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Greenberg: Quantum Break is not coming to Steam


The future of all PC games being locked behind their store seems inevitable, it's only a matter of time. It might take 5, 10 years but it will, as long as games are made with DirectX.


I think it's so damn fun some of the complaints, later patches in RoTR is not good, but an exclusive game can have a patch later? Later than what?


By being a MS Store exclusive, what exactly isn't possible ?
Any type of executable-level modification or injection, as well as changes to data files in some cases.

So, say goodbye to
  • Performance analysis overlays.
  • Graphics injectors.
  • Integration of useful external applications like Mumble.
  • Community fixes or feature extensions.
  • In-depth modding.

Basically, turn your PC into a console with better specs.
Let me add:
  • No support for popular peripherals like the Steam controller. (!)
  • Limited support for GPU features such as SLI.
  • No actual exclusive full screen mode.


The future of all PC games being locked behind their store seems inevitable, it's only a matter of time. It might take 5, 10 years but it will, as long as games are made with DirectX.


If a developer uses DX12, they'd have to exclusivity sell games through the Windows Store?


my hard graphic balls
They are using the Apple system.
I read somewhere that the Apple system allows for more user control?
Maybe I read it wrong.
Hopefully they go with Steam, then, maybe they'll have something regarding that on Feb. 25.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not serious, wanted to troll like a MS fanboy, but the fact people took me seriously is a bit alarming.

lol that backpedal. You are aware that if you include no hints that you're being facetious, people tend to take you at your word? It's shocking I know!
Isn't this expected though? I mean MS needs to build their own store on PC, why release games on rival's ecosystem?
It's called goodwill.

Also the real problem (for me, there are Steam fanboys there too) is not lack of Steam support, but W10S putting its content into protective bubbles for no particular reason but, well, politics. If they were willing to fix it even partially and they needed time to implement the store side of things, release elsewhere would work as a proof of concept.

Re: "you can access folders on Windows with tricks" - access is an ambiguous word. Be precise. Can I mod games with this? Is TR visible to GPU suites with that?


The future of all PC games being locked behind their store seems inevitable, it's only a matter of time. It might take 5, 10 years but it will, as long as games are made with DirectX.
Oh, it's not inevitable at all.

Valve still exists, and Steam is not easy to displace.
Beyond that Ubisoft, EA, Blizzard et. al. would much rather sell their games in their own stores than at Microsofts'.

And should they really clamp down on DirectX, we'll have Vulkan to fall back on.
Let me add:
  • No support for popular peripherals like the Steam controller. (!)
  • Limited support for GPU features such as SLI.
  • No actual exclusive full screen mode.

How likely is it that someone could eventually crack it and, say, at least allow it to run unpacked/with modded files?

They better not pull this shit if they release a Forza game on PC.


Well good to know they are sending the game to die on the PC especially with the bad limitations that W10 store has.

Yeah, let's not bitch about PC games not being on GOG, Origin etc but let's bitch because they'll be on Windows Store. Idiots....
The difference is that those stores are good and worth using. The W10 store is really bad.
Who gives a shit? Is Sony putting their AAA third party exclusives on steam? Is there some sort of precedence of a major video game console manufacturing with one of the largest self distribution avenues doing it?

QB went from console exclusive, to available on PC. Period. Moving the goal post with childish fervor is embarrassing. Especially for all we know they will eventually allow it to be published through third part digital distribution. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a company wanting to use their existing infrastructure to publish something and help grow their other products.

Issues with what you can and cannot do with said distribution, are completely irrelevant to whether or not someone is getting upset over this over entitlement.

Firstly, yes, there is a precedent as MS has put many, many games on Steam.

I'm not "moving goalposts", either. I don't care if it's on Steam, DRM free, or on fucking D2D. Anything but the shitty Windows store.

Entitlement is so over used at this point it's become a buzzword.


lol that backpedal. You are aware that if you include no hints that you're being facetious, people tend to take you at your word? It's shocking I know!

Not a native english speaker/writer, so I'm not that into the formality rules of shitposting these days.


Did RotTR not let you use OBS or any other outside recording software?

Is there some sort of recording software baked in?

I'm not too familiar with how W10 store runs stuff like that, but I was hoping to record some of my playthrough of QB.
Have you guys tried running shadowplay with desktop mode enabled?
Shadowplay must work right? Wouldn't it just record the whole desktop in this case?
Did RotTR not let you use OBS or any other outside recording software?

Is there some sort of recording software baked in?

I'm not too familiar with how W10 store runs stuff like that, but I was hoping to record some of my playthrough of QB.
The Xbox app has Game DVR. Not sure how powerful it is or whether there are recording limitations. You must be able to use broadcasting software or they would be making a huge mistake.


Expected, but still sucks. The Windows Store in its very nature is too closed off and goes against the idea of PC gaming.

It's like we're running their games on a more powerful Xbox One. Not confident about this.
Shadowplay must work right? Wouldn't it just record the whole desktop in this case?The Xbox app has Game DVR. Not sure how powerful it is or whether there are recording limitations.

Only if you're looking at the desktop. I haven't found one game that could stop me from using Shadowplay in desktop mode.



If a developer uses DX12, they'd have to exclusivity sell games through the Windows Store?

Eventually I'm sure. It's their OS, their API, they can do what they want. DX15 could have Windows Store exclusive graphics features or something at the start. Then they can lock it down further, gradually.

Oh, it's not inevitable at all.

Valve still exists, and Steam is not easy to displace.
Beyond that Ubisoft, EA, Blizzard et. al. would much rather sell their games in their own stores than at Microsofts'.

And should they really clamp down on DirectX, we'll have Vulkan to fall back on.

