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Good western animated shows


Batman the Animated Series
The Simpsons (Seasons 1-9)
Ren And Stimpy (the seasons 1-2 John K run)
Adventure Time
Stephen Universe
Over the Garden Wall
Aeon Flux
Samurai Jack
Home Movies
Rick and Morty
South Park (Seasons 1-10)
The Original Johnny Quest
Soace Ghost Coast to Coast
The Tick
The Powerpuff Girls (original run)
Harvey Birdman Attorney At Law
Venture Bros
Bee and Puppycat
Dr. Katz Professional Therapist
Aqua Teen Hunger Force (early run)
Dexter's Lab (early run)
Futurama (original run)
Looney Tunes (40's and 50's era)
Tom And Jerry (40's and 50's era)
Tex Avery MGM cartoons (40's and 50's era)
Early Betty Boop
Black and White Popeye
Rocky and Bullwinkle

American Animation has largely been shitty action shows for selling toys or shitty comedies.
Echoing Over the Garden Wall. It's hands-down the best thing Cartoon Network has ever produced. It's a love letter to pre-Disney Western cartoons and their aesthetic while feeling like a Hayao Miyazaki story featuring kids in a strange, scary, but not entirely sinister world. Something gross or frightening may turn out to be something odd, but mostly harmless.

Except The Beast.

He's ridiculously evil and utterly terrifying.


Anyone who hasn't seen it should go onto Hulu right now and watch it. It's only 10 episodes. Don't read too much about it online, as you may run into spoilers for great story beats that occur later.

The Argus

King of the Hill. I would love to watch the whole series again, why the hell does no one stream it. It's animated Roseanne mixed with some Married with Children.

Bojack Horseman. My favorite Netflix show. Part Airplane!, part Leaving Las Vegas, and part classic Simpsons.

Rick and Morty. Pure fun and sometimes some emotion. Season 3 will prove if the show really is one of the greats.

F is for Family. Season 2 showed that the show was evolving and that the characters were worthy of the drama they created.


Echoing Over the Garden Wall. It's hands-down the best thing Cartoon Network has ever produced. It's a love letter to pre-Disney Western cartoons and their aesthetic while feeling like a Hayao Miyazaki story featuring kids in a strange, scary, but not entirely sinister world. Something gross or frightening may turn out to be something odd, but mostly harmless.

Except The Beast.

He's ridiculously evil and utterly terrifying.


Anyone who hasn't seen it should go onto Hulu right now and watch it. It's only 10 episodes. Don't read too much about it online, as you may run into spoilers for great story beats that occur later.

Yeah i just sort of stumbled onto it and was completely engrossed. There's a mood to the show they capture, very early Americana. Dark and folky and smelling of autumn.

It's also really funny.

YO what is this??

Edit - maaannnn, this shit isn't even out yet.
Flapjack. pretty much has inspired American comedy animation since it came out. Adventure Time, regular show and over the garden wall all have roots going back to this one show.


Flapjack. pretty much has inspired American comedy animation since it came out. Adventure Time, regular show and over the garden wall all have roots going back to this one show.

Oh, i like Flapjack. I forgot about that show.


Is HBO's Spawn any good? I had the VHS collection as a kid but it's been so long since I've seen it that I don't know if it's actually good.
Justice League
Justice League Unlimited
Young Justice
Batman: The Animated Series
Batman Beyond
Archer S1-S4
The Boondocks
Samurai Jack
Bojack Horseman


Currently Rick & Morty and Justice League Action.

No way, the show has plenty of fantastic episodes. "Seconds," "The Laughing Bat," "Meltdown," "Gotham's Ultimate Criminal Mastermind," etc. It never hits the peak of episodes like "Heart of Ice," but when all cylinders are firing it comes close.

You are correct that The Batman vs. Dracula is great though.


You I like.

