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GoldenEye 007 |OT| For 360, James? No... For Wii


Amneisac said:
Played a little of the first level last night, I couldn't really get into the IR controls. It felt better in the metroid games, but then had a lot more auto lock on. I might just try it with the classic controller pro, I don't really feel like mucking with the sensitivity and all that.

Flip it to "Experienced 3" (and even that one isn't sensitive enough for me, but at least it's a start). I turned auto-aim off as well (as with all Wii shooters), but kept on ADS-spring. But then I hate dual analog for games that should be pointer-based (FPS)


I do wish there were more maps to be honest. Enjoying the online and in some ways I'm glad it's slower paced then Call of Duty but I've now done all the maps. Though not all the modes. Can see them getting boring in the future. Though I guess I can always take a break and then come back to it.

I just might have to buy Black Ops to keep things fresh if I can't wait for Conduit 2 (still getting that). Or give more attention to Monster Hunter Tri as I haven't given that online any.


mclem said:
Wasn't Goldeneye the first Bond movie *not* based on an Ian Fleming novel?

I could be mistaken but License to Kill would be the first that isn't an Ian Fleming novel title.

And countless others that don't stick close to the book.


Amneisac said:
Played a little of the first level last night, I couldn't really get into the IR controls. It felt better in the metroid games, but then had a lot more auto lock on. I might just try it with the classic controller pro, I don't really feel like mucking with the sensitivity and all that.

Amneisac said:
Played a little of the first level last night, I couldn't really get into the IR controls. It felt better in the metroid games, but then had a lot more auto lock on. I might just try it with the classic controller pro, I don't really feel like mucking with the sensitivity and all that.

Try using the settings I linked and tweaked:

Here for regular turning

And here for ADS



toxicgonzo said:

I had no clue there was a door there for you to go through instead of down the ramp. I went down the ramp after taking out the guys firing rockets at me. Looks like I could have had an easier time and saved a lot more ammo if I had paid more attention. I just assume at times doors don't lead anywhere as they usually done in games.


God, the tank level is so terrible on 007 difficulty. How do you make a tank level not fun? You're a tank. It's supposed to be a level where you just run over everything and blow up everything else. But no, let's make the tank out of cardboard. Oh, and let's make its weapons completely ineffective. And on top of everything, let's make the whole level timed, but not actually show you the time limit. No, let's just have some asshole shout at you instead.

So basically if you go to fast, you die, and if you go too slow, Ourumov gets away.


not tag worthy
KevinCow said:
God, the tank level is so terrible on 007 difficulty. How do you make a tank level not fun? You're a tank. It's supposed to be a level where you just run over everything and blow up everything else. But no, let's make the tank out of cardboard. Oh, and let's make its weapons completely ineffective. And on top of everything, let's make the whole level timed, but not actually show you the time limit. No, let's just have some asshole shout at you instead.

So basically if you go to fast, you die, and if you go too slow, Ourumov gets away.

I found the tank hard to control and kept bashing into things I though i could plow through,


So, I liked the game alright with the pointer, and I love pointer controls in general, but I've found that I enjoy this game more with the Classic Controller. Something with the dead zones and turning speed I can't seem to get right in this game. Meanwhile, I much prefer Black Ops with the pointer controls over the Classic Controller. Weird.


I found a minor bug on the Frigate level.

On playing on 007 difficulty, after you rescue your 3rd hostage and defuse your 3rd bomb. It saves a checkpoint, let's call this checkpoint B.

If you should die after this point you restart at checkpoint B only the game now says you have rescued only 2 of 3 hostages. The problem? You can't backtrack through the level as where there was previously an opening, there is a sealed wall.

Should you try and revert back to an earlier time, say checkpoint A. You can't and end up at checkpoint B again with 2 out of 3 hostages rescued.

Which means you have to replay the level from the start including the sky briggs conversation, chase through the arms fare etc, all the way back to the same point.

So after you reach checkpoint B with all objectives completed - do NOT die.
Just beat the game on Agent difficulty. Overall it was a really satisfying campaign, some of the most fun I've had a with an FPS SP in the last few years. I think that's mostly due to the fact that most shooters I've played recently are all military/mercenary/sci-fi scenarios, that it was fun to stealth around the levels and see a nice variety of locations.

I will probably go back and play it on 007, but I don't think I'll have the patience to beat it on classic if it's as difficult as this thread makes it out to be. Great game though; I wish more games on the Wii were given the care and enthusiasm that Eurocom brought for Goldeneye.
gamingeek said:
I found a minor bug on the Frigate level.

