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Halo 5: Guardians revealed - more at E3 - Fall 2015 [Box Art person is new guy]

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Just watched all of Halo 4 Spartan Ops cutscenes, i kinda stopped halfway when the game came out, loved it!

Interested to see how 5 links with spartan ops and where master chief falls into it (since chief seems to have left the ship by that time period)

I did as well,
and I still don't get the Palmer hate. She is certainly annoying but some people make her out to be the worst thing ever.


Unconfirmed Member
I did as well,
and I still don't get the Palmer hate. She is certainly annoying but some people make her out to be the worst thing ever.
Her and the rest of the Spartan Ops Spartans felt like they were written by obnoxious fraternity bros. The characters aren't bad per se, but their character was awful, if that makes sense. They could all be salvaged with some better writing. I actually like Palmer in lots of ways.
Well i didnt love all of it :), im talking more about the overarching story, though i hope they dont just go down the halsey generic badguy route.

Would love to be master chief hunting down forerunner tech throughout the galaxy and oni or whoever trying to track you and the relics at the same time.

Dude your avatar is dope, shit makes me laugh everytime i see it.
Dude your avatar is dope, shit makes me laugh everytime i see it.

Offtopic : You can get the whole gang here


As for palmer and the spartans, they were written very dudebro,palmer obviously has other issues for her hate with halsey that are not explained in spartan ops.


Well i didnt love all of it :), im talking more about the overarching story, though i hope they dont just go down the halsey generic badguy route.

Would love to be master chief hunting down forerunner tech throughout the galaxy and oni or whoever trying to track you and the relics at the same time.

To me it seemed near certain Halsey was still playing the Storm faction, she's just convinced them she's now against humans because she wants to stay alive obviously, and to gain manipulative power over them. The woman worked her whole life to ensure humanities survival, she won't have just turned into a villain.

Maybe she'll play the storm faction and ONI against each other - but not risk all of humanity.

I really enjoyed all the spartan ops cutscenes too, I just watched them as a movie, didn't play through them, but they were still good. Any gripes with the story have nothing to do with how well done those scenes were. And elites and prometheans dying quickly is just for interest, it would not be interesting to watch them unload 3 clips into a promethean, so they took some liberties.


Just finished Star Wars Original Trilogy, it was pretty amazing. I don't have brain damage so I won't be trying the Prequel Trilogy.

Its hard to take Darth Vader seriously since he never takes off his damn helmet and you can't read his emotions. Add onto that his monotone voice and it's kind of awkward to see him in these dramatic Luke/Obi-Wan scenes. He's almost as bad of a protagonist as The Man With No Name is, as far as the audience being able to relate to. I guess Vader's humanity is one of the themes they're going to explore under Lucas's direction.

I like the prequel trilogy just bc of the lightsaber fights. I was young when episode 1 came out and I just liked the fights bc I always thought it was a missed part of the original films. Yes I know the special effects weren't good enough to have epic duels lol.

The things you mentioned about Vader are the same problems MS would have making a Halo movie. In a video game you can portray yourself into a character. You have a controller and you get to control Chiefs actions. On film, its a completely different beast. Body language is so hard to portray.

I was actually pitching my idea for a Halo movie to my friend not too long ago. We had a long conversation about how to make Chief a relatable, like-able character without showing his face.
Just finished halo 4's singleplayer, it was pretty amazing. I don't have gold so I won't be trying halo 4 online.

Its hard to take chief seriously since he never takes off his damn helmet and you can't read his emotions. Add onto that his monotone voice and it's kind of awkward to see him in these dramatic cortonna/chief scenes. He's almost as bad of a protagonist as kratos is, as far as the player being able to relate to. I guess chief's humanity is one of the themes they're going to explore under 343's direction.

That was one of the points of Halo 4. Make you feel despite the chief being faceless. It worked for me but it clearly wasn't universally effective.
That was one of the points of Halo 4. Make you feel despite the chief being faceless. It worked for me but it clearly wasn't universally effective.

