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Halo: Reach |OT3| This Thread is Not a Natural Formation


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
GhaleonEB said:
The beam rifle broke that map, but it was a fantastic design. Loved the bridge that was open or closed depending on Slayer or CTF.

Perfect playground for pro flag tossing™.


343i Lead Esports Producer
lybertyboy said:
Perfect playground for pro flag tossing™.
You mean that glitch that bounced flag to the other side of the map?

Also, stating the obvious doesn't make up for calling Uncaged the best map in the Halo series. Sorry, but I'm not letting you off the hook that easily.

There are a ton of newbies, we should have teams depending on how long you've been a GAF member. Sorta like how Bungie does it with their staff.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Sup Tunavi, welcome.

AR or BR?

Highest level in Halo 3 and which playlist?

Favorite Halo 2 map?

Favorite map on Halo series?


A27 Tawpgun said:
By the way, it seems HaloGAF are big Halo 2 fans... many of you might have seen this... either way, prepare to man-tear.

Remember forever, for there will never be another game such as this. Glitches, customs, amazing maps. Nothing has topped Halo 2 for me.

e: where can I buy H2V for cheap and is there a group of gaffers that play it consistently?


[i'm assuming these questions are for all of the new guys, so i'll go ahead and reply]

AR or BR?
Spiker. Hah, just kidding. BR for sure :)

Highest level in Halo 3 and which playlist?
45 in Slayer, SWAT and Doubles

Favorite Halo 2 map?
Headlong. Spent so much time searching for the Golden Warthog

Favorite map on Halo series?
Too many to count. Forge has REALLY taken my heart.

Favorite BUNGIE made Halo map; Standoff. I'm really hoping for a REACH remake. :)


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
Tashi0106 said:
Also, stating the obvious doesn't make up for calling Uncaged the best map in the Halo series.

I think you have me confused with someone else. My Halo heart will always belong to Headlong.

Tashi0106 said:
Sorry, but I'm not letting you off the hook that easily.



To jump on the 'hi, I'm a lurker bandwagon'...

Hi! I've been lurking for a long time now, and also got approved. :) Been waiting a long time, and it's nice to finally be able to say hi.

So uh... Hi. >.>


Tashi0106 said:
AR or BR?

Highest level in Halo 3 and which playlist?

Favorite Halo 2 map?

Favorite map on Halo series?


32, and I think it was SWAT or TS (http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/careerstats.aspx?player=Big Boss 0DIN)


Blood Gulch/Coagulation, just from the amount of customs I've played with my friends on said map.
Well, since it seems that there is a large influx of new Junior Members, I suppose I'll introduce myself as well. I've lurked GAF for a few years now, and have followed HaloGAF since around the end of the Halo 3 thread until now. I've actually been a member of GAF since late 2009, it's just that I prefer to lurk the threads.

So, what's up HaloGAF?


theAntagonist said:
Well, since it seems that there is a large influx of new Junior Members, I suppose I'll introduce myself as well. I've lurked GAF for a few years now, and have followed HaloGAF since around the end of the Halo 3 thread until now. I've actually been a member of GAF since late 2009, it's just that I prefer to lurk the threads.

So, what's up HaloGAF?

Greetings and salutations fellow lurker! :)

I've been around (lurking) since the 'Tom Morello' Reach-leak.


Tashi0106 said:
Sup Tunavi, welcome.

BR of course

I bought my Xbox right before Reach came out and I always used to play on other accounts so I don't have impressive stats for Halo 3

Midship and Beaver Creek are my favorite halo 2 maps, Boneyard is probably my favorite Halo Map.

Tashi I remember watching your streams a lot right before Reach came out haha


343i Lead Esports Producer
Tunavi said:
BR of course

I bought my Xbox right before Reach came out and I always used to play on other accounts so I don't have impressive stats for Halo 3

Midship and Beaver Creek are my favorite halo 2 maps, Boneyard is probably my favorite Halo Map.

Tashi I remember watching your streams a lot right before Reach came out haha
Awesome. Now that you're a member, you get to be a mod. Yayyy lol


Tashi0106 said:
Awesome. Now that you're a member, you get to be a mod. Yayyy lol

I would be honored lol, send me a friend request on live and let me know when you do customs. my tag is my Tunavi

(its so awesome being able to post now :D)


MrBig said:
Remember forever, for there will never be another game such as this. Glitches, customs, amazing maps. Nothing has topped Halo 2 for me.

e: where can I buy H2V for cheap and is there a group of gaffers that play it consistently?
Its true, Halo 2 just had something that no other game has had, I don't think another game will ever get that special something ever.

Amazon has it for like $18 and I play it everyday now since I finally got a wired controller.
O D I N said:
Greetings and salutations fellow lurker! :)

I've been around (lurking) since the 'Tom Morello' Reach-leak.


