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Geoff Keighley: PS4 Used Game DRM (EDIT: but now apparently on hold)

Seriously, with EA dropping online pass, it couldn't have been this surprising to GAF? EA doesn't do stuff like that for the good of gamers.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Personally it makes no difference to me now as I buy all my games, if anything it might improve things if I can buy cheaper at retail and still have the benefit of HDD install (like Steam I guess).

I understand that is a very selfish point of view, and my 14 year old self would have hated this idea, as I couldn't afford to simply buy any game I wanted back then. I think Sony and Microsoft will have a lot of convincing to do with the general public. Unfortunately such measures would probably also lead to a concerted effort to pirate games, thus Microsoft's 24hr sign-in policy :-(


Gold Member
What sources? Because then he just says something along the lines of "3rd parties would be upset if Xbone is one way and PS4 was another way"... so what?

Sony is the loss leader here, they take a hit per console sold, EA gets the luxury of releasing games on that console. I don't buy this, "3rd parties will be upset" bullshit, you telling me EA wouldn't want to release FIFA, Madden, BF4, etc on PS4 is they didn't have a used game block? MS at their best, and with anti used games all round, only secured exclusive content for a game mode in FIFA (Ultimate Team).

However at this point I do think Sony or PS4 will have something, just not built into the system and as shitty as Xbone because PS4 is not always online/online required. I think only dick publishers like EA (and maybe Ubisoft) will use this.




It's always difficult to know if it's just an ambiguous choice of words or a really twisted spin, but he only said you could enjoy the system offline, not that you can play games on it without an online connection. You know, "enjoy" as in "watch Blu-rays" or something. Or, more likely, you might be able to play certain games that don't require online activation, but nothing by, say, EA or Activision.


Leaving it up to 3rd parties would allow Sony to preserve their own image.

Not that'd excuse them from this bullshit. But, *if I can be given the option to ignore certain publishers' titles if they opt into this rather than have to opt out of everything because it's all or nothing, if that's how Sony has set it up. Then i'd take the former, well before the latter.


of course they will. publisher pressure and all that.

we can only hope there will be numerous steam-style cheap sales because that's one of the few benefits of not being able to resell your games. ah, who am i kidding...


lol. And please tell me how you expect to rent games on your PC? Oh right, you can't.

If consoles become more like PCs in regards to DRM, then my incentive to purchase consoles would evaporate beyond exclusives. I totally see where he's coming from. Sharing games with friends and family, and not having to rely on an internet connection were great advantages for consoles. If I can't do that, then I might aswell stick to PC.
Gemüsepizza;59457097 said:
If Sony lets publishers decide, then it's of course very different from what Microsoft is planning. What are people thinking? That Sony can just say to EA and Ubisoft that they aren't allowed to use such a feature?
EA and Ubisoft say...

'No problem, we respect your decision. We promise to still put out a polished game for you, in fact we're going to spend an extra month on it just to make sure it's perfect. Oh, and as our ad campaign for the XBox One release will be wrapping up around the same time we release the PS4 version, you may want to jump in and help spread the good news to your fans.'


Maybe you were too young, but it definitely existed.

Did I say it didn't exist? I'm 29 BTW, so I remember it, in fact you could rent some software from movie rental stores. But it wasn't much of a market, it was small and wasnt much of a foundation where it controlled pricing. It never was a focus of the PC market and nobody really cared about it. Piracy has always been the focus and "reasoning" behind companies in the PC market.


No. Sony did develop a tech. It's just not looking like they are gong to use it.

No, but they won't use it? Although those sources said they will use it?

I know that Sony has this RFID patent. But they also got lots of other patents. And in case they use it, it would somewhat be really problematic in case the console is not connected and breaks down. How is the RFID chip supposed to know that it may be used again? It couldn't.


And this flies in the face all of the people saying "CALM DOWN, WAIT FOR E3!!!" The lesson here is not to calm down, it's too tell these companies you don't like what they are doing. Which means take off your fanboy hat for a second and join in letting whatever company you have a preference for know you aren't happy. If everyone was quiet after the MS reveal I can guarantee that both companies would be full steam ahead with restrictive policies. Hell, they would possibly be making them more restrictive.
You know, honestly i didn't think of that. Good point. I mean it's unlikely that outcries from dedicated hardcore gaming forums would sway their plan but there's always the slightest chance i guess that makes it worthwhile. Good post.


