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Gearbox: Wii U to have the best version of Aliens:CM because of more modern tech..


I completely agree with you Yalstromo. The Wii U will be a shitty console with no games. The hardware will be weak and only moms will buy it. Sony and Microsoft will put out super consoles that will make the Wii U look like it plays N64 games. Sony will make a better tablet because they have smarter scientists. Microsoft will make better online because they have smarter internet people. Nintendo will only release games where you play as a pony or pet cats all day. Hardcore gamers won't buy the Wii U because they know Sony and Microsoft will release better consoles next year. Wii U will have horrible online because Nintendo is afraid of pedofiles. Zelda Wii U will look like a catoon and adults don't like cartoons. Kids will buy the Wii U but get bored with it because cartoon games are boring. The Wii U tablet doesn't have 3D and people love 3D. Mario games are all the same and Nintendo is out of ideas. People want new ideas so they will buy Sony and Microsoft consoles. Sony will have the best graphics next gen and Microsoft will be second. The console with the best graphics always sells the most and wins the gen. Casual gamers only buy Apple stuff so Nintendo will not make much money next gen. The only games the Wii U will get are old ports. The Wii U tablet looks like a toy and no real gamer is going to buy a toy. Everyone I know wants to buy the next Sony and Microsoft console and don't care about the Wii U. Tablet controllers are retard. A real gamer plays with a real controller that doesn't try to copy the iPhone. The Wii U won't even have any good launch games. Nobody cares about Pikmin because it sounds like a stupid japan game. Call of Duty will have better graphics on the PS4 and Xbox720. The only original games the Wii U will get from third parties are dance games. Even my brother thinks that the Wii U will bomb because people like Sony and Microsoft better becuase Sony makes good tv's and Microsoft makes good computer but my mom is excited for the Wii U because she is a casual gamer and doesn't understand what good graphics are but I will not buy the Wii U because it will have the worst graphics and the worst games and the worst online and the worst controller and the worst HD.

haha 10/10


Unconfirmed Member
Well done, J-Rock.
So anyone now stating Nintendo ships underpowered technology...

Uh, shipping a more powerful system than PS360 isn't going to change anyone's mind. It's analogous to their shipping a handheld more powerful than the PSP six years after it launched.
I found it amazing how this WiiU hardware related threads manage to suck up so many discussion hours.

Guys the cards have been lay out on the table since june 2011, taking these dev statements by the hair, spin them around and base arguments like it was some holy books its f*cking pointless.


Okay, J-Rock.. I lost it at the Pikmin part.

"A stupid japan game?" Hysterical. Bravo.

Your impersonation is almost cut-and-paste scary.
Well done, J-Rock.

Uh, shipping a more powerful system than PS360 isn't going to change anyone's mind. It's analogous to their shipping a handheld more powerful than the PSP six years after it launched.

Oh well, when nothing else works, people could always start to understand that power means very little in terms of what sells. But hell, that's crazy.
I completely agree with you Yalstromo. The Wii U will be a shitty console with no games. The hardware will be weak and only moms will buy it. Sony and Microsoft will put out super consoles that will make the Wii U look like it plays N64 games. Sony will make a better tablet because they have smarter scientists. Microsoft will make better online because they have smarter internet people. Nintendo will only release games where you play as a pony or pet cats all day. Hardcore gamers won't buy the Wii U because they know Sony and Microsoft will release better consoles next year. Wii U will have horrible online because Nintendo is afraid of pedofiles. Zelda Wii U will look like a catoon and adults don't like cartoons. Kids will buy the Wii U but get bored with it because cartoon games are boring. The Wii U tablet doesn't have 3D and people love 3D. Mario games are all the same and Nintendo is out of ideas. People want new ideas so they will buy Sony and Microsoft consoles. Sony will have the best graphics next gen and Microsoft will be second. The console with the best graphics always sells the most and wins the gen. Casual gamers only buy Apple stuff so Nintendo will not make much money next gen. The only games the Wii U will get are old ports. The Wii U tablet looks like a toy and no real gamer is going to buy a toy. Everyone I know wants to buy the next Sony and Microsoft console and don't care about the Wii U. Tablet controllers are retard. A real gamer plays with a real controller that doesn't try to copy the iPhone. The Wii U won't even have any good launch games. Nobody cares about Pikmin because it sounds like a stupid japan game. Call of Duty will have better graphics on the PS4 and Xbox720. The only original games the Wii U will get from third parties are dance games. Even my brother thinks that the Wii U will bomb because people like Sony and Microsoft better becuase Sony makes good tv's and Microsoft makes good computer but my mom is excited for the Wii U because she is a casual gamer and doesn't understand what good graphics are but I will not buy the Wii U because it will have the worst graphics and the worst games and the worst online and the worst controller and the worst HD.

