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Google's Chrome tops 20 percent market share, IE drop below 50%

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Isn't it just a factor of more laptops having Chrome installed as the default browser these days.

Normal people just tend to use whats there and don't think or even know there are any choices.
A Human Becoming said:
I for one welcome our Google overlords. Except with cellphones, Android sucks.

androids don't suck, they just have not matured as quickly as other google products like chrome.

e.g. chrome is easiest to use for non-techies while android is the hardest
saelz8 said:
No, it doesn't.

Parents bought a new laptop, chrome was the default browser installed.

Didn't Microsoft have to do that as the European court ruled it didn't create competition in the market.


Good, I have given my life over to Google, LOL - I have stopped fighting.

Now if I can just get that Google+ invite to activate....


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A lot of it to is Google just seems to be a name EVERYONE knows... so it helps in terms of faster market penetration...


santouras said:
while chrome is a fantastic browser and I applaud their success, this makes me sad for opera, which I feel is the best browser by a long shot and stuck at ~2% or less
I don't really get that tbh. What is preventing Opera from bigger marketshares? Why is no one using Opera?

It's one of the oldest browsers around, but people always overlook it. Firefox came out and outrun Opera, Chrome came out and outrun Opera too. Why is that happening? Why is there no growth for Opera?


GAF parliamentarian
wrowa said:
I don't really get that tbh. Why is preventing Opera from bigger marketshares? Why is no one using Opera?

It's one of the oldest browsers around, but people always overlook it. Firefox came out and outrun Opera, Chrome came out and outrun Opera too. Why is that happening? Why is there no growth for Opera?
Because it's European.
I'm a Chrome-only user on my Win7 and Mac computers, but dunno why you guys are still calling IE a "blight" and stuff like that. IE9 is really, really good. I'd use it over Firefox if I couldn't use Chrome.

Angry Fork

Still like Firefox more. I feel like it has better support when it comes to addons/plugins. I don't like Chrome's layout either. It's too simple for me, missing a home button, the file/menu bar etc. I like that stuff but Chrome's browser seems like it was designed for a cell phone instead of a keyboard/mouse.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Polari said:
Pride before the fall, classic case. Microsoft's arrogance really bit them in the ass on this one. I haven't used IE9 but there's only one reason why Chrome is gaining, and that's because it's a great product. At the moment Chrome OS isn't a great product, so Microsoft have a little breathing room there at least.
Actually there are two reasons - the other is that there is a jumbo ad and link to install it on Google's search page, arguably the most visited single page on the intarwebs.
I would use IE9 or Opera if they had the same plug ins. But only chrome lets me scrobbe grooveshark to last fm via Like-fm plug in for free.

That is a big deal for me.


I'm another Opera user, but Chrome is still a fantastic browser, and I'm glad that it is doing as well as it is. It has served me quite well as a secondary browser(mostly for Netflix).
king picollo said:
Parents bought a new laptop, chrome was the default browser installed.

Didn't Microsoft have to do that as the European court ruled it didn't create competition in the market.
I got my Packard Bell last month (in the UK) and it only had Ie on it. Which I only once, to download Chrome.


Slavik81 said:
Google doesn't trust Adobe, so they built the Flash and PDF plugins into the browser itself.

Basically, PDF and Flash support are an important part of the modern internet, and Adobe products are a security clusterfuck. So Google took it on themselves to protect Chrome users from Adobe's incompetence.

good lord, I love Opera like a son.....but fucking flash keeps on making it crash >_<


wrowa said:
I don't really get that tbh. What is preventing Opera from bigger marketshares? Why is no one using Opera?

It's one of the oldest browsers around, but people always overlook it. Firefox came out and outrun Opera, Chrome came out and outrun Opera too. Why is that happening? Why is there no growth for Opera?

opera should just give up
its the linux desktop of browers

forever alone @ 1/2% marketshare


I'd say Chrome is the best choice as a default browser for the vast majority of consumers so this is a good thing and well deserved.

it's fast, clean and has virtually no bloat. thumbs up


aswedc said:
Are people really that lazy and afraid of 5 minutes of change for a big improvement?

And this applies more to the forum-going tech head than the casual user.

"Waaah where's my menu bar?!"


Tried to use Opera, Firefox, IE9, Maxthon... always come back to Chrome <3
It wouldn't hurt if they added some features to it though, like "image properties" option, set image as wallpaper and hide icons from bookmarks bar :T


Pie Lord said:
Chromes growth rate is unbelievable; how long did it take for Firefox to hit 20% market share?
Not really comparable. Firefox paved the way for other browsers to compete with IE. IE was at 95%+ market share for the first half of the 2000's.
Cool for them, still can't switch from Firefox though, Chrome needs a title bar which is good for looking at multiple pinned tabs.
A bookmarks sidebar would be nice too.


lucius said:
So should I use this over Firefox?