On playing on 007 difficulty, after you rescue your 3rd hostage and defuse your 3rd bomb. It saves a checkpoint, let's call this checkpoint B.

If you should die after this point you restart at checkpoint B only the game now says you have rescued only 2 of 3 hostages. The problem? You can't backtrack through the level as where there was previously an opening, there is a sealed wall.

Should you try and revert back to an earlier time, say checkpoint A. You can't and end up at checkpoint B again with 2 out of 3 hostages rescued.

Which means you have to replay the level from the start including the sky briggs conversation, chase through the arms fare etc, all the way back to the same point.

So after you reach checkpoint B with all objectives completed - do NOT die.

That happens in all the game, if you go to the checkpoint before you do the mini assignement, and then you backtrack, do it and return to the checpoint to continue, it will not save that part of the mission, and if you die, its very posibble that the door near the checpoint is closed forever, so you cant backtrack and have to restart it.

But it seems, form what i read, that there a mission than even when you save after doing the mini assignments, it does not save them, its that right?
JacksUsername said:
I will probably go back and play it on 007, but I don't think I'll have the patience to beat it on classic if it's as difficult as this thread makes it out to be. Great game though; I wish more games on the Wii were given the care and enthusiasm that Eurocom brought for Goldeneye.
Goldeneye is a prime example of a game that is amazing, despite the Wii's graphics shortcomings. It doesn't try to be HD-Lite games, it uses the strengths of the Wii and tries its best to provide a style that works for the Wii.

Monster Hunter Tri is another game that plays and looks amazing, despite the system it's on.


Solo said:
Technically, that would be Thunderball.

Um, not really.

Thunderball was still a novel written by Ian Fleming, based on a screenplay by him, Kevin McClory and Jack Whittingham. It's still an Ian Fleming based film, even though the other two had a part in it's origin.


richisawesome said:
Um, not really.

Thunderball was still a novel written by Ian Fleming, based on a screenplay by him, Kevin McClory and Jack Whittingham. It's still an Ian Fleming based film, even though the other two had a part in it's origin.

That was my point though. Thunderball the book came from Thunderball the screenplay which was a co-venture of McClory, Whittingham and Fleming.

And we all now about the resulting lawsuits which dragged on for years, Never Say Never Again, McClory's attempted SECOND remake of Thunderball in the 90's, etc.


Solo said:
That was my point though. Thunderball the book came from Thunderball the screenplay which was a co-venture of McClory, Whittingham and Fleming.

And we all now about the resulting lawsuits which dragged on for years, Never Say Never Again, McClory's attempted SECOND remake of Thunderball in the 90's, etc.

Yeah, I see what you meant now (Thunderball was based on an adaptation of a screenplay, not an original novel). But hey, it's a technicality. Far easier to just promote it as a Ian Fleming novel. :lol

And yeah, WARHEAD with Timothy Dalton would have been one thunderball remake too many. :lol


Is anybody else who's gone through the online play finding they really dislike the way that GoldenEye mode is set up? I gave it a shot last night and wound up coming away with a lot of complaints about it, most of which I suppose stem from comparisons to other territory-control modes like CoD's Domination. I can understand and deal with the fact that you have to put your weapon away to capture a console, but did they really have to make it that you can't even move while doing it? It feels awkward to be such a sitting duck like that, especially with how long the captures take if you're trying to take over an enemy station. In that sense the game practically requires you to capture in pairs, one person hacking while the other provides cover fire, but that highlights my other issue: five control points in a mode where you only have four people per team at most just doesn't seem balanced to me. Especially if you're moving in groups, it basically guarantees that a few of the consoles will be left unattended for stretches of time. There's no sensible way to defend a majority of the control points aside from hoping that your opponent just forgets about or doesn't go after some of them. I think lowering it to three or even four consoles would make this mode feel a lot more balanced.

Anyway, I've also recently done some Heroes and Golden Gun mode, which are both fun, but I need to look into how Heroes is scored. So far other than being able to lay proximity mines already, I never seem to get much benefit out of playing as the hero.


Heroes is the most fun I'm finding. It also has the biggest end score needed. GoldenEye is better on the some of the bigger maps but I've found you have to constantly be moving and trying to capture points. I don't really think it works as well as it should. My least favorite mode to be honest. I was looking forward to it the most as well.