Second best Batman animated show IMO.
Flapjack. pretty much has inspired American comedy animation since it came out. Adventure Time, regular show and over the garden wall all have roots going back to this one show.

Flapjack is absolutely a series before its time. I adored watching it in college, and it would have been a huge hit if it came out after Adventure Time.

It's got excellent gross-out hyper-detailed gags that you see in classic Ren & Stimpy and early Spongebob. I also love the little details, especially how Flapjack's feet always squeak every time he takes a step.

Literally. Half the creators went on to make their own series.

And Adventure Time itself, which is almost a spiritual successor to Flapjack, birthed even more creators. It's ridiculous how many modern (and upcoming!) shows have their roots in both Flapjack and Adventure Time.


Literally. Half the creators went on to make their own series.

You could say that about The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse (John K - Ren and Stimpy, Bruce Timm - Batman TAS, Andrew Stanton - Pixar, Rich Moore - Wreck It Ralp & Zootopia).

Generally you had Ren and Stimpy seen as the return to creator-driven TV animation. Lots of that staff went on to work on influential stuff.

This movement fostered Cartoon Network's What A Cartoon Show hunt for new talent and the Cartoon Cartoon block was born out of that. Dexter's Lab -> Powerpuff Girl's. Huge. Space Ghost Coast To Coast at the same time, leads to Adult Swim.

Then you have MTV doing weird shit with Liquid Television and Beavis and Butthead. Boundries are pushed, South Park becomes a thing.

TV changes.

But, you know, you never have a very big investment in the actual art of animation.


YO what is this??

Edit - maaannnn, this shit isn't even out yet.

It was released last year and it's awesome. Still no English subs though :(

Yeah, that's been my feelings for the last few months now. Looking forward to it, but it's still yet to even get english subtitles.

The soundtrack is fucking banging though. Highly recommend a listen.
Here's a preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O79DOFPZtag&ab_channel=Lastman(TVseries)

Is HBO's Spawn any good? I had the VHS collection as a kid but it's been so long since I've seen it that I don't know if it's actually good.
I really enjoyed Spawn. It was very well made. If you liked the comics you should definitely check out the show.


Guillermo del Toro's "Trollhunters" on Netflix is really great (but what else would you expect when you hear the phrase "Guillermo del Toro just made an unrated cartoon for children"?).

Transformers Prime is also VERY good.


Also, if you're into Gundam and stuff like that, I highly recommend Exosquad.

I don't have any GIF's cause the show is old and pretty niche for its quality, but it's quite good. The characters and world building are superb, I'd almost say unrivaled if it wasn't for Avatar. My one complaint is like many early 90's shows (with the exception of Batman:TAS) it's animation can be a bit rough at times. But I think it more than makes up for that.


Jay Sosa

Early Simpsons
Rick an Morty
Samurai Jack
Johnny Bravo
Old Looney Tunes
Cow and Chicken
Regular Show.. and so on

but besides comedy? Nothing I can think of. And certainly nothing as amazing and (I can't even find the right word to describe the awesomeness of these shows tbh) as Cowboy Bebop, Mushishi, FMA and what have you.


Early Simpsons
Rick an Morty
Samurai Jack
Johnny Bravo
Old Looney Tunes
Cow and Chicken
Regular Show.. and so on

but besides comedy? Nothing I can think of. And certainly nothing as amazing and (I can't even find the right word to describe the awesomeness of these shows tbh) as Cowboy Bebop, Mushishi, FMA and what have you.

Early Batman TAS is pretttttty fuckin good.
Adventure Time and Stephen Universe are trash. Gravity Falls is the one true king.

Also Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman, Castlevania, Boondocks, Samurai Jack and probably some others I can't think of.

Chocolate & Vanilla

Fuck Strawberry
As an adult with kids that watch a hell of a lot of Cartoon Network (so I have watched pretty much everything on that channel), I would highly recommend Gumball. Lots of jokes in there for adults, references to 80s films and TV, and some general mockery of teens and millennials thrown in too.