Which one is really better like security and other features.

Never had a problem with either Chrome or Firefox. I'm interested in G+ though, and I'm assuming that Chrome will work better with it than other browsers, so that's the reason I'm leaning towards Chrome more at the moment.

Otherwise, Firefox is great. Use it at work all the time.


Gold Member
wrowa said:
I don't really get that tbh. What is preventing Opera from bigger marketshares? Why is no one using Opera?

It's one of the oldest browsers around, but people always overlook it. Firefox came out and outrun Opera, Chrome came out and outrun Opera too. Why is that happening? Why is there no growth for Opera?
The software we write where I work specifically checks for Opera and refuses to work if that's the browser you're using. Two years ago we decided that based on market share it wasn't worth going back and dealing with how Opera caches pages and displays private information when the user hits the Back button in the browser. In IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari we were able to force the app to do a POST when the user hits the back button so that we could have the platform validate the user's state. For whatever reason Opera wouldn't support this behavior, so when you load up the app it just tells you "Sorry, your browser isn't supported." So the business made a decision to drop support because of how this, and a few other things, were implemented.

Opera may handle what we were trying to do with more recent versions, or we could have spent more time trying to get it to work properly. But it was cheaper to just bypass it altogether.

What I wish for is that IE6 would just disappear from existence and never return. I'm good with pretty much anything else.
upJTboogie said:
Cool for them, still can't switch from Firefox though, Chrome needs a title bar which is good for looking at multiple pinned tabs.
A bookmarks sidebar would be nice too.
Ctrl+Shift+B opens the bookmarks bar. Except it's not on the side.

I switched to Chrome a few days ago because Firefox would crash for half a minute or so every time I was using my computer to render, and sometimes opening YouTube. The clincher was when opening a YouTube link crashed Firefox and bluescreened Windows 7.

I miss some of my plug-ins, but over all it seems like an upgrade. Oh, and I miss the ability to Ctrl+B and I to bold and italicise stuff in the text box. :(


has calmed down a bit.
Plus 1 for Chrome. It's the browser I use at work, and my main browser at home (though I dabble with IE9). I was a big Firefox fan and now I don't even use it anymore.

And while I don't think Android sucks, it lacks polish and there are weird bugs/lagging that happen way too often compared to iOS or WP7. Google really needs to clean that mess up, they certainly have a super solid base with the apps and the base functionality.

But yeah, Chrome rocks.
I like Chrome.. but am pretty tied to FireFox. I have custom plugins I've written.. I briefly looked at porting them to Chrome but at the time it's plugin system was weak.

Otherwise, I have little reason to change browsers. FireFox works quickly for me, has greater plugin support, and I've been using it since it was called Firebird so my familiarity level is just too damn high to switch even if Chrome renders faster.

Maybe if I wasn't using a 4ghz i7 w/ 8gb of DDR3 RAM I'd need a "faster" browser.


Opera has always been one of the best browsers on the market, but they made the mistake of charging for their browser and mostly concentrating on the mobile market. By the time they stopped charging it was too late for them to make much of a dent, and with the new operating systems there's no real need for their mobile browsers. I wish them the best of luck, though, and hope that they can continue to make quality products.


The newest version of Firefox is actually comparable to Chrome in performance for me. But then, I tend to have 60+ tabs open at once and don't have many extensions installed, so my experience may not be typical. I alternate between them and Opera (and occasionally Seamonkey).
Dont make fun of me but i used ie almost exclusively up until the last big update. IE9?

It just looked like ass. Couldn't get use to it and I swtiched to chrome which I was playing with at the time and haven't looked back.
rekameohs said:
As firefox gets more bloated and ugly, Chrome seems to get better and better. Google all the way
I don't get how FF is bloated. Honestly, FF4 is as quick and snappy as Chrome. Only the startup time is still a fraction quicker with Chrome. When it comes to site loading, Chrome often freezes a fraction of a second for me while FF does not. My point being: I don't see a difference between the two, and I don't know how anyone can call either browser bloated. When talking about the screen space the UI of the browsers take, FF takes less space than Chrome for me. So no bloat there either.


They should at least thank Opera for putting up the fight agains MS that allowed Google to annihilate them.


Copernicus said:
They should at least thank Opera for putting up the fight agains MS that allowed Google to annihilate them.
Ah yes, I forgot Opera is living off that settlement money :p But that was only in Europe. Netscape was the company fighting the battle here in the U.S., and by the time it won it had no chance of recapturing the market (though to be fair that was their fault for releasing a shit browser).


Don't like chrome, gave it a chance but use Firefox and have done so for years now. Have Safari as well which I use exclusively for porn because no one in the house uses it so they'll never know.
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