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Halo 5 Campaign Info Post - Building an Epic Campaign

I'm not trying to regulate anyone's excitement for this game. I'm just really sick of the Halo hype machine which seems to continue unfettered regardless a very obvious decline in the game's quality since 343i has taken the helm.

I also think that one of the biggest reasons why the gaming community is silly is they're inability to detect bullshit when it comes to big franchises. You literally don't see it in any other industry, but for some reason consumers of video games become converts who are seemingly unable to critique even the most obvious garbage in their beloved franchises. Maybe it's because gaming is relatively expensive compared to other media and people like to pretend like they're getting their money's worth even when they're not.

To be fair, Halo4 wasn't a bad game by any means. And considering they made the game while they were building a studio, its rather impressive. From what ive seen from Halo5, it looks to be their best outing yet. The campaign looks really good from that video, the MP looks top notch from Arena to Warzone. I honestly dont know what the hell you're complaining about.

When Bungie was at the helm, with all their experience, they finished up with Reach which was to me the weakest Halo game overall. Only stumble 343 really did was MCC. Halo4 was still a good game and theyve went out of their way with 5 to do exactly what the community wanted. And complaining about innovation when everything as pretty much been done in one game or another is just being incredibly unrealistic and difficult. You dont like it, move on and stop going in Halo5 threads.


I've had the 360 eight years and never cared about halo, played Reach and liked it, then started to read the books, got hooked to the Halo lore and universe so I got the XB1 here in Spain on a sale. I've been playing the MCC non-stop since that, just finished spartan ops yesterday. That Shangelios vic made my day, how long is the campaing stinkles? Since I don't play online Im curious how many hours will get out of the it? Will be another Spartan OPs after H5?



Imgur (lol) gif of the Jackal shields.

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
I'm not trying to regulate anyone's excitement for this game. I'm just really sick of the Halo hype machine which seems to continue unfettered regardless a very obvious decline in the game's quality since 343i has taken the helm.

I also think that one of the biggest reasons why the gaming community is silly is they're inability to detect bullshit when it comes to big franchises. You literally don't see it in any other industry, but for some reason consumers of video games become converts who are seemingly unable to critique even the most obvious garbage in their beloved franchises. Maybe it's because gaming is relatively expensive compared to other media and people like to pretend like they're getting their money's worth even when they're not.

You're sick of it, I get that. And maybe you don't realize it, but your posts read like you are trying to regulate it, which you have no business doing.

And I'll just copy a Skyrim quote for that paragraph: "One person's trash is another person's treasure."

And good job generalizing everyone as "converts". What you should have said was

but for some reason some consumers of video games become converts who are seemingly unable to critique even the most obvious garbage in their beloved franchises

I can critique things in my favorite franchises if I choose. I simply choose not to. Why? Because I want to enjoy things. Life is full of bullshit so I'd like to enjoy my hobby rather than pop a blood vessel over-analyzing every little thing.

EDIT: To clarify, I can and will call out bullshit in some cases (like I said, I can if I choose to). Case in point, that FOB coin BS Konami is pulling with MGSV.


Still waiting for someone to explain to me how the segment in the video looks significantly different from Halo 4's Reclaimer 19:22 -- forward.


In the level we saw today you have alternate paths to take, greater verticality, a squad that draws fire allowing you to move unrestricted and provide cover fire, larger arena environments with greater control of the progress of combat, multiple skirmishes in an arena versus just one all on your character.

There's more but you can't see past your rose colored lenses of OMG ITS NOT A HUGE VEHICLE SEQUENCE WALLSSSSSSSS


Still waiting for someone to explain to me how the segment in the video looks significantly different from Halo 4's Reclaimer 19:22 -- forward.


Much more verticallity. In halo 5 you would be able to get on top of much of the rocks/boulders and canyon walls based on the sanghelios gameplay. Furthermore, the "width" of the level is much greater in the sanghelios gameplay than the Reclaimer canyons. Your turn.


I still like the potato campaign footage more with blue team, more exciting and urgent. This was okay, big level but a bit dull and I'm disliking Locke more than ever, Buck is awesome though. The wall smash doesn't look right, feels like you miss something and comes across very charring.
Jackals screeching things is really cool...

Can't wait to see how these more open areas play on Legendary.

Curious how the difficulties are handled this time around =)

Tall Paul

Ok MS, you got me....I'm fully onboard having just watched that, the traversal and variety around the level looks brilliant, 343i could be having a huge hit on their hands, huge hype for this now.


I'm not trying to regulate anyone's excitement for this game. I'm just really sick of the Halo hype machine which seems to continue unfettered regardless a very obvious decline in the game's quality since 343i has taken the helm.