I thought identifying with the Chief's emotions despite not being able to see his face was a slam dunk in Halo 4. I don't think it's ever been handled better than how it was in Halo 4, so I have nothing but amazing things to say about what 343i did with Halo 4 on that front. I mean, the animation, the body language, the graphics and the voice acting altogether just really drove the message home.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
That was one of the points of Halo 4. Make you feel despite the chief being faceless. It worked for me but it clearly wasn't universally effective.

Yeah I think he is more badass because we haven't seen his face. Same feel I get from horror movies, the presence of ghost is terrifying until they actually show it. One recent example I can give is Insidious 1. So hopefully they never show his face.



I don't get why it's called 'Guardians'. The only reason I can think of is they're trying to transition to naming from numbering, just like Call of Duty did with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

And what are the 'Guardians'? Same as the ones that kill me every damn time I run off a map in MP?

You don't get it? Really? With all the info on the game out there......


That was one of the points of Halo 4. Make you feel despite the chief being faceless. It worked for me but it clearly wasn't universally effective.
The thing is that the Chief was never originally designed to be a complex central protagonist. He's close to a Man With No Name type, more of a stylistic glue than anything else.

From that standpoint, there's nothing wrong with how he's used in the original trilogy; Halo 4 makes the Chief better at being a complex central protagonist than he is in the trilogy, but that doesn't necessarily make him a better-applied character.

Some people think Halo 1's storytelling sucks because it has a barebones plot and a simple player character. I agree that it has a barebones plot and a simple player character, but I think it has some of the most perfect narrative structuring in games, with an incredible degree of cohesion across design elements (even if the game is clearly being held together with scotch tape and popsicle sticks).


I wouldn't say that Halo 4 failed to create a more complex empathy between the Chief and the player. My problem is the overall direction they were going in with it all.


I don't get why it's called 'Guardians'. The only reason I can think of is they're trying to transition to naming from numbering, just like Call of Duty did with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

And what are the 'Guardians'? Same as the ones that kill me every damn time I run off a map in MP?

Chief has formed a team consisting of two aliens, a talking tree, and a badass squirrel. They then become the Guardians of the Galaxy, protecting it from the Didact. lol

The problem is that the Chief was never designed to be a complex central protagonist. He's close to a Man With No Name type, more of a stylistic glue than anything else.

Some people think Halo 1's storytelling sucks because it has a barebones plot and a simple player character. I agree that it has a barebones plot and a simple player character, but I think it has some of the most perfect narrative structuring in games, with an incredible degree of cohesion across design elements (even if the game is clearly being held together with scotch tape and popsicle sticks).

You could argue that the main character of the first game isn't a person or alien. The real character is the Halo itself. That's why it works perfectly having a pretty silent, masked main character.
You are mistaking mystery for questions. They're not quite the same thing. There's lots we don't know. That doesn't make it mystery.

One of Halo's greatest strong points was that mystery it had. See, mystery makes things feel big. When you explain everything it makes it feel small. It's kind of like when you're in a crowd of fifty people it seems like a lot of people, but when you know each and every one of them, it's not all that many. That's your brain telling it's a lot or not a lot. Since one of the main points of a story is to draw you into it, it needs some help of the player/reader/viewer's mind. Reading a book or watching a movie is a very active thing. You're mind is doing quite a bit of the work. Another example that's relevant in a different way is horror games, books, and movies. The best ones are mysterious. Why? Because we don't know "what's out there." So our minds concoct this sense of fear for what it could be. It's not like we imagine what the creature looks like and then get scared of that. That would be silly. But the sensation of fear we create ourselves. When we can see the monster or whatever, we quickly "process it" and dismiss it as a fear. Soon after we can go through that very same horror experience and, excepting a few jump scares, laugh at the whole thing. We know what it looks like. It isn't scary anymore because we know what it is. It's like Scooby-doo. Scooby-doo really isn't all that scary, because you know after the first few episodes that it's really just some people playing tricks (but that's ok, since that's the point of that particular series. It's meant more to be funny than scary).

In like manner, Halo just isn't as "big" any more, because 343 gave us all the answers. More importantly, they gave us the big answers. They answered the mysteries. Now there is very little to wonder about "hey, I wonder where such and such came from, or how such and such happens or how such and such is powered." We know. Cuz they told us. And that's boring.

