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GRIP | Rollcage successor out now on Steam Early Access [PC, now w/ online MP}



GRIP is bringing old-school style combat racing back with a bang. Inspired by the Rollcage games and developed by some of the original team, GRIP is a true tribute to the explosive fun had in a past gaming era.

- Intense Racing: Hit speeds of up to 700 kmph, driving on floors, ceilings and walls. GRIP's car designs allow for driving on both sides, so flipping the car no longer means game over
- Awesome Pick-ups: Use an array of power-ups and weapons to get the edge on your opponents. Ranging from missiles and guns to shields and turbos, we plan to have a wide array of exciting pick-ups to use
- Exotic Planets: Race on a variety of planets, from hostile icy worlds to alien jungle to sprawling non-terrestrial cities. Use destruction as a tool to win, crashing your surroundings down on your opponents, or lose your tail by heading through an alternate track route
- Badass Rides: Choose from a roster of armoured cars, manufactured by different companies from around the galaxy. Each car has different specs - some swift and agile, others brutish and heavily armoured. There's a killer car for every taste
- Bangin' Tunes: Race to a thumping soundtrack from some of the best electronic music artists. Drum n Bass is our main kick

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
Early access will not have many features at first. Our main goal early on, is perfecting GRIP's core gameplay. We want to make sure the game plays very, very well before we start adding the bulk of the content.
Once the vehicle physics, pick-ups, multiplayer functionality and AI are where we need them to be, we'll start to release new content that can change over time depending on feedback from the community.
The full version of GRIP will have 8 cars (4 classes), 12 tracks (4 planets), 10 pick-ups, career mode, arcade mode, arena mode (with arenas), precision mode (with a few tracks), elimination mode, multiplayer (online or local LAN and split-screen), mod tools for custom cars, and (depending on funding moving forward) a track editor so players can build their own courses.

What is the current state of the Early Access version?
  • 1 vehicle (12 skins)
  • 3 Game modes (Race, Arena & Playground)
  • 6 Levels (some WIP)
  • 4 Weapons (Homing missile, machine gun, mine, leader rocket)
  • 2 Power-ups (Shield, Turbo)
  • 7 Ingame music tracks
  • Play single player (against AI) or Split-screen with a friend



The End

This is going to be like Assault Android Cactus where I buy in once in Early Access and then I buy it again a year later when it comes out on PS4.


This seeming wave we're getting of indie and small budget racing games like GRIP, Fast Racing Neo, Redout, Distance, Drift Stage, Power Drive 2000, Slipstream, etc. is very exciting. They all look so cool.

I'm hoping for something similar for arcade sports games like SSX and NBA Street.


This seeming wave we're getting of indie and small budget racing games like GRIP, Fast Racing Neo, Redout, Distance, Drift Stage, Power Drive 2000, Slipstream, etc. is very exciting. They all look so cool.

I'm hoping for something similar for arcade sports games like SSX and NBA Street.

It's like the return of arcade games :3 I'm so happy!
Bought. Can't believe split screen is in early access. Might have to buy a Steam Link to see if it's playable like that, would love to play it with some friends.


I kickstarted this back when its kickstarter just barely failed to get funded. I really hope if they come back that they get a successful chance.
I kickstarted this back when its kickstarter just barely failed to get funded. I really hope if they come back that they get a successful chance.
Huh? They've been working on the game since the KS failed. There's not going to be another Kickstarter, instead going the Early Access route


I'm definitely interested, but I'm done with Early Access for a while, just because I get burned out on a game before it's even content complete. I'll definitely be picking it up at release, Rollcage was my jam.


Hopefully this takes off & does fantastically, because I really need more combat racers (
Wipeout ]:
) in my life. I was so disappointed when the KS fell short, but hopefully EA will be a success.


This seeming wave we're getting of indie and small budget racing games like GRIP, Fast Racing Neo, Redout, Distance, Drift Stage, Power Drive 2000, Slipstream, etc. is very exciting. They all look so cool.

I'm hoping for something similar for arcade sports games like SSX and NBA Street.

Let's not forget about the spiritual successor for Burnout 3 by the two founders of Criterion Games.


First think when I got home twenty minutes ago was buying this.
Can't wait to load it in less than 60s!

ed: ok, that resolution changing is archaic af
ed: tear down my face. Rollcage.
ed: this game will blossom like a beautiful flower


Oh shit, it lives! I dipped out after the Kickstarter didn't make it, but I'll be happy to jump back in now!


Game is shpaing up to be freaking amazing.

Also check the Steam discussion. Developer in every thread taking notes.

I kickstarted this back when its kickstarter just barely failed to get funded. I really hope if they come back that they get a successful chance.

Its Kickstarter failed by a fucking landslide.

I backed it too though, was really looking forward to playing it. Hopefully I get to one day, such fond memories of rollcage.
So I'm dabbling in single player on my Surface Book on campus (doesn't look too bad) but either I suck, I suck with playing on a keyboard, or this shit is way harder than old school Rollcage was, and I think it's partly because of the physics.

I love it regardless. Will try it on my actual PC when I get home tonight, and god bless controller support.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
So I'm dabbling in single player on my Surface Book on campus (doesn't look too bad) but either I suck, I suck with playing on a keyboard, or this shit is way harder than old school Rollcage was, and I think it's partly because of the physics.
Heh, I brought a PSP Go along with me this past Christmas (since you can output 240p natively and pair it with a Dual Shock 3 for TV play) and I ripped my copy of Rollcage before leaving. Even playing the original, I was surprised to find that it was more challenging than I remembered. It's not an easy game to play. So perhaps you're just rusty? ;)


This game looks really cool. I will give it a try!

