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GT IW: Marcus Beer strikes out at Jon Blow/Phil Fish over XB1 indie GI coverage

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I think the idea that they're obligated to comment on this shit just because they get coverage on their games is fucking ridiculous. They're not. Hell, they've got a right to be sick of being asked all the damn time. Must be obnoxious. Am I supposed to side with the guy whining because he didn't get what he wanted like a kid who opened up a present full of clothes on Christmas?



How is this going to work when he wants to sue Marcus for libel again?

I really really like this guy.

Where can I preorder Fez 2?
Yep, keep on blaming the bullied for retaliating.
This is not fucking binary.

You don't get to just dump all retaliation in to piles of "okay" or "blame the victim." Parsing it like that is so goddamn immature that I can't believe you're seriously implying that response is in any way okay.


It's a parody account called Gamer Hivemind. If I'm to take that as a legitimate source then I obviously don't know what I'm doing on the internet anymore.

I don't know how we could determine whether or not this source is legitimate, the name of the account wouldn't be a factor though. I just find it strange that Fish replied several times, and basically went from "Who are you, you're lying" to "none of your fucking business". There was another one like ""Fuck you" is not a threat" or something like that. This was his last reply, he locked his account minutes later:

I find Fish incredibly refreshing in a world of smothering, bland PR and meek creatives standing cap in hand.

I don't agree with everything he spouts but I'm glad he hasn't neutered himself.

I also enjoy Blow's forthrightness, and Cage's too while I'm thinking about it.


You don't get to just dump all retaliation in to piles of "okay" or "blame the victim." Parsing it like that is so goddamn immature that I can't believe you're seriously implying that response is in any way okay.

Just keep on focusing your rage on the bullied retaliating and not the bully himself for causing the conflict and everything will be OK.


Is it really that hard to remove yourself from these situations? I mean I'm usually pretty up to date with indie gaming news, and yet I never knew this was going on until just now. There's a way larger world outside these guys little bubbles and stepping back can show how meaningless their hissing fits really are in the grand scheme of things. You don't have to reply, or even give a shit to comments like that.


GAF parliamentarian
I find it really sort of weird that saying "You should end your life because you're worthless and will never be able to create anything good" is just sort of dismissed as okay because someone was mean to him.
He references Futurama a lot (Bender in this case). It was just a really stupid time to do it.
I don't know how we could determine whether or not this source is legitimate, the name of the account wouldn't be a factor though. I just find it strange that Fish replied several times, and basically went from "Who are you, you're lying" to "none of your fucking business". There was another one like ""Fuck you" is not a threat" or something like that. This was his last reply, he locked his account minutes later:
haha that is kind of a weird response.
Just keep on focusing your rage on the bullied retaliating and not the bully himself for causing the conflict and everything will be OK.

They're both dicks but that does not at all warrant saying what he did. You can be offended without being disgusting.

I'd like to think whatever mechanism you have inside of you for shame is going to eventually kick in because any respect I may have had for you is wafting out the window like a fart in the air.


I think the idea that they're obligated to comment on this shit just because they get coverage on their games is fucking ridiculous. They're not. Hell, they've got a right to be sick of being asked all the damn time. Must be obnoxious. Am I supposed to side with the guy whining because he didn't get what he wanted like a kid who opened up a present full of clothes on Christmas?

Did Marcus say they were obligated to comment? I think the point was the prima donna attitude in response to being asked the question when they could have said "no comment".


I haven't seen the video yet but Fish's tweets seem bang on to me. All these changes ARE reactionary from Microsoft, if they could get away with it they would.

Look at me, haven't got the facts yet but I'm commenting anyway. I'm practically a video game journo.
Jim Sterling posted his thoughts:

Jim Sterling said:
Phil Fish ragequit Twitter. Your thoughts?