It's psychology brah.

You and your articulate, well thought out retorts. I understand and get what you're trying to say, believe me, I do. But we are just in total disagreement that they gave us all the answers. Wanting to dig deeper into a universe that has many mysteries left, and that can have mysteries created out of the blue because, hey, this is a work of fiction after all, is just as necessary as not wanting to give it all away thus making it appear small. It's okay for it to evolve and grow and branch off into entirely new directions we never thought possible.

They didn't give us all the answers, but they gave us, I believe, necessary context for future stories they intend to tell. I don't have a problem with that. I think they just showed us a bit of leg and dropped a couple of promising hints. You, on the other hand, are of the impression that you scored on the first date, and that there's nothing more to look forward to, nothing left to excite or intrigue you. It'd be almost like saying Halo 2 went down a bad road by delving as far into the Covenant Hierarchy as they did. You might not think what Bungie did with Halo 2 is the same as what 343i are trying to do with Halo now, but you would be incorrect. Don't use the past of this series, or the past trilogy as an anchor to hold back where the series has the ability to go. There's much more we can learn and experience without running out of things to make the world seem like a big and mysterious place still. One might say 343i's willingness to tackle this history is the only way we'll truly be able to move well beyond it and create entirely new mysteries and intriguing storylines.

Let's not anchor the series so much to the relics and the lost histories of the past, we're now ready to move beyond all that. If the first trilogy was about the Halos and the history there, this new trilogy (well, saga) is about understanding an entirely different aspect of the Halo universe. What is this whole reclaimer business about? I think Halo 4 was even once titled the start of the reclaimer trilogy.

So, I at least agree that it's a psychological thing. We both have strong views and there isn't really a right or wrong exactly, but I want 343i to continue down the road they've paved with Halo 4, and not hold anything back. I thought Bungie was appropriately aggressive in Halo 2 after CE, and then pulled back way more than necessary for Halo 3. I don't want to see that in this new Halo saga.


The minute Halo went from mankinds survival to master chief becoming enchanted and super powered by dead alien ghosts with cortana crying over him is when I gave up. I put hundreds of hrs in 3/Reach. This new direction is shit, and thats why the playerbase hates it. I was mad at first, now I realise its hilarious how fucked halo as a series is in 343s hands.


The minute Halo went from mankinds survival to master chief becoming enchanted and super powered by dead alien ghosts with cortana crying over him is when I gave up. I put hundreds of hrs in 3/Reach. This new direction is shit, and thats why the playerbase hates it. I was mad at first, now I realise its hilarious how fucked halo as a series is in 343s hands.
Wow. So humanizing the Chief is now "shit", good to know.



Reclaimer is a name used by the Forerunners for a species they have chosen to inherit the mantle. In the games humans are called reclaimers bc they have the ability to activate the rings while the Covenant doesn't.

Spark calls Chief a reclaimer all the time.


I too would love Neil back, but I contacted him via Facebook and he said Kazuma Jinnouchi would be doing Halo 5. Him and Davidge did the Score for 4 together. Though one song was done by him alone I believe and that was this masterpiece.

I think it's in good hands. :) Halo 4's score was superb and I listen to it on a regular basis (like now in fact).


Quote from his facebook page.

"So, this is the game I've been writing music for. "Halo 5: Guardians" coming Fall 2015 to Xbox One."


Oh wow, I just finished listening to 117 again. Came to post how much I want Jinnouchi to compose H5. This is great news.

Reclaimer is a name used by the Forerunners for a species they have chosen to inherit the mantle. In the games humans are called reclaimers bc they have the ability to activate the rings while the Covenant doesn't.

Spark calls Chief a reclaimer all the time.

