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Ghost Recon : Wildlands Open Beta Impressions.


Dude Farcry 4 radio was actually fuckin hilarious because of the Hindi dialogues. I get that not everyone would understand it but I was laughing out the entire way through whenever there was a piece that included a bit if Hindi dialogue due to how it would mix with the rest of the dialogue.

Yup, I loved the Far Cry 4 radio chatter, it was incredibly well done from a desi viewpoint.

The driving sucks, the AI is terrible, the NPCs are quite possibly the dumbest I've seen in a major title, and being forced to use a crappy 4x scope on the sniper is an annoyance. BUT, the shooting feels good, it's a pretty chilled out game, I like some of the new animations (hopping out of a car window to shoot, being able to aim in all 360 degrees when prone by turning on your back). There's something about this game that is making it enjoyable... I just don't know what it is. I don't think it's a particularly good game, and I'm not really interested in buying it on Day One. Maybe when there's a sale. I plan on playing it a fair bit more over the weekend, especially in co-op.


i do not get the hate towards the game. it is certainly not goty material but solid coop action fun with an interesting open world approach.

coop is fun; i enjoyed both betas and day1 despite some issues like heli controls, etc.
AI was like that in closed beta too. One could draw enemy attention while rest flanked from sides and back. Also if you drop line of sight between you and AI gunning for you they lose track of you. People just are far way too quick to judge AI in this game, imo. Should definitely put game on hardest difficulty and do both zones before judging it too hard.

I do agree that it's silly how whole base can be alerted about your precise location if that single guard reports alert state to rest of his AI buddies. You do have small window of time to kill enemy who spotted you before whole base is alerted, so that is nice at least.

I watched a streamer playing solo yesterday and while they were crouched behind a building using the drone, an NPC enemy walked past them about 12-15ft away and didn't notice. Ok, I figure, it's night time and maybe the NPC didn't turn towards the player to see them. That's understandable. Then the player turned to follow said NPC and watched as the NPC walked right past the computer squad member. Within 4ft. And didn't aggro/alert.

Now I can kind of understand the logic of not spotting CPU controlled teamates because the player can't control where they go, but that looked ridiculous.

The AI definitely needs some tweaks.
Played a little bit of it, it feels like there's some sort of disconnect between the game world and what you're supposed to be doing. I mean here we are a supposedly covert squad of heavily armed Americans running around in broad daylight getting into car wrecks with civilians everywhere and nobody seems to care until bad guys appear in the magic mission circle.
So did anyone else have any really bad stuttering? I had a lot when i first played the beta but I turned on Riva Tuner and it fixed all of the stuttering. Only other game I've ever had to use it for is Fallout 4.


i do not get the hate towards the game. it is certainly not goty material but solid coop action fun with an interesting open world approach.

coop is fun; i enjoyed both betas and day1 despite some issues like heli controls, etc.

I agree, reading all the negative impressions in this thread I feel like I'm playing a different game. I'm really enjoying it and can't wait for the full game. I will say though that I love open world games and have no problem with the Ubi style of open world that so many people seem to hate.
It is pretty much 99.999% required to play this game co op with friends to have fun. I am sure some people will have fun soloing the entire game, but it is a completely different experience co op. Instead of a dull empty sandbox, it transforms into a massive playground with guns.

Hmm, well I might try to talk some friends into playing this with me. Sounds like it might be fun.


The game is fun. It's not what we thought it would be but I'm having a lot of fun with friends. Janky controls sure, dumb AI okay. The good times when friends skid off the road and roll down a hill or miss a shot and now the covert op turns into rambo 5 are awesome. We were laughing the whole time.

My friends and I will be picking this up on release.
Game is fun. Gameplay loop is satisfying so far. Looting stuff, tagging and simultaneously taking people out with your squad is squee-inducingly good.

The story and voice lines are completely tone deaf though. Like hilariously bad stuff, bordering on racist if it wasn't so stupid.


I watched a streamer playing solo yesterday and while they were crouched behind a building using the drone, an NPC enemy walked past them about 12-15ft away and didn't notice. Ok, I figure, it's night time and maybe the NPC didn't turn towards the player to see them. That's understandable. Then the player turned to follow said NPC and watched as the NPC walked right past the computer squad member. Within 4ft. And didn't aggro/alert.

