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GI.biz: "Wii U less powerful than PS3, Xbox 360, developers say"

Worked out OK for them these last few years.

I don't know why there's such an obsession with specs and performance at this point. There are going to be some great looking games on the Wii U. And, if some of them are good, I might buy the thing. Same as any other console.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the consensus was that the Wii was slightly more powerful than the Xbox and certainly more capable than the Cube?

Slightly more poweful than the previous generation "worked OK for them these last few years". Will slightly less powerful that the current generation do the same? Even though there are some great games which have released on the Wii in the last year, it's not hard to see that it's really running out of gas. Cheaping out on the power no doubt contributed to that.

Yes, great games are the ultimate measure of a consoles worth. Yes, there will no doubt be great games on the Wii U. But expecting something somewhat modern from a new console doesn't make you a "graphics whore". I don't think it's an unreasonable expectation.

Again, I doubt this rumour. If it is true, everyone should feel somewhat underwhelmed, even the staunchest Nintendo fans.
What steaming pile of dog shit!




you actually for one second thought that wasn't CG?
Tell me at the very least you're willing to eat crow like a fucking champ if you turn out to be wrong. Don't pussy out like a douche, backtrack on your statements, and try to downplay any and all graphical marvels that we might see come E3. Don't be that guy. Cuz fuck that guy, we have enough of those kinds of assholes on this board already.

Serious Business.


It's not the massive step up I was expecting and its graphically inferior to the competition?

I would of said 'people' instead of 'I', but who knows if people agree with me.

The 3DS might not be the most powerful portable device on the market, but it's still a step up from the previous Nintendo handheld. This will ring true for Wii-U as well. The majority will be fine with Wii-U as long as it's able to produce visuals or gameplay experiences unlike any Nintendo device before it (regardless of raw computational power).


I don't really think this demo was meant to be analyzed so critically. Maybe Nintendo should have anticipated that (because internet forum gamer wars depend on it), but the fact they they never even released direct feed videos of the entire demos seems to suggest it wasn't meant for public scrutiny.

And even, then, the whole demo looks like it's designed for the particular purpose of showing off the lighting and some other features (switching back and forth between tablet and TV), and not to be completely indicative of the best Wii U can achieve, since it's cobbled together with glossed up Twilight Princess assets.

But if that Zelda demo featured tessellation then we wouldn't have these, "not as powerful as ps3" rumors.
I have two thoughts on the WiiU.

One, Nintendo would have to struggle to make a system worse than or equal to the 360 and PS3 these days. It would be easy for them to go higher. They will likely take the path of least resistance, just in case they strike lightning a second time. The degree to which the system is better is another matter, and I'm not expecting anything massive, but they will want to give themselves and third parties some breathing room. I've never seen Nintendo so friendly to outside developers as they have been in 2011 and 2012.

Two, I'm wondering why everyone thinks the screen will take up a ton of processing power. What do you think this screen is going to be displaying? If there's anything resembling a performance hit, developers will downscale whatever is on the tablet to 2D GUI manipulation, which never impacted the DS, much less a system much, much more powerful.
Don't make the mistake of assuming that an "opinion" automatically deserves resepct.

That's far closer to enthusiastic ignorance or a poor attempt to troll than an actual opinion.

So...try again.

Good God guys do you always have to be so damn dramatic?

This crap is getting sad. People getting snippy from one end and the other. You're talking about videogames. If the WiiU is that weak Nintendo fans will find a reason to like the system anyway, and so will most of you probably. It's lack of brute technical force will be forgiven during a few titles of the generation and then it will go back to being an afterthought to the 18-32 male demos.

You guys act like this stuff is the end of the world. Do you all realize how hard it is to actually discuss anything when you're all acting like such petulant brats?

I mean seriously. If they're going to keep acting like this why can't I put on my meatsuit and masturbate in a crowded city square?


32nm is low volume and far from cheap.

I'm not talking about putting A8-3850 into WiiU, but even if i would it costs only 130$ at retail, so probably 50-60$ for Nintendo in batch. Quite cheap i would say.

Still its one year old CPU with integrated GPU, how lower can You go with multimillion selling hardware?

rdrr gnr

I can't decide which outcome would be more satisfying: watching dissenters eat crow or seeing fanboys wallow in their own shattered delusions. I guess it's a win win.



Can't believe people actually believe this. So one page says this, and the sources are anonymous, and yet so many fall for it. Regardless of others, even Epic, saying the contrary.
Good God guys do you always have to be so damn dramatic?

This crap is getting sad. People getting snippy from one end and the other. You're talking about videogames. If the WiiU is that weak Nintendo fans will find a reason to like the system anyway, and so will most of you probably. It's lack of brute technical force will be forgiven during a few titles of the generation and then it will go back to being an afterthought to the 18-32 male demos.

You guys act like this stuff is the end of the world. Do you all realize how hard it is to actually discuss anything when you're all acting like such petulant brats?

I mean seriously. If they're going to keep acting like this why can't I put on my meatsuit and masturbate in a crowded city square?

I didn't say it's the end of the world.

You clearly feel the need to act cool though. Good for you. You're awesome.

It must be super satisfying that you finally got to use the whole "masturbating in a meatsuit" thing ya? It must have been eating you up inside.

I can't decide which outcome would be more satisfying: watching dissenters eat crow or seeing fanboys wallow in their own shattered delusions. I guess it's a win win.

924th post nailed it.


Why is it when there's a rumor from a unknown *fake* company that says the Wii U isn't powerful everybody believes it. But when company says it's more powerful everybody goes "Uh I don't believe it.".


