."



If they don't go back to its roots, and just keep it a "100 ways to kill a zombie hoard" game ,they'll hav learned fucking nothing. Not every IP has to grow in sales with endless sequels , if what you're doing is working and profiting , just improve on what you got.
If they don't go back to its roots, and just keep it a "100 ways to kill a zombie hoard" game ,they'll hav learned fucking nothing. Not every IP has to grow in sales with endless sequels , if what you're doing is working and profiting , just improve on what you got.

Shareholders would never accept that.

They demand infinite unsustainable growth.


How would you turn zombies into Souls like enemies?

I don't think he means make it into a Souls game, but that accessibility isn't a necessity for success or sales, and the Souls games are an example of a successful but, to a degree, inaccessible series of games.
How about just stick to what made Dead Rising 1 so fantastic? Tension, survival, time limit.

It needs the story and humor to make itself stand out from the millions of survival games.
I don't think he means make it into a Souls game, but that accessibility isn't a necessity for success or sales, and the Souls games are an example of a successful but, to a degree, inaccessible series of games.
Souls games are at a point where they are vastly accessible. We understand the genre better now compared to when Demon Souls came out.
It just amazed me how many fundamental things DR1 did much better. More world interactivity, physics, zombies, sounds. That comparision video is sad and hilarious at the same time.


I still can't believe they took out psychopaths. Getting rid of the timer was bad but not a deal breaker for me. Taking out the psychopaths was a mega deal breaker. The game has other problems as well on top of that.



Just copy it. Accessibility is garbage.

I think his point is that creating a good game that builds on what works (like souls) will make for a far better product then simply trying to make your game appeal to the lowest common denominator
I think.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
They should give Dead Rising 5 to Rare and have them make an action RPG Amiibo ephebo dating sim Souls game.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I remember watching a developer interview and the devs seemed like total assholes who wanted to inject their brand of "cool" into the game, and who were completely disconnected with what made the first game awesome.


Accessibility was not even the biggest issue. It's just not a very well made game, period. Forgettable in every way.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Timer or no timer, it has never been a great game. It's time is done, don't revisit it.


Tears in the rain
When you take a popular series, that was successful and selling enough to warrant 3 sequels...and you take out pretty much every feature that made it unique and different...Well no shit, people won't be so keen on it. I really want to like Capcom again thanks to RE7, but then I remember what happened to Dead Rising and DMC, and Megaman.


Hi Capcom! I bought Dead Rising 1-3. I saw what you did to a series I originally loved. From me to you... here's a big middle finger! You get what you deserve.


It amazes me that someone can spend millions and millions of dollars and god knows how many hours of how ever many developers worked on a game to find out something after the fact that almost any random person on the internet could have told them for free.


A time limit won't save Dead Rising. Just like removing it didn't save it.

Needs total overhaul but be accessible and fun.


You know what games are like Souls

Souls games

You know what games are like Dead Rising

Dead Rising games

I was being cheeky.

However, it is strange that Capcom didn't see that difficulty isn't as big of a hindrance to a game's popularity as they gambled on with DR4.

They successfully, along with Nintendo, improved the clout of the most hardcore of franchises--Monster Hunter.

Strange that they would go the opposite with DR.
You know what games are like Souls

Souls games

You know what games are like Dead Rising

Dead Rising games



Hi Capcom! I bought Dead Rising 1-3. I saw what you did to a series I originally loved. From me to you... here's a big middle finger! You get what you deserve.
Completely agree. DR1 is in my top ten GOAT list.
Franchise death.
DR4 is an ok game, but garbage to me and what this franchise was. Fuck you Capcom.


I seriously cannot express how much joy it gives me to see this miserable company struggle to explain to their shareholders how they are failing. Not only have they consistently made poor decisions which have alienated me from their franchises one after another since 2010, but they continue to remain one of the most embarrassing examples of nepotism in the Japanese game industry. Capcom can blow me, and until they make games I care about again, every failure they suffer just powers my schadenfreude energy beam.

Wait, did you like 3?

No, I hated it. I gave it a fair shake, even tried co-op with a friend. It just felt like a miserable experience and was unoptimized as fuck on PC. :(


He touched the black heart of a mod
Capcom (and those developing for the series under Capcom), there's a better way to handle this whole timer debacle. Design the game around the timer, then include an optional mode/setting that removes it. Stop trying to do the opposite!

It's just that simple. Oh, well, and stop dumbing down everything else too. "Bigger" is not always better. You've proven that it's quite frequently worse.

Well DR1 was made by a completely different team.

With a different engine too: the venerable MT Framework.
Badly made game gets bad scores. You can still make it more accessible to a larger audience, you just chose an easy way out by removing anything hard or complex from the game.

You know how a large complaint of Dead Rising is about AI being shitty and they just run through piles of zombies requiring you to babysit them? Maybe work on that and make it better. Something like that goes a long way for the franchise than removing it and just making them run back to base as soon as you help them.


I'm baffled by some of these comments.
I enjoyed Dead Rising 4 more than any Dead Rising game since DR1. And I thought I would hate the design choice to remove the timer.

Too easy? Correct.
Removing Psychopaths a bad move? Correct.
Leaving out multiplayer from the main campaign a bad move? Correct.
Collectibles basically worthless? Correct.

But I found myself surprisingly happy with this incarnation of Frank West: More aware of his faults & weaknesses, more assertive toward others, and even occasionally well-written.

Having the game set during Black Friday was brilliant. The mass consumerism nature of bargain shopping, the send-up of the ridiculous ways stores choose to express 'Christmas cheer,' the safe zones that acknowledge their own inexplicable inclusion (a nod and a wink to the player), etc.
I will absolutely revisit this game during the Christmas season some years later, accordingly - which is not something I can say about any previous Dead Rising game.
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