Ah yeah, the 'Tom Morello' leak was interesting to say the least. I think it's pretty crazy that the game leaked like that so early, and was actually legitimate.

As for Tashi's questions:

1.) I prefer the BR to the AR, but I do think the AR has it's place and can understand why it was/is chosen as the initial spawn weapon in most playlists.

2.) My highest skill in H3 was a 43 in Lone Wolves. I tended to hover around 40 in several different playlists and could never really find a cohesive team to work towards getting to Brigadier.

3.) Favorite Halo 2 map would probably be either Beaver Creek or Relic.

4.) Overall, I'd have to say my favorite map is The Pit.


A27_StarWolf said:
what leak lol?

Where was I?

Search the Tom Morello Halo Reach leak, he leaked a few photos back in 2009 and no one knew if they were real or not. They were totally legit though
To all new junior members:

11 p.m. Eastern Time tonight, we should have a HaloGAF Reach Social.
Give us a chance to get to know each other.
If any GAF vets would like to join, that's perfectly fine.

My GT is the same as my GAF handle. I hope to see you guys online!
I found some videos of the leaked maps a few days ago, I posted my discovery here (no links), and no one commented. So, I think I was the one to find it first!



I remember how LQ those pics were too. My friend INSISTED that the DMR (or what we now know to be the DMR) had a 150 round magazine, when I could tell it was just blurry.

Ah, memories.

How often do you guys get together for 'customs night'? I've been dying to play customs for a while.

And to add to the "BR or AR", I certainly prefer the BR/DMR (Yes, I'm a fan), but the AR is much better for CQC. I've found that even burst fire is a little better in some situations too.

It's also been a while since I've played. :<


HaloGAF social! CURSES! I'm at work until 11pm Central. :( Anyone gonna be on after that?


A27_StarWolf said:
what leak lol?

Where was I?
Kinda cool how you can look back and know exactly where in the game each screen is from.
ToM MoReLLo said:
This first mission was just like Halo 1's 2nd mission where you had to find the marines that crash landed throughout the map, but in halo reach you are finding spartans. It's a pretty big map, and the worthog was very useful for getting places. The worthog can carry as many as 5 people (the driver, the front passenger, the gunner, and two seats below the gunner that face left and right, not forward)

The second mission was pretty action packed. You start out getting dropped off, and the action immediately begins. You are with squadmates. Throughout this mission you have to cover your spartan friend (whos a girl) and give her coverage so that she can hack into the computer. There are 3 big guns on the map that she has to hack into. Hacking into them gains control of the gun, and I guess it gives them control of the air (you see banshees and hornets flying throughout the entire level)

The third stage is very similar to Truth and Reconciliation (the 3rd stage on Halo 1). You and another spartan have snipers. You have to get into the enemy base from the cliffs (you start out on the cliffs). While you go in the base, your spartan friend covers you from the cliffs above. At the end of this level, you save a bunch of scientists or marines (not really sure who they are actually). They are humans who refused to leave their site even though they ordered everyone to get out. At the end of the level you save them and get picked up by a pelican.
It's also cool to see how much the mission objectives have changed, too. I wonder if these were placeholder objectives, or if this is actually what the story was supposed to be like.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
-Yeti said:
I found some videos of the leaked maps a few days ago, I posted my discovery here (no links), and no one commented. So, I think I was the one to find it first!


Haven't the maps been leaked for a week or two now? The french site was first with their watermarked images (they took them down shortly thereafter after a request by MS and then brough them backonline the next day with more images), then more high res images started popping up, then it was revealed that the maps were stolen and not leaked in the traditional sense. Then every 12 year old jtag kid started posting Youtube clips and whatever. Then Waypoint had a clip teaser at the end of one of their videos teasing the maps and a few days later they made a full public reveal.

I found the original french site and images via HBO and made the thread and posted them here. =)


Fusion Pistol

What are ranks and playlists?
31 in Slayer (but I mostly played Social)

Beaver Creek, Coagulation, Foundation, Headlong, Terminal, Midship, Lockout, Relic, Sanctuary, Turf, Waterworks, Zanzibar

5-D Space
Coagulation/Valhalla, Battle/Beaver Creek, Midship/Heretic, Standoff, Sidewinder/Avalanche, The Pit, Sanctuary

Gui_PT said:
Trust me baby, it's easy. Just don't have Zayneh on your team, he likes to drive the forklift around ;)

That fucking thing was invincible, I fucking swear!

Hypertrooper said:
@Zayne Friday, I've time. We'll do the Weekly. Understood?

