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Google Strikes Again: All YouTube Comments Are G+ Username Only

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Here’s more detail about the new YouTube comments powered by Google+:

Comments you care about move to the top: You’ll see posts at the top of the list from the video’s creator, popular personalities, engaged discussions about the video, and people in your Google+ Circles. You can still see the most recent comments by switching from “Top Comments” to “Newest First.”

Join the conversation publicly or privately: You can choose to start a conversation so that it is seen by everyone, only people in your Circles, or just your bestie. Like Gmail, replies are threaded so you can easily follow conversations.

Easily moderate comments: If you also post videos on your channel, you’ll have new tools to review comments before they’re posted, block certain words or save time by auto-approving comments from certain fans.

If you're like the majority of people commenting on YouTube, you’ve already connected your account to a Google+ profile or page and can start commenting now. If you haven’t connected yet, you can do it here or learn more here. Remember, you’re in control of how you're seen publicly on YouTube, whether that’s keeping your current YouTube channel name, using your own name, or creating a new one.


This is bullshit, i was forced by Google to connect my gmail account to my youtube account, i was given a google plus account even though i really did not want one and now they have made it sure I will almost certainly never make a response to a YT video again. Sigh.
This shouldn't surprise anyone. It's been obvious this has been a long time comin'.

Judging by Facebook comments, real names don't stop the crazy.
This is my experience, too. It's amazing how many people don't give a shit about being blatantly bigoted or who knows it.


So... real names? Good. It's the only thing that can possibly clean up the cesspool that is the YouTube comments section.

6 Months ago, I would have agreed with you. Now a days? Not so much. Real name or not, people don't give a shit about how they act on the internet because the sheer relative distance provides a non-existant barrier that they don't comprehend. Look at the boston bombing costume girl. Nudes of herself on her tumblr and twitter with her REAL NAME attached to them...BUT WHATEVER WHO WOULD EVER SEE THESE ON THE INTERNET!?!?

The alarming thing is how many aggressive plays Google is doing to fully assimilate youtube into G+
This sounds like an actual improvement of the outdated commenting system, however it's really not functional at the moment, thumbs up/down buttons have disappeared on comments that aren't replies. It is a mess.


Neo Member
This won't stop Yolo Swagson from calling you a variety of racial slurs because you thought a video about cats was dumb.


You don't have to use your real name. You can keep your old username for the G+ account. I did it last night just because I was sick of the pop up window, and it really wasn't a big deal.


Drunky McMurder
You don't have to use your real name. You can keep your old username for the G+ account. I did it last night just because I was sick of the pop up window, and it really wasn't a big deal.

That's not really an option for people who use Google+ already and want to keep using it with their real name.

Dozen upon dozen of people will be affected.
While yeah, I'm sure this isn't going to eradicate people being dickshits on the internet (as people being dickshits is an affliction that humanity will not soon be rid of) it's probably going to have SOME effect on the sheer NUMBER of people who are fronting at being assholes, leaving only the real bastards to claim their words.

Which is, overall, a better thing. People owning their shit, even when they might not realize that's what they're doing, is always a better thing, especially when it comes to anything that even remotely resembles discourse.

Sure, it's not going to fix a lot. But it'll fix SOME things. So I don't see this as being an overall negative. It's better than not doing anything until someone somewhere comes up with a miracle solution that solves the problem all at once.

(That solution is just shutting off comments as comments sections at YouTube, Yahoo, and most news services in general are like an appendix the Internet hasn't figured out is a completely unneccessary organ that will kill you if you leave it around)


That's not really an option for people who use Google+ already and want to keep using it with their real name.

Dozen upon dozen of people will be affected.


Seriously though, you can make a youtube only account that's "seperate" from your main G+ account that you can switch back and forth between. I remember the day they rolled that out and had completely borked my channel, making my subscriptions go one place, my uploads go another place and my playlists going a third. It got sorted and it actually works okay now, but man I was mad that day.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Good. Of the few options they have to make people act like normal human beings, this was one of few psychological options available to them beyond some of sort of Clippit that pops up on certain word detections "You appear to be writing hate speech/sexual threats of violence!!"


Good! Now they need to just hook up the YT comments database to the NSA mainframe and we should see the first trolls being charged for terrorism in the near future.
New features I've noticed so far as regards comments on a video page (it's still VERY buggy at the moment and looks like a work-in-progress):


- Button to switch between Top comment (highest rated) and Newest comments
- The uploader can “review” all comments marked as spam (either automatically by YouTube, or by other users) and decide to mark them as not spam or delete them
- Better threading of replies, “View all X replies” instead of having to browse replies 1 by 1
- Now shows the 1 rating (don't know about zero)
- Apparently you can tag other people by putting a + before their name/page name, on this screenshot hovering “Marina Ornitorrinco Festivo” shows a tooltip with her avatar/name/description

This rollout may not have affected you yet, in this case delete cache/log out and log on again/just wait.



Seriously though, you can make a youtube only account that's "seperate" from your main G+ account that you can switch back and forth between. I remember the day they rolled that out and had completely borked my channel, making my subscriptions go one place, my uploads go another place and my playlists going a third. It got sorted and it actually works okay now, but man I was mad that day.

Yeah same. I actually lost all my subscriptions that day. Still only subbed a hand full of what I had but I still get all the videos which is weird. Why does Google force such a load of crap on YouTube. Google has a stellar track record apart but they are really set on making YouTube the worst they can make it lol.


That's not really an option for people who use Google+ already and want to keep using it with their real name.

Dozen upon dozen of people will be affected.

It actually makes an entirely new google account if you say you want to keep your youtube name. It seems like the new account is only active on youtube and G+, not on any other Google service.

I'm kind of impressed with how they made it work. It's almost a Microsoft-level kludge.


The people who want to troll are just doing to do so on fake accounts they set up.

You don't have to. They just really want you to to start using G+, even if it's with your fake youtube identity.

Don't they ban G+ accounts if you can't autenticate yourself?

Anyway, i won't use my real name on YouTube, i don't care what i can't do.
I'm not a jerk on the internet, and i don't hide behind anonymity for that reason, i just don't feel comfortable splattering my name around everywhere, so whatever, i'll stop using YouTube comments.
Most of them were either "great video" or "what music is that one?" anyway.


That's not really an option for people who use Google+ already and want to keep using it with their real name.

Dozen upon dozen of people will be affected.

It makes a separate G+ account for your YouTube channel. I'm telling you, I've done it. It isn't a big deal. My old G+ account is still there, and now there's an additional one I can use for YouTube if I want.


I think the level of discourse is high on GAF and aside from a couple of industry people, no one uses their real name.

And as other people have stated -have you seen what people write on Facebook and verified twitter accounts?
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