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Halo 4 Designer Calls Out Kojima on Sex (Pot to Kettle: "You are blue!")


I think the takeaway from this and the Dragons Crown situation is that Japanese developers need to realize that western audiences in general aren't going to find anime tropes sexy or appealing. Kojima has a great talent for cinematic flair and I have no doubt he could write a smart, sexy, badass woman with infinitely more appeal and contribution to whatever story he's telling. Instead we get sniper lady who lost her words and her clothes. He deserves criticism for such poor decisions. He doesn't deserve to be censored. Period.


I really don't understand why NeoGAF turned this into an 25 page rant. As many has already asked, do you even play MGS? Look at all the characters (those pics of the men as well) and realize that there is no "logic" in that game.

BTW, it's pretty funny how serious people are trying to be towards gaming when you see shit like this in the mainstream media

Models, actors showing tons of clevage, legs, and outlining their ass if they have one, cheerleaders wearing less clothes than the new MGS female, women 25 or younger or hell even 30 or younger walking around showing tons of cleavage and legs, going on twiter/facebook/instagram and taking teasing pics showing that off and etc. Of course no one will notice any of this stuff though. Let's attack games and force people to go out of their way censor everything even if it doesn't make any sense.

1) Two wrongs ( or in this case perceived wrongs) do not make a right

2) What does all those things have to do with what is being discussed


The bra only is so silly, it deserves criticism. Give her a vest or something.
meh maybe Quiet wants the get a tan or something...this stuff has been in every damn MGS since MGS2 when the graphics allowed it ... MGS games being silly nahh.. I just don't understand why this makes ppls so mad lol. Shes a bad girl anyway right... will be an awesome BOSS battle.. :D


Banstick Emeritus
I think the idea is that if he wants to criticize overtly sexualized female designs in videogames he should start with his own game/colleagues. That's the braver thing to do and it would be holding his work he contributes to, to the same standard he is professing here.

I've met David at an industry event and he seems like a really nice guy - but he wouldn't have this platform without his association with Halo 4 and 343i. You can't get on somebody else about their issues regarding "over-sexualized" characters in a game without being called out on your own.
I was actually really disappointed that the male AI was clothed. I assumed they would all be nude, to represent the ideal human.

You must not read the books.

A lot of the AIs wear "costumes". There's even an AI with an avatar that dresses like a cowboy.


I've met David at an industry event and he seems like a really nice guy - but he wouldn't have this platform without his association with Halo 4 and 343i. You can't get on somebody else about their issues regarding "over-sexualized" characters in a game without being called out on your own.

Cortana isn't sexualized any more than that blue opera singing alien in The Fifth Element. The reason she became more developed over the course of the games is because Cortana is growing as a character. Halo 4 was all about Cortana. There's no way the player would have been invested in the story as much if Cortana still looked like she did in Combat Evolved. It's not making a character more sexy for the sake of making a character sexy. It's to humanize her.


That's a bit of a cop-out isn't it?

Same could be said about Quiet.
She's a female soldier who just happens to prefer to go to battle in a thong, a bra, pantyhose and army boots, nothing more.

In the end, yes, Kojima Productions is 100% responsible for her look, but so it 343 for Cortana's.

Not that any of it phases me at all as I like the designs and don't have a problem with them in the least.
Just don't like how one of the persons on one team can shit on another teams work when they are just a "guilty" of what they are accusing others of doing.

And as a couple of other people have pointed out, it's becoming a thing nowadays for western industry people, be that developers or "journalists" to point out certain things about Japanese developers or design choices and belittle them or talk about them like they are the lowest of the low.
Bit of a disgusting trend in it's own right.
I'm not suggesting a fictional character chose her design, I'm just saying the fiction is set up do these AI can be any form. But yeah, I'm fine with the Kojima character. Is she a little silly and over the top? Yes, but that's what mgs games are so it fits. My only problem was the people saying cortona is oversexed because she has more natural curves now.
It's fair to think it's questionable or that some don't like it, but that's par-for-course for every aspect and themes used in storytelling for any game.