haha 10/10

Better because of "more modern tech" = better because of the Upad?

Don't worry guys, Gearbox promises the Wii U will have more modern tech than 2005 hardware. You can un-cancel those pre-orders now.

"Why? Because of "more modern tech" ."
I know that wiiu is "powerful, powerful", but why "modern" and not "powerful"? Hmmm... Maybe i'm thinking too much.

So end of story:
It's ~as strong as a PS3/Xbox360 (minimal stronger), but with "newer" tech/hardware.
Aha.... still crappy hardware. [...] Good? Because it has the hardware power of a over 6 year old console?

Incredible. Simply incredible. Someone could outright leak the specs and say "As you can see, the Wii U is at least 5x more powerful than the XBox 360!" and people would still say "Welcome to 2006, Nintendo! Whoopdie doo!"


I completely agree with you Yalstromo. The Wii U will be a shitty console with no games. The hardware will be weak and only moms will buy it. Sony and Microsoft will put out super consoles that will make the Wii U look like it plays N64 games. Sony will make a better tablet because they have smarter scientists. Microsoft will make better online because they have smarter internet people. Nintendo will only release games where you play as a pony or pet cats all day. Hardcore gamers won't buy the Wii U because they know Sony and Microsoft will release better consoles next year. Wii U will have horrible online because Nintendo is afraid of pedofiles. Zelda Wii U will look like a catoon and adults don't like cartoons. Kids will buy the Wii U but get bored with it because cartoon games are boring. The Wii U tablet doesn't have 3D and people love 3D. Mario games are all the same and Nintendo is out of ideas. People want new ideas so they will buy Sony and Microsoft consoles. Sony will have the best graphics next gen and Microsoft will be second. The console with the best graphics always sells the most and wins the gen. Casual gamers only buy Apple stuff so Nintendo will not make much money next gen. The only games the Wii U will get are old ports. The Wii U tablet looks like a toy and no real gamer is going to buy a toy. Everyone I know wants to buy the next Sony and Microsoft console and don't care about the Wii U. Tablet controllers are retard. A real gamer plays with a real controller that doesn't try to copy the iPhone. The Wii U won't even have any good launch games. Nobody cares about Pikmin because it sounds like a stupid japan game. Call of Duty will have better graphics on the PS4 and Xbox720. The only original games the Wii U will get from third parties are dance games. Even my brother thinks that the Wii U will bomb because people like Sony and Microsoft better becuase Sony makes good tv's and Microsoft makes good computer but my mom is excited for the Wii U because she is a casual gamer and doesn't understand what good graphics are but I will not buy the Wii U because it will have the worst graphics and the worst games and the worst online and the worst controller and the worst HD.

