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Grubb Wrong Again, EA Debunks: Dead Space 2 Remake Canceled Rumor

Why do we not have a Grubb OT thread where we keep updated track of his win/loss record, and where we keep receipts of the dumb shit he says? Lol


Kind of pissed at S0ULZB0URNE S0ULZB0URNE for making me come to the defense of Dead Space which I think has aged poorly and was overrated in the first place.
Dated is dated
So Dead Space evolved into....Punch Out?
Confused Steve Brule GIF by MOODMAN
It was a bad remake. Not including performance but it’s a copy paste with an uglier version of Isaac who won’t stfu.

The original was better aside from visuals.

They needed to go the RE remake route of being true to source material but different. So that both versions are worth experiencing.

I played DS remake for 2 hours and felt like I had been here and done that. Then dipped.


It's a 1:1 remake with no added stuff and just some QoL improvements, plus :
- No photo mode
- No new worthwhile extra bits
- GFX, while not bad, weren't THAT good either.

It was basically DS 2008 with a (not so) shinier coat of paint.

RE4Re on the other hand...say what you will but all the added (new) stuff was actually really nicely implemented - knife counters above all, plus, the fat trimming here and there also helped it IMO.

DS remake...I spent 1 euro to play through the whole thing via EA play promotion and upon completing it I was "is this it ?" - absolutely not worth the 70 Eurodollars MSRP
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On a separate note, Callisto Protocol is $10 at Walmart. Is it worth picking up?
Yes it is worth that. There is too much hyperbole over it, it is a decent 7/10 game. We dont get many SF survival horror games so I think it is worth it. Especially if you dont mind melee focus, guns are available and enough if you invest most of your credits in ammo, but you will still need to melee a good amount of time. My main gripes are mediocre story and a bit too many literal crawling scripted sections, but decent game.
Because the person destined to make that thread (you) hasn't conjured the cajones yet.
I anticipated this being the first response 😂. I don’t know man, most of the folks who make threads around here are really solid at it, I wouldn’t want to disappoint the community with a less than stellar Grubb OT thread.

Jeff Grubb |OT| What’s The Rub On Grubb? Will He Eat, Or Should He Shut His Wormhole?

See what I did there with the multiple uses of the word “grub” 🤭

I’ll see myself out.
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It's a 1:1 remake with no added stuff and just some QoL improvements, plus :
- No photo mode
- No new worthwhile extra bits
- GFX, while not bad, weren't THAT good either.

It was basically DS 2008 with a (not so) shinier coat of paint.

RE4Re on the other hand...say what you will but all the added (new) stuff was actually really nicely implemented - knife counters above all, plus, the fat trimming here and there also helped it IMO.

DS remake...I spent 1 euro to play through the whole thing via EA play promotion and upon completing it I was "is this it ?" - absolutely not worth the 70 Eurodollars MSRP
On PC the graphics/sound were among the best games I ever played. Have to disagree that they didn’t do an amazing job with this remake.
Bummer. As sad as it is, this and RE4 remake were two of the best things I played all last year. I would definitely have bought a Dead Space 2 remake if it was as well done as the first.

It seems like a legitimate concern for the industry if they can't even take the "easy" route of remaking old games to turn a profit. If you're EA why would you bother with anything other than sports/GaaS right now?


Gold Member
One of my favorite games of that gen and it gets canned. EA and Ubisoft must want GaaS Fortnite Assassin’s Creed.
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I was waiting for them to fix the arsehole PC version and they were like "nope not gonna."

Kept my money and played the original instead.



It's a 1:1 remake with no added stuff and just some QoL improvements, plus :
- No photo mode
- No new worthwhile extra bits
- GFX, while not bad, weren't THAT good either.

It was basically DS 2008 with a (not so) shinier coat of paint.

RE4Re on the other hand...say what you will but all the added (new) stuff was actually really nicely implemented - knife counters above all, plus, the fat trimming here and there also helped it IMO.

DS remake...I spent 1 euro to play through the whole thing via EA play promotion and upon completing it I was "is this it ?" - absolutely not worth the 70 Eurodollars MSRP
No added stuff? The whole transport system was reworked, allowing to go back to older areas. New side missions aren't complete fillers and they allow to get more from the story. You have a new alternative ending (although I wish you wouldn't have to replay the game to watch it). Plus Isaac isn't a mute anymore, kind of a big deal regardless if you're a fan of this or not.