Alternatives will pop up no doubt. But whoever controls the largest user base will influence devs the most.


Unsigned code cannot interact with "universal apps".
As I said, for me as a PC enthusiast that is unacceptable.
Even Origin and Uplay are far superior PC gaming platforms in comparison.
Is it encrypted as well? What i am getting at is, is something like mono for .Net feasable for this new format?
Is there an SDK/documentation link that you could post so i can read about it instead of asking you about the details?
I will not be considering any purchases on the Windows store, so I guess they're banking on the extra 30% to offset the loss of potential customers.


I don't understand why so people is angry or disappointed about this. You can play this game on your PCs. Who cares if Steam, Windows Store or whatever?

That's Microsoft's game. Do you really expect to find this game on a rival company's platform?


Eventually I'm sure. It's their OS, their API, they can do what they want. DX15 could have Windows Store exclusive graphics features or something at the start. Then they can lock it down further, gradually.

I suppose. Though what's to prevent developers from using other APIs, instead of DX12?

The only reason 3rd-party devs would want to use Windows Store is if MS's DRM solution is really good, coupled with a discounted revenue cut (less than Steam's 30%).
The future of all PC games being locked behind their store seems inevitable, it's only a matter of time. It might take 5, 10 years but it will, as long as games are made with DirectX.
If MS tries that, expect an actual war for once. All three biggest Western pubs have their own stores. They won't see it as MS attacking Valve, they'll see it as MS attacking them. Not to mention all the other players getting infuriated.


I don't understand why so people is angry or disappointed about this. You can play this game on your PCs. Who cares if Steam, Windows Store or whatever?

That's Microsoft's game. Do you really expect to find this game on a rival company's platform?

I dunno how many times this has to be repeated: There are several limitations on Windows Store games which make them technically inferior to games sold elsewhere (not just Steam).


I don't understand why so people is angry or disappointed about this. You can play this game on your PCs. Who cares if Steam, Windows Store or whatever?

That's Microsoft's game. Do you really expect to find this game on a rival company's platform?

Really. Read it.


If MS tries that, expect an actual war for once. All three biggest Western pubs have their own stores. They won't see it as MS attacking Valve, they'll see it as MS attacking them. Not to mention all the other players getting infuriated.

To be fair, nothing is stopping them from striking a deal with MS that benefits all the Publishing parties involved.

Though that feels like collusion.

And is probably illegal.
I don't understand why so people is angry or disappointed about this. You can play this game on your PCs. Who cares if Steam, Windows Store or whatever?

That's Microsoft's game. Do you really expect to find this game on a rival company's platform?

That became clear with your post. You should have read the rest of the thread. Tons of viewpoints on why this is not the way to handle things on PC.


Oh come on, they've released their games fine on steam for years but for some reason this will be locked to their shitty appstore.

Microsoft didn't own Alan Wake, Ryse, Dead Rising or Tomb Raider IPs, that's why they released those on Steam too, Quantum Break IP instead is owned by Microsoft, it's more than normal from them to push their store, for me PC gamers(like me) should just thanks Microsoft to release it at day one on PC, instead of complaininig about the lack of a Steam release, which would also open the game to piracy


That's a shame. I guess I won't be playing it then. Seems like a GFWL 2.0 in the making, and I'm not gonna be a part of it.
Well, if we reinterpret Microsoft bringing Xbox titles to PC as bringing titles to Xbox on PC this starts to make a lot more sense. Given all the restrictions though, I'm not sure if I'm OK with this... or am I? It's like you're playing Xbox on your PC. I can see some people throwing up in their mouths over this, but if it's only their titles is it really that big of a deal? I don't know. I'd still rather have them than not have them, so long as they are well optimized and supported and have the proper game experience PC players want (KB&M, etc.) can these deficiencies be forgiven?
Lol,I wonder how long it will take them to do a 180 on this decision. It's not a matter of if, just when.

Makes zero sense. Only hurts Microsoft.


The only way Windows Store will not be a disaster is if they make all games DRM free. LOL with that though. Otherwise, avoid like plague.

Well, if we reinterpret Microsoft bringing Xbox titles to PC as bringing titles to Xbox on PC this starts to make a lot more sense. Given all the restrictions though, I'm not sure if I'm OK with this... or am I? It's like you're playing Xbox on your PC. I can see some people throwing up in their mouths over this, but if it's only their titles is it really that big of a deal? I don't know.

This is a good point, as branding it Xbox on PC suddenly makes a different spin. From that point, they could announce that all Xbox games will share simultaneous release on their xbox platform on PC as well. Maybe even the rumored Xbox backwards compatibility on PC.

Suddenly Xbox will be distanced from underpowered hardware like the bone to a more software centric view. Only problem with that though is the games will still be held back in potential from having to release on console.


in case of RoTTR - no GPU configs, no shadowplay, not even fraps

Wrong, wrong, and wrong

gpu configs can be forced...perhaps the work hasn't been completed for this to work easily

Shadowplay can work on desktop record

Fraps may not work but fraps is old and unsupported in win 8, 8.1 and 10 - dxtory works fine

Lets just keep pushing the FUD guys
Microsoft didn't own Alan Wake, Ryse, Dead Rising or Tomb Raider IPs, that's why they released those on Steam too, Quantum Break IP instead is owned by Microsoft, it's more than normal from them to push their store, for me PC gamers(like me) should just thanks Microsoft to release it at day one on PC, instead of complaininig about the lack of a Steam release, which would also open the game to piracy

...Somehow I doubt limiting the game to the Windows Store is going to eliminate piracy.

Also, MS owns the Ori and Fable IPs. Why release those on Steam? Same with AoE.
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