Can we have this posted in EVERY Wii U thread just to get it out of the way? I am serious.
I completely agree with you Yalstromo. The Wii U will be a shitty console with no games. The hardware will be weak and only moms will buy it. Sony and Microsoft will put out super consoles that will make the Wii U look like it plays N64 games. Sony will make a better tablet because they have smarter scientists. Microsoft will make better online because they have smarter internet people. Nintendo will only release games where you play as a pony or pet cats all day. Hardcore gamers won't buy the Wii U because they know Sony and Microsoft will release better consoles next year. Wii U will have horrible online because Nintendo is afraid of pedofiles. Zelda Wii U will look like a catoon and adults don't like cartoons. Kids will buy the Wii U but get bored with it because cartoon games are boring. The Wii U tablet doesn't have 3D and people love 3D. Mario games are all the same and Nintendo is out of ideas. People want new ideas so they will buy Sony and Microsoft consoles. Sony will have the best graphics next gen and Microsoft will be second. The console with the best graphics always sells the most and wins the gen. Casual gamers only buy Apple stuff so Nintendo will not make much money next gen. The only games the Wii U will get are old ports. The Wii U tablet looks like a toy and no real gamer is going to buy a toy. Everyone I know wants to buy the next Sony and Microsoft console and don't care about the Wii U. Tablet controllers are retard. A real gamer plays with a real controller that doesn't try to copy the iPhone. The Wii U won't even have any good launch games. Nobody cares about Pikmin because it sounds like a stupid japan game. Call of Duty will have better graphics on the PS4 and Xbox720. The only original games the Wii U will get from third parties are dance games. Even my brother thinks that the Wii U will bomb because people like Sony and Microsoft better becuase Sony makes good tv's and Microsoft makes good computer but my mom is excited for the Wii U because she is a casual gamer and doesn't understand what good graphics are but I will not buy the Wii U because it will have the worst graphics and the worst games and the worst online and the worst controller and the worst HD.

I kinda hope that happens


Gearbox had better take heed and include that Wii Remote and Nunchuck support. No way I'm buying this if it only supports the tablet controller.
I really do hope 3rd party developers are on the ball with the WiiU because it is going to be my primary gaming outlet for a few years once it comes out. If I trusted MS to make a console that didn't break I would probably be willing to wait for their next offering, but I'm going to take a rain check on that until I'm sure they've put out a quality piece of hardware this time around. I've never had to worry about Nintendo consoles breaking on me though, it's a big reason why I'm going to jump in with the WiiU when it launches. Hell, I might not go MS at all for the next round, I'm going to take the wait and see approach to see what the development support for the Ps4 will be like.
Echoing Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford's comments made earlier this month, senior producer Brian Burleson described the Wii U is a "powerful, powerful machine".

Okay, looks like they're can't make direct comparisons with the HDtwins, perhaps on orders from Nintendo or upper management (don't want to reject two-thirds of your market).

While Burleson is under the same orders not to discuss the Wii U in detail, he insisted Gearbox has managed to get Aliens: Colonial Marines singing on the machine.
"[Creating the Wii U version] has been pretty easy," he told Eurogamer. "The Wii U is a powerful, powerful machine and it can do a lot of cool new things. And so the game itself, moving it over to work on the Wii U was not much of a chore.

"Cool, new things" when said after a "powerful machine" suggests that the cool, new things it can do are linked to the "power" of the hardware. Is the hardware enables cool, new things, it is a reasonable assumption that the Wii U hardware is more powerful than the HDtwins.

"Now the interesting thing is finding out all the cool ways you can use the controller to do new stuff with it. You can imagine all the cool things we can do, with this franchise and having a thing with you, right?"
Gearbox plans to have Aliens' famous motion tracker displayed on the Wii U controller's touch screen controller, alerting players to the presence of those nasty aliens. There are other applications, too, although publisher Sega intervened in our discussion of them to prevent details from being divulged.
"You can imagine some cool features, for sure," Burleson said. "It's not hard to imagine some cool features."

Then again, this suggest taht the cool, new things might just be related to the controller, but I believe my analysis of the previous quote still holds true - and was probably a case of the developer saying a tiny bit too much.

The Wii U's power, though, is "one thing I can't talk about", he said. "Actually nailing the specs, they haven't come out with them yet."
But, the Wii U version of Aliens will "be better" than the PS3 and Xbox 360 version in terms of visuals, he confirmed. Why? Because of "more modern tech".

What Burleson is alluding to here is the suggestion that because the Wii U contains modern components, it will by default be more powerful than the ageing PS3 and Xbox 360.
How, exactly, will it be better? "You'll have to wait and see," Burleson teased. "Just trust me on that one.

