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Guerrilla: GG's new IP won't be at E3 - not ready to show yet

My gut tells me The Last Guardian will be there too. But I also have a bad feeling that it will be cross gen

Either way that would make a for a great show.

I would be very surprised at this- especially with all the speculation regarding the original vision of TLG being too much for the PS3 hardware, thus the primary reason for potentially moving it to PS4 development would be to make it actually work properly (ala ICO with PS1 -> PS2).

rdrr gnr

A full demo of The Order, a premier of Uncharted and debuting Project Beast would make for a pretty big show already. They may not want some of their new IPs to get drowned out by those.
Big is one word. Expected is another. The Project Beast leak is unfair, but how many more excuses are people going to come up with? First it was "Wait, it'll be at ______________" and now it's they don't want to drown out those IPs?
MM: "We wont show anything at E3"
GG: "We wont show anything at E3"
Sony: "Soony"

Did MM confirm they aren't showing anything, as well? Them what the hell is Sony even going to show at E3. This is shaping up to be an embarrassing year for them!
Too bad. But this is bad PR..these are the things that should have been clarified much earlier, not just before E3.

This could mean so many things

1. Sony has enough content for E3 that they are comfortable letting MM/GG show their work at Gamescom.

2. Sony is taking it easy ....which wouldn't make any fking sense

3. They have, like last year, 1-2 announcements that are on their own big enough to make it a memorable conference, in a positive sense.

I think logically, 1 and 3 are more likely.

Another observation I have made is these threads get filled with concern trolls lol I feel like there's a certain illogical narrative that's being pushed around. Not unlike last E3

Those won´t be enough this E3. Last year was launch so we knew the games were not ready. This E3, they should bring out some guns like Bend, QD, Studio London, and SCEJA.


Big is one word. Expected is another. The Project Beast leak is unfair, but how many more excuses are people going to come up with? First it was "Wait, it'll be at ______________" and now it's they don't want to drown out those IPs?
Excuses for what exactly?
Did MM confirm they aren't showing anything, as well? Them what the hell is Sony even going to show at E3. This is shaping up to be an embarrassing year for them!


I'd be in the dick
Big is one word. Expected is another. The Project Beast leak is unfair, but how many more excuses are people going to come up with? First it was "Wait, it'll be at ______________" and now it's they don't want to drown out those IPs?
I'm just guessing, not making excuses. It depends on how long they wait to show them. It'd be nice if they show up by Gamescom.


I'm expecting TLG too. A gameplay reveal of Arkham Knight, while not exclusive, will be a big deal too.

I actually guessed that game will be there too but given that it's pushed to next year now..I wonder if they will. Guess if it's early 2015 title now they can still show it off

Activision: Destiny
EA: Battlefield? Mirrors Edge? FarCry?
Ubi: Not sure..Beyond good and evil 2?
WarnerBros: Batman


I would be very surprised at this- especially with all the speculation regarding the original vision of TLG being too much for the PS3 hardware, thus the primary reason for potentially moving it to PS4 development would be to make it actually work properly (ala ICO with PS1 -> PS2).

Sony does some stupid shit from time to time. PS4 exclusive TLG for the holiday season this year would do wonders but ya never know

Those won´t be enough this E3. Last year was launch so we knew the games were not ready. This E3, they should bring out some guns like Bend, QD, Studio London, and SCEJA.

While I agree they shouldn't be settling in for a safe show, like the option 2 I mentioned, I don't understand why this specific E3 is so important. I don't think putting everything or almost all of it on E3s stage is a smart idea. As usual Sony will spread their reveals across E3/GC/TGS. That way they can keep the gamer's interest throughout the year.

They should show around 3 great exciting games. UC4 gameplay, Beast Souls, TLG would do the trick along with third party stuff.

Did MM confirm they aren't showing anything, as well? Them what the hell is Sony even going to show at E3. This is shaping up to be an embarrassing year for them!

Your concern trolling isn't even subtle anymore. Give it a rest


indies are still games

But they're not game enough.

Honestly, if people think Sony has nothing to show, it's silly. The real problem is that regardless of what they show, their fall/holiday first party lineup is dire, since it's unlikely they're going to announces some major game that is going to make it this fall from the studios that haven't shown their shit yet. That could be mitigated a bit if they announce LAST GUARDIAN for fall 201--lolololol

rdrr gnr

Excuses for what exactly?]
When Sony is going to blow their first-party load.

E3 2013 had some great moments regarding consumer-friendly corporate policies, but it was lacking new, AAA game announcements. Look at Sony's holiday line-up for this year. Who wants more of that?