There's a lot more to the term than just that, however. The humans on Onyx weren't seen as "reclaimers" In fact, they were viciously hunted down by the sentinels there. Are they not also inheritors of the mantle? Are they not the same species as the Chief? The term has been used a number of times where you thought the real definition may have been made clear, but then other times it's been used in ways that suggests there's more to it than we suspect. Even if it we assume that Spartan IIIs had weird things done to them that made them seem foreign to the sentinels, I still think even mendez and Spartan IIs were targets all the same. Not sure, been awhile since I read Ghosts of Onyx, but they weren't treated as reclaimers.

One other example, at the end of Halo 4 Ur-Didact makes a very strange comment regarding reclamation. He makes it sound like something terrible is coming.

I too would love Neil back, but I contacted him via Facebook and he said Kazuma Jinnouchi would be doing Halo 5. Him and Davidge did the Score for 4 together. Though one song was done by him alone I believe and that was this masterpiece.

I think it's in good hands. :) Halo 4's score was superb and I listen to it on a regular basis (like now in fact).


Quote from his facebook page.

"So, this is the game I've been writing music for. "Halo 5: Guardians" coming Fall 2015 to Xbox One."


Would've been awesome to have Neil back, but if the person that worked on 117 is involved in Halo 5, then Halo 4's music is in fantastic hands! 117 is easily one of the best pieces of Halo music ever imo. It has to be listened in its entirety. The beginning, the middle, and towards the end. So damn incredible.
If you actually play spartan ops she never shuts the fuck up and keeps saying annoying shit like "egg heads".
Oh lol.

The thing is that the Chief was never originally designed to be a complex central protagonist. He's close to a Man With No Name type, more of a stylistic glue than anything else.

From that standpoint, there's nothing wrong with how he's used in the original trilogy; Halo 4 makes the Chief better at being a complex central protagonist than he is in the trilogy, but that doesn't necessarily make him a better-applied character.

I wouldn't say that Halo 4 failed to create a more complex empathy between the Chief and the player. My problem is the overall direction they were going in with it all.
The thing with the old style though was it had a supporting cast to fall back on for actual characters.
With 4 and seemingly 5's shift to Chief, now we don't even have Cortana anymore.

Its not like Johnson and such in the games were deep characters but they added a lot of flavor to the campaigns.


Am I missing something here? He was complaining about the dumbass plot in halo 4. I don't really understand where you got the humanizing chief part.
Apologies its late where I am but I just felt like Halo 4's plot doesn't deserve half the shit it gets. Master Chief was discovering his humanity in Halo 4.


Hey guys, just watched the Spartan Ops vids... wow lots of stuff going on in Halo 4 outside of the MC. Needless to say Halo 5 is going to be one hell of a ride.

Is the Spartan Ops considered part of the main story line?

If so, that would mean:

a) Halsey is going to inflict some ass kicking
b) Laskey and Palmer will be included
c) We've barely touched upon what the Forerunner is all about
d) Elites will play a big role

Maybe the new Spartan is out to get Halsey + Forerunner keys back and the MC comes to saves her?


There's a lot more to the term than just that, however. The humans on Onyx weren't seen as "reclaimers" In fact, they were viciously hunted down by the sentinels there. Are they not also inheritors of the mantle? Are they not the same species as the Chief? The term has been used a number of times where you thought the real definition may have been made clear, but then other times it's been used in ways that suggests there's more to it than we suspect. Even if it we assume that Spartan IIIs had weird things done to them that made them seem foreign to the sentinels, I still think even mendez and Spartan IIs were targets all the same. Not sure, been awhile since I read Ghosts of Onyx, but they weren't treated as reclaimers.

One other example, at the end of Halo 4 Ur-Didact makes a very strange comment regarding reclamation. He makes it sound like something terrible is coming.

I read about it here. Seems a lot of it has to do with gees.
Apologies its late where I am but I just felt like Halo 4's plot doesn't deserve half the shit it gets. Master Chief was discovering his humanity in Halo 4.

No apologies, Halo 4's plot was fucking awesome in my eyes. Seriously, I even managed to give a damn about the scientist that spent what seems like most of her professional life researching the composer, and then seemed so crushed when the Chief told her all that work had to be destroyed. I was fooled into thinking for a moment once the scientist managed to come to grips with it that perhaps she may find some stability somewhere and would end up somehow proving useful to Chief and humanity in the future. Seeing the look on her face, and how much it bothered her to know that all the work she did was about to be destroyed, I actually wanted something better for her. I genuinely felt really bad for a character I had only met moments ago when she finally died.