I also think that one of the biggest reasons why the gaming community is silly is they're inability to detect bullshit when it comes to big franchises. You literally don't see it in any other industry, but for some reason consumers of video games become converts who are seemingly unable to critique even the most obvious garbage in their beloved franchises. Maybe it's because gaming is relatively expensive compared to other media and people like to pretend like they're getting their money's worth even when they're not.

You are sick of Halo Hype yet here you are commenting... oh the irony...


The thing is old Halo wouldn't be able to catch enough people's attention these days. I know it sucks that the harcore Halo fans don't get the Halo they want but if 343i was to make the game like 1/2/3 then the game wouldn't sell as much and people will complain they didnt change anything.
For me Halo multiplayer has been equal starts, balanced maps, good/fun power weapons and a decent skill gap. Halo 5 Arena mode ticks all those boxes for me.

Yes it would, how old are you? Because arena shooters are coming back in a big way, and halo's roots fall in that category.

Ton's of people still play counterstrike. People are playing unreal knockoff's all the time. Halo is about knowing the map, having a steady aim and even anticipating shots, knowing how many shots with a weapons will take out their shield and kill them.

I would prefer the image, maybe mobility upgrade, but leave out everything else they added.

I think it would have done fine. Halo reach sold well and that was 5 years ago not a decade ago. and that didn't have all the modernization this game seems to have.
Yes it would, how old are you? Because arena shooters are coming back in a big way, and halo's roots fall in that category.

Ton's of people still play counterstrike. People are playing unreal knockoff's all the time. Halo is about knowing the map, having a steady aim and even anticipating shots, knowing how many shots with a weapons will take out their shield and kill them.

I would prefer the image, maybe mobility upgrade, but leave out everything else they added.

I think it would have done fine. Halo reach sold well and that was 5 years ago not a decade ago. and that didn't have all the modernization this game seems to have.
Reach introduced sprint, armor lock, jetpacks...
I'm not trying to regulate anyone's excitement for this game. I'm just really sick of the Halo hype machine which seems to continue unfettered regardless a very obvious decline in the game's quality since 343i has taken the helm.

I also think that one of the biggest reasons why the gaming community is silly is they're inability to detect bullshit when it comes to big franchises. You literally don't see it in any other industry, but for some reason consumers of video games become converts who are seemingly unable to critique even the most obvious garbage in their beloved franchises. Maybe it's because gaming is relatively expensive compared to other media and people like to pretend like they're getting their money's worth even when they're not.

I'm actually starting to appreciate your incessant negativity in a thread about a game you dont care about made by devs you dont respect.

Are you a real person or an irony bot, Foolishfellow?
Other than the ground textures that look like flat, blurry barf and the art direction(which is just my opinion) this game is really shaping up much better than I thought it would. I still refuse to buy a 343 product on day one, but I will definitely keep a close eye on this post launch to see if it is worth picking up. And I didn't even like the Beta!


Other than the ground textures that look like flat barf and the art direction(which is just my opinion) this game is really shaping up much better than I thought it would. I still refuse to buy a 343 product on day one, but I will definitely keep a close eye on this post launch to see if it is worth picking up. And I didn't even like the Beta!

I think the textures look alright (there are some bad ones) but the anisotropic filtering is what is really lacking.
They were optional weren't they? Wasn't it something yous chose to use? Or is that Halo 4 with loadouts?
Still they introduced them. Therefore everything was made with those in mind, changing what old Halo used to be. I'm not saying they changed Halo dramatically like Halo 4 did but they started the trend and 343i just followed suit.

And I do agree with you. Old Halo was awesome but I'll give the new one a shot.


Need to repair my xbox one before I can play this.

I bought it on Day 1 and got the infamous blu-ray drive malfunction, will I get an free replacement?


One of those games that looks a lot better in motion than in still screenshots judging from the gameplay trailer.


Is there somewhere I can get a summary of all the new lore from the end of Halo 4 to now?

or what is necessary before getting into Halo 5?
Great footage, although i expected more enemies. But i am so hyped. I dont think i will be playing much of anything besides Halo 5 and its multiplayer. Halo CE had missions that you just always wanted to play again and again
The first 5 levels

I hope Halo 5 will have that feel again. Halo is coming back.


Yes it would, how old are you? Because arena shooters are coming back in a big way, and halo's roots fall in that category.

Ton's of people still play counterstrike. People are playing unreal knockoff's all the time. Halo is about knowing the map, having a steady aim and even anticipating shots, knowing how many shots with a weapons will take out their shield and kill them.

