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GT IW: Marcus Beer strikes out at Jon Blow/Phil Fish over XB1 indie GI coverage

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Have to love how how Phil Fish demands an apology because his poor feelings were hurt. So wheres your apology for all the bullshit you've posted on twitter in the past? Suddenly because the tables have turned onto yourself we must be careful in considering other peoples poor feelings.

Fuck. Off. You reap what you sow. If Marcus apologizes and gives in to this clown... seriously.
Have you hugged your Fish today?

I have no love for either of them but if I was Beer I'd do exactly the same thing. Fish is in the wrong here, you just don't tell people to go kill themselves, esp. as Marcus has stated publicly on AG in the past he's had issues with mental health.

Respectfully, F that. If ones psyche is fragile enough to be bothered by these things (and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that at all), then you don't get to be 'The Angry Gamer' and go on Twitter rants, etc.



Now some parody account on Twitter is saying (lying) Phil Fish physically threatened and abused his ex girlfriend. This is the kind of stuff he has to deal with daily.

Yikes. And there are people who want him to stop defending himself.

EDIT: Phil's follower count keeps going up and down!


I don't know how to properly post tweets but fuck it Jim Sterling made a good point.


I was merely asking. I wasn't trying to strawman what you were saying.

Hey it's fine, sorry if i came off as snarky.


Hey indies give us clickbait consolewar bullshit comments on demand, or else we'll publicly insult you on video. Meanwhile we'll throw softball questions at any developer working at a major 3rd party because we can't lose access to that previous ad revenue and review copies.

What a fucking joke.
Sums it up perfectly for me.


So he refuses to cover games Kamiya developed because Kamiya insulted a Kotaku writer...a few months later he dedicates an entire AnnoyedGamer episode to Kotaku...insulting their writers...can you say hypocrisy?

Exactly. Like I said, I like Fish. Dude is straight, speaks his mind, say what he wants. He didn't turn into Bill Gates or Steve Jobs over night where he has to act like he's someone he's not. If some people can't recognize "real" and want to dismiss it as being "asshole" speak then that's your problem. This guy sat on here and wrote a whole essay on what he did while still forgetting that..

A) This is their personal twitter. Not their public PR twitter page.
B) They have a prerogative to speak to whoever they want to.
C) This same question they are trying to get answers for have already been said all over the industry.

Redudancy. I wouldn't go far out to request an apology because that's a bit much but in now way is Fish in the wrong. He didn't start this.



Now some parody account on Twitter is saying (lying) Phil Fish physically threatened and abused his ex girlfriend. This is the kind of stuff he has to deal with daily.

It's inexcusable for what he said before, but I still find myself feeling sorry for the guy.


Oh noes, sequel to mediocre puzzle platformer we have seen nothing of is done for.
You guys just ruined indie gaming



Now some parody account on Twitter is saying (lying) Phil Fish physically threatened and abused his ex girlfriend. This is the kind of stuff he has to deal with daily.

He has a point....

which he relinquished by telling someone to kill themself.


What a jackass.

Microsoft changed their policy and the media has the audacity to ask two of the biggest critics what they think about it.


GAF parliamentarian
How do you know he's lying? He obviously made him nervous.
It's a parody account called Gamer Hivemind. If I'm to take that as a legitimate source then I obviously don't know what I'm doing on the internet anymore. And of course it made him nervous. If someone accused me of that publicly, I'd be nervous as hell.



Full of himself right till the very end. He needs help.

He's proud of his products and kind of an asshole.
Funny how people hold Steve Jobs and Kamiya in such reverent esteem for the same shit. Is Fish not famous enough to have an attitude, or what?
Wow...This is some messed up stuff. I really feel bad for Devs who can't speak their minds because they have to be politically correct to please everyone. I hope he really didn't cancel FEZ 2. This is some bull. Guy 1 get salty because he got rejected...Everyone blames Fish. Damn...
Nothing gives someone the right to tell people to kill themselves, even jokingly.

Don't care what they said to Fish or said about him, he lost any high ground with that comment.


Phil Fish's comment on the matter. Same deal. Only found something on twitter, not on GameInformer's website.
Anything on the topic that I could find. Phil Fish posts on twitter a lot so maybe I missed something, but I don't think I did.

Top to bottom because I edited it so it includes the reply:

unedited bottom-to-top posts later:

next day (bottom to top again):

A little much but I don't think his sentiment is wrong at all. It is reactionary. Much like the reversal wasn't done to please gamers out of love. It was done to please gamers into spending money on their console. This is MS fixing another dumb mistake and reacting to the blowback. It does seem disingenuous.


He's proud of his products and kind of an asshole.
Funny how people hold Steve Jobs and Kamiya in such reverent esteem for the same shit. Is Fish not famous enough to have an attitude, or what?

I have not seen Kamiya crying 'you are too mean to me' yet.
He says his piece, calls people assholes, moves on and makes actually good games.


Bully someone, they fight back, blame the bullied for starting a fight.

Standard school yard shit and lots of suckers are falling for it. Marcus is a despicable bottom scraper for even attempting to justify his schtick.


He's proud of his products and kind of an asshole.
Funny how people hold Steve Jobs and Kamiya in such reverent esteem for the same shit. Is Fish not famous enough to have an attitude, or what?

Yeah Steve Jobs was never criticized for being an asshole by anyone.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't really give a shit if Blow and Fish are whiny assholes. Beer often comes across as an arrogant asshole and is no better in my book. Not to mention he's gone out of his way to attack people who discuss sexism and homophobia in games. That's far worse than two indie devs being whiny pricks.


I feel bad for Fish. To me, he just reeks of a milder Amanda Bynes -case, and I wish he got the treatment he needs. It is becoming increasingly obvious that he is battling with some mental health issues.
I find it really sort of weird that saying "You should end your life because you're worthless and will never be able to create anything good" is just sort of dismissed as okay because someone was mean to him.


The twitter stuff aside, when members of the games media talk the way Beers does I have a hard time putting any value into what they say. It just seems like they are just saying things to entertain rather than give their own actua opinions.
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