Now I can kind of understand the logic of not spotting CPU controlled teamates because the player can't control where they go, but that looked ridiculous.

The AI definitely needs some tweaks.

Friendly AI is useless, only thing they are good for is to revive you when needed. Other than that you are better off without them and if enemy AI aggroed to them you would be in combat 24/7, imagine rage we would have here if that was the case. Should they improve friendly AI? Yeah, they should. Also its current state is reason why I think WL is 100% coop game.

How enemy AI spots you is affected by visibility conditions, elevation, body exposure [e.g. crouched behind too small rock] etc. On hardest difficulty when AI notices you they react FAST, you need be on point or they put you down right there and then. Been downed more than once just because I checked wrong corner or elevation first and AI got drop on me. Like it should be in game like GR, imo.


In my experience performance improved a lot from closed beta. I can get locked 50FPS with better visuals and locked 60FPS with few settings down to medium-high.
Hmm, well I might try to talk some friends into playing this with me. Sounds like it might be fun.

It doesn't excuse a lot of issues I have with the game, but I have definitely had a lot of fun in the closed and open beta because I have been playing with 2 or 3 friends the entire time. The wonky vehicle mechanics go from a source of frustration to a source of hilarity.


Hoooboy, yeah, hard pass for me. Incredibly boring, and bad AI. Looks nice on enough on the Pro. But damn, it just feels old and clunky. Maybe 5 or 6 years ago this would have been fine, but not in 2017. And with the murderer's row Q1 game lineup? LOL no.
Friendly AI is useless, only thing they are good for is to revive you when needed. Other than that you are better off without them and if enemy AI aggroed to them you would be in combat 24/7, imagine rage we would have here if that was the case. Should they improve friendly AI? Yeah, they should. Also its current state is reason why I think WL is 100% coop game.

How enemy AI spots you is affected by visibility conditions, elevation, body exposure [e.g. crouched behind too small rock] etc. On hardest difficulty when AI notices you they react FAST, you need be on point or they put you down right there and then. Been downed more than once just because I checked wrong corner or elevation first and AI got drop on me. Like it should be in game like GR, imo.

Useless? I don't know about that. I loaded up into a truck with a gun mounted on back and just rolled into encampments, signal engage and watched the cpu teammates light everyone up. Clearing camps was super fast and easy.

I mean honestly I felt like the only way to increase the difficulty was to impose it on myself by trying to clear stealthily without ever alerting. If I have to impose my own restrictions to increase difficulty, something is off imo.


Useless? I don't know about that. I loaded up into a truck with a gun mounted on back and just rolled into encampments, signal engage and watched the cpu teammates light everyone up. Clearing camps was super fast and easy.

I mean honestly I felt like the only way to increase the difficulty was to impose it on myself by trying to clear stealthily without ever alerting. If I have to impose my own restrictions to increase difficulty, something is off imo.

I don't see this being true on expert solo at least in area 2.


Neo Member
So did anyone else have any really bad stuttering? I had a lot when i first played the beta but I turned on Riva Tuner and it fixed all of the stuttering. Only other game I've ever had to use it for is Fallout 4.

Turning off SLI fixed severe stutter for me. Was mentioned that SLI will currently cause stuttering in their Official forum FAQ post, yet they are working with NVidia to have this corrected by launch.

Guess will have to wait for launch day gameready Nvidia drivers.


i do not get the hate towards the game. it is certainly not goty material but solid coop action fun with an interesting open world approach.

coop is fun; i enjoyed both betas and day1 despite some issues like heli controls, etc.

Because it's janky, story is generic, radio chatter isn't any good, and it's buggy as it gets. It feels like an incomplete game.


It's solid. My thing is if this were coming out mid summer, I'd probably pick it up. However, since it's coming out sandwiched between Horizon and Andromeda, I'm gonna have to skip it.
Because it's janky, story is generic, radio chatter isn't any good, and it's buggy as it gets. It feels like an incomplete game.

Some of these issues could potentially be resolved if this is an old build, but yea, its a "wait and see" at best right now.
Turning off SLI fixed severe stutter for me. Was mentioned that SLI will currently cause stuttering in their Official forum FAQ post, yet they are working with NVidia to have this corrected by launch.

Guess will have to wait for launch day gameready Nvidia drivers.

Ah well I'm just on one 980ti, I wonder what was causing my issue then.