I actually guessed that game will be there too but given that it's pushed to next year now..I wonder if they will. Guess if it's early 2015 title now they can still show it off

Activision: Destiny
EA: Battlefield? Mirrors Edge? FarCry?
Ubi: Not sure..Beyond good and evil 2?
WarnerBros: Batman

Third party taking up so much time ughhhh. The most boring bits last year were the Ubi games and Destiny gameplay.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Conspiracy theory:
If your game not ready to show for E3, why do a AMA before E3 when you knew people will ask that question?
When is the last time E3 first party reveal have dev said "yeah we will show something new at E3"
We don't know about GG, SP. Evolution will show things at Feb or RAD will show game at E3 last year. We have zero idea ND working on TLOU until we first saw the trailer on VGA.
All these hype killing is part of the master plan.
Sony lost E3, all hope is lost
Dunno if sarcasm but yes. This is exactly it. Why would you ruin the surprise? You wouldn't. There's no good reason. Still don't know what everyone's freaking out about.


When Sony is going to blow their first-party load.

E3 2013 had some great moments regarding consumer-friendly corporate policies, but it was lacking new, AAA game announcements. Look at Sony's holiday line-up for this year. Who wants more of that?
There were enough AAA games at the PS4 Reveal event.
So the E3 presentation was perfectly fine.

And "blowing the first-party load"? How about doing it when the games are showable / in a certain stage of development?
Uncharted, Project Beast and The Last Guardian would be damn good in my opinion. Though of course the latter is far from certain. But yeah, I'd love to see one new IP (Sony Bend?) or at least a really cool exclusive downloadble.


Third party taking up so much time ughhhh. The most boring bits last year were the Ubi games and Destiny gameplay.

Well if the conference is 2 hours long..there's plenty of time for all of that :D

if it's two hours

Third party games + ps3 news + vita stuff + playstation features + Morpheus + first party PS4 including TLOU HD
I love how you are so optimistic..I wish I could be the same. But I just can't after the last two E3s

Am I really being that optimistic when I say that Sony dedicating 3 minutes to the Vita by showing a trailer for GR2 could be a possibility? Geez, that's a depressing thought if so. It's not exactly much to ask for.

Honestly tho, they can spend 10-15mins on the system. Vita TV, price drop/bundle etc news + GR2, Over My Dead Body 2 and Freedom Wars Trailers + mentions/footage reel for other games like DanganRonpa 2 and that would make for a great/solid vita showing

If they kept it snappy and fast-paced, that would indeed be a good showing for the Vita.


love on your sleeve
When Sony is going to blow their first-party load.

E3 2013 had some great moments regarding consumer-friendly corporate policies, but it was lacking new, AAA game announcements. Look at Sony's holiday line-up for this year. Who wants more of that?

Would some of you have felt better if they held off announcing Killzone, Knack, Infamous and DriveClub until E3 rather than the PS Meeting?


Would some of you have felt better if they held off announcing Killzone, Knack, Infamous and DriveClub until E3 rather than the PS Meeting?
Last e3 to me was great.
God of War HD Collection announced for Vita
- Dead Nation announced for Vita
- PS3 Montage
- DriveClub, Knack, and Killzone: Shadow Fall are launch titles
- The Order: 1886 announced for PS4 by Sony Santa Monica and Ready At Dawn
- Octodad, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New N' Tasty, Outlast, Ray's the Dead, Galak-Z: The Dimensional, Mercenary Kings, and Secret Ponchos announced for PS4
- David Cage's The Dark Sorcerer (tech demo) shown
- Final Fantasy XV announced for PS4
- Kingdom Hearts III announced for PS4
- Final Fantasy XIV announced for PS4
- Mad Max announced for PS4 by Avalance Studios
- Elder Scrolls Online exclusive Beta for PS4
- PS+ will transfer over PS4
- DriveClub PS+ offering
- No DRM and can have used games, but pay to play online
- PS4 is $399
I would love the after E3 disappointments.

Just to remember:

Gamescom 2013 new first party announcements.

Fable Legends.

Shadow of the Beast
Everybody's go to Rapture.

You know, E3 and 'Murica is all that matters.

These are all awesome games I can play right now.


Would some of you have felt better if they held off announcing Killzone, Knack, Infamous and DriveClub until E3 rather than the PS Meeting?

yes. No one expected games there anyway. Mark Cerny was enough to carry that show.

Not that it mattered. Sony beat the living shiet out of MS last year. This year we got zip from them in the first 6 months leading to E3. One would expect that they are storing their surprises for E3. Now majority of their devs are saying they are not showing up. :/


yes. No one expected games there anyway. Mark Cerny was enough to carry that show.

Not that it mattered. Sony beat the living shiet out of MS last year. This year we got zip from them in the first 6 months leading to E3. One would expect that they are storing their surprises for E3. Now majority of their devs are saying they are not showing up. :/
Majority? I counted 2 saying they weren't showing up.

Didnt dark soulds come to the 360, what makes people think there going back to PS only?
If Studio Japan is involved then it's PS Only. The initial leaks, and hints from Demonnite have all been pointing to this being a Sony Exclusive and another collaboration with Studio Japan.


Didnt dark soulds come to the 360, what makes people think there going back to PS only?
Because the same leak the footage comes from states that it's being co-developed by Sony Japan? This idea literally had to be explained every other page in the footage thread, I'm amazed people are still questioning it.
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