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GTA V will offer more singleplayer elements in the future (in GTA Online)


According to Butchard, " ”It’s something that’s been on our minds for quite some time and the community has been vocal about it. It’s something we’re keen to carry forward. We want to respect teams and players who want to play co-op. But at the same time still allow solo players to still get just as valid an experience out of it. There are perks to both. If you go in there by yourself, you’re taking 100 percent of the cut and it’s a lot easier to do stealth and plan when you’re not on comms. With multiple players, you can split up and do multiple things at once.”



Surprised it took Rockstar that long to figure out they can milk their MP AND SP players, maybe not equally but still.


i aint touching GTA Online again.

it ruined GTA. V is a great single player game but as soon as Rockstar realised how much lettuce they could make from GTAO then just abandoned what made GTA so great. fuck single players and lets just milk every last drop from everyone.

we should've had GTA VI by now but nope. who knows when we will get it if we ever do. even if you do enjoy GTA Online it is now a 7 year old game surely it's time for Rockstar to update it? I wouldn't want to play in Los Santos all the time (i know the new update has a new map but it's nothing like a proper world map). Let us play in Liberty City or Vice City. Update the engine to make the game look and run better. Again, this is a 7 year old game! Look at the difference in visuals between GTA V and RDR2. Heck, they could probably make it look better because RDR2 is 2 years old now.

I know GTA Online is printing them money and i can't really blame a business for doing what makes them $ but c'mon to fuck Rockstar!
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Well, the did say that graduating online would be a continued experience.
But I dont see a problem with it. They are making money, people are playing. When they make a new gta, will have like a infinity budget. Imagine if all this time they as already working in it? How big it was In ps3 and 360, imagine how big it will be now.


Gold Member
i aint touching GTA Online again.

it ruined GTA. V is a great single player game but as soon as Rockstar realised how much lettuce they could make from GTAO then just abandoned what made GTA so great. fuck single players and lets just milk every last drop from everyone.

we should've had GTA VI by now but nope. who knows when we will get it if we ever do. even if you do enjoy GTA Online it is now a 7 year old game surely it's time for Rockstar to update it? I wouldn't want to play in Los Santos all the time (i know the new update has a new map but it's nothing like a proper world map). Let us play in Liberty City or Vice City. Update the engine to make the game look and run better. Again, this is a 7 year old game! Look at the difference in visuals between GTA V and RDR2. Heck, they could probably make it look better because RDR2 is 2 years old now.

I know GTA Online is printing them money and i can't really blame a business for doing what makes them $ but c'mon to fuck Rockstar!
Isnt it funny Rockstar became a parody of something off one of the ingame radio stations.


This is just a way of trying to milk more people not interested in co-op/competetive experience. A more honest company would simply add some of Online's content to the campaign mode, but we all know why this i$$$n't happening.


Gold Member
I fully expect there to never be a GTA 6. Rockstar will just use their remaster 5 for next gen consoles, and keep putting out new stuff for it. GTA is now a GaaS.
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Didn't RDR2:O fail to make the splash that GTA:O did?

If so they'll get conservative since they may be thinking that GTAVI:O won't inherit the success of GTA:O.
It was due to the setting I believe. Not as versatile as modern world. They don't have to change anything from the current version, just soup up the graphics mostly and shut down the previous version. Everyone would flock over.


Gold Member
You know that single player extra story content we had worked on and then shelved? Well, now we're going to release it years later paywalled behind GTA Online shark cards.


GTA VI will just come to gta online as an add on. Why else would they be experimenting with sp elements in gta o?


Fuck GTA V and bring us GTA 6 already. I wish developers would stop pandering to 7 year old consoles in the PS4 and Xbox One.

hemo memo

Gold Member
(In GTA Online) yeah no thanks. Are we getting a GTA VI like... ever? GTA Online show no signs of slowing down.

hemo memo

Gold Member
It shocks me still that this is an Xbox 360 and ps3 game

Yeah. It is a miracle that game run on PS3/X360. It is a testament to Rockstar wizardry. It still beat open world games in design. Also they didn’t bite more than they can chew like CDPR releasing Cyberpunk on many different consoles.


This is just a way of trying to milk more people not interested in co-op/competetive experience. A more honest company would simply add some of Online's content to the campaign mode, but we all know why this i$$$n't happening.

Instead we have to deal with gta online cars despawning when summoned in single player cause fuck having fun.
i aint touching GTA Online again.

it ruined GTA. V is a great single player game but as soon as Rockstar realised how much lettuce they could make from GTAO then just abandoned what made GTA so great. fuck single players and lets just milk every last drop from everyone.

we should've had GTA VI by now but nope. who knows when we will get it if we ever do. even if you do enjoy GTA Online it is now a 7 year old game surely it's time for Rockstar to update it? I wouldn't want to play in Los Santos all the time (i know the new update has a new map but it's nothing like a proper world map). Let us play in Liberty City or Vice City. Update the engine to make the game look and run better. Again, this is a 7 year old game! Look at the difference in visuals between GTA V and RDR2. Heck, they could probably make it look better because RDR2 is 2 years old now.