Gold Member
Wow, the graphic is not impressive at all on my PS 4 Pro. I lost my interest when seeing all those typical Ubi-style icons on the world map...
With regards to PC performance. Stutter in v-sync. Off it's smooth. 1440p mostly high/very high and ultra and hitting 50fps (my preferred refresh rate - as smooth as 60fps but allows better visuals). Game drivers from nvidia may sort out the stutter. Also some frame drops from the game streaming data from HDD. If I get the game it'll have to go on my SDD unless the final game has a patch or is a later version.
In general not bad. Can actually play at 4k@30fps but I do hit those big frame drops too often.
Wow, the graphic is not impressive at all on my PS 4 Pro. I lost my interest when seeing all those typical Ubi-style icons on the world map...
Yeah the graphics are kinda off, the draw distance is great and everything looks amazing but up close everything looks like just cause 2 lol
As promised, detailed impressions about beta. Ubisoft managed to fucked up everything with this one, i can't believe they seriously charging 60$ for this game.

- Typical dull Ubisoft's openworld, lifeless, with hundreds kilometers of empty copypasted villages and outposts you need to capture. And of course it's filled with pointless collectibles and generic sidemissions.
- Vehicles controls are beyond terrible, helicopter controls is probably one of the worst in videogames history. A lot of collision bugs, cars and bikes are constantly bumping every single rock and easily can stuck during driving off-road, but easily driving through some trees. Controls like this is death sentence to openworld game.
- Random quotes and dialogues from characters is laughable, i wish there is option to disable them.
- Besides mark & execute commands, i can't see any "tactical gameplay" in this game. It feels more like dumbed down Just Cause with co-op, and highest difficulty doesn't change much, it just became more frustrating to capture those endless outposts.
- Missions structure is typical Ubisoft grindfest - go to the outpost, get intel or some dude with info, go around local villages to get more intel, capture next outpost, and repeat this "gameplay" circle to death.
- Leveling system is a joke, you need to grind resources even to unlock most of skills. Also, hip fire spread decrease by skills, in tactical game? Are you fucking serious?
- Engine is broken mess, game can't hold stable 60 FPS and constantly dropping below 30 FPS, but it looks like ass, always. Lighting is completely broken, wet ground and rocks looks like some jelly blinking mess. LOD streaming is broken too, even on ultra level of details objects continue to notably popping up from air while driving or flying.

This game for me is prime example of what Ubisoft is doing wrong with their products lately. They turned Ghost Recon in some coop online openworld pseudo-RPG grindfest. Even Future Soldier looks like great Ghost Recon game in comparing to Wildlands.

And some people accuse me of lying, they said that this is "lowest settings possible" screens. No, it's not. Here is small clip that showing LOD streaming issues and settings I'm playing - https://youtu.be/alOQq7Q6PCI You can also see that framerate is dropping by 10 FPS every time i'm trying to aim.


As promised, detailed impressions about beta. Ubisoft managed to fucked up everything with this one, i can't believe they seriously charging 60$ for this game.

- Typical dull Ubisoft's openworld, lifeless, with hundreds kilometers of empty copypasted villages and outposts you need to capture. And of course it's filled with pointless collectibles and generic sidemissions.
- Vehicles controls are beyond terrible, helicopter controls is probably one of the worst in videogames history. A lot of collision bugs, cars and bikes are constantly bumping every single rock and easily can stuck during driving off-road, but easily driving through some trees. Controls like this is death sentence to openworld game.

- Random quotes and dialogues from characters is laughable, i wish there is option to disable them.
- Besides mark & execute commands, i can't see any "tactical gameplay" in this game. It feels more like dumbed down Just Cause with co-op, and highest difficulty doesn't change much, it just became more frustrating to capture those endless outposts.
- Missions structure is typical Ubisoft grindfest - go to the outpost, get intel or some dude with info, go around local villages to get more intel, capture next outpost, and repeat this "gameplay" circle to death.
- Leveling system is a joke, you need to grind resources even to unlock most of skills. Also, hip fire spread decrease by skills, in tactical game? Are you fucking serious?
- Engine is broken mess, game can't hold stable 60 FPS and constantly dropping below 30 FPS, but it looks like ass, always. Lighting is completely broken, wet ground and rocks looks like some jelly blinking mess. LOD streaming is broken too, even on ultra level of details objects continue to notably popping up from air while driving or flying.