When that happens, and such a strong response can be extracted from a character you never expected to even care about, I feel it's a testament to the quality of the work. I can go on and on about Halo 4 (and in some senses already have lol) It's legitimately my favorite game in the series ever.

I read about it here. Seems a lot of it has to do with gees.

Ahh yes, Geas or the special genesong that the Librarian implanted into some of humanity. That may be it, because other human species were very clearly never identified as reclaimers, so it seems that the only true reclaimers may be those in humanity that contain the Librarian's genesong or geas.
If you actually play spartan ops she never shuts the fuck up and keeps saying annoying shit like "egg heads".
Don't say that on Waypoint. Palmer has a active defence squad of people ready to shoot down even mild criticism of her character on there.
There's a lot more to the term than just that, however. The humans on Onyx weren't seen as "reclaimers" In fact, they were viciously hunted down by the sentinels there. Are they not also inheritors of the mantle? Are they not the same species as the Chief? The term has been used a number of times where you thought the real definition may have been made clear, but then other times it's been used in ways that suggests there's more to it than we suspect. Even if it we assume that Spartan IIIs had weird things done to them that made them seem foreign to the sentinels, I still think even mendez and Spartan IIs were targets all the same. Not sure, been awhile since I read Ghosts of Onyx, but they weren't treated as reclaimers.
To clarify the sentinels knew they were "reclaimers" they were capturing them to put them in a cryotubes to be transported to the shield world which was protocol to defend against the flood or save them from a array firing.
Despite humans inheriting the Mantle, Forerunners still see themselves (and technology wise are) as dominate and therefore more able to hold the Mantle and see to the protection of the galaxy/species within it.
Don't say that on Waypoint. Palmer has a active defence squad of people ready to shoot down even mild criticism of her character on there.

To clarify the sentinels knew they were "reclaimers" they were capturing them to put them in a cryotubes to be transported to the shield world which was protocol to defend against the flood or save them from a array firing.
Despite humans inheriting the Mantle, Forerunners still see themselves (and technology wise are) as dominate and therefore more able to hold the Mantle and see to the protection of the galaxy/species within it.

I do remember some being placed in cryotubes, but are we sure they weren't trying to kill some of them? I could've swore they were being attacked with pretty deadly force. Also, I see that Jul captured some humans that were also never identified as reclaimers on requiem. It may truly be down to who is fortunate enough to have the Librarian's genesong or geas, and who isn't.

Man, I'm tired. Time to go to sleep, or else I'll talk Halo all night lol.

Boss Mog

So do you guys think 343 will be able to pull off the 60fps? At what resolution though? Halo 4 wasn't my favorite game in the series by a longshot but I have to hand it to 343 because what they managed to achieve graphically on the 360 with that game is pretty insane



I don't get why it's called 'Guardians'. The only reason I can think of is they're trying to transition to naming from numbering, just like Call of Duty did with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
Or it's kinda not a numbered Halo, like Reach and ODST? MC isn't even the focus of the cover art...


I too would love Neil back, but I contacted him via Facebook and he said Kazuma Jinnouchi would be doing Halo 5. Him and Davidge did the Score for 4 together. Though one song was done by him alone I believe and that was this masterpiece.

That's not the only song that he did, at least if Wikipedia is to be believed - most of his songs were on the Volume 2 OST, though.