Doorman said:
Is anybody else who's gone through the online play finding they really dislike the way that GoldenEye mode is set up? I gave it a shot last night and wound up coming away with a lot of complaints about it, most of which I suppose stem from comparisons to other territory-control modes like CoD's Domination. I can understand and deal with the fact that you have to put your weapon away to capture a console, but did they really have to make it that you can't even move while doing it? It feels awkward to be such a sitting duck like that, especially with how long the captures take if you're trying to take over an enemy station. In that sense the game practically requires you to capture in pairs, one person hacking while the other provides cover fire, but that highlights my other issue: five control points in a mode where you only have four people per team at most just doesn't seem balanced to me. Especially if you're moving in groups, it basically guarantees that a few of the consoles will be left unattended for stretches of time. There's no sensible way to defend a majority of the control points aside from hoping that your opponent just forgets about or doesn't go after some of them. I think lowering it to three or even four consoles would make this mode feel a lot more balanced.

Anyway, I've also recently done some Heroes and Golden Gun mode, which are both fun, but I need to look into how Heroes is scored. So far other than being able to lay proximity mines already, I never seem to get much benefit out of playing as the hero.

I mean its hard with no mics, but technically 3 is the majority. So 4 move to one point, capture, leave someone, 3 move to next point, capture, move on, 2 move on, capture. And they you try and hold the point, if want could have a 4th who goes between points as needed.


Penguin said:
I mean its hard with no mics, but technically 3 is the majority. So 4 move to one point, capture, leave someone, 3 move to next point, capture, move on, 2 move on, capture. And they you try and hold the point, if want could have a 4th who goes between points as needed.
Yes that's true...but you'd probably never have a communication-free team with enough coordination to pull that off. :lol It doesn't bug me too much, as I've never been as big of a fan of territory control modes anyway.
What I would be a fan of, though, is not having to waste my first huge batch of level-ups unlocking stuff that's already available in the default classes. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?


Doorman said:
Is anybody else who's gone through the online play finding they really dislike the way that GoldenEye mode is set up?

Not a fan of that mode - like you say, five capture points always active with 4 people per team + no mikes or text chat or something to even comminicate intentions and try to work as a team (teamwork needed since you can't really capture a point by yourself, since you're a sitting duck during the capture). It doesn't seem well thought out & I couldn't get into it.

For me Golden Gun is the best fun as there's an objective and challenge, but no half-assed teamwork required.


So classic controller or wiimote? Just wondering if there was a superior control setup. My only FPS on the wii was metroid prime and I didn't mind that.

Thanks guys.


Doorman said:
Yes that's true...but you'd probably never have a communication-free team with enough coordination to pull that off. :lol It doesn't bug me too much, as I've never been as big of a fan of territory control modes anyway.
What I would be a fan of, though, is not having to waste my first huge batch of level-ups unlocking stuff that's already available in the default classes. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

I don't know, I usually go with that strategy.
I mean we have to hold a majority so if we have 3 points, I try and protect one, if we don't. Guns ablazing time. Though it sucks that all the time you put into a point goes away as soon as you die. I've had points almost captured, and it doesn't give me credit and then get shot.

Though personally, I prefer all the none deathmatch team games.


The Main Event said:
Game just froze on me with a buzzing noise. The hell?!
That happened to me once...right as I made the game-winning kill. Sucked, as I'd had a really good round and I assume that all of the experience I got from it was tossed. Online coding is definitely not this game's strong suit, but I'm still able to have some fun with it.


The Main Event said:
Game just froze on me with a buzzing noise. The hell?!

Happened to me twice, thought the first time it was on a server that I assumed was hacked because my ammo automatically refilled itself without reloading. To the hackers: the netcode is bad and unstable, don't mess with it.


Doorman said:
Yes that's true...but you'd probably never have a communication-free team with enough coordination to pull that off. :lol It doesn't bug me too much, as I've never been as big of a fan of territory control modes anyway.
What I would be a fan of, though, is not having to waste my first huge batch of level-ups unlocking stuff that's already available in the default classes. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

Goldeneye mode will probably get better once people start getting remote and proxy mines to cover captured areas. Whenever that will be of course, leveling up is so slow.


Effect said:
I do wish there were more maps to be honest. Enjoying the online and in some ways I'm glad it's slower paced then Call of Duty but I've now done all the maps. Though not all the modes. Can see them getting boring in the future. Though I guess I can always take a break and then come back to it.