Honestly, I just think it's stupid because it's not like this is anything new to Kojima. Kojima's been doing this sort of shit for the past 15 years.

I'm not going to agree or disagree either way. I mean I know if I were to make a game, I wouldn't be doing any of the shit Kojima does with character designs. But at the same time I think what he does is in contrast to that is more mature and important than 99% of what this industry has achieved in terms of storytelling. The franchise has always had an inconsistent tone and character and that is arguably (I mean arguably) the appeal. If people in this thread, actually played Metal Gear games, they would understand this.

I do believe all in all, we should be moving past these character designs, its just not necessary. It might make sense in a Kojima game, but for the uninitiated, at just the surface level without context it looks bad, so I don't think we should blame anyone for the blowup.

I do completely disagree with one thing you said in your original post, that we should not have these debates at all. I mean its not fun, but it is important regardless.
The bra only is so silly, it deserves criticism. Give her a vest or something.

Well. Here is another perspective.

It is clear from the trailer that something is up with her skin, the way it changes color. It is possible that she can camouflage her skin to her surroundings like a chameleon. If that is the case, she would need to wear little clothing to utilize that ability.

This is all conjecture, but it wouldn't be the weirdest thing in the MGS series as far as super natural or scientific powers go.


I think the takeaway from this and the Dragons Crown situation is that Japanese developers need to realize that western audiences in general aren't going to find anime tropes sexy or appealing. Kojima has a great talent for cinematic flair and I have no doubt he could write a smart, sexy, badass woman with infinitely more appeal and contribution to whatever story he's telling. Instead we get sniper lady who lost her words and her clothes. He deserves criticism for such poor decisions. He doesn't deserve to be censored. Period.

You're generalizing here. The rise in the popularity of Cosplay in the West would tell you opposite. More and more people find the culture appealing.


You must not read the books.

A lot of the AIs wear "costumes". There's even an AI with an avatar that dresses like a cowboy.

Luckily the AI that's the second most important character in the series chose to have an avatar of a sexy naked woman, and not like an astronaut in full spacewalk gear.


In other words, dev says dumb shit on Twitter and would be better off keeping his mouth shut.

People can have opinions on things. I think the issue was twitter rather than his opinions. Some people do not like that thing about that game you like. Eh.

Basically to keep the faux feminists happy all female characters should be fully clothed up.



Isn't Kojima just aping James Bond style villains? Over the top and exaggerated. His characters have always been this way. I don't have an issue with this design given the style tone of his story.

Well I haven't played it yet. But if its like past games it doesn't seem that much of a department of the norm.


Where are people getting a romantic relationship from between Chief and Cortana? They have a familial relationship. Just like Chief and all the Spartans think of Halsey and Keyes as being family.

BHZ Mayor

I think the takeaway from this and the Dragons Crown situation is that Japanese developers need to realize that western audiences in general aren't going to find anime tropes sexy or appealing.

What's the difference between these so-called anime tropes and cameltoe robots (Mass Effect), sex minigames (God of War), strip club levels (Duke Nukem), titty flashing fatalities (Killer Instinct), fucking hookers for health (GTA), or any other sexual aspects that have come from western developers?


The idea that this is "setting the industry back" really bothers me. Why is Kojima's video game supposed to hold up the (specific) moral integrity of the industry? Can a game not just be a game anymore?


Where are people getting a romantic relationship from between Chief and Cortana? They have a familial relationship. Just like Chief and all the Spartans think of Halsey and Keyes as being family.

Who is getting that? People are understanding that her design is meant to appear sexy to the player of the game, exactly as Quiet's design is meant to. This goes unacknowledged by 343, who have a designer calling Quiet's design "disgusting".


I'm not suggesting a fictional character chose her design, I'm just saying the fiction is set up do these AI can be any form. But yeah, I'm fine with the Kojima character. Is she a little silly and over the top? Yes, but that's what mgs games are so it fits. My only problem was the people saying cortona is oversexed because she has more natural curves now.