This game for me is prime example of what Ubisoft is doing wrong with their products lately. They turned Ghost Recon in some coop online openworld pseudo-RPG grindfest. Even Future Soldier looks like great Ghost Recon game in comparing to Wildlands.

And some people accuse me of lying, they said that this is "lowest settings possible" screens. No, it's not. Here is small clip that showing LOD streaming issues and settings I'm playing - https://youtu.be/alOQq7Q6PCI You can also see that framerate is dropping by 10 FPS every time i'm trying to aim.
my thoughts exactly. No idea how people are saying "I don't understand why people keep bashing this"... What I don't understand is how some of you are buying this day one. Baffles the mind, if i had this pre-ordered and played this beta I would immediately cancel it.

Those images look horrendous, but I thought the game looked pretty on my setup, its just everything else you mentioned thats wrong with it.

I usually am a huge fan of Ubisoft games, I really enjoy the AC series, enjoyed WD 2 and absolutely love Siege (minus the horrible servers), but this game is just a giant pile of MEH
This beta is god awful. I'm severely disaoppointed with the terrible controls. Namely the cover system and camera. Why does the game enable you to arbitrarily change shoulders but not give a manual option for it? The automatic cover system does an AWFUL job of readjusting your camera position to your cover. Time and time again I have tried to go into cover on a corner, only to be unable to aim at enemies on the other side because the game positions my camera and shoulder facing the opposite direction (the fucking wall that I'm on).
Did this really have to be open world? It would have been fine if Ubisoft stuck with the previously Ghost Recon formula imo, I feel as though this open world is half-assed (like most Ubisoft open world games) which doesn't really offer much.

It's crazy how there was a point in time when I was more excited about this game than Horizon. I'll pass on this until some crazy sale when it's like $25.


So far, my experience in this game has been an interesting one. The graphics are terrible (even on the PS4 Pro), the controls are clunky, the mission system is non-intuitive, and the wold seems repetitive and bland...yet for some reason, I'm having an absolute blast playing this online with randoms. I can't explain it.


A game doesn't need to be perfect or be The Best Game Ever to be fun and worth playing. It's a lesson lots of people could do with learning.


Junior Member
As promised, detailed impressions about beta. Ubisoft managed to fucked up everything with this one, i can't believe they seriously charging 60$ for this game.

- Typical dull Ubisoft's openworld, lifeless, with hundreds kilometers of empty copypasted villages and outposts you need to capture. And of course it's filled with pointless collectibles and generic sidemissions.
- Vehicles controls are beyond terrible, helicopter controls is probably one of the worst in videogames history. A lot of collision bugs, cars and bikes are constantly bumping every single rock and easily can stuck during driving off-road, but easily driving through some trees. Controls like this is death sentence to openworld game.

- Random quotes and dialogues from characters is laughable, i wish there is option to disable them.
- Besides mark & execute commands, i can't see any "tactical gameplay" in this game. It feels more like dumbed down Just Cause with co-op, and highest difficulty doesn't change much, it just became more frustrating to capture those endless outposts.
- Missions structure is typical Ubisoft grindfest - go to the outpost, get intel or some dude with info, go around local villages to get more intel, capture next outpost, and repeat this "gameplay" circle to death.
- Leveling system is a joke, you need to grind resources even to unlock most of skills. Also, hip fire spread decrease by skills, in tactical game? Are you fucking serious?
- Engine is broken mess, game can't hold stable 60 FPS and constantly dropping below 30 FPS, but it looks like ass, always. Lighting is completely broken, wet ground and rocks looks like some jelly blinking mess. LOD streaming is broken too, even on ultra level of details objects continue to notably popping up from air while driving or flying.

This game for me is prime example of what Ubisoft is doing wrong with their products lately. They turned Ghost Recon in some coop online openworld pseudo-RPG grindfest. Even Future Soldier looks like great Ghost Recon game in comparing to Wildlands.

And some people accuse me of lying, they said that this is "lowest settings possible" screens. No, it's not. Here is small clip that showing LOD streaming issues and settings I'm playing - https://youtu.be/alOQq7Q6PCI You can also see that framerate is dropping by 10 FPS every time i'm trying to aim.

On the framerate drops, the problem is the vsync. Switch to off or adaptive. Haven't tried Nvidia control panel vsync yet.

