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George W. Bush: Media is Indispensable to Democracy

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he also killed more than 100,000 iraqis and 4,000 US soldiers in the iraq war

diverted resources from afghanistan which killed thousands more

burned more than a trillion dollars doing it

but hey, funny guy
I've noticed libs tend do this annoying thing where they isolate a little speck of dust next to a huge pile of steaming shit and then praise the speck of dust. hence, the recent liberal deification of repulsive scumbags like evan mcmullin and david frum because they're 000000000000000000001% microscopically less vile than trump and his circus freaks

between the unfunny poncho meme and his charming but buttugly paintings, looks like W is on the path to rehabilitation


Yeah I didn't like him as a president but he was ok as a person. Trump is just bad all around and he probably thinks he's the good guy.


That will do pig, that will do..

Edit: I actually have been saying this since before Trump that W isn't as bad as it seemed during the 2000's. For the most part he was naive, got served with the worst adversities of our nation since Pearl harbor and was surrounded by hawks and fuckfaces of all kinds.

Same. There's actually a funny turn around from 9/11 to Iraq. There's a skit from Mad TV that had Bush going over and fighting the terrorists himself, being super tough. Then he said nuclear a certain way and everyone jumped on him as being dumb.

What I didn't like and still don't about Trump is that his rhetoric has been for a long time too similar to dictators- and the more he attacks the media directly for people to drink his Koolaid the more I see history repeating itself.

It's pretty bad when this guy is lecturing you.

Say what you will about W but he can dodge a shoe like a champ


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I didn't like him as a president but he was ok as a person. Trump is just bad all around and he probably thinks he's the good guy.
He lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. I think that disqualifies you from "okay as a person."
Anyone thinking W was a good president or person in any way is fucking crazy, but it does go to show you just how unhinged Trump is that swine like GW is actually throwing him subtle shade.

I dont even think itll be a civil war as even the republicans seem to want trump out

The GOP doesn't really care, they'll stick with him unless something truly insane and vile comes out, and even then I doubt they'll pull the trigger. And we're definitely heading towards a civil way like conflict. Unless some event of unification happens to bring us back together, a clash between 'red' and 'blue' is coming, and it will probably shape our next century (granting we have a next century of functioning society). I think anyone who thinks otherwise at this point is pretty delusional.
George W. Bush was a lot of things, but he was not a hateful person. He listened to reason, and he was genuinely a nice person. One of the reasons why he won, but compared to Trump he is on a different league completely. It's good he talked about this directly and had the spine to go against Trump's policy. He is probably happy that Trump will be remembered as the worst president of the United States instead of him especially in this century.
George W. Bush was a lot of things, but he was not a hateful person. He listened to reason, and he was genuinely a nice person. One of the reasons why he won, but compared to Trump he is on a different league completely. It's good he talked about this directly and had the spine to go against Trump's policy. He is probably happy that Trump will be remembered as the worst president of the United States instead of him especially in this century.

Trump is the worst behaved President but we won't know for a little bit if he'll go down as worse than Bush. He still has to get us unnecessarily involved in a foreign war, bungle the relief effort of a national disaster, and tank the global economy, again.
Trump is the worst behaved President but we won't know for a little bit if he'll go down as worse than Bush. He still has to get us unnecessarily involved in a foreign war, bungle the relief effort of a national disaster, and tank the global economy, again.

With how things are going, The US will get into another conflict pretty soon if Trump continues as the president. This time it's going to be even more destructive if he starts something with Iran(which is not that unlikely). They are not Iraq and they have a powerful military. Many Americans are going to die at his hands, and the failed operation Yemen is just the beginning.

... *sigh* I do.

Goddam, to think how moderate he would be today. I would welcome this lovable doofus back with open arms. His Muslim speech right after 9/11 is such a stark contrast on what Trump says. Say what you wan't about him, but Bush did bring America together for brief time from between 9/11 - Iraq War 2.
Goddam, to think how moderate he would be today. I would welcome this lovable doofus back with open arms. His Muslim speech right after 9/11 is such a stark contrast on what Trump says. Say what you wan't about him, but Bush did bring America together for brief time from between 9/11 - Iraq War 2.