Also that one episode of Teen Titans with "The Night Begins to Shine" song and all he throwbacks to Transformers, Bravestarr etc.


Tons of great recommendations in here. I'm going to throw one out for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which I haven't seen mentioned yet. Just some great Star Wars media with memorable storylines and characters, great production values, and a tone that can sometimes manages to be surprisingly dark for what should be a kids show. Unfortunately the show was cancelled in its fifth season and therefore didn't get a proper ending, though a few finished episodes from the planned sixth season made their way to Netflix (and later Blu-ray/DVD). Star Wars: Rebels - which takes place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope - cleans up some loose ends from TCW, but I don't think it ever really hits the same highs Clone Wars did.
Going to definitely back up Over the Garden Wall. Best cartoon I've seen although it has the advantage of only being 10 episodes so it's not dragged down by weaker writers having to make episodes to stretch it out. Seriously if you're a fan of animation it's a must-watch. Absolutely phenomenal show and since it's only 10 episodes it's not a massive investment.

Clone Wars was something I forgot about but if you're a fan of Star Wars (especially the prequels despite their faults) then you got to check it out. There's definitely some chaff through the series but there's some of the best Star Wars content you can find in there.

Lastly gotta rep My Little Pony, although one thing to keep in mind when you're first starting the series is that the main draw of the show IMO is its characters and setting and both those things take time to grow on you. If you aren't put off by the show initially I would recommend at least sticking around until the Season 2 opener and if you aren't gripped by then you probably will never be.

War Planets: Shadow Raiders


A star system must put their differences aside to defeat the all-consuming Beast Planet. Space sci-fi action made by the makers of Reboot, and is also the better show.

2 seasons IIRC



Holy shit. I have been looking for War Planets for forever. I have very strong memories of watching it as a kid, but couldn't remember the name and had convinced myself it was a movie so could never find it.

Thanks for all the recs so far! I have actually watched or tried most of the comedy recs, so definitely am looking more so for things outside that realm. Over the Garden Wall looks incredible and quite a few other shows mentioned I want to give a shot.
Teen Titans Go! Funniest cartoon in a long time. Definitely has layers beyond silliness for kids, too. It had a Gilligan's Island episode and a dead on parody of A Link to The Past.


As a guy that pretty much only watch heavy action shows. Over the Garden Wall surprised the hell out of me. It is a really good mini-series and Cartoon Network has played it a few times for Halloween. Hope they do it this year also.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Some people are mixed on it and be warned it basically an extended prologue but the first season (4 episodes) of Castlevania on Netflix will at least get you thirsty for the follow up and meat of the story when the second season drops next year. Personally I greatly enjoyed it even if the pacing can drag in a few spots and some weird animation quirks and a bit of wonky voice acting here or there.



They really sell the Vampire Killer whip.
Reboot. The show starts off as a more light-hearted episodic show for the first season but as the show goes on it becomes more serialized and serious. Ends on a huge cliffhanger that will probably never get resolved though. (Though I guess you can just construe it as just a downer ending.)

Sym-Bionic Titan. Genndy Tatartovksy's ode to super robots and John Hughes movies. It's a lot of fun, but it was also unfinished and it will probably won't be followed up on most likely because the rights are in limbo because they were used as a tax writeoff.


Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Gumball, anddd.....

No Over the Garden Wall mentions yet? For shame. (Ok, it's a miniseries, but still).




This. If you're going to watch anything, watch that^. It's amazing.

I'm kinda partial towards Clarence too. I know people like to say that the glory days of CN are past, and yeah, they were pretty awesome, I still think their lineup is great.


Un Rama
The DCAU (all of it)
Samurai Jack
The Misadventures of Flapjack.
HBO's Spawn
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Harvey Birdman


Check out Bojack Horseman if you want something that will make you laugh and super depressed... sometimes in the same episode!
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