I know GTA Online is printing them money and i can't really blame a business for doing what makes them $ but c'mon to fuck Rockstar!

Wait. What the fuck. The game is 7 years old?

Holy shit I've gotten old.


I assumed they would integrate the content from GTA Online (new assets, cars etc.) into GTA V.. Oh well, no need to bother then.
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I don’t understand how long it takes this long to provide a next gen patch. bit surprised how slow and unpopular these patches have been in general.


i aint touching GTA Online again.

it ruined GTA. V is a great single player game but as soon as Rockstar realised how much lettuce they could make from GTAO then just abandoned what made GTA so great. fuck single players and lets just milk every last drop from everyone.

we should've had GTA VI by now but nope. who knows when we will get it if we ever do. even if you do enjoy GTA Online it is now a 7 year old game surely it's time for Rockstar to update it? I wouldn't want to play in Los Santos all the time (i know the new update has a new map but it's nothing like a proper world map). Let us play in Liberty City or Vice City. Update the engine to make the game look and run better. Again, this is a 7 year old game! Look at the difference in visuals between GTA V and RDR2. Heck, they could probably make it look better because RDR2 is 2 years old now.

I know GTA Online is printing them money and i can't really blame a business for doing what makes them $ but c'mon to fuck Rockstar!
My guess is that Rockstar skipped PS4 gen because the console is just not powerful enough. Both PS4 and Xbox One (first model). Look at Cyberpunk 2077 and what a mess it is on those consoles. If Rockstar were to make GTA VI, it would not advance the series. Red Dead Redemption 2 got lucky because the game doesn't need many NPC, many buildings and huge maps. There is open world but it's one thing to make you believe that you're in some bandit camp with 2-10 people and another that you're in a big city with thousands of people, cars and the AI that actually works (not like in Cyberpunk). Even the populated areas in RDR2 looked kind of empty... and remember how the consoles struggled with framerate in that last location of RDR2.
PS4 and Xbox One are simply too weak and you can't make GTA VI and tell people "sorry, but we need you to buy PS4 Pro and One X".
I've also seen Last of Us 2 being brought up... guys, it's a survival horror game with post-apocalypse themes made by people who were developing Playstation exclusives for generations and probably are in touch with the designers of the console.

PS5 has more power and the very fact that we can have 60 fps in some games is already a huge proof that this generation is easier for developers. Rockstar couldn't even make GTA V work at 60 fps on PS4 despite it being a PS3 game, couldn't make a PS4 Pro patch or (!) have Red Dead 2 work at higher framerate on Pro.
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They ruined Online with things like the Oppressor Mk2 (the rocket bike). It's just become a griefer's paradise devoid of any way to have genuine fun goofing off with your friends in freemode. Any attempt to do anything other than mindlessly kill the nearest player will be stopped by a rocket biker flying in, killing you, and then flying away. Every single time. It's really sad how much a single vehicle completely sucked the enjoyment out of this game.


Online is crap in both GTA V and RDR2 with the mute character, shitty netcode and loading galore.

Seriously, there is so much potential in both games when it comes to multiplayer but the way they go about it makes it an awful experience.


GTA V is too profitable, and we would still see GTA V on PS7.

This is not how it works.

GTA VI would blow their stock up tremendously, let alone the game selling 25/30M copies day 1, if it arrives with GTA online enhanced it´ll be a cash machine like never seen on gaming history, at least for the 1st year.

Cards well played and GTA VI will be much much bigger than GTA V 1st/2nd year at LEAST.

My bet is 2024 on Ps5/SX/SS/Pc.


My guess is that Rockstar skipped PS4 gen because the console is just not powerful enough. Both PS4 and Xbox One (first model). Look at Cyberpunk 2077 and what a mess it is on those consoles. If Rockstar were to make GTA VI, it would not advance the series. Red Dead Redemption 2 got lucky because the game doesn't need many NPC, many buildings and huge maps. There is open world but it's one thing to make you believe that you're in some bandit camp with 2-10 people and another that you're in a big city with thousands of people, cars and the AI that actually works (not like in Cyberpunk). Even the populated areas in RDR2 looked kind of empty... and remember how the consoles struggled with framerate in that last location of RDR2.
PS4 and Xbox One are simply too weak and you can't make GTA VI and tell people "sorry, but we need you to buy PS4 Pro and One X".
I've also seen Last of Us 2 being brought up... guys, it's a survival horror game with post-apocalypse themes made by people who were developing Playstation exclusives for generations and probably are in touch with the designers of the console.

PS5 has more power and the very fact that we can have 60 fps in some games is already a huge proof that this generation is easier for developers. Rockstar couldn't even make GTA V work at 60 fps on PS4 despite it being a PS3 game, couldn't make a PS4 Pro patch or (!) have Red Dead 2 work at higher framerate on Pro.
very wel said!
I would be nice if they finally release GTA6. This is one of the reasons I really don’t like the entire GAAS structure. Sure, the companies make money off these old, decrepit games, but it inevitably holds back the sequels and we end up stuck playing the same outdated games for several years.
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