Oh sure, I get that. Again, no problem with Cartana's design at all. Actually think it's the best one yet.
Just don't think it gives them a carte blanche to say, she is able to choose her own appearance and dress like she does while attacking other companies for a little extravagant design of their own. Not that he has said that himself or anything though.

You know what the industry doesn't need? Invisible Spartan's with snipers.

Wel to their credit, if they are invisible, we can't see their skimpy outfits, so it's fine from that perspective. ;)


1) Two wrongs ( or in this case perceived wrongs) do not make a right

2) What does all those things have to do with what is being discussed

1) How is it wrong if women are showcased as sexy? Many women like being sexy, (common sense) they aren't men so there's different ways to show that.
2) The stupid "outrage" when you see a character that looks "sexy" gets so much backlash while games like GTAV gets praised to hell and back. There's way too much backwards thinking in the gaming industry and they want to be treated seriously compared to other forms of media (they aren't even serious at all, just look at what's popular in music/movie/tv/etc).


What's the difference between these so-called anime tropes and cameltoe robots (Mass Effect), sex minigames (God of War), strip club levels (Duke Nukem), titty flashing fatalities (Killer Instinct), fucking hookers for health (GTA), or any other sexual aspects that have come from western developers?

People feel more mature for not liking it.Not just anime tropes either. People hated on dust because the people in there where anthropomorphic, hating things like that makes them more mature. In their mind anyway. But what do I know I play games with go fast hedgehogs.


Cortana in a burka, Halo 5 Believe.

Yeah it's getting to a point where chicks in video games will need to wear Islamic headscarfs to maintain their purity. You'd think David Ellis comes from the Middle East or something, where women have to fully covered from head to toe just to keep men happy.

REV 09

Because they are doing exactly what Kojima is doing, but they are not being honest about the applications.

Cortana's design became significantly sexier so they can appeal to the younger male demographic. Same reason they adjusted the gameplay to be more in line with Call of Duty.
Nah, there is a big difference between motherly, elegant Cortana and lolz check out this ass...can't wait to see all the cosplay honies.


I'm not suggesting a fictional character chose her design, I'm just saying the fiction is set up do these AI can be any form. But yeah, I'm fine with the Kojima character. Is she a little silly and over the top? Yes, but that's what mgs games are so it fits. My only problem was the people saying cortona is oversexed because she has more natural curves now.

I don't have a problem with her design. It's a nice design, and she's a good character. It's not very well justified in the game, but it's not a bad design by any means.

The problem I have is 343 not being honest about why she was designed like that. It's perfectly ok to have a character that looks sexy. That's not an issue to me at all. Just don't design a character to look sexy and then pretend you didn't, and certainly don't attack other developers for freely admitting they designed a sexy character. It's just silly.


I think 343 should "get in trouble" for many things about Halo 4, but to be on topic;

There are many things worse than that character model. Calling people "Man babies" over twitter is ironic, to say the least.

All the best to that employee.


You're getting the wrong message out of this then. It's not about how many clothes there are, but about why she's half-naked.
Why does it matter at all if the game doesn't even care about practicality on the whole(see the variety of whacky designs seen in the series). No one cares about why. It's that she's sexualized.
People shouldn't take Kojima and Metal Gear so seriously and then the over the top sexuality wouldn't be so controversial. He's the Robert Rodriguez of video games.
In the Halo lore, A.I.s pick their own unique appearances. Their knowledge and personalities are pre programmed. In Cortana's case, she is a Smart A.I. very Unique. Very Intelligent. She resembles a lot like her human creator or "Mother".

With 343's design philosophy it's evident they wanted to express the feelings and emotions of Cortanas character in Halo 4. In the previous installments to the Halo Franchise; she has almost always been a "naked" hologram lady A.I. It just so happens that this Dev team designed her to be more realistic and human than ever before.


1) How is it wrong if women are showcased as sexy? Many women like being sexy, (common sense) they aren't men so there's different ways to show that.
2) The stupid "outrage" when you see a character that looks "sexy" gets so much backlash while games like GTAV gets praised to hell and back. There's way too much backwards thinking in the gaming industry and they want to be treated seriously compared to other forms of media (they aren't even serious at all, just look at what's popular in music/movie/tv/etc).