Trucker Sexologist
Correct, and that is my point. A rumor is only slightly believable if you believe there is some merit to it. It doesn't matter if this rumor has absolutely no factual evidence, proof, or support behind the claim. It only is believed since people's natural pessimism and that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Currently what we have in place for factual data to try and compare the Wii-U to is that the Wii-U can both run end-of-the-console-life PS3 and 360 games, as someo f those are being ported over to the Wii-U. We have some demos, some of which looked quite nice especially for just quick demos.
We also can relay the 3DS as being in-line with Nintendo's future plans.

How about a comparison? How many times stronger was the Wii to the Nintendo DS? Now how strong is the 3DS? How will that compare to how strong the Wii-U is? People already mention that the 3DS is, in many ways, more powerful than the Wii and that's a handheld.

We have a bunch of other rumors saying the opposite of what this rumor says, and several from far more credible sources than this one is coming from. The only reason this one is getting any light of day is because it is the only rumor making a claim that can be eaten up by the negative, biased, and stir controversy for page hits and such discussions like we're having now. I opt to not listen to any of these rumors since really, a measure of 'power level' means very little without the technicalities.

But at the end of the day it's the games that will be important and will make the Wii-U successful or not. The platform just needs to provide the power to support these games.
Is it still possible for the Wii-U to be less powerful than the 360 and PS3 and still be able to do all the things we've seen? Would such a home console be uncharacteristic for Nintendo?


Good God guys do you always have to be so damn dramatic?

This crap is getting sad. People getting snippy from one end and the other. You're talking about videogames. If the WiiU is that weak Nintendo fans will find a reason to like the system anyway, and so will most of you probably. It's lack of brute technical force will be forgiven during a few titles of the generation and then it will go back to being an afterthought to the 18-32 male demos.

You guys act like this stuff is the end of the world. Do you all realize how hard it is to actually discuss anything when you're all acting like such petulant brats?

I mean seriously. If they're going to keep acting like this why can't I put on my meatsuit and masturbate in a crowded city square?

Thunder, you're one of my favorite GAF characters; you're completely insane, but when you bring up how ridiculous everybody's acting, it only serves to highlight how disturbingly rational you are.
I never understood how they would have a powerful system with that controller and be able sell for anything under $400, and that would be a baseline package. That controller looks expensive to me.


Why is it when there's a rumor from a unknown company that says the Wii U isn't powerful everybody believes it. But when company says it's more powerful everybody goes "Uh I don't believe it.".

Oh good! I thought we were going to go a whole page without another post like this.
I can't decide which outcome would be more satisfying: watching dissenters eat crow or seeing fanboys wallow in their own shattered delusions. I guess it's a win win.
At this point everyone needs to get spanked.

Nintendo launches a quad GPU solution the size of a computer tower (using wattage to match!) at $1099 and Sony and MS make systems on tablets (twice as powerful with 4x the RAM!)
If it's price is relative to it's supposed hardware then you may not have to wait for a price drop.

it won't be cheaper than a ps3/x360 at launch. no way. I can wait. After all the wii has been disused for so long; I'm already used to not having a nintendo console in the mix.
Well, we really need to see what the real specs are before jumping to any conclusion. However, I am sure the visuals will be great enough to please the casual gamers.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Is it still possible for the Wii-U to be less powerful than the 360 and PS3 and still be able to do all the things we've seen? Would such a home console be uncharacteristic for Nintendo?

The problem is we haven't seen much, so it's hard to gauge any sort of validation or conclusion on either side. However, for characteristically, the Gamecube did end up being more powerful than the PS2 and Xbox in terms of 'power levels', if you will. But it didn't have any support behind it really, which made all the difference.

The PS2 was the weakest console of that generation but had the most support, so it won that generation.

My point being it's the games that will make the difference here, this 'power level' talk is just e-peen'ing for people's favorite companies. In the long-run if a game looks good, it looks good. That's all that will contribute out of that. A console holds the power the games can achieve, but the technical issues won't matter as much as the game's the console can generate. We'll have to see how the game's hold in the future.


Well, this is all speculation- but if we take Nintendo at their word that they were disappointed in the lack of 3rd party porting, it makes little sense to risk the exact same scenario next gen

Well, it looks like the current gen is going to last at least until well into 2014. Nintendo will get at least on par versions until then and some down ports from next gen.

But yeah - i mentioned at one point i thought they'd aim for a higher baseline to try and position themselves as the default machine for next gen but unless they've got some really amazing designs coming down i'm not sure how much juice they can pack into a box that small.

Anyways - for all the spec talk, i'm happy to go with "it's around this gen" and any surprise spec up is a bonus. It's not going to kill the Wii U experience and i'm excited for the games that differentiate the machine.
At this point everyone needs to get spanked.

Nintendo launches a quad GPU solution the size of a computer tower (using wattage to match!) at $1099 and Sony and MS make systems on tablets (twice as powerful with 4x the RAM!)

I'm not buying it unless it prepares me steak and potatoes. Medium-rare too, or else I'm waiting until the tenth revision.
I didn't say it's the end of the world.

You clearly feel the need to act cool though. Good for you. You're awesome.

It must be super satisfying that you finally got to use the whole "masturbating in a meatsuit" thing ya? It must have been eating you up inside.
You have no idea. I got to say Cougay the other day.

I'm just bristling with young ambition.
The amount of money Sony threw away on PS3 is embarrassing.
Only if you're a Sony stockholder. I personally would rather have had the PS3 than a Wii-style graphically weak console that still somehow cost $250.

Speaking as a consumer.

So long as Nintendo intends to keep gouging on hardware I'll keep not buying it.
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