I am fond of both Phil and Marcus, the latter of which I would consider a pretty solid media chum at this point. Speaking as a guy who used to get into the same kind of twitter fights those guys get into, all I could say is I hope they mellow out, the pair of them, because there's no long-term satisfaction or happiness to be gained from one-upping people on Twitter. You just get more frustrated, lash out more, and make more people have fights with you.
Neither of them need my advice, but again, speaking as a guy who used to get himself into these sort of slanging matches on the regular, all I can say is I'm 100% happier and less stressed out professionally now that I go out of my way to avoid people who want to have fights (or just retweet the funny ones so *other people* go and fight them while I block them). It can be difficult not to bite back, and I still even find myself engaging it for a while now and then, but on the whole, mellowing out and learning not to step into the shit heap when I know, deep down, that's exactly what I'm stepping into (and you always *really* know), was one of the best things I did for my long-term job satisfaction and overall happiness in what I do.
In any case, I wish the best for Phil and Marcus both. I've never had cause to dislike either of them personally and it's a shame they used their weekend for this.

Sounds like solid advice for both of them.


Sad to see how social media has turned the video game industry-- and the press that covers it-- into a pool of negativity and anger. It's less about what new games are coming out and general enthusiasm as it once was and more about who is offended, watching personalities melt down, and seeing people who are supposed to be adults and professionals have verbal versions of gunfights at the O.K. Corral.

It's sad. It's embarrassing. It didn't have to be this way. What should be an industry about fun, amusement, and joy has devolved into something ugly.


Edit : damn you sentient keyboard! :D Just a few seconds to late..oh well.

From Jim sterling.


Phil Fish ragequit Twitter. Your thoughts?
I am fond of both Phil and Marcus, the latter of which I would consider a pretty solid media chum at this point. Speaking as a guy who used to get into the same kind of twitter fights those guys get into, all I could say is I hope they mellow out, the pair of them, because there's no long-term satisfaction or happiness to be gained from one-upping people on Twitter. You just get more frustrated, lash out more, and make more people have fights with you.
Neither of them need my advice, but again, speaking as a guy who used to get himself into these sort of slanging matches on the regular, all I can say is I'm 100% happier and less stressed out professionally now that I go out of my way to avoid people who want to have fights (or just retweet the funny ones so *other people* go and fight them while I block them). It can be difficult not to bite back, and I still even find myself engaging it for a while now and then, but on the whole, mellowing out and learning not to step into the shit heap when I know, deep down, that's exactly what I'm stepping into (and you always *really* know), was one of the best things I did for my long-term job satisfaction and overall happiness in what I do.
In any case, I wish the best for Phil and Marcus both. I've never had cause to dislike either of them personally and it's a shame they used their weekend for this.
That's some pretty shitty stuff. I don't really follow either of the involved closely so I don't know how far will they take this, but I guess it would have been better to keep things a tad more level-headed.


They're both dicks but that does not at all warrant saying what he did. You can be offended without being disgusting.

"They're both bad" is not the ideal and solves nothing. Muckrakers, bullies and instigators like Marcus need to be weeded out and discarded, and stern patience given to those he abuses.


Just keep on focusing your rage on the bullied retaliating and not the bully himself for causing the conflict and everything will be OK.

Instead of actually arguing the point lets just keep saying my point over and over again. That will show him.

Also Phil made fun of game journalists so he is technically the "bully" and Marcus is the "victim".


I really don't know what to think about the Fish, he says a lot of things that really don't put him in a good light but it is pretty clear that he gets so much crap thrown at him that it isn't surprising that he loses it from time to time.

If it wasn't for the whole kill yourself thing, I'd probably be on his side this time. Kind of feel sorry for him.
"They're both bad" is not the ideal and solves nothing. Muckrakers, bullies and instigators like Marcus need to be weeded out and discarded, and stern patience given to those he abuses.

As you willingly excuse retaliation by encouraging someone to take their own lives.

Go find a mirror, DaBuddaDa. If you can stand to have your eyes open to it, I'd be pretty surprised.


"They're both bad" is not the ideal and solves nothing. Muckrakers, bullies and instigators like Marcus need to be weeded out and discarded, and stern patience given to those he abuses.

What about people who misuse a term, diminishing its actual meaning because someone who makes things he likes got called a name?
"They're both bad" is not the ideal and solves nothing. Muckrakers, bullies and instigators like Marcus need to be weeded out and discarded, and stern patience given to those he abuses.

When people "bullied" Mike from Penny Arcade, would it be "victim blaming" to criticize him for his transphobic rant that he made in retaliation?


