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GameSpot is really stepping it up.


Neo Member
Danny is really driving force behind GameSpot's resurgence in awesome content.

But yeah, I think the old GameSpot days (most notable 2005-2007) was when that site was at its peak. Rich Gallup, Bob Colayco, Jeff Gerstmann, Carrie Gouskos...all those folks made that the site the best. And, the HotSpot is my favorite gaming podcast of all time.
Danny is really driving force behind GameSpot's resurgence in awesome content.

But yeah, I think the old GameSpot days (most notable 2005-2007) was when that site was at its peak. Rich Gallup, Bob Colayco, Jeff Gerstmann, Carrie Gouskos...all those folks made that the site the best. And, the HotSpot is my favorite gaming podcast of all time.

I'm still bitter by the 8.8. I mean, I can't get into GB because I hate seeing Gerstmann's face. :D


Danny is really driving force behind GameSpot's resurgence in awesome content.

But yeah, I think the old GameSpot days (most notable 2005-2007) was when that site was at its peak. Rich Gallup, Bob Colayco, Jeff Gerstmann, Carrie Gouskos...all those folks made that the site the best. And, the HotSpot is my favorite gaming podcast of all time.
It's insane how many great personalities they had under one roof - I really do wonder how their hiring process worked, did they just get lucky? Most outlets end up with 1 or 2 people who are great on camera - and that's today where video is more of a focus, not 10 years ago.

Recently re-watched their NES retrospective, the site really was ahead of its time. http://touch.dailymotion.com/video/x2nhpw_flashback-nintendo-entertainment-sy_videogames Need to find their E3 documentary too, I swear I have the DVD somewhere.


Danny is great but everyone else... I just miss the old GameSpot days.

But yeah, I think the old GameSpot days (most notable 2005-2007) was when that site was at its peak. Rich Gallup, Bob Colayco, Jeff Gerstmann, Carrie Gouskos...all those folks made that the site the best. And, the HotSpot is my favorite gaming podcast of all time.

Yeah. What's worse, Giantbomb isn't even close to being a good replacement; outside of the few times Jeff and Brad divulge little snippets from behind-the-scenes stuff they saw sometime in the past, the guys have turned very jaded and really ignorant of a lot of stuff that in the Gamespot days they would have been on top of (mostly because it was their job to be in the know, obviously). It's cringe-worthy listening to their podcast every week and having various points of me wondering when they stopped caring. I do kinda prefer their comically dis-animated tone over the constant yelling of On the Spot, but that attitude spread into their actual content and it should never have done so.

Granted, I still listen every week because it's very addictive; but it's certainly not a good podcast about videogames.


Something something Kane something something Lynch... can't take this outlet seriously or support them in any way, shape or form after that debacle. Probably everyone involved already left, but that culture is a dangerous one. There are so many outlets out there, why waste time and energy on a platform that has proven to be dishonest in a very scary way?


Hooray GameSpot WoooOoooo!


Danny is seriously entertaining and his humour seems to flow way more naturally than his colleagues (which isn't to say they aren't funny). Dude is such a benefit to that company and I am glad to see him and them all the better for it.
Danny is seriously great and up there with Vinny Carravella as someone who seems universally liked both as a person and his content.

Also must say I do like Peter Brown and Chris Waters. Seem like good people and enjoy their work.
Something something Kane something something Lynch... can't take this outlet seriously or support them in any way, shape or form after that debacle. Probably everyone involved already left, but that culture is a dangerous one. There are so many outlets out there, why waste time and energy on a platform that has proven to be dishonest in a very scary way?

That happened 7 years ago. I would imagine they would have wanted to make sure that kind of thing never happened again.


Danny's great, but, it bums me out to see him being the only one getting any recognition in this thread.

Gamespot probably has the most diverse group of editors / critics in the press, as a whole. Especially for a big site. Kevin Van Ord and Tom McShea have been doing great work there, for ages. Carolyn's had some great stuff as well, although, she tends to be full of herself on occasion. I've liked her more as time went on.

I'm glad they're getting back into good graces with people.


The Point is usually pretty good, same with The Lobby (that show can be a bit dependent on the guests they have on, just a few of GS' editors are good on camera, and it can still be a bit too much "HASHTAG TWITTER!!" for my taste). I enjoy Random Encounter too, but that shit gets buried on the site with almost no interest from the community it seems.