This message is hidden because Hypertrooper is on your ignore list."
Dani said:
Haven't the maps been leaked for a week or two now? The french site was first with their watermarked images (they took them down shortly thereafter after a request by MS and then brough them backonline the next day with more images), then more high res images started popping up, then it was revealed that the maps were stolen and not leaked in the traditional sense. Then every 12 year old jtag kid started posting Youtube clips and whatever. Then Waypoint had a clip teaser at the end of one of their videos teasing the maps and a few days later they made a full public reveal.

I found the original french site and images via HBO and made the thread and posted them here. =)

I didn't know about the French leaks (they're always leaking stuff!). I just saw the videos browsing through youtube. I didn't want to post the links though, so I just said I found them.

Speaking of the maps, Highlands looks so good!
Hitmonchan107 said:
To all new junior members:

11 p.m. Eastern Time tonight, we should have a HaloGAF Reach Social.
Give us a chance to get to know each other.
If any GAF vets would like to join, that's perfectly fine.

My GT is the same as my GAF handle. I hope to see you guys online!

I may get on if several people join, I'm not feeling the greatest at the moment but if several people want to get together I may hop on as well. My gamertag is listed in my public profile, so if you want to play, just shoot me an invite.
Gui_PT said:
Lmao, perfect response.

Plywood said:
Man, I watched this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVCO4TPc1j0

And Sanctuary deserves a real remake not that Build-a-Block we got.
Would buy an ODST style multiplayer disc with all the H2 maps on it, no question. 343i, make it happen.

Also where's the Warlock love?



I never got the junior Q/A but I'll bite.


44 Lone Wolves

:I Too many to choose. Midship, Lockout, Warlock, Sanctuary, Beaver Creek. Yes 2 of those are CE remakes, don't care.

Can't decide again so I'll just pick one from H2 and H3.
I remember hearing all the speculation about the Nerfle being some ridiculously powerful Needler/Fuel Rod Gun combo. That, and a Spartan looking straight up with a laser into a sky full of Banshees. It was probably just some aerial battle, but I'm not going to lie, I thought you were being held upside-down, or at least being suspended (think Linda in FoR) and having to laser things to hold off some miniature strike force.
Interesting to look back at the Tom Morello screens. Did that shot with the laser shooting down at the banshee not make the game? It doesn't look familiar to me. Also, it was funny that everyone thought the shot of the Needle Rifle was some sort of covy laser at the time.

As for getting games together, I can't tonight (studying for an exam), but send me FR, I am normally down to play games.

GT: Steelyuhas5


Thanks for the Halo 2 nostalgia trip, that video posted a ways back was great. More than anything it reminded me how amazing the map selection for that game was (especially Big Team and Skirmish maps), and how two games later, I will never understand why they changed how the objective gametypes worked from Halo 2. Assault was absolutely perfect, Territories wasn't a nightmare to play, and the additional skill required from the inertial melee system in Flag and Oddball games made for a perfect storm of amazing.

On a side note, my new TV comes in tomorrow. I finally get to move my primary Halo playing into the HD era after probably 8 months of forced 480. It's a nightmare going back.


dmg04 said:
I dunno, i just really enjoyed the hog runs on that map. H3ITWP <3's Standoff :)
One of Halo 3's best maps, BTB or otherwise.
Alienshogun said:
This page makes me feel all dirty inside, kind of like Ghaleon when dax activates his webcam from an outside source.

Imma go shower.
Given that you no longer play the game, no need to keep up with the thread. Should save on your water bill over the long haul.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
GhaleonEB said:
One of Halo 3's best maps, BTB or otherwise.

Given that you no longer play the game, no need to keep up with the thread. Should save on your water bill over the long haul.

I played last weekend with Juices, Choco, and Lazlo!

I can't quit you Ghaleon! :p


Havok said:
Thanks for the Halo 2 nostalgia trip, that video posted a ways back was great. More than anything it reminded me how amazing the map selection for that game was (especially Big Team and Skirmish maps), and how two games later, I will never understand why they changed how the objective gametypes worked from Halo 2. Assault was absolutely perfect, Territories wasn't a nightmare to play, and the additional skill required from the inertial melee system in Flag and Oddball games made for a perfect storm of amazing.

On a side note, my new TV comes in tomorrow. I finally get to move my primary Halo playing into the HD era after probably 8 months of forced 480. It's a nightmare going back.
Map selection and game types where all perfect in Halo 2.

Maps, I dont think I even need to say why those are just fucking perfect.

Game Types, Bungie just should have not changed anything about these since Halo 2, some things are better left un-touched.


wwm0nkey said:
Map selection and game types where all perfect in Halo 2.

Maps, I dont think I even need to say why those are fucking just perfect.

Game Types, Bungie just should have changed anything about these since Halo 2, some things are better left un-touched.
Aside from the SMG starts on Coag...
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