Yep, this totally sounds like he has been gagged by upper management, Nintendo, or maybe even one of the HDTwins. Only Nintendo wins on portraying the Wii U as the more powerful beast, everyone else loses as consumers might be less willing to buy the "worse" version of the game to the PS360 - which would directly hurt Gearbox as that is probably their target market.
I really do hope 3rd party developers are on the ball with the WiiU because it is going to be my primary gaming outlet for a few years once it comes out. If I trusted MS to make a console that didn't break I would probably be willing to wait for their next offering, but I'm going to take a rain check on that until I'm sure they've put out a quality piece of hardware this time around. I've never had to worry about Nintendo consoles breaking on me though, it's a big reason why I'm going to jump in with the WiiU when it launches. Hell, I might not go MS at all for the next round, I'm going to take the wait and see approach to see what the development support for the Ps4 will be like.

But at least MS addressed the issues with the 360. The slim is a solid device now. I doubt MS will want to repeat that error next gen.


I'd be in the dick
I don't know why people keep listening to Vigil's quotes when most other devs are saying stuff more along the lines of Gearbox. Vigil isn't exactly a dev that pushed tech and their stuck under the dying THQ umbrella so they probably don't have too much of a budget to devote to learning the Wii U.


But, does it have the best brand soda?

Seriously please leave these topics in the Speculation thread. When they get out, well, we've seen what happened before.


I almost posted that thank god E3 is soon enough so these threads will die.

But then I realized Nintendo will probably never release the exact specs of WiiU and the madness will continue for months to come.

What on earth made you think it would stop even if they released the specs? People are still debating if SNES was more powerful than the Megadrive, despite both consoles being completely reverse engineered and their capabilities fully known down to the last register.
I don't know why people keep listening to Vigil's quotes when most other devs are saying stuff more along the lines of Gearbox. Vigil isn't exactly a dev that pushed tech and their stuck under the dying THQ umbrella so they probably don't have too much of a budget to devote to learning the Wii U.

It doesn't matter what the devs say. Manufacturing a console with 5-6 year old tech that's marginally comparable to what we've already had for the last 7 years is laughably bad. The WiiU is already obsolete before it even hits sales floors. smh


Seriously please leave these topics in the Speculation thread. When they get out, well, we've seen what happened before.

Nothing? Just the usual discussion and speculation.

These threads aren't going to forever tarnish the Wii U or something.


Nice that they keep trying to push the Wii U version or at least address people'e concerns. However it's meaningless to me if there will be no pointer controls. It can be the best version 10 times over, the lack of pointer controls are still a deal breaker in the the end.


It doesn't matter what the devs say. Manufacturing a console with 5-6 year old tech that's marginally comparable to what we've already had for the last 7 years is laughably bad.

Holy shit, you know what is in the WiiU? Like for a fact and not just making a guess based on nothing and being a troll?

Nothing? Just the usual discussion and speculation.

These threads aren't going to forever tarnish the Wii U or something.

Eh, just get's annoying is all. I mean, come on. When a dev says good things, they turn them bad, when a dev says bad things, they praise them. I just don't understand why anyone would want a gaming company to fail. It's not tarnishing the system, it's tarnishing gaming.
It doesn't matter what the devs say. Manufacturing a console with 5-6 year old tech that's marginally comparable to what we've already had for the last 7 years is laughably bad. The WiiU is already obsolete before it even hits sales floors. smh

Having the most powerful console with some of the best developers in the world makes it obsolete how???


It doesn't matter what the devs say. Manufacturing a console with 5-6 year old tech that's marginally comparable to what we've already had for the last 7 years is laughably bad. The WiiU is already obsolete before it even hits sales floors. smh

So... What's in it.
But at least MS addressed the issues with the 360. The slim is a solid device now. I doubt MS will want to repeat that error next gen.

I don't doubt that MS is aiming to put out a better engineered console this time, I'm still going to wait and see though because I've had 3 MS consoles break on me.


The tablet controller would be most interesting with this game. Having the radar on the tablet would be awesome.

Three of my top five competitive on-line FPS this gen are on Wii, and the Wii Remote and Nunchuck control system is the main reason why. Nothing comes close to making the shooting experience as immersive and dynamic. Going back to twin sticks, even if there's a screen between them, would be a major step backwards for me as an avid Wii FPS gamer.

People from Gearbox read this forum, as far as I know. So come on, guys, include Wii Remote and Nunchuck controls with Black Ops/Conduit 2 level of customisation and I'll buy your game. No question about it.


