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Got fired 4 1/2 months ago, now make 3x what my boss did + $100 Giveaway Time

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Started from the bottom:


Now we here (aka fuck me? No, fuck YOU):



And if you care about January so far:


Side note: My "violation of the rules" was that I took a sick day on the same day of the week 3 times within a 60 day period. Yeah who gives a shit, it's my sick time, you think I'm gonna remember I also took a Monday off like a month and a half ago. Anyway, took my little firing letter and flexed, and I still remember my boss telling me as I was escorted out of the building "What are you gonna do bro, unemployment doesn't pay that much in Florida?"

LOL what am I gonna do? Bust my ass 16 hours a day and grind it out until I don't have to work under some young shit and play corporate politics.

So now we're here. The above screenshots aren't all profits, it's revenue, but a shitload of it is profit. I'm making significantly more than I was, that's what matters lol. Also, I know any affiliate marketers out there will recognize the screenshot as the Cake software most networks use to track numbers.

I didn't want to go into details about what I do, because I don't really have any information to give. I'm not gonna teach anyone anything, because I don't want more competition and because affiliate marketing is not some get rich quick scheme. What you don't see in that screenshot for December, is the $2,000 or $3,000 I lost between August and December learning the crap out of the business, trial and error, experimenting, staying up until 8 in the morning the next day, not eating shit in the NBA threads as much as I used to, etc. This caught my girlfriend's attention so now I'm mentoring her and she's making her little $15-$20 a day profit, I'm trying to help her scale it up, though. It's all from one campaign.

Point is, if you're jobless or got fired recently, put the work in and don't feel sorry for yourself. It could be a blessing in disguise. Even if you don't want to work for yourself and like the stability of a job, keep busting your ass, missing weekend "fun time" with your friends aka wasted time, sacrificing shit other people aren't willing to, and it will pay off in the end.

$100 Gift Card Giveaway

In celebration, I'm giving a $100 gift card of your choice to the 1st post that happens at 8:00pm Eastern time tonight on my clock. The way to enter it is to simply post in the thread, meaning your first post can't be at 8:00pm, you have to have a post in this thread before then, and then be the first one to post at 8:00pm on the dot. For an example, check this thread for last time I did this:


Rules: This CANNOT be for charity. I'm not playing that same guilt game like last time. If you say you're going to give this to charity, I will give it to the next poster after you. This will avoid people guilt tripping the winner into giving up his prize. You want to give to charity, give it on your own time, you don't need an audience for that.

Also, I have the right to refuse any winner that tries some exploit or glitch or some bullshit like posting the words "in the thread" or "in this thread" and declaring himself the winner. Doesn't count, you know who the winner will be, first poster at 8pm ET, no sneaky workarounds on technicalities or some other shit.

P.S. No I'm not "rich" because I'm giving this away, it's just $100 that a lot of people could afford, I'm more of an attention whore than anything, but I like to do fun things and help people out when I can.

EDIT: GIF made by SunhiLegend for the old giveaway thread, classic


Double Edit: Giveaway is now for $250, up from $100, due to good news I just got. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95629666&postcount=452

EDIT: Congrats Reule!



I'd say you were fired with good cause...you had a clearly established sick pattern. You say they are "your days", but they're not really interchangeable with PTO.


that sounds like a lot of work

i like my free things to come easily, so you could save us all that time and just give it to me now. ill buy a lebron jersey with the money.


I'd say you were fired with good cause...you had a clearly established sick pattern. You say they are "your days", but they're not really interchangeable with PTO.

It was good cause, rules are rules and I didn't dispute it with them. Just saying it's a dumb rule.


This thread is nothing else than an Interesting stealth marketing attempt for some 'secret way to make money' affliate bs scheme.

Gaffers, dont fall for this.
I'd say you were fired with good cause...you had a clearly established sick pattern. You say they are "your days", but they're not really interchangeable with PTO.
And what if a person did get sick on the same day of the week multiple times? It's not a good reason to fire anyone because they cannot prove abuse of the system.


This thread is nothing else than an Interesting stealth marketing attempt for some 'secret way to make money' affliate bs scheme.

Gaffers, dont fall for this.

He's being all tight-lipped about it. Probably part of his scheme...


I got fired three months ago and I too am learning about affiliate marketing now. I hope for similar success.


Homeland Security Fail
I'm not saying I like money, but money.

Also I remember the last thread. So many people trying to pressure the winner to donate the $100. So stupid.


He's being all tight-lipped about it. Probably part of his scheme...
Because he wants desperate gaffers to pm him being all like 'OMG OMG PLZ TELL ME YOUR SECRET TO MAKE 3K A WEEK!!' , only to have him copy/paste the same "well I wouldnt usually give out my secrets, but since you are a cool guy, and you seem motivated, i will tell you how.. just follow this link to learn bla bla"
I am not interested in the gift card. I just want to say congrats to the OP. It is always wicked when you make more than your previous boss.

Best of luck to all of you trying for the prize though.
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