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Gaming is an illness.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
Video games are love, video games are life!


Gold Member
Sure gaming can be an addiction, but so can pretty much anything else.

I know a grown man who obsesses over and collects doll houses. There's a decent chunk of people in Japan who obsess over the specifications, looks, routes, etc of commuter trains. I know someone who spends a ton of money on exotic rugs (they even hang them up around the house, like pictures).



Gaming is great.

You don’t die from eye or hand cancer because you game too much.

If I could get my duck sucked for 15 hours a day every day I would, would that be an addiction as well?

Ev1L AuRoN

I don't think gaming is an illness, but it can indicate other problems.
People can escape reality in gaming, people who suffer from anxiety, depression, have social phobia tend to overdo gaming and people who look from outside simply put the blame on games, funny is that those games are probably what is helping them to cope with their problems.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It's true. Every single child that grew up in the 80's and 90's playing Atari, Nintendo, or Sega consoles went on to live short lives that were ruled by criminal behavior and substance abuse. It's why we now live in a dystopian society of about a million people just struggling to get by - all because of fucking Nintendo and Sega.


Most addiction isn't addiction but a way to endure and alleviate physical or psychological trauma through whichever substance helps them best

A consistent cut that needs daily bandages to cope, is that addiction?

This kindergarten mentality that a need for a substance to be able to live life instead of treating it as a malicious disease (dis...ease...) is so fucking old fashioned it should be publicly shamed.

And yes.there are those that only use because they are lazy or dumb or enabled. Or both.

It's 2022. Let's think and handle 2022.


There was a great Rogan podcast with an addiction expert on yt buy its6been pulled
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Not gonna waste my buzz further on this thread. But addiction isn't what most people think it is. Nvm carry on


Science is an constantly changing religion with new information coming out that's mostly kept in a already decided consensus based state because many reasons. Enjoy science "facts" this doesn't goes for everything (#nobanpls)

Sorry ranting. Will read that article tomorrow.
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I think it's true honestly. Gaming gives a false sense of achievement and the industry constantly depresses people around the globe with the unfilling hype cycles.


Wait are you saying there is compulsory health care you have to attend if you game and are tardy?

glad I don’t live in the monarchy.


This is going to be a hugely unpopular opinion on a gaming forum, but I believe the world would be a better place without video games. Especially today where a lot of games are designed to be addictive as possible to keep people playing and spending money.
The problem is GAAS games.

They're nothing more than time sucking pieces of shit.

I like video games though. GAAS games can however die in a fire.
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..and Marilyn Manson!

Back in the day before VGs were the cause of the mentally weak killing people, music was the #1 blame and ofc his band was at the forefront due to some liking his music. When asked what would you say to X and Y(shooters), his reply was " I wouldn't say anything, I would listen becasue apparently no one else did" IDK, always one quote I always remember. Funny how this interview holds up fresh today 20 yrs later.


I usually mix video game with cocaine and alcool. With no sleep nor light in the room.

I make sure it's an ultra addiction. Not a simple addiction.
Practically anything can be an addiction. Alcohol, drugs, TV watching, social media, Netflix, exercising, sleeping around, eating, etc. In all honesty, I think social media addiction is a much bigger problem than gaming. A lot of people use it for validation and their entire lives depend on what attention they can garner from total strangers online.


From my experience, people with addictive personalities do have problems with games. I know a bunch of people that are content with just sitting at home smoking joints and playing games all day. Fake injuries from work, call in sick etc.

I love smoking dope and playing games as well but 1-2 hours a day if that. It ain’t the games fault though. People gotta learn to moderate


My thoughts are people are stupid and hate taking responsibility for anything. You can control your gaming intake just like you can gambling, drinking and all that other shit. Don't blame your stupidity for not paying your bills on time because of gaming. Just say you don't give a fuck about the consequences and be on your way, lol.

Kagey K

Looks to me like AAA is the illness, and the lack of them we are starting to see people in withdrawal.

Anyone with a healthy gaming habit seems fine right now.


Gold Member
Gaming addiction IS an addiction.
It makes sense to recognize that.

What to do about it is an entirely different thing. Many affected won't even want to do anything about it, as they can live a perfectly normal life anyway.
IMO, it's only really a problem when the rest of your life suffers from it (as in, you can't manage school or studies or work or family due to it).
Let's be fair here; games are fine but what should really be banned are the so-called free-to-play games, especially prevalent on mobile devices, that are packed to the gills with deceptive loot boxes and microtransactions that prey on the vulnerable and those who are susceptible to gambling addictions. Those games are the real issue not the ones where you pay a fixed price and play them to completion for your enjoyment. How are those any worse than movies or books or watching sports or most other forms of disposable entertainment other than, obviously, gambling?


Gold Member
It is HARAM to do things that harm oneself and/or others.

So, It is HARAM to play games so much as to harm yourself and/or others. It is HALAL to play games just for fun as a hobby without harming your health and responsibilities and wasting a lot of time.
this guy gets it
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