Danny has more or less become GS for me (not that surprising coming from a man with a Jeff Gerstmann avatar). But they seem to be struggling to get an identity. They still rely heavily on shorter, click bait-y articles for Google traffic. They've tried to build a more personality based website for a few years now, but have a pathetic amount of views on their live shows compared to the traffic the site gets overall.

I hope they keep Danny front and center though, that man can make some quality content. But aside from Kevin VanOrd and maybe Peter Brown, they don't really have any personalities I like (Tom McShea makes me not listen to the podcast, to give one example), so that'll probably keep me from consuming more GS content than I do now.


It looks like they're basically trying to be their own big YT channel. Which is fine, it's editorial content wasn't extremely interesting before anyway.

Especially for a big site. Kevin Van Ord and Tom McShea have been doing great work there, for ages.
I think he's a legitimately terrible reviewer and often insufferable on the podcast they sometimes do (gameplay), but to each his own.


I think he's a legitimately terrible reviewer and often insufferable on the podcast they sometimes do (gameplay), but to each his own.
Was he the guy that gave Bioshock Infinite a 4? If so, yeah, quite a joke, indeed.


I think he's a legitimately terrible reviewer and often insufferable on the podcast they sometimes do (gameplay), but to each his own.

Tom can certainly be divisive. And, sometimes he can get a little much on GG. But, ever since he called out Greg Goodrich for that Medal of Honor: Warfighter shit, I've always had respect for him.
Danny is doing great with The Point, and they have done some cool write-ups like the No Man's Sky week, - but man, the raw volume of click-bait console war articles is amazing.
Their E3 coverage was excellent, and their daily news coverage + wrap-ups have been worth going back to on a regular basis. I still don't care much for their reviews (Giantbomb and others are my go-tos) but GS is definitely the best that they've ever been since the GB staff left.


I really like their podcast as well, hosted by Kevin Van Ord. Tom McShea and Chris Watters always make for the best episodes, check out the one with Tom and Edmund McMillen from a month or two ago, good stuff!
Gamestop was my go to gaming site before I was accepted to GAF. But I quickly soured on it due to commenters and lack of moderation in the comments section. Then it all went to hell after the GTA 5 review sprouted some of the most vicious feedback I'd ever seen. I just couldn't take it anymore.

If they've cleaned it up, then I might give them another chance. And kudos to them if they truly got rid of Feedbackula.


Danny rules! His escape from mount stupid was the only thing I was following on their site when they cancelled on the spot.
I really haven't paid attention to GS due to how often the post rumors as news. Just yesterday they posted that MGS5's script had been leaked which was completely false... Sure accidents happen but this is like the 4th or 5th time its happened this year. They ran the story a few months ago about the new CoD game being set in WW1 or something among other things.

They might have some great personalities but I find it very hard to get into a site that has such low journalist integrity, it doesn't take much to check a freaking source before you start posting crazy rumors :\ hell Kotaku even does better then that (most of the time). It would different if it didn't happen so often or at least if they were sticking up on the front page so much but they are and it just makes the entire site seem like a joke to me.


I was an intern at Gamespot UK back in 2012. Danny works so hard. I am not surprised to see all of this positive feedback for the stuff he does. I have never seen a man so enthusiastic by what he does. And fuck me is he a funny guy. I honestly hope that one day he remembers me and my work and gives me a job.
Always seemed strange to have a show more or less dedicated to shitting on your own audience.

Lol True. But...it had a particular, biting knack for getting to the core ridiculosness of various industry issues. I guess pointing out the tunnel vision idiocy of the core gamer audience in the process probably turned some people off, but I almost always thought it was funny and smart. Some people need to learn how to laugh at themselves I suppose. In particular, the Xbone Feedbackula was GOAT material. One of the single best gaming pieces Ive ever seen. Anywho, sad to hear it got cancelled, but I guess that shows how often I visit Gamespot.

It seems Danny is getting a lot of love in here (much deserved Im guessing)...but thought I should throw a shout out to Kevin Van Ord who has been consistently great and really the only reviewer I've bothered to read on GS since, oh, 2007.
I still think the discoverability sucks on their site. I'd like an option just to see original video content. Giant Bomb isn't perfect at it either but they do a good job of highlighting all of the original stuff on their homepage for the most part.


I still think the discoverability sucks on their site. I'd like an option just to see original video content. Giant Bomb isn't perfect at it either but they do a good job of highlighting all of the original stuff on their homepage for the most part.

A lot of their old video content is completely lost to viewers. A lot of On the Spot episodes don't even load; and when the redesign happened, all URL's changed, so a lot of links to older content only return 404 errors.
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