The following tracks are all credited solely to Jinnouchi (in addition to 117):

Lasky's Theme

I think the soundtrack is in pretty safe hands.
Boss★Moogle;112678348 said:
So do you guys think 343 will be able to pull off the 60fps? At what resolution though? Halo 4 wasn't my favorite game in the series by a longshot but I have to hand it to 343 because what they managed to achieve graphically on the 360 with that game is pretty insane


Well, quickly, there's no rule saying cutscenes can't be 30fps with much higher graphics fidelity. :)

Only the actual gameplay itself needs to be 60fps. Keep that in mind. I don't so much mind the resolution, as I think the game will look awesome no matter the resolution. This is what devs do, after all. They try to make the game look as impressive as possible regardless of the resolution. And considering that Halo 5 is a 2015 title, it should likely, or I hope, benefit from the DX12 related enhancements coming to the Xbox One. There were specific features identified as not yet being available to devs on Xbox One, but would be. I would be surprised if Halo 5 of all games weren't taking advantage of them. That doesn't mean we'll get 1080p 60, 900p 60 or anything like that, but it should at the very least help the devs make a more impressive game, both gameplay wise and graphics wise.


55 pages form a picture, and little info imagine if we had gameplay. Good to see people optimistic about Halo after the shit it's been getting the last year and half.


Well, quickly, there's no rule saying cutscenes can't be 30fps with much higher graphics fidelity. :)

Only the actual gameplay itself needs to be 60fps. Keep that in mind. I don't so much mind the resolution, as I think the game will look awesome no matter the resolution. This is what devs do, after all. They try to make the game look as impressive as possible regardless of the resolution. And considering that Halo 5 is a 2015 title, it should likely, or I hope, benefit from the DX12 related enhancements coming to the Xbox One. There were specific features identified as not yet being available to devs on Xbox One, but would be. I would be surprised if Halo 5 of all games weren't taking advantage of them. That doesn't mean we'll get 1080p 60, 900p 60 or anything like that, but it should at the very least help the devs make a more impressive game, both gameplay wise and graphics wise.
I'd be fine with 30fps for campaign and 60fps for multi, tbh. I want my Halo campaign to be big, beautiful and crazy. I'm afraid of what sacrifices they'll have to make to hit 60.
Boss★Moogle;112678348 said:
So do you guys think 343 will be able to pull off the 60fps? At what resolution though? Halo 4 wasn't my favorite game in the series by a longshot but I have to hand it to 343 because what they managed to achieve graphically on the 360 with that game is pretty insane


The actual game looks nothing like the cutscenes.


The minute Halo went from mankinds survival to master chief becoming enchanted and super powered by dead alien ghosts with cortana crying over him is when I gave up. I put hundreds of hrs in 3/Reach. This new direction is shit, and thats why the playerbase hates it. I was mad at first, now I realise its hilarious how fucked halo as a series is in 343s hands.

So that whole thing about the Didact turning the entirety of the humans on earth into his personal AI army never happened then?
I do remember some being placed in cryotubes, but are we sure they weren't trying to kill some of them? I could've swore they were being attacked with pretty deadly force. Also, I see that Jul captured some humans that were also never identified as reclaimers on requiem. It may truly be down to who is fortunate enough to have the Librarian's genesong or geas, and who isn't.

Man, I'm tired. Time to go to sleep, or else I'll talk Halo all night lol.
Sentinels tried to capture the Spartans until it became detrimental to their cause. Spartans that were to harmful were just killed.
It's a similar scenario to MC in CE, he was a recognised reclaimer and used to a purpose even protected. Spark turned on MC because MC was to detrimental to Sparks goal of activating the array, despite his status as a reclaimer he was seen as a threat to the overall goal.

Forerunners and their moniters will protect reclaimers unless they are harmful to their cause.


On the 60fps discussion, I think I'd be happy to take 30fps in campaign if it meant more effects and generally better fidelity. 60 in multiplayer is essential though.
55 pages form a picture, and little info imagine if we had gameplay. Good to see people optimistic about Halo after the shit it's been getting the last year and half.

Oh yea, Halo, despite the negativity -- which I feel is unwarranted -- is still a very exciting and, I feel, unique franchise. There's very few game universes and characters that I care about as much as I do Halo. I loving reading books about it, I enjoy watching TV shows about it, and hope an amazing movie based on the series gets made one day, and I absolutely still go through the roof with excitement at the chance to play another big story campaign in the franchise.

The actual game looks nothing like the cutscenes.