It doesn't matter what the devs say. Manufacturing a console with 5-6 year old tech that's marginally comparable to what we've already had for the last 7 years is laughably bad. The WiiU is already obsolete before it even hits sales floors. smh

Bu...but... that doesn't mean Wii U won't be #1 in sales!!! Because graphics don't guarantee you'll be #1 in sales!!! C'mon, slightly better graphics!


Having the most powerful console* with some of the best developers** in the world makes it obsolete how???
*for one year

**Nintendo is the best developer, singular. Given how this generation played out and knowing about Nintendo third party relations (especially compared to MS and Sony), I don't see a lot of A-teams in the industry working on Wii-U exclusive games.

edit: that said, his post was obviously hyperbole and pretty bad baiting


*for one year

**Nintendo is the best developer, singular. Given how this generation played out and knowing about Nintendo third party relations (especially compared to MS and Sony), I don't see a lot of A-teams in the industry working on Wii-U exclusive games.

I don't see many 3rd party A-teams working on exclusives full stop


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
It doesn't matter what the devs say. Manufacturing a console with 5-6 year old tech that's marginally comparable to what we've already had for the last 7 years is laughably bad. The WiiU is already obsolete before it even hits sales floors. smh

So more power=more sales? Good for sony.
*for one year

**Nintendo is the best developer, singular. Given how this generation played out and knowing about Nintendo third party relations (especially compared to MS and Sony), I don't see a lot of A-teams in the industry working on Wii-U exclusive games.

***why so defensive???

I was simply making light of this "obsolete" hocus pocus insight.

Games matter, not timeframes.


I completely agree with you Yalstromo. The Wii U will be a shitty console with no games. The hardware will be weak and only moms will buy it. Sony and Microsoft will put out super consoles that will make the Wii U look like it plays N64 games. Sony will make a better tablet because they have smarter scientists. Microsoft will make better online because they have smarter internet people. Nintendo will only release games where you play as a pony or pet cats all day. Hardcore gamers won't buy the Wii U because they know Sony and Microsoft will release better consoles next year. Wii U will have horrible online because Nintendo is afraid of pedofiles. Zelda Wii U will look like a catoon and adults don't like cartoons. Kids will buy the Wii U but get bored with it because cartoon games are boring. The Wii U tablet doesn't have 3D and people love 3D. Mario games are all the same and Nintendo is out of ideas. People want new ideas so they will buy Sony and Microsoft consoles. Sony will have the best graphics next gen and Microsoft will be second. The console with the best graphics always sells the most and wins the gen. Casual gamers only buy Apple stuff so Nintendo will not make much money next gen. The only games the Wii U will get are old ports. The Wii U tablet looks like a toy and no real gamer is going to buy a toy. Everyone I know wants to buy the next Sony and Microsoft console and don't care about the Wii U. Tablet controllers are retard. A real gamer plays with a real controller that doesn't try to copy the iPhone. The Wii U won't even have any good launch games. Nobody cares about Pikmin because it sounds like a stupid japan game. Call of Duty will have better graphics on the PS4 and Xbox720. The only original games the Wii U will get from third parties are dance games. Even my brother thinks that the Wii U will bomb because people like Sony and Microsoft better becuase Sony makes good tv's and Microsoft makes good computer but my mom is excited for the Wii U because she is a casual gamer and doesn't understand what good graphics are but I will not buy the Wii U because it will have the worst graphics and the worst games and the worst online and the worst controller and the worst HD.


Welp, I'm excited because I enjoy playing videogames. I swear if some of you were around generations ago systems like the Turbografx would've never had a chance, because y'know 8-bit system disguised as a 16-bit, what a fail lol!!!!!111!!
It doesn't matter what the devs say. Manufacturing a console with 5-6 year old tech that's marginally comparable to what we've already had for the last 7 years is laughably bad. The WiiU is already obsolete before it even hits sales floors. smh

Nintendo would have a very hard time putting 5-6 year old tech in the system if they wanted to. Maybe they went to eBay and bought a shitload of old stuff. Fuck having smaller die's, lower power consumption and less heat, they're trying to match original Xbox 360.
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