I would prefer the image, maybe mobility upgrade, but leave out everything else they added.

I think it would have done fine. Halo reach sold well and that was 5 years ago not a decade ago. and that didn't have all the modernization this game seems to have.

I never understand the "Halo is too linear" comments. Halo has had a handful of "non-linear" missions, but it's otherwise always been a point A to point B game. The only thing that has changed in that regard are the size of the environments.

It's possible that there is a non linear mission in the game, but condemning a section of one for being linear is unabashedly presumptuous.
I'm not trying to regulate anyone's excitement for this game. I'm just really sick of the Halo hype machine which seems to continue unfettered regardless a very obvious decline in the game's quality since 343i has taken the helm.

I also think that one of the biggest reasons why the gaming community is silly is they're inability to detect bullshit when it comes to big franchises. You literally don't see it in any other industry, but for some reason consumers of video games become converts who are seemingly unable to critique even the most obvious garbage in their beloved franchises. Maybe it's because gaming is relatively expensive compared to other media and people like to pretend like they're getting their money's worth even when they're not.

I played Halo 5 beta. It's better than every other FPS out right now. The hype is in fact real.

Also lol at only hose in the games industry not seeing through bullshit. Do you pay even the slightest attention to every other industry out there? Ever heard of Apple? Ever heard of Micheal Bay?
Sanghelios gameplay looks really, really cool. I can't wait to explore this world and ground pound some grunts. I thought it was cool that he could traverse to the top of those cliff formations. Sniper paradise. This will be great with online Co-Op. I hope they have a ranking system that ranks teams in effectiveness, lethality, etc.
Much more verticallity. In halo 5 you would be able to get on top of much of the rocks/boulders and canyon walls based on the sanghelios gameplay. Furthermore, the "width" of the level is much greater in the sanghelios gameplay than the Reclaimer canyons. Your turn.

"Verticality" is one of Microsoft's buzzwords that I refuse to believe makes any sense as far as game design philosophy goes. They literally hyped "verticality" through the roof prior to the Gears: Judgement release and we got some of the worst multiplayer maps and campaign levels in the series.

Also, there is vertical movement in most games, so it seems pretty nonsensical to me. Seems literally synonymous to "next gen" in that it's an utterly meaningless term that gets people to buy the latest iteration of a product. Almost like those old Ford commercials that wouldn't shut up about the hemis in Ford Trucks.

Regarding Tsavo Highway, some Neogaf user got utterly fixated on me throwing it out there as an example of an open level and now everyone is trying to use it as a "gotcha" to prove that I don't actually know anything about Halo. My point is that we've yet to see a single level from Halo 5 that looks anything like the best levels in Halo (regardless of whether or not you agree that Tsavo should fit in that category). For the record, I still believe that Tsavo is significantly more open then anything that we've seen from Halo 5 thus far, but it's also a vehicular combat level and some people here have rightly pointed out that Halo levels have always had a good mix of vehicular/non vehicular levels.

So far we've just seen a bunch of levels that look a lot like Halo 4 with perhaps some Battlefield 4 campaign mixed in.
I never understand the "Halo is too linear" comments. Halo has had a handful of "non-linear" missions, but it's otherwise always been a point A to point B game. The only thing that has changed in that regard are the size of the environments.

It's simple, most encounters in Bungie Halo games allowed you to come at them from many different ways, so despite being linear it still felt open. Halo 4 felt like it was forcing you down a tight tube 90% of the time. Halo 5 at least seems to fix this to a massive degree.
I just wanna know which version of halo 5 foolishboy has pre ordered. I bet he got the overpriced statue one.

Re watching the video the level looks great, but seems to be lacking enemies. Does increasing the difficulty add more, or does it just change your health and enemies damage?


I am so fucking sick of every Halo thread turning to shit.

Halo 4 wasn't for everyone. The community complained about. Loudly. 343i heard us. They're showing us clear evidence that they have. They released a MP beta that everyone seems to love, tons more footage of MP as the builds came along, and now they're showing us that the campaign will be much more open than in Halo 4.

Continuing to bitch and moan at this stage amounts to little more than concern trolling.

Having reservations and keeping expectations in check is fine, recommended in fact, but that's not what seems to happen in Halo threads. It's just unqualified opinions and whining, and it got old a long fucking time ago.

If you're not certain of your purchase of Halo 5 at this point, after all we've seen, that's also fine but I don't see what would compel anyone to actively participate in threads and telling people how to spend their money or to beware of that evil bunch at 343i that "don't get Halo." You'll find out soon enough whether they do or don't, but until then do the rest of us a favour and stop pissing in everyone's cereal.
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