And he brought us together afterward, too, because every goddamn one hated that motherfucker after all that.


I was a young, naive 20 year old boy when I thought George W. was the worst we could do as a country.

He was the worst... at the time.

Now, over a decade later, Trump has far surpassed him as the worst.

Imagine what your country's worst will be 15 years from now. If young people and progressives continue to NOT GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND FUCKING GO VOTE then you won't have to imagine because it will be reality.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Of course he would say that. Bush willingly used the media as a way to spread disinformation about Iraq in order to justify his illegal intervention against Hussein's regime. War criminals should not be throwing stones inside glass houses.


The lesson of the past eight years, as much as I hate to admit it, is that Bush wasn't nearly as bad as the depths his party was willing to go to.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
"War criminal" was used twice in this thread, my work here is already done.

Fuck his garbage ass, and fuck the people who make him seem like a moderate.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
"War criminal" was used twice in this thread, my work here is already done.

Fuck his garbage ass, and fuck the people who make him seem like a moderate.


Just another terrible person.


I hate Trump with every fiber of my being but I can't get behind W. That man was an evil piece of shit that is responsible for the deaths hundreds of thousands of innocents. He should have been charged with war crimes, instead he retired to a life of luxury. Fuck George W.
“I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy. That we need the media to hold people like me to account,” Bush told Matt Lauer, anchor of NBC’s “Today” show.

As much as I know what he meant, I found this quote surprisingly self-aware.
Awful President and I find it kind of scary how much smarter Dubya seems than Trump. He at least expresses an understanding of the basic freedoms of Americans to practice religion, immigrate and the media in this interview. Unlike one Drumpf

Amazing I'd trade Bush for what we have now in a heartbeat. Never thought that would happen
Gwb is a good man. Regardless of what you think of him, he was always polite and did not say hurtful things like Agent orange does.
There was this thing that we call a "war" that he started on false pretenses.

Something that cost thousands upon thousands of lives that he can't give back and billions of dollars in lost wealth for all countries involved. The torture programs happening were with his express permission.

His charity work is good and appreciated, but he can't take back those wrongs. They won't be forgotten.
There was this thing that we call a "war" that he started on false pretenses.

Something that cost thousands upon thousands of lives that he can't give back and billions of dollars in lost wealth for all countries involved. The torture programs happening were with his express permission.

His charity work is good and appreciated, but he can't take back those wrongs. They won't be forgotten.
But he was polite about it.


All the people saying Bush was worse than current Trump, what a lack of fuckin' perspective you have, I'll tell you something Bush didn't do that Trump is doing currently, persecuting people who live in this country and spewing vitriol at people who dare speak against him, you really don't know what you're talking about.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
... Fuck, me too. W wasn't a good president but the country didn't feel like it was on the path to a civil war when he was running things

No, but we went to *actual* war for no reason, so I'm not gonna say I miss the dude yet.
All the people saying Bush was worse than current Trump, what a lack of fuckin' perspective you have, I'll tell you something Bush didn't do that Trump is doing currently, persecuting people who live in this country and spewing vitriol at people who dare speak against him, you really don't know what you're talking about.
No, he just started a surveillance state and spread lies to justify a disastrous war we still are mired in the consequences of after his brother rigged an election for him.

What a stand-up guy.


There was this thing that we call a "war" that he started on false pretenses.

Something that cost thousands upon thousands of lives that he can't give back and billions of dollars in lost wealth for all countries involved. The torture programs happening were with his express permission.

His charity work is good and appreciated, but he can't take back those wrongs. They won't be forgotten.
Motivation matters. He was a well-intentioned idiot, not evil.
Yeah Bush was a great guy, except when he was dropping bombs on children, torturing people in secret detention centers, and spying on Americans. What a fucking stand up chap.
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