I actually disagree. I think there's quite a few instances where the game looks every bit as good as the cutscenes. Hell, the opening Forward Unto Dawn level is a serious looker, as is the jungle location, and so many other places. Halo 4 looks amazing in action. Stills simply don't do it any justice. Hell, even the youtube footage that's available looks notably worse than the game actually looks on my television. Obviously effects must be turned up to another level in the cutscenes, that's clear, but the game in action more than delivers the visual goods. There's also the crash site for the forward unto dawn. There are real scenes in this game where you the player are in full control that look every bit as amazing in my opinion.
The actual game looks nothing like the cutscenes.

A few games do, and that's only because they're either holding back in cutscenes for the sake of consistency or their gameplay is relatively light on interactivity, both between different systems, and between the player and the game. Halo 4 still looks fantastic in gameplay portions, and its real-time cutscenes are among the best I've seen last gen. I have no doubt that Halo 5 is going to be another looker.
A few games do, and that's only because they're either holding back in cutscenes for the sake of consistency or their gameplay is relatively light on interactivity, both between different systems, and between the player and the game. Halo 4 still looks fantastic in gameplay portions, and its real-time cutscenes are among the best I've seen last gen. I have no doubt that Halo 5 is going to be another looker.
(right click, open in new tab)
I don't get the Love Halo 4's graphics get.


The actual game looks nothing like the cutscenes.
It was patchy, that level was no looker for sure. I didn't think the engine handled scale very well at all and the bigger open levels suffered because of it. Any environment that didn't require detailed textures, but relied primarily on lighting I thought looked fantastic though. Some of the forerunner interiors, were just simply stunning.


The E3 2012 gameplay of Halo 4. This level is obviously changed in the final game, (structurally, not graphically) but the actual game looks much better than this youtube video on a nice HDTV. And don't even get me started on some of the other levels in this game. Even from this youtube footage, it's clear this game is a visual beast for the 360.

I mean, people can pull stills that look awkward or even go based on lower quality youtube footage, but this game is amazing graphically. No if ands or buts about it.
Boss★Moogle;112678348 said:
So do you guys think 343 will be able to pull off the 60fps? At what resolution though? Halo 4 wasn't my favorite game in the series by a longshot but I have to hand it to 343 because what they managed to achieve graphically on the 360 with that game is pretty insane

They have to deliver 60fps. They announced it twice now. If don't, backlash will be bad.

Released on a 7 year old hardware, it looks fantastic. A game has to be looked at it in motion. Posting stills from it doesn't do justice. Furthermore, you can find bad looking screenshots like the ones you posted in every game. I can post screenshots of Uncharted 3, Gears Of War 3, God Of War 3 etc where those games look bad as well. Yes. I agree, texture skyboxes weren't great.

Btw. it is funny, you are posting screenshots from the Digital Foundry article where they stated:
Technologically speaking, Halo 4 doesn't put a foot wrong throughout the entire eight to nine hour campaign. The enhancements to modelling, lighting and environments are beautiful and play host to some of the most epic gunplay we've experienced on a home console title. Perhaps this is not surprising bearing in mind that the 343i tech team had the know-how and the time to push the 360 hardware further and harder than any other developer we're aware of. Factor in how key 343i staff contributed to the development of DirectX 11 (and almost certainly, the genesis of the next-gen Xbox) and we have some idea of the spectrum of talent Microsoft put to work here.

Any disappointments from Halo 4 certainly aren't down to the tech - the only lingering let-down we feet from the campaign comes from series debutants, the Prometheans. After five games of blasting away at the same Covenant opponents, the arrival of fresh opponents for Master Chief was a golden opportunity to shake up the formula and for 343i to stamp its own mark on the series. Unfortunately, limited enemy types and no real sense of threat - even from the Promethean Knight - are disappointing, with the Covenant enemies proving to be more interesting and threatening opponents. At this point it's worth pointing out that Halo 4's campaign defaults to easy mode when you first start. We opted to move up to normal, but in retrospect feel that the heroic setting should be the default for anyone who has completed a Halo game before.

At the end, it is a personal matter, but I was mostly impressed by Halo 4's graphic and cannot wait to see what 343i is capable of with X1.
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