I just might have to buy Black Ops to keep things fresh if I can't wait for Conduit 2 (still getting that). Or give more attention to Monster Hunter Tri as I haven't given that online any.
maybe you should invite some friends over to play the multiplayer mode :D


SpacePirate Ridley said:
That happens in all the game, if you go to the checkpoint before you do the mini assignement, and then you backtrack, do it and return to the checpoint to continue, it will not save that part of the mission,

I didn't do this, I completed all the objectives before reaching the checkpoint and upon dying it acted like I had only rescued 2/3 hostages.

Doorman said:
Game Freeze -That happened to me once...right as I made the game-winning kill. Sucked, as I'd had a really good round and I assume that all of the experience I got from it was tossed. Online coding is definitely not this game's strong suit, but I'm still able to have some fun with it.

This happened to me once on goldeneye and several times with COD Black Ops Wii version.

Both Activision games.
I hardly think the freezing has absolutely anything to do with the publisher...

I've gotten the same freezing issue on several Wii games. It's mostly after extended amounts of play.


Rush2thestart said:
I hardly think the freezing has absolutely anything to do with the publisher...

I've gotten the same freezing issue on several Wii games. It's mostly after extended amounts of play.
Ubisoft is the king of game freezes along with whoever the fuck made that horrible Indiana Jones game which has more bugs than all of Sonic Team's and Ubisoft's games... combined.


[Nintex] said:
Ubisoft is the king of game freezes along with whoever the fuck made that horrible Indiana Jones game which has more bugs than all of Sonic Team's and Ubisoft's games... combined.

Are you talking about Staff of Kings? That's weird because I had not one problem or bug with that game.

I've no problem with any wii games freezing, bar the two activision FPS out this month.

I was hardly playing Black Ops for hours when the game froze, it was after like 20 minutes and then again, 20 minutes later, well after I had shut the wii down and restarted it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Yeah, its not just Activision games, as I too have had my Wii buzz freeze a few times. Im pretty sure once was during New Super Mario Bros.


[Nintex] said:
Ubisoft is the king of game freezes along with whoever the fuck made that horrible Indiana Jones game which has more bugs than all of Sonic Team's and Ubisoft's games... combined.

Ok you and I know that's not even close to being true OR possible


So, wait, when playing split-screen, you can't select any sensitivity options? I get not letting you customize all your shit because having four people sit around customizing their shit would get annoying, but you can't even select one of the presets? You're stuck with Experienced 1 unless you're first player? That's shit.


Solo said:
Game sold 97,000 copies in the US. Good/bad?
id say its pretty solid. nothing spectacular though 100k the first month means that it could get to 500k in the long run

obviously its not golden eye 64 numbers


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Solo said:
Game sold 97,000 copies in the US. Good/bad?

Not too hot in my opinion, considering the install base of the Wii and what I suspect was a pretty expensive project.


Solo said:
Game sold 97,000 copies in the US. Good/bad?
Might have some decent sales over time? Wii games tend to have that advantage. I hope it does sell a lot more, the team deserve it considering the effort that went into creating this game.


97k in a week or two isn't bad. The only problem is that they released the game like two weeks before Black Ops so the game might get its legs cut out from under it.


Watching those walkthrough clips posted earlier. Game looks pretty great, bit weird seeing recognisable yet different stuff in the Dam level.

Also guard conversations <3


I finished my review for the game which was basically some forum impressions I cobbled together.

Would you guys laugh at me if I said I gave the game a 9.3 then after replaying some levels bumped it up to a 9.5?

As someone who only plays FPS for the single player, this is everything I want in a FPS. Aside from the ADS controls which have been way better in other games like Black Ops, Conduit, MOHH2 etc the only criticism I have is that the framerate isn't always perfect, but it's rarely, if ever, bad enough for me to even care.

I was replaying some levels last night and experimenting.

So I played the outpost (snow level) on 007 mode, did all the objectives, loved it. Then I should have gone onto the bunker but I just saw all these different ways I would have played outpost. So the next day I started it again and took a completely different approach. First I snuck up and choked a guy to death. Then under the bridge instead of creeping about stealthily and picking them off, I started a firefight. So the enemies started flooding in. They rarely just spawn from nowhere or anything, I turn around and right next to me 3 guys start sliding down the edge of the snowy cliff. I pop these guys and fall back to a safe cover point.