There are already some user experiences with the game in the comments:

Despite being So early in development this game is incredible, even with just single race mode and arena mode at the moment it is so much fun, the cars feel Strong and "meaty" if a little unstable at the moment, the finish and polish of the rendering engine is incredible this game already looks stunning. The weapons take this game to its own level with beautiful locking rockets and frustratingly accurate machine guns the shield have some of the best design work I’ve ever seen.

AS of this review Split screen has just been launched, and works a treat using 2 Xbox controllers, more support is apparently coming but if you don’t have 2 controllers "x360ce" works a treat for faking it. And honestly i can’t wait for online multiplayer; i know it’s likely quite far off in development. But hell I’ve sunk 20 hours in already just racing around with the AI and I’m still having so much fun with it.

The latest update has added a third racing track (very early in development) as well as making some massive improvements to the other two. New weapon has been added called the Assassin which is a beautifully destructive tracking missile.

Updates have been regular having 5 BIG updates since the games pre alpha release in November (its Feb 2nd now)

All in all i can’t recommend this game enough, even this early in development I feel that it’s worth every penny of the asking price right now
Hey guys, lovin all the comments so far. Thanks for the support, as usual

Going to address a few things:

Multiplayer: Right now we've got 2 player split screen, but we want to have 4 player, just don't know an ETA. We also want to implement online MP as soon as we can. We know this is a big draw for a lot of people, as rollcage was bananas in multiplayer

Kickstarter: yeah it bombed like a seagull in a McDonald's parking lot. BUT we've moved forward and early access is the ticket

Resolution Options: My god, yeah. Brutal setup right now. I tried to get Rob (the one who makes the game do stuff) to make it change via a button, but he had a lot on his already full plate.

Dev discussion: Yep, we're pretty involved. We like to stay on top of things and really soak in the feedback. I may actually be guilty of spending too much time in the community.

Difficulty/physics: The game can be hard, yes. The physics don't help in this respect, but neither does my Industrial track in a lot of spots. It was my first ever racetrack, so it's got it's share of problems. I'm going to spend some time before the next patch making it flow better, with less frustrating collisions.

Things that we've got at the top of our priority list for next patch:

  • Controller Inputs - supporting all gamepads and having input configurable in general
  • Tracks - increase playability and flow
  • Handling - tweak sensitivity profiles for keyboard vs gamepad
  • UI - fix resolution options and HUD bugs
  • Physics - taming collisions (ie: PhysX) and giving the car a better sense of traction. This may not make it for next patch though. Big job

There's more, but I don't want to look at my list right now, as I'm in a good mood. :p

Again, thanks for the comments, and if you have any more questions, feel free


Hey guys, lovin all the comments so far. Thanks for the support, as usual

Going to address a few things:

Multiplayer: Right now we've got 2 player split screen, but we want to have 4 player, just don't know an ETA. We also want to implement online MP as soon as we can. We know this is a big draw for a lot of people, as rollcage was bananas in multiplayer

Kickstarter: yeah it bombed like a seagull in a McDonald's parking lot. BUT we've moved forward and early access is the ticket

Resolution Options: My god, yeah. Brutal setup right now. I tried to get Rob (the one who makes the game do stuff) to make it change via a button, but he had a lot on his already full plate.

Dev discussion: Yep, we're pretty involved. We like to stay on top of things and really soak in the feedback. I may actually be guilty of spending too much time in the community.

Difficulty/physics: The game can be hard, yes. The physics don't help in this respect, but neither does my Industrial track in a lot of spots. It was my first ever racetrack, so it's got it's share of problems. I'm going to spend some time before the next patch making it flow better, with less frustrating collisions.

Things that we've got at the top of our priority list for next patch:

  • Controller Inputs - supporting all gamepads and having input configurable in general
  • Tracks - increase playability and flow
  • Handling - tweak sensitivity profiles for keyboard vs gamepad
  • UI - fix resolution options and HUD bugs
  • Physics - taming collisions (ie: PhysX) and giving the car a better sense of traction. This may not make it for next patch though. Big job

There's more, but I don't want to look at my list right now, as I'm in a good mood. :p

Again, thanks for the comments, and if you have any more questions, feel free

I'm heavily interested into the game, will get it sooner or later.
4p Splitscreen is going to be awesome when it's out!
I am loving this so far but man I SUCK

how do you get gud at this game?

Play with a controller for one (I did much better today using my Steam Controller).

The second thing I'm figuring out is that you have to learn how to land your jumps, which generally involves decreasing your speed. I never used brakes in old school Rollcage but I'm finding in this it's a must. Last thing is that they have balanced the game wonderfully, to where you're never out of the chase. Went from tenth to first in two laps. Felt good. Also start on medium to learn how everything works. I found hard to not be enjoyable for learning how the game operates.

Having a blast though. I've stuck with only the first track so far to spend the time learning it, but now that I finally finished first I'll move on to the next. I don't see a lot of problems with the industrial track itself, more so the physics involved.

Chris R

Split screen? Added to my wishlist. Wish there was a way to get a notification or separate early access games on my wishlist so I know when they are finally done.


I don't normally do Early Access, I like playing feature complete games (I know games still release broken) but I'm going to buy this now to give the devs some money, but wait to play it.


Man, this looks really good and it's awesome that it has splitscreen. Truly tempted but I'm just so tired of early access games being abandoned that it's hard to throw money after them. Wishlisted for now.
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