Sony's vague comments on used games made be believe that this was a distinct possibility. They were comparatively far more clear with their stance on an always-online console.

Seriously, with EA dropping online pass, it couldn't have been this surprising to GAF? EA doesn't do stuff like that for the good of gamers.
Agreed :(


Gemüsepizza;59457097 said:
If Sony lets publishers decide, then it's of course very different from what Microsoft is planning. What are people thinking? That Sony can just say to EA and Ubisoft that they aren't allowed to use such a feature?

Some just want Sony to act like Nintendo. Say no to them even if it means no support.


The Everyman
the more i think about it the more i can see this coming, we can only hope that games will be priced like steam.


When Steam came around with their DD the PC market was in a fairly large glut, with very little game growth. The competition that Steam introduced with other DD companies following suit creates its own kind of free market value adjustment.

Sony and MS systems are closed and they will not be experiencing the same market pressures to adjust value to their games. You will be literally at the mercy of Sony and Microsoft.

You're looking at this in an overly-simplified way.

There's competition between MS/Sony/Nintendo. They want you to buy the multiplatform games on THEIR store (just like Steam wants you to buy the games on THEIR store!).

There's also competition amongst publishers. If publishers can change their prices on the fly, they'll use price as a competitive tool against their competition. This is proven on iOS. To be fully realized, you can't have the influence of physical stores, though. This is where competitive pricing can be most obvious.


^ No, but they get cheap a lot faster...on Steam anyway. Let's see how brutal EA are with Origin next-gen. Not looking good so far.

My decision to remain PC + Nintendo is looking better by the day.

Wait till intel release an amazing new processor mid-way through the console cycle. And nvidia/amd new graphics cards. Developers, optimising for the same console hardware still, only optimise their pc ports for the latest tech. After a while, pcs become less able, much faster than they should.

Sure you can spend the amount of a new console again to upgrade the parts. Perhaps more if the motherboards have changed too.

PC is great of course. Don't buy dual-gpus guys (x2) unless you don't mind upgrading even faster...or really have to have it.


I'm not so sure; I thought Geoff was very vague on this and it seem to be more that they were now expecting it based on MS's reveal. However, I wonder if the gaming press has been in contact with Sony for a clarification since the MS reveal.

P.S. I'm also a bit surprised (or maybe not) by the response in this thread. Seems a lot less negative or angry than what I've seen with Xbox One.


Well, if it's true, there goes next gen for me. I'm not buying any console that follow this ridiculous DRM trend. Unless the Wii-U magically gets amazing support/games all of the sudden, this generation will be the last for me (At least for console anyways).
very disappointing, if true.

also very cheap of sony, because the last months when we had the microsoft rumors, we had sony announcements like this one:


Well, here's the thing... Used games will be allowed on the system, we just don't know how. That's the million dollar question right there.

Will I need to deactivate it on my system before I take it to the store? Can they do it for me? What happens if I try to play a game that my friend downloaded onto my machine? Can I just lend a friend a disc? Will he have to pay a fee to do that?

Those are the types of things Sony and MS will need to clarify at E3.
I hope they don't. Very annoying if true, although I will probably go digital only next gen. I will be especially pissed of if they go the MS route. Charging full price for used software is pathetic. No other industry is this draconian. There is no control over CDs or DVDs.
Hmm... really not liking this trend. Seems I'm out for next gen as well... I don't think I own a single sony exclusive this gen and I've never owned an X-box... so Wii U and PC will do well enough.


LOL at how many replies taking this as fact. No leaks from devs or insiders like MS had for a long time on this issue suggest it's bullshit. People are clinging to it seemingly in the hopes that Sony will do it so that MS is vindicated?

They will not do it, if they do it's the end of their company. Would any one of you implement this type of draconian DRM after seeing the unprecedented backlash and damage it's done to your biggest competitor? No one with an ounce of common sense would.


Maybe it's my denial, but I see zero fucking weight behind Geoff's word. Have his "sources" been on the money?

It's your denial. Geoff Keighley probably knows about games you won't hear mention of for a year of more.

You don't have to respect him or think he's got integrity, but he's certainly in a position to know/hear certain things.
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