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GOG News and Updates 2012

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BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Lol at the facebook poll. For the upcoming game release with an A.
The Answer : System Shock 2 doesn't start with the letter A is currently leading.

Come on GOG, SS2 and Homeworld please!

System Shock and System Shock 2 would sell huge on GOG. Probably eclipsing their current sales figures, to be honest.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I'm just about to start Baldur's Gate II. I've never played a D&D game. Anything I should know beforehand? I feel like the game will be overwhelming.


Oh dude. If it's Anachronox I will buy it in a heartbeat. I never had the chance to play it and I regret it to this day.

I've got the cd somewhere, so this will give me cause to re-install.

It was a lot of fun, with quite a few well-flushed out characters.


When I saw the hint on gog's twitter it became obvious that tomorrow's release is Anachronox.

I can't wait to play that game, I've kept wanting to buy it for so many years but never got around to it.
I'm just about to start Baldur's Gate II. I've never played a D&D game. Anything I should know beforehand? I feel like the game will be overwhelming.

I completed BG1 and I found BG2 overwhelming. I'd say just take your time and save often with multiple save files. Your characters can be 'exploded' in battle and you lose them forever (except story-related characters).

New clue: misplaced in time, but definitely not noxious.
I'm just about to start Baldur's Gate II. I've never played a D&D game. Anything I should know beforehand? I feel like the game will be overwhelming.
the damage system can be confusing if like me you have never played actual d&d. but all you really need to know is that it simulates dice being rolled for combat/damage dealing. so for example 1d6 means you're rolling one 6-sided die to figure out damage, so 1-6 is the hitpoints range. additionally you'll get the +1 modifiers or what you call it, and that is just added on to the total after the roll. 2d4 would be two 4-sided dice rolled, damage range of 2-8 (1-4 per die).

I think.. really that's all you need to know about. jump in. oh yeah, save a lot (a lot).


Amusingly, only the Hind page is up. I wonder if there's some angry emails being written from people who didn't notice that there were *two* releases coming today.

Interesting thing about Hind:

You will pilot the Soviet super-copter in three campaigns: in Kazakhstan, against some anti-communist rebels; in Afghanistan, fighting mujaheddin soldiers; and in Korea, against American equipment. A total of 30 scenarios along with a few training missions will provide you hours of chopper-flying fun, and multiplayer for up to 8 people (find a friend with a copy of iEntertainment’s Apache Longbow and play Apache vs. Hind multiplayer!) adds to the fun. The game offers varying levels of difficulty, ranging from simply-shoot arcade mode to advanced realistic physics and full-on mission planning for advanced pilots.

Longbow is also on GoG.


PSA about Anachronox: Keep multiple saves. About 10 should do. Save yourself the grief of scripting bugs effectively ending your game.

It is a funny game.
The design and graphics in Anachronox look hooooorrible. Give me a sales pitch people!

The lead designer was the creator of Commander Keen. The game was patterned after many square RPG's from the mid to late 90's (three party system like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana, battle system like Final Fantasy 7). It has a good sense of humor and doesn't take itself too seriously. Has a lengthy quest.

yeah the character models are chunky and don't look very good, but that was a problem of the Quake 2 engine. Even back when this game was released it looked a little dated. But there's still a good game here.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I thought it looked pretty amazing back then considering it used the Q2 engine. Run really smooth on my old PC too, and with some great environments in terms of complex interesting design and aesthetics and natural environments that at the time didn't seem to be very blocky at all (but probably are now). But I think the combat system which I didn't mind too much at the time could be a deal breaker these days sadly. Oh well, bought. Edit: shitty shitty extras. Oh well.
It's finally here!



The lead designer was the creator of Commander Keen. The game was patterned after many square RPG's from the mid to late 90's (three party system like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana, battle system like Final Fantasy 7). It has a good sense of humor and doesn't take itself too seriously. Has a lengthy quest.

yeah the character models are chunky and don't look very good, but that was a problem of the Quake 2 engine. Even back when this game was released it looked a little dated. But there's still a good game here.

Sounds cool. Hope it isn't really 50 hours long though, would've preferred 15-25.
I thought it looked pretty amazing back then considering it used the Q2 engine. Run really smooth on my old PC too, and with some great environments in terms of complex interesting design and aesthetics and natural environments that at the time didn't seem to be very blocky at all (but probably are now). But I think the combat system which I didn't mind too much at the time could be a deal breaker these days sadly. Oh well, bought.

I was mainly commenting on the character models. Compared to other games like UT99 and even Shenmue on the Dreamcast (which was released the same year), the character models looked pretty blocky to me. But the environments on the other hand looked pretty damn good. To be honest I only ever played the demo and never owned the full game. A friend of mine owned a copy though, and I remember watching him play through the first section. It looked good to me, but I never did look into buying it.

But I caved in and purchased it right now.


I played it a long time ago, but definitely don't think it is a 50 hour game. If it is, it felt like much shorter which is a sign of a good game!

If you check out some old reviews of the game, they all mention it being right around 40-60 hours.

If you use a guide/the internet it will probably be shorter, but from what I remember it took me a decent amount of playing 2hrs a day to finish it up.


Hail to the KING baby
So I never got anything off GOG before though I always thought the idea was really cool. Was super stoked to hear that they have Ultima 7 Complete. The one thing that bothers me about playing old games on new monitors though is that they look crazy jank in high res. What are some good ways to mitigate this? Any good filters or maybe just playing in a teeny window? Any other suggestions to improve the experience of playing old games like U7 on modern hardware? Thanks!
So I never got anything off GOG before though I always thought the idea was really cool. Was super stoked to hear that they have Ultima 7 Complete. The one thing that bothers me about playing old games on new monitors though is that they look crazy jank in high res. What are some good ways to mitigate this? Any good filters or maybe just playing in a teeny window? Any other suggestions to improve the experience of playing old games like U7 on modern hardware? Thanks!
it uses dosbox where you can set the scaling yourself (in the .conf file). normal2x and normal3x are ok for old pixels games


it uses dosbox where you can set the scaling yourself (in the .conf file). normal2x and normal3x are ok for old pixels games

I played through the entirety of Elder Scrolls: Arena using one, I *think* it was hq3x.

A little bit obviously filtery, but acceptable enough.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I run normal 3x at 1920x1200 (well I guess 1600x1200 since DOS stuff isn't Widescreen) and it looks fine.
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