Of course, they try and shoot me from a distance and eventually throw grenades, forcing me to run forward towards them and pick a new cover spot. Then there are guys on the top of the bridge shooting down on me. I run under the bridge so they can't hit me. But the underside of the bridge is clouded in smoke from a prior explosion. The radar in this game only shows the enemy position when you have line of sight, so if you are tracking a guy on a radar and you hide behind an object, you will momentarily lose his position and not be able to predict where he will go next. Very clever, very cool.

So amid this smoke filled under bridge, I was ducked and sweeping around, not being able to see the enemy or having to watch for muzzle flare or shadows. It was frigging tense and because of the radar I kept having to try and check and predict where they would go next.

So cool.

Next up I reached the 2nd mountain assault where they set you up with sniper rifle. Hell no I said, you know what, I am going to assault this cliff filled with snipers and other goons with a freaking shotgun that only works in close quarters. Cue me dodging and weaving, taking heavy fire and trying to make my way up the cliff, being flanked by bad guys. It felt like Saving Private Ryan. And I would sweep out of corners and shotgun fools in the face or run up and melee them with the best melee move in gaming today (IMO).

Then I should have gone to bed, but instead decided to just toy around with the Construction level. I could not stop playing and then switched to the archives. Wow. 2nd time through the archives when you had an inkling of the layout, it was so much more enjoyably. It's closed quarters combat, action packed at every turn, it's a style of shooter you don't really see anymore where FPS try and give you huge vistas or large battlefields. There was so much variety in the combat, I could shoot out glass windows and melee them out, then hop over walls or objects like in RE4.

And guys start crashing in through the windows on ropes. It was freaking intense. I am so happy with this game.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
9+ is far too high for me. I gave it a 7.5, but I try to operate on a proper 10 point scale where 7 is still respectable. The game was absolutely amazing in single player, but still had a few flaws (performance issues mostly, as well as issues with 007 Classic and the action levels), but the multiplayer dragged down the overall score.


gamingeek said:
I finished my review for the game which was basically some forum impressions I cobbled together.

Would you guys laugh at me if I said I gave the game a 9.3 then after replaying some levels bumped it up to a 9.5?

As someone who only plays FPS for the single player, this is everything I want in a FPS.
Aside from the ADS controls which have been way better in other games like Black Ops, Conduit, MOHH2 etc the only criticism I have is that the framerate isn't always perfect, but it's rarely, if ever, bad enough for me to even care.

I was replaying some levels last night and experimenting.

So I played the outpost (snow level) on 007 mode, did all the objectives, loved it. Then I should have gone onto the bunker but I just saw all these different ways I would have played outpost. So the next day I started it again and took a completely different approach. First I snuck up and choked a guy to death. Then under the bridge instead of creeping about stealthily and picking them off, I started a firefight. So the enemies started flooding in. They rarely just spawn from nowhere or anything, I turn around and right next to me 3 guys start sliding down the edge of the snowy cliff. I pop these guys and fall back to a safe cover point.

Of course, they try and shoot me from a distance and eventually throw grenades, forcing me to run forward towards them and pick a new cover spot. Then there are guys on the top of the bridge shooting down on me. I run under the bridge so they can't hit me. But the underside of the bridge is clouded in smoke from a prior explosion. The radar in this game only shows the enemy position when you have line of sight, so if you are tracking a guy on a radar and you hide behind an object, you will momentarily lose his position and not be able to predict where he will go next. Very clever, very cool.

So amid this smoke filled under bridge, I was ducked and sweeping around, not being able to see the enemy or having to watch for muzzle flare or shadows. It was frigging tense and because of the radar I kept having to try and check and predict where they would go next.

So cool.

Next up I reached the 2nd mountain assault where they set you up with sniper rifle. Hell no I said, you know what, I am going to assault this cliff filled with snipers and other goons with a freaking shotgun that only works in close quarters. Cue me dodging and weaving, taking heavy fire and trying to make my way up the cliff, being flanked by bad guys. It felt like Saving Private Ryan. And I would sweep out of corners and shotgun fools in the face or run up and melee them with the best melee move in gaming today (IMO).

Then I should have gone to bed, but instead decided to just toy around with the Construction level. I could not stop playing and then switched to the archives. Wow. 2nd time through the archives when you had an inkling of the layout, it was so much more enjoyably. It's closed quarters combat, action packed at every turn, it's a style of shooter you don't really see anymore where FPS try and give you huge vistas or large battlefields. There was so much variety in the combat, I could shoot out glass windows and melee them out, then hop over walls or objects like in RE4.

And guys start crashing in through the windows on ropes. It was freaking intense. I am so happy with this game.
:D :D
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