When I had the vsync on the framerate frequently dropped into the 30s on my 1070 (at 1080p with generally ultra settings). When I switched to adaptive with the same settings it stayed at 55-60fps.

On the other stuff, I don't know man. To me it feels like the logical next step from Far Cry 4, as if FC5 would have just been this but without squad mates. I know everyone doesn't like traveling across big open worlds, but I like that it upped the sense of scale from everything Ubisoft has done before. Things don't feel quite as unrealistically cramped as FC4 or Skyrim, though there is still a general feeling of just wandering from waypoint to waypoint. My dream game would probably be something with an open world of this size but a more slow-paced structure that accentuates the individual locations as more than shooting galleries. An Elder Scrolls or a Witcher 3-type RPG on this scale would be magnificent.

I also think the game looks pretty, especially for being an open-world game as big as it is.

Maybe I just have a higher tolerance for jank if the ideas behind that jank are good.

Did this really have to be open world? It would have been fine if Ubisoft stuck with the previously Ghost Recon formula imo, I feel as though this open world is half-assed (like most Ubisoft open world games) which doesn't really offer much.

It's crazy how there was a point in time when I was more excited about this game than Horizon. I'll pass on this until some crazy sale when it's like $25.

I think previous Ghost Recon games were too linear. Not enough developers do medium-sized open-ended levels anymore, which is what the original 2001 Ghost Recon had.


A game doesn't need to be perfect or The Best Game Ever to be fun and worth playing. It's a lesson lots of people could do with learning.

No it doesn't, but it needs to have life in order to be fun and worth playing, WL is the dullest most bland open world Ubisoft has ever created. Add to that the awful gameplay and its just not a recipe for fun.


No it doesn't, but it needs to have life in order to be fun and worth playing, WL is the dullest most bland open world Ubisoft has ever created. Add to that the awful gameplay and its just not a recipe for fun.

I disagree and find it immensely fun. It has enough life for me. The civilians are idiots but it still captures immersion in moments. The shooting is clear and fun, way better than Division's. Some of the level design is legit great. The co op is fun af. The cars handle like arcade racers, which is fine.

If you don't like it, that's fine.


I disagree and find it immensely fun. It has enough life for me. The civilians are idiots but it still captures immersion in moments. The shooting is clear and fun, way better than Division's. Some of the level design is legit great. The co op is fun af. The cars handle like arcade racers, which is fine.

If you don't like it, that's fine.

I'm having more fun with this than the division, too. I think it's because the shooting in this feels better. When a mob gets shot, it dies. Not bullet sponge trash enemies.


I disagree and find it immensely fun. It has enough life for me. The civilians are idiots but it still captures immersion in moments. The shooting is clear and fun, way better than Division's. Some of the level design is legit great. The co op is fun af. The cars handle like arcade racers, which is fine.

If you don't like it, that's fine.

The AI alone makes this a gigantic pass, its just not fun when every single enemy you face is an idiot. And what makes it worse is if you get detected everyone from fucking Chile to Australia knows where you are. Absolutely ridiculous.

What level design? Lol, a bunch of scattered bullet gallery towns and barren land as far as the eye can see (which in the case of WL is damn impressive, props for that) And the shooting is not better than the Division, they are both equally average. And that input lag, holy crap.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
This beta is god awful. I'm severely disaoppointed with the terrible controls. Namely the cover system and camera. Why does the game enable you to arbitrarily change shoulders but not give a manual option for it? The automatic cover system does an AWFUL job of readjusting your camera position to your cover. Time and time again I have tried to go into cover on a corner, only to be unable to aim at enemies on the other side because the game positions my camera and shoulder facing the opposite direction (the fucking wall that I'm on).

R1 will manually swap shoulder...


One other thing I'd like to add that I really like is the character customization. Lots of good options, without being overwhelming.


Has PVP been confirmed for sure? I can't find anything definitive on it.

PVP was confirmed a few months ago by Ubi. PVP is usually the main component of tactical shooter, and yet with the game releasing in a few days nobody has any idea what PVP will consist of. Seems like a poor decision by Ubi. I don't think they are going to get many sales if the game is just a co-op open world shooter.

Here's hoping the online component is a real tactical shooter experience and not some fill 50 people in a room and have them kill eachother and drive vehicles into eachother garbage.
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