I can agree it wasn't worth full price for someone who knows the original very well, but it also isn't a remake completely lacking in terms of offering new content.
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No added stuff? The whole transport system was reworked, allowing to go back to older areas. New side missions aren't complete fillers and they allow to get more from the story. You have a new alternative ending (although I wish you wouldn't have to replay the game to watch it). Plus Isaac isn't a mute anymore, kind of a big deal regardless if you're a fan of this or not.

I can agree it wasn't worth full price for someone who knows the original very well, but it also isn't a remake completely lacking in terms of offering new content.

You're right - it's just that i included those new elements (tram traversal/backtrack etc) in the QoL category ;)
The sub-missions...let's not kid ourselves Xmz, they were pure filler and nothing more.

Again, RE4Re added more things which completely change the gameplay if you so much decide to use them (like the knife parry etc).

Again, it wasn't bad, it's just that - IMO - it needed something more/more new additions, plus, regarding the price, i don't think it's as replayable as - again - Resi4 since that has also the mercenaries mode, Separate ways dlc etc.



EA response feels like playing with semantics.

When Jeff said "Sequel was cancelled because the first game sold badly" i don't think he meant that the sequel was in active development and EA shut it down,i think he meant "any plans for a sequel were scraped off".

It feels like EA is trying to spin this as good thing.
Not necessarily. A game being cancelled is different from having never been worked on and guess which option looks worse for investors?
The first looks like it underperformed so EA gave up, the latter looks like the studio might have too much work on their hands after their announcement about Iron Man and Battlefield, so they don't have time to work on Dead Space.

So my hopium is that EA does not want journos spreading bullshit about a franchise that they might want to come back to in the future, hence why they shot down the rumour so quickly instead of simply ignoring it.


Gold Member
Grubb is 50/50 he gets lots of things wrong, if EA came foward it's because this game was never in production,

But i wouldnt be surprised it gets greenlit now, since how much the internet reacted

Neon Xenon

Grubb is 50/50 he gets lots of things wrong, if EA came foward it's because this game was never in production,

But i wouldnt be surprised it gets greenlit now, since how much the internet reacted
Yeah, this partly had me thinking that it was some sort of skeevy "test" to see if there was really interest in a Dead Space 2 Remake.
Which is assuming the worst, but, maybe that should be the default stance for this.


Schreier also came out saying the IP is "on hold", so I'm more so thinking Grubb isn't exactly wrong here. Unless what he said was maybe a little be more "dramatic" due to the verbiage he used. But come on, canceled and "on hold" probably isn't going to be much different when it comes to EA. If they were to do a sequel, it'd make sense to do it sooner than later.

I thought that the Dead Space remake needlessly altered art and characters so I never bought it.
What else was altered besides Nicole's model? I loved the original and loved the remake personally. It's a shame cause it's one of the best remakes out there IMO.


Another L for Grubb. This truly isn't his year.

Grubb is not wrong.

He said the game was in concept phase, in preproduction phase. EA says it was not in development. Well, to be in development and to be in preproduction are different things.

The game was in concept phase and before the development began it was cancelled. The two (Grubb and EA) are stating the truth, the only thing is that EA is doing it in a twisted way to make the other guy look bad. But Grubb's information is still entirely true.
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Tears of Nintendo
I've nothing against the remake, as long as it'll be on par with original and they're planning to completely rework Dead Space 3 after crash landing and will remove forced co-op from the game.
Dead Space 2 is pretty much perfect, I've little to no complaints about it, it even looks great today, despite being 14 yo game.
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It's a 1:1 remake with no added stuff and just some QoL improvements, plus :
- No photo mode
- No new worthwhile extra bits
- GFX, while not bad, weren't THAT good either.

It was basically DS 2008 with a (not so) shinier coat of paint.

RE4Re on the other hand...say what you will but all the added (new) stuff was actually really nicely implemented - knife counters above all, plus, the fat trimming here and there also helped it IMO.

DS remake...I spent 1 euro to play through the whole thing via EA play promotion and upon completing it I was "is this it ?" - absolutely not worth the 70 Eurodollars MSRP
Lmao 1:1? Tell me you've never played the remake without telling me you've never played it. You have no idea what you're talking about.