1) there could many things wrong with that, ( this isn't the thread to go into that in full) but representation in the media is important.

2) GTAV or GTA game in general while they do not let you play as ladies, atleast SA forward, the women were represented well actually. Yes there are prostitutes and strippers, as is with real life. However the important women come in all sorts of sizes, sometimes chunky, sometimes super skinny. Depends. I think more women should represented in GTA, and playable. I do not know what you are saying with GTA really? GTA aside from ... well ladies of the nights and strippers, all the important characters arent really winning any sexy contests. Woman or man.
You're acting like these characters have actual input on this. Cortana "chose" to be naked, because the developers chose to have her choose to be naked. The other AI "chose" to have clothes because the developers chose to have him choose to have clothes.

Whatever you think of the actual character designs, don't shift the blame and/or credit onto the characters when the characters are just creations.

*sigh* thank you.

REV 09

"motherly" elegant figures like walking around naked, got it

Honesty Evolved
She isn't naked.

Edit: Cortana's character is motherly. Her hips and legs are totally motherly. Her top reminds me of an elegant dress worn to a party or somewhere nice. At worst it's sensual, but it isn't remotely overly sexualized. Her character has nothing to do with sex.


Oh sure, I get that. Again, no problem with Cartana's design at all. Actually think it's the best one yet.
Just don't think it gives them a carte blanche to say, she is able to choose her own appearance and dress like she does while attacking other companies for a little extravagant design of their own. Not that he has said that himself or anything though.
ha yeah, we're on the same page. If the character fits the game its cool with me. And he shouldn't have called then out when you have a sexy character as well. And she has been a sexy character from the start, I just don't feel that she is now oversexed because of her curves like one post said. :)


Who is getting that? People are understanding that her design is meant to appear sexy to the player of the game, exactly as Quiet's design is meant to.

The problem with Quiet is that they are playing up her looks and there is no explanation as to why she dresses the way she does. That's how she is first introduced into the MG universe.

Your introduction to Cortana was probably the first game which wasn't the first time Cortana appeared in the Halo universe. My introduction to Cortana was the Fall of Reach which was the first Halo work to be released.
The problem with Quiet is that they are playing up her looks and there is no explanation as to why she dresses the way she does. That's how she is first introduced into the MG universe.

Your introduction to Cortana was probably the first game which wasn't the first time Cortana appeared in the Halo universe. My introduction to Cortana was the Fall of Reach which was the first Halo work to be released.

so let's wait till the game is out before we talk out of our asses? GREAT!
Well, Kojima is the only dev who created characters i would consider attractive.
So props to him. And guess what dev always was TERRIBLE at human character design? Oww, no that was Bungie.


People shouldn't take Kojima and Metal Gear so seriously and then the over the top sexuality wouldn't be so controversial. He's the Robert Rodriguez of video games.

Yes, it's a bit like getting mad over Michelle Rodriguez wearing a leather bikini top as clothing in Machete. Is it sexual? Sure. Is it out of place? Not really.

Metal Gear Solid has S&M mind readers in gas masks, men who control bees, the main character's outfit shows every contour of his ass, a fat bomber in a huge coat on rollerblades, a giant roaring walking mech with a railgun, a vampire that can run across water and heal from gunshots, and a sniper that dresses in skimpy clothing and has some kind of camouflage ability. They do fit in the same weird universe.


Because its a video game.

I don't see how that's an excuse?

Are video games inherently sexist then?

Why does it matter at all if the game doesn't even care about practicality on the whole(see the variety of whacky designs seen in the series). No one cares about why. It's that she's sexualized.

No, they care about the fact that the character was made to be sexualized to sell. Again, nobody is scared of a midriff, but forcing a sexualized character into the game for no other reason than to appeal to a certain segment of fans is, by definition, sexist. Are there other problems facing society and in particular video games? Yes. Does that mean we should ignore this one? No.
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