I haven't seen the video yet, but Fish's tweets seem bang on to me. All these changes ARE reactionary from Microsoft, if they could get away with it they would.

Look at me, haven't got the facts yet but I'm commenting anyway. I'm practically a video game journo.

The bottom line of this (not going into Phil ragequitting twitter or twitter catfights) is that Shitty Gaming Journalism won again in their battle of using social media a proper tool to his job even if it ends of misinformation, poor journo ethics or downright lazyness in their job.

This will end with a story of Phil Fish mental breaking instead of the real problem here, in which he was absolutly right.

Jesus, why won't people read.

I do admit to two things: One, Blow is not a hipster. I was corrected on the show and accept that.
Two: If I called myself a journalist then that is pretty stupid. I am part of the games media, but I don't have skills to do what some of these folks do. I am an 'opinionist' I guess?
Did Marcus say they were obligated to comment? I think the point was the prima donna attitude in response to being asked the question when they could have said "no comment".

He went on about how they're acting above the publications that cover their games, so that's the implication I get

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
It's the most pretentious game ever made.
What the fuck. How do you make a game in a pretentious manner anyway?

Both sides made mistakes, but it still doesn't excuse Beer's way of handling this (not to mention him coming to defend his point in a bloody forum).


Hey, I don't know, but here's an advice: Don't insult people. Just don't. Have a private talk if necessary. Feelings get hurt and (cruel) spectators think it's "kinda fun".Just get along with each other, it's not that hard.


"They're both bad" is not the ideal and solves nothing. Muckrakers, bullies and instigators like Marcus need to be weeded out and discarded, and stern patience given to those he abuses.

The only way I can see you arguing all of this is if you have no idea who Phil Fish is and his history. He is the one of the biggest shit talkers in the industry on twitter. Saying Phil Fish is a victim... I'm sorry if I'm trying to hold in my laughter.


Unconfirmed Member
I kinda feel sorry for Phil Fish. This non-story is now about him because people know how push his buttons. It's pretty shitty that people dog pile him just to get a reaction, any reaction, about anything.


I never liked Fish from his insulting, condescending, douchey comments he makes on the Internet and even more confirmed after watching the movie. Fez may be considered a good game, but I refuse to support him due to mostly his attitude. Which is unfortunate because I was pretty hyped to play Fez when I first heard about it way back when, but the more Fish opened his mouth, the less inclined I wanted to play and support his work.

Blow on the other hand, I friggin loved Braid to death, so I don't have much harsh criticisms to say. I think of the recent years, Blow has started to sound more of an elitist to me, but fortunately, didn't read anything about him when Braid came out. So I'm still looking forward to The Witness, but to be honest, the game doesn't interest me that much. Just banking on what I loved about Braid and hoping the same quality and emotion is there for The Witness.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
What's with all of these indie dudes making one decent game and then suddenly turning into total divas?
The bottom line of this (not going into Phil ragequitting twitter or twitter catfights) is that Shitty Gaming Journalism won again in their battle of using social media a proper tool to his job even if it ends of misinformation, poor journo ethics or downright lazyness in their job.

This will end with a story of Phil Fish mental breaking instead of the real problem here, in which he was absolutly right.


I kinda feel sorry for Fish. This non-story is now about him because people know how push his buttons. It's pretty shitty that people dogpile him just to get a reaction, any reaction, about anything.
Though I must say that making a public video berating people and putting it out as a contributor on gametrailers is particularly vicious compared to the usual lazy trolling/flaming tweets Fish and Blow get.

The bottom line of this (not going into Phil ragequitting twitter or twitter catfights) is that Shitty Gaming Journalism won again in their battle of using social media a proper tool to his job even if it ends of misinformation, poor journo ethics or downright lazyness in their job.

This will end with a story of Phil Fish mental breaking instead of the real problem here, in which he was absolutly right.
It's good that Beer has been called out for this shit, but as you said, I fear Fish having a meltdown will turn out to be the takeaway (well, of course it's more relevant what happens to Fish compared to Beer, but still), and it'll end up overshadowing Beer's shitty behaviour, and probably even encourage him to do something like this again. I'm sure people are clicking on his video to see the slander that made Fish so mad in the first place. :/
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