The layout of the ENTIRE ship was redone to be interconnected and open, Isaac is fully voice acted, every character was fleshed out with more dialogue and backstory (vs 2 lines each in the original), side quests were added with more emphasis on backtracking/exploration, overhauled weapons with new secondary fire modes and hugely expanded skill trees, new twists added to the story, the ending expanded, new game plus adds new enemies and a new unlockable new ending, we got tons of new suit options, new bosses added, old bosses improved or changed, and revamped 0G. All that before we get to the technical aspects like the way the 10/10 sound design that propagates through halls/doors/vents, or the new necromorph peeling system that goes through layers of flesh/muscle/bone and actually impacts the damage you do, or the dynamic event system that change enemy layout or lighting/exploding vents so you're always on your toes.

All that but oooh nooo, no photo mode! It's basically DS 2008 with a shinier coat of paint (also, lmao @ acting like it isn't a significant jump in fidelity from the original)!

The Dead Space remake changed tons just like RE4, and it improved on the original so much that it made it obsolete. No RE game but RE1make managed to do that.
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I've nothing against the remake, as long as it'll be on par with original and they're planning to completely rework Dead Space 3 after crash landing and will remove forced co-op from the game.
Dead Space 2 is pretty much perfect, I've little to no complaints about it, it even looks great today, despite being 14 yo game.
The co-op in Dead Space 3 is optional.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Time to edit the topic title again.​

[Jason Schreier] ‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts​


From Twitter:
  • Yes, Dead Space is now on ice once again
  • EA's Motive explored ideas for a new entry early last year but none were greenlit
  • Chief hope was for a new game, not a remake of Dead Space 2, despite today's rumors (although both ideas were explored)

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Time to edit the topic title again.​

[Jason Schreier] ‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts​


From Twitter:
  • Yes, Dead Space is now on ice once again
  • EA's Motive explored ideas for a new entry early last year but none were greenlit
  • Chief hope was for a new game, not a remake of Dead Space 2, despite today's rumors (although both ideas were explored)

Schreier also said this:

Hopes for a new Dead Space game at EA were derailed after sales of the remake missed the company’s expectations, said the people, who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Lmao 1:1? Tell me you've never played the remake without telling me you've never played it. You have no idea what you're talking about.

The layout of the ENTIRE ship was redone to be interconnected and open, Isaac is fully voice acted, every character was fleshed out with more dialogue and backstory (vs 2 lines each in the original), side quests were added with more emphasis on backtracking/exploration, overhauled weapons with new secondary fire modes and hugely expanded skill trees, new twists added to the story, the ending expanded, new game plus adds new enemies and a new unlockable new ending, we got tons of new suit options, new bosses added, old bosses improved or changed, and revamped 0G. All that before we get to the technical aspects like the way the 10/10 sound design that propagates through halls/doors/vents, or the new necromorph peeling system that goes through layers of flesh/muscle/bone and actually impacts the damage you do, or the dynamic event system that change enemy layout or lighting/exploding vents so you're always on your toes.

All that but oooh nooo, no photo mode! It's basically DS 2008 with a shinier coat of paint (also, lmao @ acting like it isn't a significant jump in fidelity from the original)!

The Dead Space remake changed tons just like RE4, and it improved on the original so much that it made it obsolete. No RE game but RE1make managed to do that.
Biggest thing I recall were the enemy animations seemed ruined, technically proficient but “artificially smooth” if that makes sense and untrue to the original.


Dead Space 3 came out in 2013, and the remake of the first game came out 10 years later, so maybe EA will make a new something Dead Space again in the next 10 years!


Dead Space 2 not having been in development is even worse...

EA got so many good IPs and they do absolutely nothing with them. Instead they shit out bad Battlefield games every now and then, have Respawn slave away on Apex Legends instead of letting them make Titanfall 3, demoted Criterion to some support studio while BioWare are fumbling around without knowing what they're doing.
The whole fucking company is hard carried by EA Sports and their absolutely degenerate microtransaction scheme.

That the Command & Conque Remastered Collection came to be must truly have been a miracle.

Looking at EA is so fucking frustrating. So much wasted potential.
At the risk of sounding like 4chan the changes that they made in the remake reeked of American culture war bullshit. Modern sensibilities and all that.
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